How I became the Empress of Hell

3.29: Hello There

Everyone in the group stared at the beautiful dark skinned demon in complete silence as she wiped her face with the back of her hand and then licked off the red smear that was on her flawless skin. The glowing red orbs of her eyes looked up and saw that we were all openly gaping at her, and she rolled her eyes and gave us a slight curtsy.

“Is the part where I’m supposed to make a joke about someone eating their heart out?”

Ikelos’s bad play on words broke the silence and we all burst into laughter at the sheer insanity of what we had just witnessed. The rest of my clan rushed forward to huddle around Jade excitedly while I turned to face the rapidly shrinking form of our clan’s shapeshifter. When she had returned to normal, she noticed me watching her and she started walking towards me.

“When were you gonna tell me that your [Gargantuan] ability turns you into a goddamn kaiju?! I was expecting you to be a little bigger, but definitely not expecting to see something straight out of a giant monster movie.”

She laughed as she continued to approach me and then I saw a sly grin on her face that caused me to arch an eyebrow in curiosity.

“That’s not the only surprise I have… But I don’t want to spoil it for you. So… I’m taking it you appreciate the change?”

“Appreciate it?! While Jade’s spell was absolutely badass it still doesn’t have quite the shock value of a freaking building sized Armor Demon. I’m guessing the only reason the others aren’t nearly as excited as I am is cause you already showed them?”

“When you were balls-deep in demon slave-girl pussy... Yes.”

I smirked at the small woman who was standing about 10 feet away and then I opened my minion menu and selected her portrait. I waved my hand and she disappeared and then materialized in front of me a fraction of a second later with a small yelp. I grabbed the front of her tunic and pulled her so that our lips were almost touching. I could feel her hot breath against my skin and the sharp gasp she let out and the slight tremble when I held her close to me forced a grin to creep across my face.

“Be grateful I have so much respect for you and Jade’s relationship, Tifa… Lest I put a collar on this pretty neck of yours to mark you as one of my ‘slave-girls.’”

Her eyes were fully dilated and she felt weak in my grasp. I could feel her struggling against the desire to kiss me and I saved her the trouble and held my hand up next to her face. I snapped my fingers and she was instantly transported to the spot she had been standing before. She nearly collapsed and I had to stifle a laugh as I turned back towards the rest of my clan.

After thoroughly complimenting Jade on her amazing new World Tier Spell, we all briefly discussed our plans on what we hoped to accomplish once we got through the Heaven Gate. Because of the possibility of the three Demonspawn in our party maxing their Redemption Meters, they were all going to maintain a very close proximity to me. We walked as a large group towards the Heaven Gate, but just before the clan could step through the giant portal, it hummed to life and we all readied our weapons. A single petite Angelspawn appeared and stared at us through a pair of thick glasses. She held a thick tome clutched tightly to her chest and wore the typical robes of a mage. She looked just as surprised to see us as we were to see her, but instead of turning to flee, a very faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth before she greeted us.

“Oh. Hello there.”

Without missing a beat I grinned as I replied with the cheesy follow-up line to whenever someone says those words.

“General Kenobi.”

Ikelos scoffed and let out a sigh as the rest of my clan let out soft groans.

“Dammit. Beat me to it.”

The woman in front of us maintained a serious demeanor, but I could see the smile in her eyes slightly. She looked at each of us in turn and then at our weapons, before turning her gaze back to me.

“Are you going to kill me?”

“Depends… are you going to attack us?”

She shook her head and her shoulder length black hair shimmied with the gesture.

“That would be foolish of me to do so. I am not a combat mage. And even if I were, there are eleven of you and only one of me. I may be a high level, but I doubt I’d fare well against eight full demons and three Demonspawn.”

Given the nature of my earlier outburst regarding the state of my demonhood, I gave her a wide grin when she immediately recognized what so many players seemed oblivious to. I studied the woman closely and felt heat creeping up my spine as I saw how beautiful she was. She was a couple inches taller than Emily, and nearly the same complexion as her as well. Like my fiancée I could tell from the shape of her eyes and her facial features she was likely Asian. (Yes! As Tifa pointed out… I have a fucking type… Obviously.) The color of her eyes were what drew me in, however. One of them was the same deep brown I had expected to see, but the other was a very light shade of blue. As she caught me staring she cocked her head to the side and spoke in that same almost monotone voice.

“Are you just going to stare at me or was there a reason you’re all here?”

I blinked my eyes and turned away from her, but before I did I swore I could see the faintest trace of amusement on the beautiful Angelspawn’s face. As I considered what to say to the woman, Emelia spoke up and I turned to look at her.

“You say you’re not a combat mage, but it’s obvious you are some sort of mage. What is your speciality?”

“I’m an Enchanter.”

I grinned widely and let out a quick gasp.

“That’s fucking perfect! Maybe you can help us find what we’re looking for!”

“I will endeavor to aid you in whatever way I am able, as long as it proves mutually beneficial for both of us. I don’t work for free, especially for demons. No offense intended of course.”

I chuckled at the extremely serious tone this woman spoke with, and I had to force myself to keep a straight face as I realized just how much I liked this chick.

“Why don’t we head inside the Heaven Gate and we can discuss a fair price for your services… Miss…”

“Hana. And you are Allexus.”

I looked at her with my eyebrows raised and she merely gave me a half-smile as she gestured to the giant blue portal. I was about to say something when Hana stepped through without another word. We followed behind her and found ourselves in a brightly lit village. We all looked around at the various buildings and I recognized the blacksmith shop I had gotten my first set of equipment from. I turned towards Hana and saw her studying me closely.

“How did you know I’m Allexus?”

She opened her character menu, flicked through a couple of screens, and then swung it towards me. I saw an image of my character’s head and then it shifted and showed a picture of me getting ready to cast a spell. I immediately recognized it as a sort of “Wanted” poster, and I let out a faint sigh.

“Great… Now I’m on Heaven’s most wanted list. Next thing you know an angel form of John Walsh will be narrating all of my terrible crimes I committed as an evil demon lord preying on the virtue of innocent players.”

“John Walsh?”

I turned to face my clan and saw the looks of confusion on their faces.

“Oh, come on… America’s Most Wanted? No? Jeez… I can’t be the only one who remembers that show!”

“You are showing your age a bit, my love.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ehhhhh fuck you guys. Anyways! Yes! I’m Allexus. And this is my clan. We’re here searching for innocent Angelspawn to corrupt with our deplorable acts of sex and violence. Possibly sexy violence… but definitely not violent sex. I’m not into that.”

Hana gave me another half smile and what almost sounded like a faint chuckle.

“Actually… in truth… We’re searching for a way to prevent Angelspawn Corruption Meters from going up so we can allow them to join a huge PvP event we’re hosting in our clan castle. Originally it was going to be only for Demonspawn, but I figured we’d get a far better turn out if we invited both sides to come challenge us.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea. And I can also appreciate the challenge of finding a way to counteract the Corruption Meter. I myself have been toying with various methods to alter or completely change the way my character works. Enchantment magic is by far one of the most expressive forms of arcane power this game has to offer.”

I had to stifle a groan as her words reminded me of Mellic’s own ravings about his enchantment magic. While I didn’t disagree with her opinion, it was still hard to separate that entire branch of magic from the evil asshole who used to be my master. Instead of saying anything to this effect, however, I merely nodded my head.

“So, do you know of anything that might help us with our little Corruption Meter problem?”

She thought for a moment and then shook her head. But then her eyes glittered slightly as she thought of something.

“I may not know exactly how to go about doing something like that, but I think there may be an NPC here in town that may be able to assist you. Would you like me to take you to him?”

I raised an eyebrow and then shot her a playful smile.

“And how much would that cost us?”

She gave me another look that was almost a smile and shook her head.

“Nothing. I am actually intrigued at discovering some piece of magic I haven’t heard of before. That is payment enough. And maybe afterwards you can tell me how exactly it is that you are recruiting Angelspawn players to your clan.”

I wasn’t sure how this incredibly serious woman would take to finding out the exact methods I had used to recruit Nialla, but I figured if nothing else the process would interest her from a purely academic standpoint. 

Oh hell… who was I kidding… I was already imagining all the positions I could get her in while still managing to keep those pretty glasses from falling off her face.

I attempted to push the lewd images forming in my mind aside as we continued forward, but I found it increasingly difficult as I watched the sway of her hips and her absolutely perfect ass as she walked ahead of me. Em caught my eye and she gave me a knowing grin as she saw where my eyes kept drifting. She sidled up next to me and whispered very softly.

“Just imagine how sexy she’d be pinned between Tifa and me. Three Asian girls all looking up at you with lust in their eyes. Just waiting to be filled with that achingly hard girlcock.”

My heart was now pounding in my chest and it took everything in my power to keep my body in control.

“What the hell, Em… what’s gotten into you?”

Instead of saying anything she merely pulled away and laughed softly. I was about to say something when we approached an incredibly familiar building with stained glass windows and dozens of angelic statues. Upon entering I saw an angel who stood well over 12 feet tall, and as he turned we both immediately recognized each other.

“Oh goddammit… it’s you!!!”

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