How I became the Empress of Hell

3.43: Changes

Amazon has taken down the stolen story, but I've still taken steps to ensure that any plagiarism never happens again, including copyrighting both of my stories. Also... New cover art!

After my wife had thoroughly melted my brain with two hours of orgasmic bliss, we decided we'd play for a bit before it got too late. I was actually a little eager to finish chatting with Gehenna, and even more excited by the prospect of finally being able to put my plans for my power upgrades and Em's new form into action. Once we had both logged on, I sent a message to Areandra and Gehenna that we needed to see them ASAP, while I used my minion menu to summon Judas and Hana to my side.

“Good evening, Allexus and Emelia. I'm glad I was able to catch you before I logged out. I gathered all of the necessary things required for the things you messaged me about, and I think I came up with a suitable enchantment for both your power-up and Emelia's new form.”

“My new form? What is she talking about, Allie?”

Hana pursed her lips and gave me an apologetic look. 

“I apologize, Allexus. I was unaware that you hadn't informed Emelia about your plan.”

I let out a slow sigh and shook my head.

“It's OK, Hana. I was just about to tell her anyway.”

I turned to my future wife and gave her a huge smile.

“Let's wait for-

Before I could get the words out of my mouth, Gehenna and Areandra walked through the door. They were eagerly chatting about the other game that Areandra enjoyed playing and I laughed softly as I thought about the idea of Gehenna playing a shooter game. I waved my hand and shook my head as Em looked at me with curiosity, and then turned to face everyone.

“Awesome. Thank you all for coming. Judas, I'm not sure I will actually require your assistance, but it's better to have you here in case we do.”

The gray skinned demon nodded his head and gave me a slight bow. Gehenna gave me a questioning look and I smiled back at her warmly.

“Gehenna, you're here cause I want you to help oversee this whole process and lend your input on possible ways to improve what I have planned. I will talk through what I'm considering as we go through everything. That… And I know you wanted to chat.”

“I do, my love. But now I'm curious what you are planning. Although admittedly not as curious as your first wife appears to be.”

I nodded and turned towards the love of my life.

“Em. When I was figuring out ways to increase my own power, I came to the realization that I never would have made it as far as I have without you by my side. You are my other half in every way, except when it comes to my demonic side. When I corrupted you, it changed you into my subordinate. But… You aren't my subordinate, Em. You are my equal. You are my wife and the wife of the future empress. So you need a form befitting the first wife of the empress.”

Hana stepped forward with the Angelspawn essence infused siphon shard and I handed it to me. I focused on my [Corrupting Touch] and channeled it into the object in my hand. The object began to heat up in my palm, and I closed my eyes and focused more intently. I could sense the powerful energy pulsing within the crystalline shard, and I imagined my corruption ability flowing over it like an ocean sweeping across the shore. Sweat trickled down my brow as I felt the energy resisting my efforts, and I grit my teeth and let out a long slow breath. 

I envisioned a room of swirling darkness, flowing around a flickering candle that simply refused to go out. I imagined the candle being blown out. I pictured it being smothered by the darkness. I tried what felt like hundreds of different ideas, but nothing seemed to work. I was about to give up when an idea occurred to me. 

I changed the vision so that I was now looking at a beautiful woman made of the purest white light. She somehow looked both featureless and alien, but also somehow clearly defined and absolutely beautiful. I looked down at my body and saw that I was made of the same swirling darkness that had filled the room before. 

I beckoned to the woman and she slowly walked towards me. She took a sudden step back as I moved closer to her, but I held my hands up to show her I meant her no harm. Her featureless eyes studied me intently before she took a hesitant step towards me. And then another. And then another. She took one step at a time until she was close enough for me to reach out and touch her.

I reached out towards her slowly until my hand came into contact with her arm. The woman flinched, but didn't pull away. I raised my other arm and then gently grabbed onto her hand with my own. I slid one hand up towards her cheek as I moved my entire body closer to her. She was the same height as me, but I somehow towered over her. I cupped my hand under her chin and lifted it up as I bent my neck down to kiss the gorgeous woman. She trembled in my grasp as our lips met, and I felt her hands run up the sides of my arms until she held my face between her palms. We kissed passionately for a few moments until I felt something within me push its way into the woman. It flowed from my lips touching hers, it flowed from my fingers that were clutching the back of her head. It poured from the skin of my face where her hands were tracing the lines of my cheek. 

The woman pulled her head back and let out a gasp of pleasure as she arched her back. I moved one of my hands to just above the swell of her perfect ass and held her tightly against me as I watched the swirling darkness flow through her body like ink flowing through water. I watched as more and more of her glowing body shifted into the billowing darkness, until just the luminescent orbs of eyes remained. She kissed me again softly and then let out a small moan of pleasure as her eyes rolled back in her head. When they fluttered back open, I saw that they too, had changed into the black darkness of my corruption. The woman smiled at me sweetly before stepping back, turning on her heel, and then walking away.

I opened my eyes and saw that everyone was staring at me intently. I let out a long sigh and looked down at the siphon shard. It was now a mirrored jet black and glowed with a faint inner blood-red aura. I glanced at Hana who nodded at me and took the corrupted crystal from my hand. 

“OK, Emelia. I think this would probably work just fine as a Tier 5 enchantment… But since Allexus no doubt wants you to be as powerful as possible, I'm going to cast the base enchantment as a Tier 5, which will get buffed to a Tier 7 with Areandra's skill. I've… Never done this before, so… Try to hold as still as possible please.”

Em nodded and Hana moved very close to her. She handed the corrupted siphon shard to her and my fiancée accepted it and held it tightly against her chest. Hana wore one of her almost-a-smile expressions on her face and she nodded once to Emelia before she raised her hands with one holding the other and her palms facing towards the smaller woman. Her jaw tensed and she closed her eyes slowly as her hands began to glow with a bright yellow light. Every torch that surrounded us extinguished immediately and all other light besides the pulsing yellow illumination pouring from Hana's palms seemed to dwindle and darken like it was being drawn in by a black hole. The air grew heavy and I felt an intense pressure building like a massive storm. Hana's arms were beginning to tremble, and I saw Areandra step forward to help steady the beautiful Korean woman. 

Suddenly, without warning, I felt an intense stab of pain in my chest. The feeling intensified and I nearly doubled over as the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt tore through me. It was like someone had reached into my chest and was scooping out my heart with a rusty spoon. I felt arms clutching me tightly but I couldn't focus on anything except the searing pain. A raging heat pulsed through my body from the agonizing wound in my chest and it seemed to only be getting worse by the second. The edges of my vision began to darken and I felt myself falling into a black abyss, when suddenly the pain began to diminish. A blast of cold flowed through me, but instead of numbing me, it felt refreshing and rejuvenating. The feeling grew and grew, and I felt myself growing stronger and stronger. As my senses flowed back into me, I became keenly aware of just how aroused I was suddenly feeling.

My vision slowly returned to normal, and I found myself staring into a pair of glowing ice blue eyes that were looking at me with love and devotion. I gazed deeply at my future wife as I forced myself into a seated position. Her hair had changed to her normal short spiky pixie cut, but now it was as white as fresh-fallen snow. Her skin was her normal milky white, except it looked like parts of her face were made of chiseled ice. As I watched, her face seemed to shift and the parts that appeared as ice only seconds ago now appeared like normal flesh. I looked down at her mostly nude body and saw that she looked almost exactly like she normally did outside the game, except at the halfway point down each of her arms and legs, her body seemed to change from normal flesh and blood to partially translucent ice. She wore no other clothing besides a pale white wrap around her massive breasts and a skimpy pair of thong style underwear.

As her hand reached out to touch my face, I watched it shift from sculpted ice to normal skin as her fingers came into contact with my cheek.

“Are you alright, babe? You gave us all a bit of a scare.”

Emelia's touch felt like the most wonderful thing I had ever experienced. My skin tingled from the contact and I felt a surge of power building within me.

“I feel… Amazing! I don't know what the fuck that pain was… But it's gone now. Now I just feel like I could take on every demon lord in existence and win with one hand tied behind my back.”

Em knitted her brows as I slowly rose to my feet. As she pulled her hand away from my face, that feeling of power slightly dwindled. I let out a sigh of realization as I figured out what was happening.

“Before we get into the specifics of what your new form can do, Em… I'm curious what it is actually called.”

“Empress Consort of Eternal Winter.”

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