How Hard is It To Raise a Bug?

Chapter 74

Chapter 72: System To Worry About

After responding to Yu Mengruo’s questioning, J10 even had enough power to fight against the generals and said to its dear host: “But host, your challenge task of [Elimination of Pests and Diseases] has not been completed, and you haven’t continued to practice recently.”

Yu Mengruo couldn’t help but have the illusion of being KO. But he didn’t want to admit defeat easily, and continued to argue: “But now I have to go to send mental power to my sister every day, I’m really tired! I fainted yesterday. Will I faint again today? If possible, I would actually prefer to stay in the base to do challenging missions.”

J10 gently poured a bowl of chicken soup to the complaining male: “Don’t worry, host, you just need to practice more and break out of your comfort zone a few times, and you will progress quickly.”

Yu Mengruo asked cautiously, “Xiao Shi, do you mean ‘I’ll get used to it when I go there a few times’ or ‘I won’t get dizzy when I’m dizzy’?”

Regardless of Yu Mengruo’s warning, J10 continued to pour chicken soup and said: “I asked you to continue to do the task challenge, so that you can improve your control over your mental power through exercise. When your control power improves, you don’t need to put your hopes on it. Your own mental power has grown faster than the needs of the juvenile insect king, and she can also retain enough mental power reserves to maintain your sanity and make you not feel fatigued at her request. Just like a sponge, you are still young, don’t indulge in pleasures and work hard when you have time. So, host, come on! I’ll call you!”

After Yu Mengruo listened to it, she took a deep breath, and the whole worm was bad – so it was impossible to naturally “don’t get dizzy if you’re dizzy”. My sister’s needs will only become more and more like a bottomless pit, yes Bar? This guy, Xiao Shi, is really amazing. He can pack such a terrible thing into chicken soup that urges him to forge ahead.

Yu Mengruo felt that he couldn’t go on like this anymore, lest J10 make more terrible demands on him. He felt annoyed for a while, obviously when communicating with Sharka, he was able to say what he wanted to say frankly, but when facing Xiao Shi, he seemed to have retreated again.

Yu Mengruo gritted her teeth, and finally stopped going around in circles, and said directly: “Xiao Shi, why have you always been so kind to me? Are you really left to me by my biological parents?”

Hearing the male worm asking this question in his consciousness, although J10 does not have a breathing system, he still feels a sense of relief from taking a long breath. Although the system has always not supported the host with the female named Sharka, but at this moment, he is still very grateful for his positive influence on the host, so that the host finally asked this question.

J10 replied: “Yes, dear host, I am the companion system left to you by your blood relatives. J10 hereby sincerely apologizes to you, I should have been growing up with you by your side, but when we After the spacecraft landed on Earth, I could only maintain energy-saving operation due to lack of energy, and the main system was forced to go to sleep. When I successfully restarted the main system, you have grown to this age, which is my dereliction of duty.”

Yu Mengruo originally thought that he was doing well. Although he didn’t receive sincere love when he was a child, he was not wronged – usually he caused others to be wronged, but after J10 admitted his apology, he suddenly felt very wronged. Maybe it’s not Xiao Shi’s fault that he was forced to hibernate due to lack of resources. Yu Mengruo felt that there was nothing to complain about, but since he felt wronged and wanted to complain, it was quite easy to find a point of criticism.

Yu Mengruo said: “I forgive you for being absent from my childhood, but you’re too outrageous, little ten! You didn’t explain it to me clearly after restarting, and just put me through time! Although I admit that I lived better in the Zerg than before. Well, I would also like to thank you for bringing me here when I met Sharka, but I am still very angry! If you are a system that is randomly bound and I have no emotional foundation, it will be fine, but you are my guardian, right? Even if you didn’t raise me, you kidnapped me as soon as you showed up? How can you make decisions for me without authorization, at least you have to ask me if I want to leave the earth?! I’m so old, you think I lack a domineering president A feudal parent?!”

In the face of Yu Mengruo’s series of questions, J10 didn’t thank Sharka very much, because it came to a conclusion after analysis that this set of big principles was taught by the female worm named Sharka.

Three months ago, the host himself was not a domineering president who unilaterally decided to marry without saying hello.

Communicate with him well and say that he will be taken to the site of the Zerg in the distant galaxy. With the severity of the host’s persecution and paranoia, how could he agree?

Although the program thinks like this, as a high-tech product, J10’s communication skills are not low enough to share the above thinking with Yu Mengruo – in fact, it apologized happily: “It’s my mistake. But in such a hurry to decide to bring you back, I also have many last resorts. Please listen to my explanation.”

Back then, the spaceship carrying the young males went through a long drift. The elders who loved him deeply, as well as the loyal guardians, had no choice but to say goodbye to him one after another.

There are no more adult Zerg guarding the young males on the ship, only the system Uranus. Oh, at that time, Yu Mengruo didn’t like big planes, and the system didn’t have to humbly change his name to J10 for a little initial favorability.

The birth of the little male is a miracle. It is also a miracle that he can break his shell alive and meet a planet suitable for survival in the vast universe.

If the system has the right to name the little male, it feels that calling him “Miracle” directly is a bit ugly, but it is definitely the most appropriate name.

-Unfortunately, as the only remaining guardian of the little miracle male, the system supplies all the energy to the device to maintain Yu Mengruo’s survival, almost exhausting all the energy. When it comes to the earth, it is like a mobile phone that runs out of power. Can only be forced into power saving mode.

In order to accumulate energy for restarting the spacecraft as soon as possible, J10 shuts down most of the functions of the main system, and uses all the remaining energy on the energy acquisition system. Of course, compared to continuing energy, the system’s top priority is still to protect the little male, to ensure that he can safely integrate into human society, and not to be harmed and persecuted by human beings who have not yet entered the interstellar era as an invading alien.

Before going to sleep, J10 copied a small part of his program into the nano-scale robot, and in the shortest time, he chose a suitable human male to live in, and the other part sneaked into the network that was not very developed at that time on the earth.

Using these two avatars, it successfully created a mission system with no emotions, and established a complete set of mission rules in the consciousness of Yu Mengruo’s adoptive father: if you treat Yu Mengruo well, you will be rewarded, and if you treat Yu Mengruo badly, you will be punished— Using Zhinao’s powerful computing and analysis capabilities, J10 can provide Yu Mengruo’s adoptive father with the latest business information and help him grab huge profits in the market.

The clone left on the adoptive father is not very smart, it is just a rudimentary routine, unable to understand the complex feelings of intelligent creatures. It analyzes that the adoptive father likes money more than anything in the world from the bottom of his heart, so it feels that this human being will also like Yu Mengruo, who can bring him a steady stream of wealth.

It is a pity that Yu Mengruo, who landed on the earth, was not as lucky as the little prince from the genuine B612. He was able to meet a gentle and kind-hearted pilot who was willing to open his heart to listen and paint. Nor was it the luck of Kal-El who came from Krypton to meet a man who ran a farm. Kent couple.

Little Male Chong’s adoptive father only likes money, but he has never accepted this strange child in his heart. He wouldn’t really think about him, taking raising Yu Mengruo as a task and completing it step by step. But although he has not paid his sincerity, the human adoptive father believes that he has paid endless patience and energy. He felt that he had been perseveringly good to the little male since he was a baby, and he should be able to completely win over this child who can continue to let the system assign tasks.

He felt that since there was a system that was willing to pay this “nanny” so much for raising this child, then there must be something extraordinary about this child, and his own value must far exceed the property he got – however, human adoptive fathers always He didn’t find Yu Mengruo’s value, and he also found that the adopted son didn’t know the existence of the system or his own background, but he still had no feelings for the only elder in the world who was kind to him… No matter how lively he was on the outside He’s cute, and it can’t hide that he’s even more of a white-eyed wolf than a white-eyed wolf, and he’s an unfamiliar monster.

This human adoptive father took the huge commission sent to him by J10, but mentally abused his employer’s children. Thanks to his good life, he died before J10 was completely restarted. Even though he was already cold, J10 still made thousands of plans for “how to torture that **** human to a mental breakdown” in his core area.

The man died in an air crash on a private plane. Before his death, he left a will tremblingly. He did not leave any tangible property to Yu Mengruo. He only asked the heir who inherited his most valuable property, his own son, to have it. Take good care of Yu Mengruo like him – that stupid human being, reluctant to give up the benefits the little male worm brought to the family, and always maliciously trying to make him a **** who can’t stand on his own, and can only continue to rely on his children.

It’s a pity that his children don’t plan to be obedient, and take the family property that their father earned by supporting the little male, turn around and plan with the lawyer to drive the little male out of the house vigorously, and even want to continue to hurt him and watch him go down. The pitiful appearance of being unable to live, in order to solve the hatred accumulated by the biological father’s partiality towards the little male worm in the past.

The subsystem still returned to Yu Mengruo after the death of his adoptive father, and found that the male was in danger—even if the danger planned by humans would not cause irreparable damage to him, it was likely to put him in danger, revealing that he was in danger. The ability of humans to reveal their Zerg identity.

Just at this time, the Zerg Central Star sent a message.

-In order for the little male to return to the Zerg society smoothly, in the year he broke his shell and began to grow normally, the guardians locked a group of little insects in the Zerg with the same **** and similarities as the little male. Among them Some key objects, such as Central Star and Yu Mengruo, who have the same surname as the Yu family worm cubs, were also influenced by them in various ways, enhancing the similarity with the worm cubs on Earth.

The guardians in the Zerg silently observe whether any of them will encounter an accident in their growth, or have the idea of going to an alien galaxy to give up their identity, so that the little male insects on earth can return in a low-key and low-key manner.

The Zerg Central Star just sent a message at this time, forcibly awakening the system that has not been fully charged, and informing it that the Yu family sub-adult male of the Yu family of the Central Star had an accident and died in the explosion. The best time for the little male to return Right now.

As soon as J10 woke up, he was faced with such a problem: it only had a little energy, and all together it was only enough to start the spacecraft for one space jump. But if you want to protect Yu Mengruo from his adoptive father’s **** son and fight back, it will take extra energy.

– The system is like a poor parent with only 90 yuan, who finds out that the train back to his hometown costs 100 yuan, and it will start soon. At this time, the unfortunate child of its family is still being chased and beaten. If you want to drive away the **** bad guy or fight back, you have to spend money to buy another tool.

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