How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 69

Chapter 67: The Male Theory

Sharka didn’t expect that being immersed in the happiness of being treated specially by the male insect would have such a big impact on him, making him always delay and never speak out, let the male lead’s willful way, subconsciously want to Enjoy some more of this rare perk.

But the young male was treating him as unreservedly as he could, gradually setting off his self-confidence more and more despicable, and spurring his conscience.

The young male was really aggrieved after listening to Sharka’s words, and his eyes were a little red-although he understood that Sharka was thinking about him, this kind of discipline was too different from his thoughts. Even if Yu Mengruo likes to be controlled because of lack of love, these words Sharka said are still more than he can digest.

The female said too much, and when he finally finished speaking, it was Yu Mengruo’s turn to express his opinion. The young male didn’t have such a clear idea to refute one by one, so he just picked up the remarks that impressed him.

“You, you and Wright are not the same at all. You didn’t cut me off because you were afraid of being punished! Even if the behavior is the same, for me, different thoughts are completely different! After you cut off the other Zerg, they didn’t go back to help you. So I shouldn’t go back and help you? Why do you say that… I’m not the same as other Zerg!!”

Speaking of which, Yu Mengruo didn’t want to burst, he could hardly hold back his tears. In the past, when he was angry, he deliberately acted grievances. Now that he is better, the main actor is devoted to the play, and he naturally interprets his true self.

Sharka could also see what was going on, and finally softened his heart, and coaxed along with him: “Of course, I know that you are different from other Zerg, I didn’t say that you were embarrassed, I just thought you were more important…”

Discovering the change in Sharka’s attitude, Yu Mengruo was even more convinced that he was right, he raised his voice with his neck stubborn, and began to make trouble for what he was good at, vowing to bring Sharka into the field he was better at, and then relying on his rich experience to defeat the female insect .

“Why am I more important?! Because you think I’m more important, and the other Zerg think males are more important, so I have to think I’m especially important, can’t I have my own ideas? Some people… Zerg, still thinking about the fire Why don’t you run away with something valuable? I want to save you, it’s more important than rushing back to get something? Didn’t you always say that I can accept anything? That’s how I am. What do you say I’m wrong-! Could it be that you lied to me before!!”

Sharka was dizzy after being questioned, and his mentality was no longer as calm as before. He thought about Yu Mengruo’s train of thought, and explained slightly weakly: “I…how could I lie to you…I’m not saying that you are wrong, But for a family, there is only one adult male head, and the loss of losing you is immeasurable…”

Yu Mengruo seized the loophole in this sentence again, and shouted angrily: “What family! How can there be a family?! By the way, I didn’t think of it just now, why do you say that I will definitely have other female monarchs and female servants and a big one? Bunch of children, what the **** is that?! No, I wouldn’t raise so many females to make trouble for me! You say you are similar to other females, then what if they teach me every day like you ?! You only have me as a male lord, and I only have you as a female! Can I measure the loss of you when I lose you?!”

It was also the first time that Sharka heard Yu Mengruo raise his voice to such a volume, and although the hero didn’t do it on purpose, he really wasn’t able to control his mental power skillfully. Although he didn’t cause any harm, he was full of energy. The spiritual strength of the male insect contained the grievances that the male insect did not understand lingering around him, which fully demonstrated the male insect’s current mood, which was simply more difficult to deal with than any harm caused to him.

Sharka frantically tried to make the conversation calmer and more logical.

He said: “Master, please don’t get angry with me. You have chosen to build your own planet on the border, and you have conquered so many primitive Zerg. No matter how hard I try, I can’t take it all on my own. work. Besides, you say you only need one female now, just because you choose only one female like me. When you accept other females and give them a chance to get close to you and get to know you, you will find other females I will be as loyal to you as I am, and everything is considered for you…”

The female worm looked at Yu Mengruo sincerely, trying her best to make her emotions pious, hoping that the male lord would consider his words for the sake of his sincerity. Then, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the hero did calm down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and suddenly became less angry.

Sharka breathed a sigh of relief, mistakenly thinking that the hero had been persuaded by himself – which of course is not true.

Yu Mengruo is not angry anymore, it’s not that he agrees with Sharka, but he finds that Sharka is indeed much stronger than him in fields such as military affairs, but it’s a pity… Maybe there is no sociology or philosophy in the female worm’s homework. ?

As a socialist successor who grew up in a flower garden, Yu Mengruo believed in the interest-driven law of historical materialism. He felt that Sharka was too narrow. A family that could only be maintained by the marriage relationship and mental control of the head of the family, how big could it be?

Since Sharka has been talking about gains and losses, he has to rule out feelings and put their lives on the scale to support the weight, Yu Mengruo decided to follow him to reason.

He restrained his anger and snorted disdainfully: “Impossible, Sharka, what you said is not right at all! You don’t understand, for my own interests, I am destined to have only one female.”

The young male said seriously, “You are really thinking about everything for me now, but if I had many females, would you still think about me wholeheartedly? If I accept…” Having said that, Yu Mengruo scratched herself The female worm that I knew, chose the one who could most provoke Sharka’s anger as an example, “If I accept Leobard’s female adjutant! It’s the one called Aheng. I accept Aheng. After that, I don’t like you anymore, I like him more, and bully you for him every day, will you still treat me like this?”

Sharka never expected to hear Yaheng’s name suddenly. Although she was really uncomfortable, the female still firmly believed that even Yaheng would not be able to shake her firm belief, so she said sadly: “I Yes, my lord.”

Yu Mengruo didn’t think that it would be so easy to convince Sharka to agree with his point of view, and continued to think: “Then, if Yaheng gave birth to my child, let’s call it X. Shasha, you also gave birth to my child, called Y. X. Y and Y are both males, just like me and that Yu Jiru, we don’t like each other, and we fight every chance we get.

I already like Yaheng more, and of course I like X more, but I don’t like the Y you gave birth to. Although Shasha, your child Y is more talented, but I just don’t train him, I put all my money and energy on X every day, intending to let X inherit my family business, and then not let Y be with the female he likes , must break them up and let him marry and have children with the female he doesn’t like. ”

These things don’t sound outrageous, and some of them actually happened to Yu Mengruo himself. Although Yu Mengruo’s exaggerated tone obviously felt that what he said could not come true, and the codename of XY also eased the sense of immersion, Sharka still felt a suffocation. Even, he always felt that the hero should be really interested in Yaheng.

-Because in the past, when he faced female insects, he always avoided suspicion except during the opening hours of the live broadcast room. Don’t say he took the initiative to molest him. Even if he sent something, he had to help him pass it on. .

But such a hero, he just said to his face that he wanted to get Aheng from Leopold!

Yu Mengruo noticed the changes in Sharka’s face and emotions, and felt that the wave had stabilized, so he continued to say vividly: “Then, X’s character is not good, and there is no bottom line for doing things – isn’t Yaheng like that? This kind of child is reasonable and logical. I’m getting old and confused, doing things more and more unorganized, more and more strange, more and more partial, X still hates Y, so I started to frame him, as for me, of course I always help It’s X.”

Although he said this, and then tortured Sharka with his soul, he may not have been able to say that he can achieve “it is better to put the hero first in everything”, but Yu Mengruo’s thinking has become uncontrollable.

“I kicked you and Y out of the house. Even if you were sick, I would always give you living expenses late. Y came to ask for money on a rainy night, but not only did I not give it, but I also slapped him. X and Y fell in love with each other. A female…”

The male worm told the plot of a well-known TV series that he had seen when he was a human in the past, and told the classic plot in a eloquent manner. Then he looked Sharka directly in the eyes and asked seriously, “In short, that’s it, Shasha, if something like this happens, you can guarantee that you don’t think about your children at all, and still do everything like you do now. A decision is considered for me?”

Sharka’s face was ashen, and he was silent for a while before struggling to death: “Master, you…you wouldn’t do such a thing. If I, I have children, they are also your descendants, not your enemies.”

“That’s not necessarily true.” Yu Mengruo shrugged, not disclosing the fact that Sharka didn’t answer him directly, and said with confidence, “You said just now, I’m not a male worm like Shasha who is willing to break for anyone. I’m good to you because I like you. A good-looking male like me doesn’t need a conscience, and I’m especially ruthless and unreasonable towards the Zerg I don’t like.”

Having said that, the young male laughed, and with a cool tone, he cut open his true self and showed it to the female in front of him.

“When I have only you as a female and you have only me as a male, the two of us are a community of interests, and there is no difference. But once I have other females and offspring, and you have your own children, my interests will not be It’s completely equal to yours and your children’s interests. Even if you can still trust me as always, I can’t trust you as much as I do now.”

The delusional disorder of persecution, who had not been sick for many days, finally regained his rhythm and raised his head proudly.

The author has something to say: Yuyu: My quarrel skills have improved!

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