How I became the Empress of Hell

3.39: ❤️Ice Cream Sundae of Carnal Delights

How did we end up here?

Was it because I made the conscious choice to become a demon?


Was it because I surrounded myself with the most utterly beautiful women I’ve ever met?

I’m sure that helped.

Was it because the author has this undeniable kink to see me end up in bed with every sexy demon lady I meet?


Regardless of the reasons, when I found myself sandwiched between two gorgeous demon women using me for my body, I was still mentally reeling that my life had led me here. The vision of beauty that was my fiancée was straddling my face with her milky white thighs and grinding her dripping sex against my lips fervently. Her clit mashed against my tongue over and over as I did my best to please the amazing woman. The cries of pleasure being issued from her mouth were muffled through a combination of her legs being wrapped around my head and her desperately trying to hold herself back as long as she could manage. I knew that she was trying her best to time her orgasm so she came at the same time as the stunning demon goddess who was riding me like a pro.

To say Gehenna was an experienced lover would be like comparing a light summer’s breeze to a category 5 hurricane. The pale woman’s body was so in sync with mine it was hard to tell where she ended and I began. She knew how to writhe, how to squeeze, how to grind, how to do things my brain couldn’t even comprehend. Before I knew what had happened I had been completely swept up into an ocean of ecstasy. Because of Em’s perch atop my face, I couldn’t see Gehenna as she bounced up and down on me cowgirl style facing my feet. Even as she rode my cock, I could feel the fingers of one hand teasing my clit, while she used the fingers of her other hand to strum the inside of my pussy like a fucking guitar. The angles were impossible if I thought too much about them, but I was so far gone into this storm of pleasure that I couldn’t have cared about anything beyond what these two beauties were doing to me.

The cherry on top of this already perfect ice cream sundae of carnal delights?

Hearing my two lovers spur each other on as they moaned and gasped in pleasure. It seemed that Tifa’s love for dirty talking had somehow awoken something within my fiancée, as the things she was saying would have made me blush if I wasn’t so into it at that moment.

“Your pussy looks so good split on my wife’s cock, Gehenna. If it feels as good as–Oh fuck!–her tongue then you are probably just as close as I am.”

“Close? I nearly came the second I–f-fuck!–impaled myself on this work of perfection. To–mmmph–think that you’ve been able to do this every day, it is a–Yes. Right. There!–a wonder that you get anything done. You are a–Uhhh!– a lucky woman!”

Every gasp of pleasure was met with the delicious sounds of pale ass cheeks smacking against my thighs. All at once I felt a bloom of heat and an intense pressure build in my abdomen. My legs began to tremble and I felt my tight walls clench around Gehenna’s fingers. I clutched tightly onto Em’s legs as my third? fourth? tenth? orgasm blasted through my body. The geyser of warmth jetting into her set off the demon empress and I felt her entire body shudder as she started to cum along with me. Emelia wasn’t too far behind, and her cries of pleasure soon joined ours in a chorus of bliss.

Remember what I said about lesbian sex being endless? Turns out that even with a magic demon cock that still holds true. So when Gehenna shifted her body so that she was now facing towards me with my length still buried inside of her, it took only a few seconds before we started ramping up again. We were already riding that wave of orgasmic high, so our next orgasms took mere minutes to reach that peak. Ems legs were shaking slightly as she moved off of my head, and I let out a long moan of pleasure as she quickly bent down to kiss me and lick her juices off my face. What started as an urgent need to extend this warm tingly feeling quickly morphed into a kiss of pure loving passion. As her fingers stroked my cheeks, I felt Gehenna slow her motions on my lap. The lack of movement drew both of our attention, and Em pulled away and we both looked up at the absolutely gorgeous demon woman with the glowing golden eyes.

Even with the bright pink flush in her cheeks and the lust addled expression in her eyes, I could see a range of other emotions playing across her mind. As if sensing what my new lover was thinking, my fiancée shifted her weight upwards and pressed her lips against Gehenna’s. I watched both of them kiss and a grin crept across my face.

“Enjoying watching us makeout, Allie?”

I shook my head and laughed softly through my nose.

“No. I mean… yes. But that’s not what made me smile. I like seeing the two women I’m in love with enjoy each other.”

Gehenna’s cheeks suddenly went from flushed pink to a super bright red. I felt her walls clench around my length and she let out a small gasp of pleasure. I sat up as best I could and reached up with my hand to gently caress Gehenna’s face. I turned her head back towards me and led her lips to mine, and we kissed so deeply and passionately it felt like time had stopped around us. When we broke apart, we were both panting slightly, staring into each other’s eyes.

“You love me?”

“Of course I do. Do you love me?”

She nodded slowly and smiled. I narrowed my eyes slightly and shook my head.

“Say the words.”

“I… I love you, Allie. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you in the arena. I have loved you since the first time you asked my name. You could have asked for anything, Allie… but you wanted to know more about me. You are the most undemonlike demon I have ever met, Allie.”

I laughed slightly as I realized something.

“You just said my name three times. You really enjoy calling me that, don’t you?”

She blushed again and nodded shyly. We both shivered slightly as a hand ran up our backs and light butterfly kisses peppered both of our cheeks. We pulled away and turned towards Emelia, who had moved close to both of us. She was grinning from ear to ear, and just laying eyes on her was enough to make me fall for her completely. I did love Gehenna, but it was different from the love I felt for Emily. She was a part of my body and soul, and there was a connection between us that nothing could compare to.

“Gehenna, can you open a portal back to the castle?”

We both looked at her with confusion and she laughed softly.

“Don’t worry, I’m not upset. I really, really enjoyed this. I especially loved it when you ate me out while Allie fucked you from behind, Gehenna. But you two need some time alone. And I’m OK with that! Just… be gentle with her.”

“I will endeavor to-”

Gehenna started to speak but Em abruptly cut her off.

“I was talking to Allison.”

She narrowed her eyes at me and I couldn’t help but chuckle awkwardly.

“Got it, babe. I’ll make sure I take extra care of my tsundere lover.”

“Good. You better.”

Gehenna opened a portal and Emelia waved her hand to clothe her body, before turning to walk through the swirling black liquid. As the portal snapped closed, Gehenna turned back towards me with a curious expression.


“Yes, it’s a character type in anime. It refers to someone, generally a girl, who is cold and tough towards everyone, including their lover, but in actuality they are sweet, gentle, and caring. You are the epitome of that, my dearest Gehenna. Your Dark Empress Infernos versus Blonde Demoness Gehenna thing you have going is exactly like that.”

“I’m unsure how I feel about being called sweet or gentle. Those terms are rather unfitting for a demon empress.”

“Gehenna, the woman I’m in love with, isn’t the empress. The other lady, Infernos. The one who called me a ‘whelp of a demon’ and ‘successor.’ She’s the empress... For now.”

A sudden worried expression played across Gehenna’s face and we both gasped as she rocked her hips back and slid me out of her. She sat back on my legs and let out a sigh through her nose. As she started to look away from me, I reached up and gently turned her face back towards me. I stared into her eyes and gave her a concerned look.

“Hey! What’s wrong? You’re not second-guessing this whole love thing, right?”

She shook her head adamantly.

“No. It's not that. I do love you and will always love you. It's just… I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, Allie.”

“Why would someth-”

“Ever since you started changing Angelspawn into demons, forces have started moving drastically against you. I don’t even mean just the angel forces. Something powerful is opposing you. More and more quests appear every day to hunt you and your clan members down. At first I thought it was these game developers who created this world trying to stop you. But the more it happens, the less I’m inclined to believe that. Right now I can use my power as Empress to protect you… but once you take over? Allie… I don’t get scared easily… but I’m scared of what this could mean. For countless years I thought I was the most powerful being alive, with one or two exceptions. But now? Whatever has it out for you… it’s beyond anything I can imagine.”

We sat in silence for a few moments before I wrapped my arms around Gehenna and pulled her down into me as I lay back against the bed. She rested her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair. We remained like this for awhile until she looked up at me.

“Once you become Empress… can I join your clan?”

“Wait… Wha- Of course you can! You actually want to join?”

She nodded and gave me a sweet smile.

“Yes. I think I’d like that. I won’t be nearly as powerful as I am now, but I think I will be a valuable team member.”

“OK… several things. First… we both just told each other ‘I love you,’ so that is reason enough. Second…. You would contribute much more to my clan than just your power. Third… What’s going to happen to your power?”

“Given that I trust you more than anyone I have ever trusted in my life, Allie… I’m going to show you a secret I have never shown anyone. Ever.”

She opened her skill menu and selected something before holding it up so I could read it.

[Souls of the Damned] - World Tier Passive Ability - You gain a 1% stacking stat boost to every stat for every living demonkin in every realm.

[Empress of the Damned] - World Tier Passive Ability - the stat bonus from [Souls of the Damned] is increased to 5% instead of the normal 1%.

“Holy… Shit. That’s… EVERY FUCKING DEMON?!”

My brain was reeling from seeing just how powerful the woman laying on top of my chest really was. And seeing the power that being Empress granted her… made my mind spin.

“But… If you’re so fucking powerful, why pick me? Your stats must be… That’s why you said levels aren’t an accurate representation of power. It doesn’t matter if you’re up against a level…  4000… your stats are so ridiculously high that you would still be able to fight them without even a second thought. Which… again… Makes me wonder why the fuck you picked me to replace you? Especially if it means losing access to that second passive ability.”

Gehenna blinked her beautiful golden eyes up at me and kissed the spot below my collarbone. She sighed softly and simply gave me an expectant glance. I considered the reasons why she could have possibly chosen to step down and let me assume her mantle, but nothing seemed to make any sense. Except…

“Gehenna, how old are you?”

Instead of getting offended like most women typically would at being asked that question, she simply gave me a curious expression.

“I’m not sure how different time works here than it does in your world, but I would estimate it would be close to nine or ten thousand of your years.”

Wait… What? Full stop. Brain needs a reboot after that. Nine or ten thousand?!?! How is that… But that’s… I don’t…

“HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! How can you possibly be that old? Not that you look that old… far from it! You look… But you’re… How?!”

“I’m not sure what the problem is, Allie. How old are you?”

“I’m only fucking 28 years old! And you’re 10,000!! Is that considered old for a demon? Wait… I don’t mean you’re old old. I just mean like… what does old look like for demons. Do demons even age? How do you look like you’re in your twenties or thirties? Is that insulting to–mmmmm…”

My sudden rant was cut off when Gehenna pressed her lips to mine and wrapped her hands around my face. I moaned loudly as I felt her upper fangs bite softly into my lower lip. All swirling thoughts of whatever we had been talking about before fled my mind as we devoured each other’s mouths and tongues. Gehenna pulled away only a fraction of an inch to be able to speak and spoke in a soft urgent tone.

“Make love to me.”

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