How I became the Empress of Hell

3.24: ❤️❤️Transformations

The content warning is solely because of the fact that Tifa's transformation is a bit... Extreme. So much so I had to tone it down a bit. Enjoy, and I'll see you all Monday! ❤️

As expected of someone who was both a Blood Mage and a vampire demon, Jade got an entire host of Blood related spells and abilities; including but not limited to a powerful World Tier spell called [*Sanguine Tidal Wave*]. The most interesting ability she received, however, was called [Blood Lust]. According to the ability description, It was the source of her thirst, and it required her to drink a decent amount of blood every 24 hours. It also had a few interesting mechanics: the more blood she drank, the more her arcane abilities got buffed. The inverse was also true, however; the longer Jade went without blood, the less powerful her magic would be, but the more powerful her physical stats and abilities became. If she ever reached the full 24 hours without consuming any blood, she would completely lose the ability to cast magic until she sated her thirst. In turn, she would become a veritable monster in melee combat. The longer she went without however, the more likely she would be to lose control of her character and basically just attack the closest target to drink their blood. The final and most annoying mechanic was the reason Jade was pressing herself into me in an attempt to drink my blood. Apparently, the higher level a person or creature was, the more enticing their blood became. Which meant that without my Power Limiter on, my blood was absolutely irresistible to Jade.

“Allie… you smell so fucking good. Like… sex and power and dominance. Please… just a small taste, Allie. Just a drop… Please!”

OK… So… This is the part I’m supposed to be like, ew… No! Sucking my blood is bad! But… We’ve already established I’m a kinky bitch who enjoys being bitten. What I haven’t told anyone is that one of my guilty pleasures is hot vampire sex. There’s just something erotic and intimate about the act of being fed on during sex. Hey, no kink shaming! Annnnnnnnyhow… That particular kink was the reason I shifted back to my regular form and tilted my head to the side as an invitation towards the very hungry vampire.

“Wait… really?! Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

“Em, watch Tifa please. It should be a bit longer until she’s ready to transform, but it’s better to be prepared just in case.”

Jade moved to the front of my body and pulled me into a very tight embrace. I shivered and let out a low moan as she kissed my ear and worked her way down my neck, dragging her lips, tongue, and the tips of her fangs across the sensitive skin. I felt a quick stab of pain, but it dulled quickly and turned into an intensely pleasurable sensation as Jade sunk her fangs into my jugular. At the same time, I felt her hand pushing between us and probing lower and lower. I had willed my magic cock back inside my body earlier, so my clit was the first thing her fingers came into contact with. As she started rubbing in small circles, I instantly felt the heat and pleasure build in my core. The sloppy sounds of her sucking on my neck in combination with her moaning the entire time was intensely erotic. I felt Jade grinding against my leg, and I managed to squeeze my hand between us and stroke her clit like she was doing to mine. My vision clouded over slightly as I came several times in quick succession. Hearing me get off pushed Jade over the edge, and I felt her tremble against my hand. As we both continued to pleasure one another I began to feel extremely light headed. I could feel the pleasure from Jade’s fingers stroking up and down my soaked slit, but everything felt… distant. I heard Emily shouting close to us but I was too lost to the pleasure and this haze that was quickly settling over my brain to fully hear what she was saying. I felt a blast of cold and then a sharp pain in my neck. Warmth flooded my system and I fluttered my eyes and found myself looking up into Jade’s beautiful glowing red eyes.

“What the hell happened?”

“I’m so sorry, Allie! I drank too much! I couldn’t stop… It was like… the most intensely pleasurable ecstasy overwhelming my senses. I don’t feel the urge to feed on you anymore, but even now… you still smell… fucking amazing.”

I wanted to be mad at Jade for nearly draining me dry, but if I was being honest it was definitely one of the hottest things I’d done. I never expected to get fingered while getting my blood sucked, but… It was absolutely something I could see myself doing more than once. 10/10, would get “fanged and fucked” again.

After she finished casting her healing spell, Jade helped me to my feet and gave me a sheepish look. I reassured her I wasn’t mad and pulled her into what started as a friendly hug. As she inhaled the scent of my skin, I felt her body stiffen suddenly and she quickly pulled away.

“Holy shit, Allie. You are like a goddamn drug. Just being near you makes me hungry for you in every way possible.”

She backed away a few steps and I saw her open her menu. A look of absolute shock appeared on her face and she scoffed loudly. She swung the menu around and showed me her Status Screen. At the top of the list of enchantments and status effects she had on her was one called [Corrupted Blood-Slut].

“What the fuck does that do? And… why didn’t it show up when you first transformed?”

“Apparently it’s linked to the Bond of Corruption enchantment, but it was ‘locked’ until I met a certain prerequisite… which was… sucking your blood. I’m… basically addicted to you now. I can still get sustenance from other creatures… but… you are what my body will crave… constantly.”

She sighed loudly and knitted her brows as she looked over at her girlfriend and then back at me.

“Well… shit. This is gonna make things awkward. We’re definitely going to need to talk about some things after everything has wound down.”

A surge of pride flashed through my mind at the idea of Jade being turned into my “blood-slut.” I had absolutely no doubt this effect was caused by the blood I added to the transformation potion, and I began to wonder just how much my demonic side was influencing my actions.

 Before I could reflect any further on all the implications, I heard Tiffany let out a pained groan. I quickly moved to where she was laying and saw she was in the final stages of Corruption. I opened my inventory and took out the transformation, making sure to note any specific urges I felt to tamper with it. In order to avoid being too close to Jade, I handed the potion to Emelia and she handed it to the gorgeous Blood Mage, who was holding her girlfriend’s head in her lap like Em did for her. Jade opened the vial and tipped it into Tifa’s open mouth. She kissed the smaller woman on the top of the head and we all prepared ourselves for her transformation.

“Ugh… Fuck! My skin hurts! My whole body feels like something is trying to- UGH!”

Her eyes went wide as the skin from her torso down to her abdomen began to rise up like something was pushing out of it. As it continued to grow and shift, it got larger and larger… and began to take the form of a clawed arm. Dusky purple scales started forming on the massive arm, and it writhed and twitched in the air like it was reaching for something. She groaned again as her left arm began to contort like her chest had, and it quickly reshaped itself into what looked like the head of a Demon Hound; but it was… wrong. It wasn’t the fact that it was growing from her shoulder that made it so terrible, it was the spider legs that were pushing out of the eye sockets and thrashing wildly. The rest of her body quickly followed suit, in what was the most horrifying transformation sequence I had ever witnessed. (And this is coming from a girl who absolutely loves her horror movies) Her head morphed into a giant gossamer wing that had sharp fang like protrusions sticking out of it at odd angles. I thought that her other arm was starting to appear the most “normal” as hers was just replaced with the giant Armor Demon’s plated arm, until I saw the hand change into a mouth filled with spider fangs. Both of her legs joined the nightmare fueling transformation and became… I don’t even know how to describe it. Basically… combine the parts of a bat’s wing with the eyes of several creatures and add in some claws in random places for good measure. As her entire body undulated and writhed from all the changes, we were further horrified as everything started shifting again. And again. And then again. If I hadn’t been in my demonic body, I was sure I would have been sick to my stomach. I still felt nauseous as the transformations began to pick up speed, warping and changing faster and faster, and becoming bigger and bigger, until it was so massive we all had to move off the huge throne platform to avoid getting crushed under the bulk of the colossal warping demonic abomination she had become.

Suddenly, without any warning, all the transformations just… stopped. Tifa’s room-sized body remained completely still. The silence was deafening as we watched and waited for whatever was going to happen next. Just like someone letting the air out of a balloon, her body began to rapidly deflate, shrinking inwards and becoming smaller and smaller. We watched all the gruesome body parts come together into a single shape that was quickly decreasing in size. When it was roughly around 5’ tall, it shifted into the form of Tifa’s body. As we drew closer to her, we were all confused with how ordinary she looked. Her body had absolutely no demonic features whatsoever. Even less so than her Demonspawn form had. She appeared to just be… herself. She saw our looks of confusion and her eyes focused on Jade as she inspected her girlfriend closely from every angle.

“Tiff… That was… There are no words. I had to actually shut my eyes for a bit… it was so fucking disgusting. No offense. But… Are you OK? You look OK… but… not really as demonic as I was expecting.”

“I’m OK, Jade. It stopped hurting about halfway through… I… could feel everything. It was… yeah, fucking disgusting is a good way to put it.”

She held up her arm to inspect it, and as she did, dark purple scales formed on her skin in several places. Her pupils became thin slits and took on a yellowish hue. I could see sharp teeth poking out from her lip. She still looked like Tifa… just… more monstrous. We all watched in amazement as the scales darkened into a dull gray and expanded to form miniature versions of the Armor Demon’s metal plates. She giggled as our eyes bugged out of our skull from watching her petite body take on the features of her various forms.

“So… I’m going to guess that making your body take on traits of your different forms isn’t the full extent of your skills.”

“That’s not even a primary fighting skill. It’s a passive ability called [Chimera]; it allows me to take traits from one form and apply them to my normal body. Other than that, compared to Jade, I didn’t actually get very many new skills. In addition to that one, I got a grand total of three new ones. One combat form, and two passive abilities called [Gargantuan] and [Amalgamate: Tier 1].”

Her eyes looked excited as she talked about her new skills, and I could easily tell that despite only getting four new skills she was absolutely thrilled about her transformation. The image of the horrid form of her twisted body flashed in my mind and I pushed it away with a slight shudder of revulsion. In an effort to think about anything besides what we had all just witnessed, I brought up the question that I could tell Tifa was tiptoeing around.

“Tif, what is your new combat form?”

I was pretty sure it was something reptilian, since I had seen her scales and eyes. A giant demon snake would be fucking awesome, and I considered the possibilities. She pursed her lips and before giving me a coy smile.

“It’s… gonna be a surprise! It’s going to be fucking cool though.”

“Fair enough. I’m assuming you’re not going to tell me what your other skills do as well?”

“Not if I want to go for the shock and awe factor. And… also… Bray sent us all a message to not tell you about our full abilities in case you want to challenge our PvP rooms.”

I scoffed loudly in irritation before realizing that I was actually somewhat grateful he had. Facing unknown skills would certainly make combat far more challenging. I sighed softly as I realized that we still had a lot of planning to do before we could actually start the whole thing, not to mention setting up the Tier 5 death magic enchantment to make sure players could respawn over and over without penalty. Then we had to figure out the full rules of everything… and even what we were gonna call the damn thing. Emily saw the look of apparent frustration on my face and placed her hand on my arm.

“Hey, her keeping her abilities secret isn’t that-”

“No! It’s not that! I actually understand the reasoning for that. I was just thinking about all the shit we have to do to get set up for this challenge thing. There’s so much stuff we have to go over, not to mention the death magic enchan-”

I suddenly remembered the siphon shard and ran over to its location near the top of the stairs. It glowed faintly with a red and black swirling energy, and I smiled and put it in my inventory. The others watched me with curious interest, but I merely looked back at them and gave them a shrug and a sly grin.

“Planning on changing your body again, babe?”

I shook my head and then remembered my earlier idea of what I planned to do to her form. I let out a small hum as I considered how I was going to get another Angelspawn transformation infused siphon shard. I suddenly had a thought that would solve both that problem and make the PvP challenge that much more interesting. I had absolutely no clue how I would go about accomplishing what I was thinking about, but if I could pull it off… I would have a plethora of super charged siphon shards after it was all said and done. 

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