How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 107: Preparations Part 1; Schism

“Ayanami, wh-wh-what’re you doing here?!” The perplexed and startled Jin stutters, his jaw has just dropped.

Mere few days since the Storm Village’s official inauguration, Jin is currently sitting behind a desk in a makeshift office due to the fact that the Onikage’s Office building is still under construction; he was in the middle of doing some paperwork when he is visited by a surprise visitor, his good friend and Hero of the Hidden Leaf Village, Ayanami Hyuga.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you guys and decided to drop by.” The kunoichi says with a nervous smile; she grips her upper arm.

“It hasn’t even been a month since we left the Leaf. What the fuck are you talking about?”

The suspicious Onikage looks behind his friend and sees that she didn’t come alone; she brought over a dozen people with her who all have black hair and blank white eyes just like Ayanami; they all nervously avoid making eye contact with the storm ninja.

“And what’s with all the other Hyuga’s? What is this? What am I looking at? Please explain to me what’s going on.” Jin inquires, leaning back in his chair.

Ayanami responds in a nervous laugh. “Heh heh heh… Funny story…”


“Do you have any idea what you’ve done to the clan?!” Hiashi’s voice thundered, his eyes seethe with rage.

Composed, Ayanami glares back defiantly. “I’m saving our clan, Lord Hiashi.”

Several days ago, one morning, within the main house's estate, the tension has become quite palpable due to the fact that the Hyuga clan head has chastised the kunoichi for her recent actions; angry does not even begin to cover what he is, but she calmly stands her ground.

Hiashi growls, “You’ve been removing the branch family’s curse marks. Those are meant to keep our clan’s kekkei genkai!”

“They’re not a ‘branch family,’ they’re our brothers, our sisters, and you put them in chains. Tell me… How many Hyuga do you have to enslave to keep the Hyuga clan safe?”

The veins in Hiashi’s forehead bulge. “Your naivete has put us all at–”

“If Hizashi were here, he’d agree with me and say what our clan has been doing to itself for generations is wrong.” Ayanami interrupts. “Even Neji nearly killed Hinata because of the curse mark.”

Upon the mentioning of his immediate family the clan head goes into a blind rage, activating his Byakugan; he lunges at the Ayanami with the intent to jab her, but ever elusive kunoichi outmaneuvers him; with a swipe of her left hand, she diverts his attack and quickly follows up by landing a palm strike from her right hand, sending the clan head several feet across the room.

“So that’s your answer…” Shaking her head, the disappointed Ayanami looks down on him. “Don’t bother trying to rebrand them as I’ve already taught them the hand signs needed to both undo the curse mark and to perform it themselves.”

“You’re supposed to be a hero and yet you’ve doomed our clan.” The helpless Hiashi looks up at her with disdain.

“I’ve outgrown you. Consider this my resignation as both a member of the Hyuga clan and a Leaf Shinobi. Farewell, Lord Hiashi.”

Now liberated, Ayanami takes a deep breath and walks off, leaving her former clan leader to wallow in the failings of their barbaric customs and policies.


“…and as I was making my way here, they caught up with me, asking to join me.” Ayanami finishes her tale.

In some Boruto filler, it’s implied that it took Neji dying for Hiashi to change his ways, but I guess that didn’t happen in this timeline… Gob smacked from hearing all of this, Jin asks, “Did that all really happen?”

“Yes, yes, it did,” Ayanami says; her nervous expression disappears and is replaced by a more serious one. “Which is why we have come here… We wish to defect to your village.”

Upon hearing his friend’s request, his eyes grow wide like saucers and jaw drops again; he quickly recomposes himself and thinks on the matter. If he takes them in there is a chance that this will bring him into conflict with the Leaf Village, but at the same time, he can’t just ignore their plight. As he continues to weigh his options, another question comes to his mind: what kind of leader do I want to be? Images from his previous life flash before his eyes; he sees Nightwing, Optimus Prime, and Commander Shepard (Paragon Playthrough) --all great leaders who valued their friends and allies.

The Storm Ninja takes a deep breath and looks the group in their collective eyes. “I have no issue granting you all asylum, granting you citizenship, even… But are you sure you want this? There’s a decent chance that we’ll have to fight your former village and comrades.”

“Yes.” A member of the group says in a low tone.

Jin and Ayanami turn and see one of kunoichi’s group has stepped forward, a young Hyuga boy who appears to be slightly younger than they are; his watery eyes scream with anger and confusion.

“Yes, we’re sure,” The boy continues. “The Leaf Village was aware of what was going on and yet, for generations, they did nothing to stop it. As far as I’m concerned both the Leaf, and the main household are equally guilty.”

“I see. And do the rest of you feel the same way?” The curious Onikage asks the rest of the group.

An older Hyuga woman speaks up. “Yes, yes, we share this sentiment.”

Several of their companions nod in agreement; Jin can just feel the pain and anger flow off of them in waves.

“Then I hereby induct you all as citizens of the Hidden Storm Village.”

“Can we get that in writing?” Ayanami asks, lifting a finger.

Shrugging, Jin replies with, “Sure. Do you want an official document or a written note right now?”

“A simple note will do for now; the document can come la–”


The door swings open, and Mileena enters the room saying, “Father, I just finished speaking with the tailors. They said to expect the 1st batch of headbands by next--Big Sis!”

The elated symbiote races over to Ayanami and greets the kunoichi with a warm embrace; she swings Ayanami around, unable to contain her excitement; some members of the newly appointed Storm Ninja’s group are taken aback by the sudden and unexpected display of affection; amused, Jin keeps quiet, covering his mouth to fight back his own laughter.

“Oh, hello, Mileena. It’s good to see you again.” The young Hyuga greets her friend with a bright smile.

“Good to see ya, too!” The nuzzling Mileena squeals. “So, what brings you here?”

Jin answers, “Ayanami and some of her relatives just became members of our village.”

“No foolin’? We should throw a welcoming party!” Mileena says finally setting her friend down.

“Hey, where’s Jaeger?” A curious Ayanami asks.


Miles away Jaeger is on a ship, journeying to the Land of Snow and although there have been no setbacks so far, he is having a horribly bad time; he leans lethargically over the starboard bow with hands holding on tight to the taffrail; his stomach churns each time he feels the boat rock against the oncoming waves.

“Is the medicine Rito gave you working?” Someone asks.

The taijutsu specialist lifts up his head and turns to see the diplomat he is to bodyguard on his left; concern is written all over his face.

“Well… I haven’t thrown up yet…” Jaeger groans, his face slowly turns green; sluggishly leans back over the edge. “Unngh… Diese Bootsfahrt kann nicht… schnell genug sein…”


Four days after inducting Ayanami and her faction of Hyuga clan members into the Storm Village, Jin finds himself outside, under the mildly warm Autumn sun; he takes a breath and focuses his chakra, taking in the surrounding nature energy to make senjutsu chakra.

The crouching shinobi places his hands on the ground, injecting his chakra into the earth. “Sage Art: Inorganic Reanimation.”

The ground springs to life and rapidly agitates itself; the rumbling terra-firma uproots dozens of trees by spitting them up out of what was once a forest floor; any large rocks and boulders present are sucked into the swirling earth to be immediately ground and crushed, making more dirt. Sensing his job is done, the Onikage releases the jutsu.

“Alright, everyone! Time to get to work.” Jin calls to the group as he stands up, dusting himself off.

Dozens of workers each hold aloft their numerous pickaxes, shovels, and wheelbarrows; they converge on the patch of land, putting in back-breaking hard labor; they begin the arduous task of digging up the ground, excavating it with purpose.

“It’s amazing, Father! You flattened the ground in one go!” Mileena cheers, clapping vigorously. “Without you, it would’ve taken them months just to clear out the place.”

God, I miss Halloween and Thanksgiving--Oh, and Christmas, too… The stretching village leader asks, “So what exactly is this plot of land supposed to be?”

“A hospital, I’m told. One that will be run by Amaru.” Akari quickly replies while flipping through some files.

The game original character has brought in upon herself to become Jin’s Administrative Assistant like Mabui is for Ay, the Fourth Raikage.

“Say no more… If that’s all, I need to get back to my studies.”

Without saying a word, the symbiote picks up a stack of books and hands them over to Jin; each book focuses on one of several topics: The Land of Ogres’ history, geography, foreign & domestic politics, and its economy; knowledge, forethought, and cunning have always been the Onikage’s greatest weapons.

Let’s see… I already finished reading the book on this country’s shared ancient history with the Land of Swamps and Moryo… The scholarly Jin thinks as he opens up a new volume while he leisurely treks back to his office with his assistant following close behind; he uses chakra arms to carry the other books. …I guess I’ll move on to more modern history…

However, The Onikage is unable to get to even the halfway point of the very first chapter when a familiar voice speaks up, interrupting his education.

“Ji--urgh… ‘Lord Jin’?” A voice says bitterly.

Curious, Jin looks up to see Shikamaru Nara, Hiashi Hyuga, and a young man about Jin and Shikamaru’s age; he can tell with a quick glance that all three leaf ninjas are here on business due to the fact that they’re all dressed in their jonin attire; they each survey their surroundings with stern, distant looks.

“Well, if it isn’t the current Hyuga clan head, future Nara clan head, and…? I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“W-Wh… Wha--? It’s Takeda, your former squad mate from Team 1! TA-KE-DA!!” The Leaf Ninja’s expression is one of overwhelming perplexity mixed with an intense, seething anger.

Huh. Well, if all that was true, you'd think I’ve heard of you.” Jin shrugs innocently.

“I literally ambushed you that one time in the forest, with Ino.” Takeda quietly explains.

Author’s Note: Takeda’s referring to Chapter 16.

Unable to recall this very specific event, the Onikage winces, cocking his unconvinced and guilt-free head to one side.

“I’m your rival. We’ve fought like… 20 times.” The Leaf Shinobi further elaborates, desperately.

“So, you say… IF all that’s really true, then you didn’t leave enough of an impression for me to even bother remembering you.”

Jin’s words hit Takeda like a shot in the arm; the devastated leaf shinobi almost instantly turns pale white and drops to his knees in defeat; a purple aura of despair is emitted from his entire body.

Rolling his eyes, the uncaring Onikage turns his attention back to the other leaf shinobi. “So, what brings you fine gentlemen here?”

“Is Ayanami here? Don’t lie to me.” Hiashi demands.


Meanwhile, in a forested area, the former Leaf Kunoichi, Ayanami Hyuga is sparring with Jin and Rito’s young apprentice.

“Hi-aayh!” Itsu roars.

The girl unleashes a flurry of attacks, but to Ayanami they all move at a snail’s pace; the kunoichi casually weaves her way through each and every strike with minimal movement. Seeing the rage on the young girl’s face and the wildness of her punches, Ayanami quickly grabs Itsu by her hands and brings her in close.

“If you’re going to draw power from your emotions, you’ve got to control them,” Ayanami sternly chastises with constructive criticism. “Don’t let them control you.”

“How do I do that?” Itsu asks, struggling to break free.

“I’ll tell you what… I’m going to teach you how to meditate along with some breathing exercises.”


“Oh, she’s busy.” Jin responds curtly. “Why do you ask?”

Shikamaru holds out a folded piece of paper and says, “We’re here because of this… It’s a message from the 6th Hokage. I’d like the letter read and replied to, right away.”

Akari quietly steps forward and accepts the letter; she then hands it to Jin who promptly opens it up, reading its contents: to no one’s surprise, the message requests that the Onikage returns to the Leaf all the defected Hyuga clan members which he currently harbors.

With a deadpan expression, Jin’s gaze returns to the messengers; he responds with a simple, “No.

Not expecting that answer, Shikamaru and Hiashi are both taken aback; their eyes have widened, and their jaws dropped. Even Takeda returns to reality with an appalled look after hearing the Onikage’s reply; all three are as still as statues, silent like a graveyard.

Hiashi begins to grimace; his Byakugan activates, and he grabs the Storm Ninja by the shoulders. “You impudent…! Your and Ayanami’s actions are threatening–”

“YOU subjected your own flesh and blood to slavery. You have NO RIGHT to judge me!” Jin’s jovial grin turns into a menacing scowl; he grabs the clan head by his collar, hoisting him into the air. “Ayanami’s heart was completely in the right place, freeing the branch family from your tyrannical reign.”

“Father, are these people bothering you?” Mileena says, appearing at his side; the symbiote bares her fangs, ready for a fight.

Feeling a cold indifference, Jin tosses the clan head to the side. “No, we’re done here. Mileena, be a dear and kindly escort these gentlemen out of my village.”

“I’d be delighted to.” The symbiote bows politely.

Tendrils shoot out of Mileena’s back and rapidly wrap themselves around the three leaf ninjas, restraining them tightly; the shinobi struggle in vain to break free of Mileena’s gelatinous grasp.

“Oh and be warned… IF you try any funny business, I’ll treat it as an act of war and carpet bomb the Hidden Leaf.”

“Do you realize what you’re saying? Naruto may be called to get involved,” Shikamaru desperately pleads as the symbiote drags him off. “You’ll be hunted! The Leaf Village for certain… Sasuke Uchiha… and… there will be others! You would wage this war alone?!”

Jin makes eye contact with the strategist, with a firm tone he says, “No. Not alone.”


Meanwhile, miles away, Rito and Mecha-Naruto are at the crash site of the Ancor Vantian, the now defunct Land of Sky’s flying fortress and superweapon; the two diligently survey the area while the young genius’ army mugonhei pick through the remains like ants; some parts are still relatively intact while others are either rusting or have been reclaimed by mother nature.


“Let’s see… circuitry still looks okay, massive frame damage,” A crouched Rito says out loud, getting a full assessment of what he’s dealing with. “Salvaging this won’t come easy, not at all.”

The robotic double asks, “WELL, IS IT SALVAGEABLE OR NOT?”

“It’ll be a tall order, but anything’s possible given enough time…”

“I’M DETECTING A ‘BUT’.” Mecha-Naruto presses.

Rito stands up and dusts himself off. “It’d be MUCH faster if we had a weapons specialist working on this. In the meantime, what we can do is gather up all the working pieces and take them home.”

Righto. Oi, everyone! Strip this place of any and everything useful and destroy the rest.” The young genius orders, yelling at his soulless soldiers.

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