How I became the Empress of Hell

1.13: Emily II & ❤️Our First Time

This will be a double chapter, since the two go hand-in-hand.

Also, Potential Trigger Warning: Homophobia, Homophobic Slurs


After I reached up and took off my visor, I turned and looked at the gorgeous raven-haired beauty who was lying next to me.

“Took you long enough. Did he… she…-“

I shook my head and smiled at her.

“Good. Soon enough we’ll be able to show that piece of shit that you’re mine.

I pushed my head forward and pressed my lips against hers. She eagerly pulled me in, and we kissed passionately. I was about to get lost in the kissing and succumb to my desire when my brain decided to give me a reality check. I pulled away just enough to be able to talk quietly, but my body was still intertwined with hers.

“Em. Can I ask you a question? It’s something I wanted to ask you before but was too excited about everything to think about it.”

A serious look passed over her face and she pulled back a bit further. She smiled warmly at me and nodded.

“Of course! You can ask me anything. I mean… literally anything.”

I let out a small sigh and forced myself to ask the question that I was afraid would end a great thing before it really started.

“I know you said you wanted to be my girlfriend when I asked if you were looking for something more long term… I’m not against that in the slightest, I want to be clear on that up front. It’s just… instead of saying just a simple, sure let’s hang out, have sex, maybe start as close friends, and go from there; you jumped in feet first into the deep end and said, ‘let’s be girlfriends!’ Again… I’m not against being your girlfriend. At all. You’re smart, funny, sexy, cute as all hell, and best of all, you’re a badass gamer. I just wasn’t expecting both of us to be all-in so quickly. Please don’t think I’m having second thoughts… I’m just wondering…-

“Why I went from being some random chick you met online to your girlfriend in less than a day when we hardly know anything about each other? Let me tell you a story.

“I’ve known I was gay since middle school. When all the girls started looking at all the boys with interest for the first time, I never understood what was so interesting about them. I mean, sure, playing sports with them and playing video games after school was more fun to me than most of the other stuff the girls my age were into, but they were just friends. I never once looked at any of them beyond just friends. In fact, when the topic of girls came up, I found myself agreeing with them about how they wanted to kiss a girl. Most of them never even saw me as a girl, not until right around my 12th birthday. When I got my first period and puberty started, my body blossomed big time. Suddenly the guys I was hanging out with were staring at my chest constantly, or flirting with me instead of the girls they used to be interested in. When I rejected their advances, they pushed me away and most stopped being my friend. It came to a head in high school. By then I was pretty sure I was gay. I would get so turned on glancing around in the locker room, and I had a major crush on this girl in my science class, Amber. She was a few months older than me and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long curly dark brown hair, green eyes, freckles-”

She stopped briefly and looked at me as I grinned widely. She had literally just described me to T, and she realized it at the same time I did and she smirked at me.

“Yes… I have a type… Obviously. Anyways… She had these braces with the little colored bands that always matched her nail polish, and the absolute cutest laugh. I was head-over-heels in love… I wrote her so many love notes that I tore to shreds. I could never bring myself to ask her… I mean, being gay wasn’t a huge deal… My closest friend, Braylon, was gay, and other than one or two ignorant people, most people didn’t pay any attention to him. But I could never bring myself to admit it, and it was eating me up inside. One day when Bray and I were walking back from school, when he made a comment about Amber, I burst into tears. I remember the look on his face… He was so supportive, and just pulled me in for a hug. He didn’t say anything until I was ready to talk about it.”

Emily sat up and leaned against the wall of her dorm room. She let out a long sigh and pursed her lips slightly before continuing.

“I told him I had something important to tell him, but I was having trouble finding the right way to say it. He told me that sometimes the best way to say the things that are difficult is to just say the first thing that comes to mind, just rip it off like a band-aid and do it quick and clean. I turned to him, and just simply said, ‘I think I’m gay.’ He smiled at me, shrugged and just said something like, ‘Oh. That’s cool. Is your mom still down for making pizza tonight? She makes a killer BBQ chicken pizza.”

Emily laughed, and smirked at the memory.

“It was like I had just told him I preferred Pepsi instead of Coke instead of some life-altering news. I was like, ‘Wait… that’s it? Oh. That’s cool? That’s all you have to say? I just told you I’m gay. That I like girls. That I’m weird and different.’ I will never forget his response to this day: ‘What do you want me to say? That I hate you or think you’re some freak? Hell no. News flash, Em. I’m gay too! I like boys, and you like girls. So what? If you had told me you were a Nazi or something, I’d be like, whoa bitch, slow down, we need to talk. But I’ve been your best friend for two years, and if anything, this means we have even more in common.’ At this point I burst into tears again, but this time it was tears of happiness. I was finally being true to myself, and my best friend still loved me. We chatted the whole way back to my house, and that night I told my parents. At first, they didn’t know what to say, but they never gave me an impression of being unsupportive. The next morning when I came down, there was a marble cake with vanilla and chocolate frosting on the counter that said, ‘Happy Coming Out Day!’ in pink writing. My mother had even drawn two little female symbols overlapping each other. It was the best cake I had eaten in my entire life, and I ate so much I was sick. I thought that now that I was out everything was going to be better and I would finally be happy. And I was… Until my senior year.”

I sat up on the bed and shifted over next to her. I kissed her temple and leaned my head against hers for a moment before turning and facing her.

“Isn’t your senior year when your brother came out as trans?”

She nodded gently and smiled.

“It was, but he wasn’t the cause of my unhappiness. No… the source of my unhappiness and the reason I clung on so tightly to you is named Amber.”

“Wait. Your crush?”

“Yep. One and the same. After I came out to everyone in school, all the girls didn’t want to be around me anymore. It was like I suddenly had some terrible disease that they could catch just by being near me. I still had a few female friends, but even they were like, ‘I’m cool with you being gay as long as you don’t hit on me.’ One of the only girls who didn’t seem to have a problem with me was Amber, who still firmly held her place in my heart. When I finally worked up the courage to ask her to go to a dance with me, she even said yes! I thought that finally someone was accepting me for who I am and wouldn’t be ‘the creepy lesbian’ that everyone stared at. Even though it was a simple dance, I still got dressed up. I was so excited and nervous about my first real date, my parents took so many pictures of me in my dress and my brother in his suit. Bray picked us up in his car and drove us to the dance along with his new boyfriend, Spencer. When we got there, Amber and a few of her friends were waiting for us. I felt like I was floating as I walked over to her in her dark green dress and her long brown hair done up in a fancy braid. We both went in together, but I was too nervous to get too close to her. We danced together for a few songs, and I did my best to ignore the stares. After we danced close together for a slow song, she whispered to me that she wanted me to come with her to the cafeteria for a minute. I was so caught up in her that I didn’t even think twice about it. I was about to follow her out of the gym when Bray grabbed me. I started to get frustrated with him, until I saw that he wasn’t just mad, he looked furious. He ‘nudged’ Amber against the lockers and went like 3 inches from her face. ‘Tell her!’ he kept shouting. ‘Either you tell her or I will!’ I asked her what was going on, and it was like looking into the face of a complete stranger. She turned to me and said, ‘look, we were just going to play a joke on you… it wasn’t like we were actually going to do anything to her.’ I gave her a confused look, and she rolled her eyes. ‘God you’re such a clueless dyke. Look, I’m not gay, OK? I only said I’d go to the dance with you cause you looked so desperate. Derek, this guy I want to sleep with, said he really liked seeing two girls together, so I figured I’d get you alone, see how far it would go, and maybe he’d finally give me a chance. I told Sarah and Tiffany to bring him in while we were making out, and I thought if he saw us kissing, it would give me a shot. Apparently, your beard here overheard us talking, and ruined all that. Look, I’m not going to apologize for using you to try to get Derek to sleep with me. We’ve never been friends, and the only time you’ve ever said anything to me was when we had Science and Literature class together.’ At this point, I was so devastated that I ran out there before anyone could stop me. I felt so stupid, and so hurt. I felt like something was wrong with me. I started walking home, but I didn’t get very far in my heels. Bray pulled up next to me in his car and jumped out. I collapsed into his arm and he just held me as I cried. He drove me home and told my parents everything that had happened. I never tried dating anyone at that school again. I was so happy to finally graduate and be done with that place.”

I wiped a tear that had slid down my face off on my arm and pulled Emily into a tight embrace.

“I’m so sorry, Emily. People can be so cruel… high school girls especially.”

She let out a long sigh and nodded sadly.

“That was the worst I’ve felt about being gay, but my last girlfriend well… only girlfriend was really the one who showed me that when I find someone worth my time, to grab on and never let go. We dated for… a little over a year. The entire time, I felt like everything we did was stuff Jessica wanted to do. I sorta lost myself in her. I started wearing really girly makeup, miniskirts, and doing things that I really had no interest in. Whenever I would play video games or try to get her to play with me, she always said video games were a waste of my time and would ruin my life. Finally, it got to the point that she was basically like, you can either play video games, or date me; but can’t do both. I’d had enough of her controlling my life, and making me into something I wasn’t, so I told her that video games would never make me choose between the two of them, and I planned to go with the thing that was actually making me happy. We broke up the next day, and I haven’t seen her since. After that, I switched my major to graphics design and computer programming and started proving to the world that video games were not just a major part of my life, they were also going to be my career. I have been going to school to design my own video games and it has been the best years of my life. 

“When I saw Holy Damnation’s gameplay and wrecked the shit out of that demo, I knew that I wanted to make something like it one day. I spent so many hours grinding my level, and when this random chick who was level 24 walked up with this confidence that made me swoon, I had to know more. When you beat down Bray without fighting him, I think I fell for you right there and then. It wasn’t your body… I knew that it was probably just a game-generated image. It was the way you took what you wanted, but did it in a way that showed you were just as passionate about gaming as I am. When you joined the clan, I was ecstatic! When you told us the story of how you got to level 24 and the shit you had to watch your character go through… I was upset with you. I had never flirted with anyone like I flirted with you, but the look you gave me and your response told me all I needed to know. When that battle with the crossbow demons got intense, the way you took charge and made sure we all got through it safely completely won me over. When you grabbed me and kissed me in the heat of battle, I would have let you take me right there and then. You seemed so confident, so heroic… so… damn sexy!”

I blushed and laughed a little.

“Really? I felt like I was making it up as I went along. Half the time I have no idea what I’m going to do or say until it comes to me, and afterwards I sometimes go… did I make the right decision?”

“That’s what makes you a great leader, Allie. You do what you have to in order to get everyone out alive, and you don’t second guess yourself in the heat of the moment. When I saw that side of you, I told myself if a person like you ever came into my life, I would do everything in my power to keep them by my side. Not in a creepy ‘Misery’ type thing… but I wouldn’t let my previous hang-ups and baggage get in the way of my happiness, and I would jump in feet first, all-in, 110%. When you told us that you lived in Colorado, I can’t even describe how I felt. That evening, after we finished everything… That was the most magical evening I have ever had. Feeling you kiss me, even if it was just in a game… I knew I wanted to have that every day. I was so nervous about reaching out and messaging you, but I felt like I had to do it. When you called me, I knew I had made the right decision. And… Now you’re here. Sitting in front of me.”

She grabbed my hands and looked at me intently.

“I’m not confessing my love for you… Not yet anyways. I know I moved fast when I said I wanted more than a fling. But I don’t want to let this awesome, beautiful, confident, sexy, funny, woman who also loves video games out of my life. If… if you’re not ready to be anything more than friends… I’m OK with that. We can take this as fast or as slow as you want, Allie. I just don’t want to lose the best thing that’s happened to me.”

I was so overcome with a flood of emotions, I had no idea what to say. Instead, I reached forward, grabbed Emily, and pulled her into a mind-blowing kiss. As we kissed, I pushed her back against the bed and got on top of her; pressing my body into hers as we continued to explore each other’s mouths with our tongues. I trailed kisses from her lips up to her ear and whispered softly.

“You are the best thing that’s happened to me, too, Emily. I want nothing more than for you to be my girlfriend. I don’t care we barely know each other. The only thing that matters to me is that you make me happy and I don’t want to lose that either.”

She moaned in delight and pulled my lips back to hers. Her hands slid down my face and cupped my breasts through my shirt. My nipples were hard against her touch, and she flicked and teased them with her fingertips. I gingerly ran my hands up her body, and hesitantly grabbed her large breasts. She must have sensed my hesitation, and she took my hands within hers, and placed them firmly on her chest. I kneaded the sensitive flesh gently and ran the bud of her nipple underneath my thumb back and forth. My already rapid heart-beat raced even more when she released my hands, reached down, and started tugging at the bottom of my t-shirt. I pulled back enough to allow her to pull the shirt from my body, and blushed as she stared at my topless body. My hands moved to cover my tiny breasts, and she pulled them away.

“You have the sexiest tits I have ever seen. They are cute, and perfect, and I love them so much.”

I moaned as she moved her head up and started licking all around my right breast. When I felt her lips clamp down on my nipple and the tip of her tongue start to flick back and forth on my nipple, goosebumps covered my skin, and I felt a tingle run down my body. I lost myself in the feeling for a moment as she switched to my other boob. I would have been perfectly content just letting her do that forever, until she pulled away and started stripping off her own shirt. Her black bra tumbled again into view, only this time I reached behind her and unclasped it. I pulled it from her body and marveled at her more than ample bosom. She was easily a DDD cup if not an E, and every little movement she made caused her tits to jiggle and bounce. My mouth seemed drawn to her nipples, and I sucked and licked on them greedily. She moaned and ran her fingers through my hair as I gently bit the hardened bud with my teeth. While I continued to enjoy her breasts with my mouth, my hand slid down her smooth belly and slowly spread her thighs apart.

As I ran my fingertip along the outside of her sensitive folds, I could feel the moisture through the layers of clothing. I slipped my hand between the waistband of her shorts, and ever so slightly ran each of my fingertips up and down the wet slit through the thin fabric of her underwear. She pushed into my hand, and I let her grind against my fingers for a moment before I pulled my hand out and moved my lips off of her nipple. In one swift movement I hooked my fingers into the elastic of her shorts and panties and yanked them down. She helped me slide her remaining clothing off her body and spread her legs seductively. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the strip of black hair running down her crotch just above her pink lips. Her clit was swollen, and practically begged me for attention. I shifted down on the bed and moved my face inches from her groin. She shivered from my breath against her sensitive outer lips, and I kissed and licked her inner thigh, every once in a while, my lips would brush against her clit, and each time she squirmed from the contact.

Finally, I figured she’d had enough teasing, and I spread her lips with my fingers and started licking up and down the wet slit, savoring the sweet nectar of her arousal. I locked my lips onto her clit and flicked the very sensitive bud with the tip of my tongue. She moaned and squirmed beneath me, and I felt her legs start to tremble as I continued to suck and lick her clit. Her body lifted off the bed slightly and her muscles tightened as I felt her cum in my mouth. I slid one finger into her gently, before adding a second. I continued to lick at her clit as I pushed my fingers into her as far as they’d go. I made a ‘come here’ gesture with my fingers, and I felt her start to jerk and spasm. She screamed into her pillow as a mind-shattering orgasm tore through her body. She pulled my face off of her body, and I slowly eased my fingers out of her pussy. She gently tugged my hair with one hand, while pulling my face with the other, up and into an intense kiss. She licked my lips and sucked on my tongue, and I grabbed her hand and placed it between my thighs, showing her just how turned on I was.

She fingered me through my clothing, and I moaned in her mouth. My body was already tingling and each little movement of her fingertips felt electric. Now it was her turn to push me back onto the mattress. As she continued to tease me through my jeans, I felt like I was already so close to cumming. I was about to literally tear my remaining clothing from my body in desperation, but Emily stopped tormenting me and slid my pants down my body. Her lust for me was only matched by my own as she spread my legs apart with her arms and started licking and kissing around the sensitive folds of my outer lips.

“Oh fuck, Em…. I’m already so close… don’t stop!”

She used her tongue to lap at my clit, and I felt her push two fingers into me as far as they’d go. I arched my back and felt an immense pressure build up inside of my core. Heat blossomed within me, and I felt my legs start to tremble. As I writhed and twisted on the bed from her oral machinations, she pushed me back onto the bed with her free hand and held me in place. My entire body tensed up all at once as an intense orgasm wracked my body with wave after wave of pleasure. As I slowly descended from the peak of sexual bliss, I relaxed against the sweat and sex stained sheets, and melted into Emily as she lay next to me. We kissed tenderly, just enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies pressed together. Staring into her eyes as my breathing returned to normal, I realized that I had never been happier in my entire life.

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