How I became the Empress of Hell

3.21: Roleplay Part 1 – The Intrepid Adventurers challenge the Evil Demon Lord!!

As much as I’d like to tell you that upon taking my headset off I was greeted by my gorgeous fiancée doing her best to seduce me, I looked over and scoffed as I saw that she was already fast asleep with her headset laying on the bed next to her, still tightly clutched in her hand. I retrieved it from her grasp and placed it next to her system before leaning over and kissing her gently on the cheek until she awoke. She grumbled something before kissing me back and scooting towards the edge of the bed with her eyes still mostly shut.

“Go get ready for bed, Em. I’ll get the systems put up and get the bed ready.”

“Mmmmm K.”

She yawned a couple of times and then forced herself up to a standing position. She walked sleepily out of the room and I quickly stripped off the towels we had laid on the bed and spread out her huge plush comforter. I placed both of our headsets on their chargers, plugged in our phones and set them on the nightstand, and then tiptoed as quietly as I could towards the restroom. Just before I could push the door open, Emily opened it and almost ran into me. We giggled softly and she kissed me before heading back into her room. I went through my usual nightly routine, and was halfway through brushing my teeth, when the door to the bathroom opened up suddenly. I turned and saw a completely shocked Tiffany standing completely nude in the doorway.

“Ohmygod Allie! I’m- uh- I thought- uhhh. Sorry!!”

She quickly fled across the common room and I heard Jade’s door slam shut. I was left blinking rapidly, trying to put my eyes back in my skull and pick my jaw up off the floor. Tiffany was gorgeous! Like, I’d seen flashes of her body in game whenever she transformed, but nothing could have prepared me for just how sexy she actually looked sans clothing. Despite being totally exhausted, I felt my thighs quickly growing damp. I forced myself to focus back on brushing my teeth, trying to think of anything besides the image of Tiffany that was forever seared into my brain. As I finished up, a thought occurred to me that caused me to bite my lip. If we stuck to our plan we had made the day prior… I was going to be doing a lot more than just seeing her… I did my best to ignore the fantasies running through my mind as I returned to Emily’s dorm room and quickly snuggled into her underneath the covers.

While Emily and I were enjoying a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and coffee, Jade and a very embarrassed Tiffany joined us at the common room table. We said our good mornings, but the petite Chinese girl refused to make eye contact with me. I turned towards Jade and pretended to not notice the expression on her girlfriend’s face.

“So, how did everything go last night? Did you two have fun?”

Jade’s eyebrow rose as she grabbed a cinnamon roll, but she shot me a playful smile as she looked over at Tiffany.

“You know full well we did.”

“I mean… seeing your girlfriend naked doesn’t necessarily mean that you had a good time… there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation that would account for her lack of clothing that has nothing to do with sex.”

“Name one.”

I thought for a moment and ignored the smile creeping across my face.

“You’re a nurse… or studying to be one… maybe you were giving her a physical?”

Jade scoffed loudly and shook her head. Emily, who had spent the majority of this conversation wearing a confused look at what the hell was going on, did the classic facepalm gesture at my terrible answer. Jade smiled at me as she laughed softly.

“Your brain must be an interesting place to live, Allie. Did you warm up before that massive stretch?”

We all chuckled and Tiffany finally made eye contact with me.

“I’m sorry for bursting in on you last night, Allie… I tried finding a robe to cover up, but I couldn’t see anything or find my phone… so I went with the hope that it was super late and that no one should be awake… Jade showed me where she keeps her bathrobes for next time.”

“Next time? So I'm taking the reason for your nakedness was good enough to warrant it happening again?”

Tiffany blushed hard and looked over at Jade before looking back at me and Emily. She nodded her head slowly and gave us a very shy smile. Jade looked over at Tiffany and then back at us.

“Yes. We both had a lot of fun. We took your advice… And… At first all we ended up doing was making the other laugh at how awkward we were both feeling, but I think that sort of relieved the tension and made it easier to progress to… Other things.”

I smiled widely and nodded, feeling super excited that Jade and Tifa had enjoyed their time together. I loved seeing just how happy they both looked, and as I looked down below the table I could see them holding hands. They were. So. Freaking. Cute! We chatted coyly about everything before we started getting into a bit more detail with everything. By the time we had reached the subject of which positions worked best with a strap-on, we were all feeling a bit… Flushed.

“On that note… How are we feeling about doing the ‘event’ today? Still good for it… Or…?”

Both of them looked at each other and then back at me before nodding at the same time.

“Most definitely! We're ready for whatever you have planned.”

Tiffany blushed and mumbled something. We all stared at her and she cleared her throat and spoke a little louder.

“I'm actually really excited about everything… If I'm being honest.”

“Good! I think you guys will enjoy what I have planned. I'm actually just waiting for Nialla to message me back so we can all jump on and go over some things before we get to the fun stuff!”

“Care to give us a little hint?” 

I shook my head and smiled a naughty grin at Jade. I was actually just as nervous about everything as I was excited. I was never one to do much “role-playing” in the bedroom. I could never stay in character and usually either devolved into a fit of giggles at the absurdity or just lost interest and focused on the sex. It was actually going to be a good thing we were doing this in a game that could adjust and regulate our emotions. Being “Allexus” would certainly make it easy to maintain what I had in mind, I just had to make sure that my demonic instincts didn’t take it too far; which was the reason I was glad Emelia and Nialla would be present. Almost as if she sensed I was thinking about her, my phone lit up with a message from Nialla. 

“Nialla says she’s online and ready to do this thing.”

“Wait… Nialla’s gonna be involved? Wh-what exactly are you planning, Allie?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see, ladies… Are we all ready to log in?”

The three gorgeous women sitting around the table grinned at me and nodded vigorously. We separated into pairs, with Jade and Tiffany going into Jade’s room, and Emily and I going into Em’s room. We set up everything on Emily’s bed before eagerly logging in.

While I was relatively new to actually partaking in kinks like BDSM and things of that nature, I was certainly no stranger when it comes to knowing about them. I had read a plethora of stories on the subject, and I had quite a few friends who enjoyed the lifestyle.The single most important thing to having a fun, safe experience was thoroughly going over all the ground rules, boundaries, and expectations. What I had planned definitely pushed into the bounds of BDSM, so as the five of us sat in our clan hall, I explained everything in detail. We went over things like hard and soft limits, triggers, safe words, and  everything else I could think of. When we were all on the same page, Jade and Tifa left the castle so they could play the part of the “Intrepid Adventurers taking on the powerful demon lord,” and I discussed the plan with Emelia and Nialla. Once everyone was in position, I messaged Jade and Tifa that it was go time.

My body buzzed with nervous energy as I sat in complete darkness atop my throne. I heard movement and muffled voices coming from the other side of the door, and my heart raced in anticipation. Light from the hallway spilled in as the door was pushed open. I saw the silhouettes of Jade of Tifa as they stood in the entryway. 

“Jeez, it’s dark as hell in there, Tif. Wanna switch to something that can see in the dark and scout it out?”

“There is no way in hell I’m going in there alone, Jade. This demon lord is supposed to be a badass bitch.”

“Emphasis on the bitch part.”

The two of them snickered and finally entered the main walkway that led to my throne room. The torches on either side of them lit at once and they both jumped at the sudden burst of magic. 

“That legit made me jump…”

“Same. This place is intense.”

I watched in silence as they walked slowly down the hall, studying the murals intently and jumping almost every time the torches flared to life. When they reached the main throne area, I knew that from their vantage point they  could see the faint outline of me sitting on my throne.

“Jade. Up there. On the… the throne.”

My hand was relaxed on the front edge of the armrest, my fingers just barely hanging off the end. The muscles in my arm tightened as I cast my [Corrupting Fire] spell, and I held the fireball in the palm of my hand. Jade and Tifa jumped at the sudden flash of fire that illuminated me in a dark red flickering light. I closed my palm and extinguished the flame. I focused on my inner demon and allowed its instincts to guide me as I spoke.

“Bold of you to march in here uninvited… Demonspawn. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t obliterate you both where you stand…”

Jade spoke in a tone that was full of trepidation and nervousness. Whether it was from our roleplaying or actual intimidation, I wasn’t sure, but my demonic ego drank it in like the finest wine all the same. 

“W-We’re not af-afraid of you! We’ve come to rescue our friends and defeat you!”

I snapped my fingers and all the lanterns that hung from the ceiling ignited simultaneously. The area was bathed in warm light, and Jade and Tifa gasped as they saw me draped on my elegant throne. I had opted to use my Avatar of Corruption form to even further sell this little roleplay, and I could tell from the sudden fear in both of their eyes that I had made the correct choice. I glared down at both of them and then let out a small forced laugh.

“Ha. How adorable… You actually think you’re a challenge? For me? Let me show you just how wrong you are.”

I moved with that near-instantaneous speed and was suddenly standing between the two women before they even had a chance to blink. I shoved Tifa to the side before turning to Jade and pulling her closer to me with one of my arms. My hand shot up and clutched her lower jaw, with two of my claws pressing softly into her lips. I leaned down slightly and moved my mouth very close to her, and licked the side of her neck from her collar bone up to her ear.

“You’re so out of your depth, little girl… I’m going to enjoy corrupting you and making you beg me for more.”

Jade shivered in my grasp but made no efforts to pull away. I could tell that her brain was attempting to process everything that had just happened, and before she could react I pushed her away with one strong shove from my hand. I tensed all the muscles in my legs and jumped high into the air, before spreading my wings and looking down at Tifa’s Armor Demon form as she stomped to where I had been standing mere seconds before.


The purple beam of energy shot from my palm and struck Tifa’s monstrous body. The large explosion bloomed and engulfed the entire area in a burst of electricity and fire. As I saw the small crater in the stone floor I was worried that my full power [Blastburn] was far too much for the level 31 Shapeshifter to handle, even with the drastically enhanced defenses of the Armor Demon. I breathed a small sigh of relief when I saw that she had jumped and shifted into her pixie form to form a small magic shield around herself. The front of her body was scorched and burned in several spots, so clearly my spell had clearly overpowered her defensive magic.  But it appeared that she had been spared the worst of it. As the small pixie looked up at me with a look of intense anger, she fluttered backwards towards her Blood Mage girlfriend. She shifted her form back to normal without ever taking her eyes off me. Jade placed a hand on Tifa’s back and light swirled around the much smaller woman’s body as her burns quickly healed.

I landed about ten feet in front of them and sighed dramatically.

“Surrender now, and I promise you both a lifetime of pleasure.”

“Surrender? But this fight has only begun, Demon Lord!”

Jade gestured with her hand and a giant fist made of bone closed around me all at once. I grunted in irritation and ignited my hand with [Corrupting Fire]. I touched it to the mass of bone surrounding me and it ignited and exploded outwards. I looked back at Jade and raised an eyebrow. I was about to say something when one of Tifa’s enormous metal fists swung at my head. Instead of moving out of the way I merely lifted my hand and stopped her attack with very little effort. She swung her other fist at me and I caught that one with a tight grip from my other hand. I looked at her face and shook my head, before yanking her towards me and headbutting her with a great deal of force. I shattered the metal plate on her forehead, and she staggered backwards and collapsed in a heap before returning to her normal form. Jade rushed to her side and placed a hand on Tifa’s shoulder. Before she was able to cast any healing spells, I focused on my speed and grabbed Jade by the throat. I yanked her to her feet, released my grip on her neck, and grabbed the collar of her light armor. I lifted her off the ground, spread my wings, and flew towards the nearest wall. I pinned her to the wall with a single hand and held the other in front of her.

[Demonic Chains]

Jet black chains burst from my hand and wrapped around the curvy necromancer before they anchored themselves in the wall. 

“Wait here… I’m going to go have fun with your girlfriend…”

I pulled away and turned back towards Tifa before briefly turning back towards Jade.

“I wouldn’t want you to get lonely… why don’t I let you play with one of your friends that you were so eager to rescue.”

I quickly opened my minion menu and selected Nialla before waving my hand in front of her. The sexy catgirl’s figure shimmered and she appeared in front of Jade. She was completely nude except for a shiny metal collar around her neck. She squealed happily when she saw Jade stuck against the wall, before turning back towards me and pressing herself into my side.

“Thank you so much for a new plaything, Mistress! Is it OK if I play with her now?”

I reached down and cupped my hand around her butt cheek. I squeezed it and then gave it a light smack.

“Of course, my sweet kitten. Go have fun.”

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