How I became the Empress of Hell

3.27: Has it really only been 10 days?

After several hours of mind blowing demon sex I was ready to start playing the game as it was intended. I checked my clan roster and saw that the person I was needing to speak with was online. After bidding both of my lovers goodbye and reluctantly dressing and putting my Power Limiter back on, I walked through the halls of the castle until I found Areandra.

“Hey Allie! What’s up! I saw your message about needing to talk to me about something. I was just about to come find you.”

“I was in my lesbian orgy room.”

She blinked her eyes rapidly several times and I saw her studying my face closely.

“I can’t tell if you are kidding or not.”

“I’m fully serious. Maybe I’ll show you sometime.”

She blushed furiously and started to turn away from me. At first I thought I had gone too far, until I saw the Fallen Angel bite her lower lip and try to hide a small smile.

“Anyways… Can I ask you about your class?”

“Uh… sure? What about it?”

“Like… are your skills all… angelic? When I first started as Allavar my character had skills like Summon Angel Warrior, and stuff like that.”

“Oh! Yes. I have stuff like [Bolt of Divine Fire], and [Angelic Resilience]. But on the other side, I also have stuff like [Corrupted Radiance] and [Blessings of the Damned].

My ears perked up when she mentioned the word Corrupted.

“[Corrupted Radiance]? What does that do?”

“I figured I got it from when you corrupted the vial that was supposed to transform me into an angel. It’s a permanent Tier 5 enchantment that gives me my immunity to holy damage and also an oddly worded buff to all my enchanting skills.”

“What’s odd about it?”

“Well… the first part of it says, You are immune to holy damage. Plain and simple, right? But then it says ‘any enchantment magic cast by corrupted beings is automatically boosted by two tiers.’ With how the first part is, it made me wonder why it's worded like that.”

As I considered the strange word it only took me a couple of seconds to realize a few things.

“Areandra, does it have an area-of-effect?”

She blinked a couple of times and arched an eyebrow before double checking her skill.

“There isn't one listed. But when I'm this close to you the buff does appear on my display instead of only being on my status effects screen.”

I held up my hand and cast my [Blessings of Corruption] on Areandra. I looked at my active abilities and saw it was listed as a tier 4 enchantment instead of its normal tier 2. She must have realized the effect of her buff had on my spell and her eyes opened wide with amazement.

“Whoa! This is way more powerful than I thought! I had no idea it worked on others!”

I was about to mention the other thing I realized when I heard a voice behind me.

“Brina?! Is that you?”

We both turned to face Ash and Kyra who both quickly ran over to us. Areandra's eyes were even wider than before and she burst forward and pulled Ash into a tight hug.

“Oh my god! Nat-Nat! What are you doing here?! It's so good to see you!”

After both women hugged for a moment they broke apart and stared at each other before turning towards Kyra and me.

“Allie, this is my sister. Natasha. Who I had no clue even played multiplayer video games.”

She turned to Kyra and Ash smiled at her sister before she glanced at the tall redhead.

“Babe, this is my little sister Sabrina. Brina, this is my girlfriend, Kyra.”

Areandra reached out and pulled the much taller woman to her and embraced her tightly. After she accepted the gesture somewhat awkwardly at first, she seemed to relax and hugged the Fallen Angel back before pulling away. She smirked at her girlfriend and cocked an eyebrow.

“So… Nat-Nat, huh?”

“Ugh. Don't you start. Brina has called me that since she was little since she couldn't say my full name.”

“That is adorable and I will absolutely be calling you that from now on… Nat-Nat!”

“Don't. You. Dare. The only reason I'm letting Brina get away with it is cause I haven't seen her for almost 4 years.”

I suddenly thought of a question and before I could stop it I heard the words coming out of my mouth.

“Why do you have such a sexy accent though?”

All three women turned towards me and I would have blushed if I was able. I held up my hands defensively and gave Ash an awkward smile.

“Sorry… that slipped out.”

All three of them laughed suddenly and then I joined in after a couple of seconds. When we recovered Sabrina looked at her sister and gave her a happy grin before glancing at me.

“When our parents separated a little over 11 years ago, our mom moved to the UK with Natasha.”

“I wanted a change and I was excited to start Uni once we got settled. Brina and I chatted off and on for a few years and she made the trip to see us six or seven times.”

“After I started in school here I got so focused on everything that I wasn't able to go see them… I really am so happy to see you, Natasha!” 

The two hugged again and then I could see a look of confusion as she thought of something.

“Out of all the clans in this game, what are the odds that you and I would end up in the same one?”

We discussed the astronomical odds the game seemed to have when it came to seemingly matching us with clan members. How it put me closest to a clan that lived within driving distance of me. How it paired us up with a female gamer who had been playing a male character for the same reasons I had been. And now this. The more we discussed it, the less random this all seemed. I figured I'd ask Judas or Gehenna, but before we got too far off topic I brought our conversation back to the original reason I had sought out Areandra. 

“Do you think it's possible for us to be able to both find an enchantment or some sort of temporary buff that prevents Angelspawn from increasing their corruption meter? If we were able to find something that worked for that, would it then be possible for us to open up this PvP challenge to all players, not just Demonspawn?”

“Huh… I honestly don't know. Actually… You would know better than I would since you're the one who started as an Angelspawn. You or Nialla. But I guess I can look through my skill menus to see if there's anything that would give me a better idea. It'd be a hell of a lot easier if you could just go up to the nearest normal angel and ask them, but that would… Be…”

She trailed off as she saw the look of vicious excitement plastered on my face and her eyes widened again as she realized what I was considering.

“Looks like it may be time for me to pay a visit to my first city. Who's up for a little mayhem and murder?

“Allie, out of all the ideas you've had… This seems like the most questionable.”

I turned to look at the rest of my clan who had opted to join us. In addition to Areandra, Kyra, and Ash, I had managed to convince Jade, Tifa, Emelia, Ikelos, and Ghost to join us. Judas and Tesrif insisted they come along as well when I told them what I was planning. Our 11 person party had marched forward pretty quickly towards the angel city I had first started in, and it was only when the massive Heaven Gate rose on the hilltop ahead of us that we began to realize just how crazy this plan was. 

Once we made it to the Angelspawn noob zone, we began to see hundreds of players fighting the super low leveled mobs as I had not so long ago. It was crazy to think that it has been less than two weeks since I started playing this game, and the amount of progress and all the people I had met made it seem like it was closer to 6 years. It would have been even more fitting to have Nialla with us so she could also enjoy this bit of nostalgia, but she was still stuck at level 1 until later that night. So, as we walked forward to attempt what was likely one of my less than brilliant plans I slowed our pace to take in the sight of our surroundings.

Most players seemed to give us a wide berth, realizing that they were vastly underleveled to attempt anything. But when a group of about 50 Angelspawn being led by a petite angel woman moved to block our path, I realized that this was likely going to be even more challenging than I had originally thought.

“It was a stupid choice to come here, Demonspawn. This city is home to some of the most-”

“OK, seriously… Do I look like a Demonspawn? I have huge fucking batwings and horns on my head. I'm starting to get a little pissed at how everyone is automatically assuming I'm a fucking Demonspawn. No offense, Kyra, Ash, and Ghost. But for reals though… I'm a level 203 Demon Overlord of Corruption. Do I even remotely look like a Demomspawn? Do I?”

“Allie… My love… Maybe this isn't the best time for-”

“And look at Tesrif! She's a gorgeous blue haired demon woman who is nine freaking feet tall! She definitely doesn't look like she's half human. Jade looks like a runway model with pointed ears and long fangs. My fiancée is a freaking partially see through snow ghost, and don't even get me started on Ikelos. Nothing about his demon form even slightly looks human. So… seriously. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!”

By this time I could see a large group of Angelspawn players had gathered around to witness my temper tantrum. I sighed loudly as I saw most of them drawing their weapons in preparation to likely do something stupid, and I spread my wings and flew up about 20 feet in the air. I ignited both hands with [Corrupting Fire] and glared down at the mass of players clumped around us.

“I. Fucking. Dare. You.”


I did the math, and from the day that Allie first logged in to the game to this moment it has only been 10 days.

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