How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 112: The Last Part 3; Find Your Flame

Ayanami finds herself surrounded by an invisible world, a dark and empty world devoid of all light; she, however, is not alone, her cousin, Hanabi, sits quietly at her side. Things may seem grim, but the brave kunoichi takes heart; she sits perfectly still in her chair, patiently drawing in nature energy.

“It’s gonna be okay, Hanabi,” the storm ninja says warmly, comforting her younger cousin. “Hinata, Jin, and Naruto will come for us. You’ll see…”

The trembling leaf kunoichi holds her hand tightly. “B-Big Sister Ayanami, I-I don’t… understand how you can put so much faith in Jin Uzumaki. He betrayed the Hidden Leaf, and you went and followed him…”

“I know he can come off as… reserved and standoffish, but to the few that he calls friend… He considers them family; he would storm both heaven and hell if it meant keeping them safe. And I’m grateful to be one of them.”

The kunoichi smirks when she feels her chakra reach a balance with the influx of nature energy; underneath her bandages, orange marks appear around where her eyes used to be. With her Sage Mode activated, Ayanami regains her sensory abilities; she detects a familiar chakra signature nearby.


“Hanabi!” Hinata comes barging into the room; her voice is full of worry.

Hanabi happily let's go of her cousin. “Elder sister!”

Ayanami listens as the two sisters run towards each other and embrace one another; she smirks due to there being some inkling of happiness that managed to be found in their less-than-ideal situation. The kunoichi feels a strong sense of hope bubble up now that Hinata is here; if she is here then that means Jin and Naruto are not far behind.

“It’s been a while, Hinata. Good to see you again.” The storm kunoichi turns to greet her cousin with a warm smile.

“Ayanami!” Hinata exclaims.

The Byakugan Princess runs up to Ayanami, giving her a big hug; as they let go, the toad sage feels her cousin’s chakra instantaneously light up; Hinata must have activated her dojutsu, most likely, to see under her bandages; Ayanami can hear her gasp with horror.

“Your eyes, he took them!” The leaf kunoichi’s voice is now ripe with worry, disgust, and outrage. “How cruel…”

Reminded of her disposition, a now somber Ayanami meekly caresses her face. “Don’t worry about it… It’s better to focus on what I can still do now, like planning our escape.”

“Then…. what have you planned so far?” Hinata asks; there is a fire in her voice.

“Right now, my plan relies heavily on neutral Jing.”


“Did you see how Jaeger blew up the giant rock, it was the coolest!!” A child says with sparkling eyes, grinning from ear-to-ear. “When l grow up, I want to be a ninja just like him!”

Meanwhile, back on Earth, a silent Itsu sits among a large crowd in a vast underground bunker; this place was created just in case the dome failed. The young, the old, and all the Genin were the first to be evacuated to the shelter with more on the way.

“I was told that cool-dome-thing was made by people called… ingin… ears…?” Another, smaller child says with bated breath. “I wanna make stuff like THAT someday!”

A Genin speaks up. “How is a big shield more awesome than flying and punching a meteor into pebbles?!”

Itsu quietly sits back and listens as everyone excitedly talks about what transpired hours earlier; the young girl smiles warmly, feeling a sense of pride for the labors her new family has done to build this new village.

“I didn’t see Jin or Rito anywhere when the meteors came, they must’ve run for the hills. What cowards. Heh heh heh…”

…Hmm? Upon hearing this outburst, Itsu sits up and purses her lips together.

The girl looks to her right and sees a group of kids slightly older than her huddled together; the one who said that remark is a boy with short, spiky, sandy blond hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows, his eyes are sharp and bright red in color; the boy stands before his friends with a smug grin on his laughing face.

“Ha ha ha ha… Politicians turn into chickens when the going gets tough! My dad said so!” The boy cackles.

“Take it back.”

“Huh?” The boy looks in her direction.

Clenching her fists, Itsu stands up and walks toward the group; a number of eyes turn to watch the encounter unfold. A bead of sweat runs down her brow, but she stands her ground and defiantly looks him in the eye.

“I said: take it back.” The girl’s eyes narrow as she repeats herself. “Lord Jin and Big Brother Rito didn’t run away. They went to go rescue Big Sis Ayanami and stop whoever’s throwing the meteors.”

The smug boy raises a brow. “Like I’m gonna take the word of little–”

“Jin and Rito are not chickens. They saved me from monsters and gave me a new home. They saved a lot of other kids from bad people. Take. It. Back.”

“Pfft… It’s sad that they need a little girl to stand up for them.” The boy sneers, trying to get a rise out of her.

Itsu, however, keeps her cool and plants herself like a tree. “Big Brother Jin says that mean people are mean because they are trying to make up for not feeling as good as everyone else.”

The boy is left speechless by the girl’s words; with a deadpan expression, she watches the cracks take form on the boy’s facade, his eyes nervously darting every which way; all his friends and the observers quietly turn away hiding their chuckling faces.

“Y-Yeah, well… whatever.” The boy throws his hands into the air before storming away.

“Now that was pretty impressive.” A voice says from behind.

Curious, Itsu whips around to find a full-fledged kunoichi standing before her; even though the lighting is dim, she manages to make out the ninja’s green and orange hair tied into a bun on the top of her head.

Hi! My name’s Pakura,” The jonin gets down on one knee to warmly greet the girl, putting herself at eye level. “And I would like to be your friend.”


“Is he through his pity party yet?” Jin inquires, folding his arms, his foot taps furiously against the stone floor.

A nonchalant Rito gestures towards the subject in question. “Look and see.”

The Onikage peers into the dim room only to see Naruto quietly moping on his side, in a fetal position. It has been three days since their scuffle with Toneri, and the chosen one has been depressed, wallowing in his pit of doubt and sorrow ever since he woke up. Since this timeline is unfolding differently than the main one, the storm ninjas thought this version of Naruto would have rallied on his own by now; it is nothing but a pipe dream at this juncture.

“If I have to watch this any longer…” Rolling his eyes, an impatient Jin walks over to the heartbroken hero. “I’m gonna fucking rage.”

“Jin what’re gonna do?” A cautious Rito whispers.

The Onikage looks back, giving his friend a mischievous grin. “Silence is golden, but a silver tongue is sometimes far more valuable.”

Jin casually sits down a few feet away and takes one more glance at his downtrodden cousin; the chosen one does not even react to him being nearby. The village leader pulls out a pen and sketchbook, proceeding to draw; he sketches a pair of pointed ears.

“Naruto… Ever since the day we met, you were… Loud. Annoying. Idiotic. And most of all, childish. But I never pegged you for being a quitter AND a coward.”

Jin takes another glance; Naruto has curled up, now covering his ears.

“I don’t get why you’re so butthurt over Hinata choosing Toneri,” Jin sneers while drawing a bat symbol on the chest area. “We all know you didn’t REALLY love Hinata. You only liked her for her loo–”

“Shut up.” The hero interrupts, finally breaking his silence.

Drawing a sleek and all-black figure save for the bat symbol and eyes, the smug Onikage shrugs. “Hey, man, I don’t blame you for it. Me and a ton of other guys would just LOVE to cop a feel of those ‘mountains’.”

“I said SHUT THE HELL UP!!” Naruto snarls.

The enraged chosen one springs to his feet and lunges for Jin, grabbing him by his collar and hoisting him threateningly into the air; his eyes have turned red while his pupils become slits. Rito builds up chakra and is about to intervene, but the Onikage calmly holds up his hand, gesturing him to stay out.

“You're angry, I can see that. Good.” Dropping his smile, Jin looks down on his cousin with an ice-cold gaze; his Rinnegan continues to burn red with seething rage. “Sorry to break it to ya, but love fucking hurts; it requires lot of time and effort. Something YOU, of all people, should be damn well acquainted with by now.”

Eyes narrowed, Naruto growls, “Jin are you tryin’ to pick a fight?!”

“It must take some real balls of steel to be vulnerable enough to ask someone out…” As Jin berates the hero, he reaches an epiphany and cringes. …Oh, my fucking God… I see it! I have a parallel with Naruto… SHIT!!!

Both Uzumaki cousins flex their chakras; the cavern they’re in begins to shake violently with rocks falling from the ceiling. The tension skyrockets, becoming thick enough to suffocate a man; Rito readies himself for a fight.

“Hinata left me.” Naruto hangs his head low.

“Naruto, you fucking dumbass. You’re a ninja, learn to see through deception! Hinata OBVIOUSLY doesn’t love Toneri, she went to go find Ayanami and Hanabi.”

“How would you possibly know that?” The chosen one’s grip on the Onikage loosens some and his brow furrows.

Because I saw the movie… Jin gives his cousin an appalled look. “It’s common sense, you moron. Who… on God’s Earth… WOULD EVER FALL FOR SOMEONE WHO FUCKING KIDNAPPED THEIR SISTER?!!!”

Naruto’s eyes revert back to their usual blue, and his face makes an expression that which Jin can only assume is remorse mixed with a hint of embarrassment; he looks on as the hero winces.

The leaf shinobi awkwardly scratches the back of his head. “Hey, Jin… I-I’m sor–”

“Put me down, get off your ass, and let’s go save the world.”

“Well said.” Says a young, but coarse voice.

The cousins and Rito’s attention all shift towards the room entrance; Neji, Shikamaru, and Ino standing there, all three leaf ninjas are prepared to complete the mission.

“Please tell me you found a way to infiltrate Toneri’s hideout WITHOUT causing a warzone.” Jin asks as Naruto sets him down and fixes his collar.

The Nara clansman shakes his head. “No such luck, we’re going to have to storm his castle.”

The Onikage sighs. “Why can’t things ever be easy?”

“Oh, wait,” Rito grabs everyone’s attention. “Before we go play heroes, I need to give Jin something.”

The genius sets down his backpack and reaches inside, digging through it to everyone’s curiosity; finding what he was searching for, he pulls out a metallic object.

“It’s something Bando and I developed on the side; it’s just a prototype, but it should still get the job done, just the same…” Rito explains as he tosses the object in question to Jin. “I was going give it to you on the 25th, but considering the circumstances…”

Jin’s eyes grow wide like saucers as he examines the object, marveling at it. “I-Is… Is this what I think it is…?”

“We based it off of Tobirama’s sword, you see… Why don’t you go ahead and give it some juice.” The engineer proudly boasts.

Jin does as his friend suggests and in that moment he feels like a kid again; his gasps with excitement, biting his knuckles as the blade ignites from the hilt; his eyes sparkle like jewels as he marvels at the sword’s brilliant, dazzling, furious crimson light; for a brief moment, Jin’s sheer joy overtakes his rage and fear, returning his Rinnegan to their normal violet hue.

“Why wait for the 25th to give him that?” Neji asks.

Rito curtly responds with, “Don’t worry about it.”

The Onikage is stunned with amazement at his new lightsaber and excitedly takes a few practice wings; as he watches the blade cut seamlessly through the air, it leaves a trail of red behind. Though brimming with joy, the storm ninja maintains his vigilance, keeping care as to not strike anyone by accident.

Although Jin is extremely elated by the gift, his eyes glow red once more as the situation at hand floods back into his mind. “Heh… Toneri thinks we’re just gonna go quietly into the night. Let’s show him why he’s dead wrong.”


“So annoying!” Rito roars, spewing fire on the surrounding attackers.

Shortly after, the party has begun their assault on Toneri’s flying fortress where they have just made contact with heavy resistance; an army consisting of hundreds of puppets, mounted on large bird puppets which swarm, attacking them from all sides.

Rito has taken flight with his Light Genryu form while the leaf shinobi are all riding him. Brandishing his lightsaber, Jin ecstatically soars through the air, cutting down puppets left-and-right; glowing orange burn marks are left with each cut made.

“You’re doin’ great!” A supportive Jin yells as he severs the wing off an enemy mount with a swing of his saber.

*tssew* *tssew*

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

Overhead, further in the back, a whole platoon of flying puppets rain fire on the party; each time they shoot, it sounds like the chirping of a metallic bird. As the Onikage barrel rolls his way through the onslaught while the bright blade swings to deflect what would have been perfect shots; he growls when he feels the burning pain of one of the blasts manages to slip through his defenses, grazing him on his right cheek.

*tssew* *tssew* *tssew*

A pressured Shikamaru shouts, “Need some help here!

““On it”” Jin and Naruto respond in unison.

As Naruto chucks a Rasenshuriken, Jin’s Rinne Sharingan opens up and fires an Inferno Style: Heat Vision; the condensed, jet-black beam hits the hero’s jutsu, turning it into the Scorch Style: Nimbus Tempest which ruses forward. Upon reaching the flock of enemies, the cousins’ collaboration detonates, consuming the multitudes of puppets in a ruthless hurricane of intense black flames; when the explosion dies down, not even ashes remain.

The strategist weaves the Rat sign. “Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.”

The ever-clever Shikamaru takes possession of a straggler with his shadow; he has the puppet perform the seals necessary to make an opening in the artificial sun. A hole opens up and the team rockets towards it, entering the sun.

“Keep going,” The yelling Nara commands. “Storm the citadel!!”

“Almost there.” A determined Jin quietly mutters; eyeing the crescent moon with a small satellite hovering within it, he reaches out with his chakra, searching for his friend. Just hang on, Ayanami…!


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