How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 33

As the sun begins to set, Tsume continues to fly high in the sky while carrying the team. They have just entered the Land of Ogres and are nearing their destination. Ayanami and Yeager were discussing sports, Echo and Mecha-Naruto both sit in silence, and Rito continues to tinker.

…with their superpowers, they unite… TEEN TITANS! Jin sings in his head as he draws a picture of Ulquirrora fighting Hollow Ichigo. …when they catch you there won’t be any doubt, you’ve been beaten by the team (x2)…!

The corners of Jin’s eyes itches as his eyes begin to pulsate with power, so he scratches. That’s weird…?

Tsume continues to fly for about another thirty minutes then Echo stands at points down at a nearby ravine. “We’re here.”

Tsume lands and the group dismount from her back, the group walks to the opening and Ayanami activates her Byakugan, peering through the fog down in the ravine.

“What do you see?” Yeager asks.

“I see… the entrance to the shrine and several terracotta warriors guarding it.” Ayanami crouches down as she surveys the area. “...And there are about thirteen of those--what are they called again?”

“Mugonhei… Soulless soldiers created to protect the five dragons of Mt. Koryu.” Echo repeats.

“Four of these mugonhei look pretty big and tanky.” Ayanami continues to observe. “Inside the shrine itself are even more mugonhei and terracotta soldiers and… three people, two are caged and the other must be their warden… his chakra is strong, but off…”

“Must be one of Moryo and Yomi’s four henchmen.” Echo reasons.

Jin cracks his fingers and has one of his Truth-Seeker orbs morphs into a scythe. “Alright, let’s go save Shion and this feudal lord...”


Jin feels a hand on his shoulder, he turns to see Ayanami with a pondering expression. “What?”

“I think we shouldn’t use our six path abilities until we really need them.”

Jin looks at her, somewhat confused. “Why? I wanna get this war over with and go build a home.”

“Our six path powers use up tons of chakra. We need to preserve our chakra for the fight with Moryo.” Ayanami expression grows more serious and determined.

Huh? If she had been this ballsy back in the mines of Gelel, we would’ve had our own Final Valley fight... Jin stares back at his friend and shrugs. “All right! I’ll agree to that.”

“Transformation.” In a puff of smoke, Jin’s appearance changes back to that of his start-of-Shippuden look, except for one thing.

“Why didn’t you change your Rinnegan to look more like your old eyes?” Rito questions, tilting his head to one side.

“I want everyone to see how much stronger I’ve gotten.” Jin puffs out his chest and tilts his head up. “If there’s nothing left, let’s get this over and done with.”

The group proceed to jump into the ravine, running down its walls. Halfway down, they all jump at the contingent of Moryo’s forces.

“Celestial Prison Flame Sword!” Jin brings up a large flame in his right hand that quickly takes the form of a sword as Jin falls closer to one of the larger mugonhei.

As Jin lands, he cleaves one of the large ones in two. The Rogue watches the dead and burning mugonhei disappear in a puff black smoke.

They disappear just like in the video game…? Cool! A pleasantly surprised Jin thinks as he cuts two more down with his Flame Sword.

Rito has several crystal stalagmites erupt from the ground, impaling all the mugonhei foot soldiers and encases the last three tanky mugonhei completely in a crystal pillar. Rito has the pillar shatter to dust along with the mugonhei inside.

I forgot how scary and dangerous that kekkei genkai was… A mind blown Jin gives Rito a thumbs up.

HEY?!! HOW DO WE STOP THESE THINGS?!” Yeager strikes down two terracotta soldiers, using his Zeus technique. “Every time Ayanami and I break them down, they heal and get right back up!”

Ayanami takes out three more terracotta soldiers with her Twin Lion Fists and five seconds later, they all reassemble and get back to their feet. Echo walks up to the newly repaired terracotta soldiers.

The time traveler creates black receivers of his own as he dodges their attacks. “In the years I spent fighting, running, and hiding from Moryo and his forces, I learned a trick to deal with the ghost army…”

Echo stabs two terracotta soldiers with his black receivers. Almost immediately, they freeze in place and fall to the ground. Aside from Mecha-Naruto, the astonish group looks on at Echo. With his head back in the fight, Jin dashes towards two more terracotta, impaling them with his own black receivers.

Wow, that really does work. Jin watches as the two terracotta he impaled freeze, falling to his feet.

“What about the rest of us? We don’t have Rinnegan!” Rito asks, not assuaged while evading three terracottas’ pincer attacks.

Several receivers fire out of Echo’s arm, embedding themselves in the terracotta trying to get Rito. “The only permanent solution is to kill Moryo. Though, you can seal them away as one would a reanimation…”

Hearing footsteps, the team turn to see more mugonhei and terracotta exit the entrance in order to investigate the commotion. The mob of enemies surround the team in an attempt to try and overwhelm them with sheer numbers.

“This might take a while…” A now lethargic Ayanami sighs.

Echo weaves a few hand signs. “Let’s end this farce, Shadow Clone Jutsu.”




  • Is purposely suppressing himself, holding back to conserve chakra for the fight with Moryo and Kaguya.
  • Uses the Transformation Technique to hide his true appearance.


  • Under the Transformation Technique, Jin takes the appearance of his start of Shippuden era self (Character Sheet 2).
  • Doesn’t hide his Rinnegan because he wants everyone to know he’s gotten stronger, but not how much stronger.
  • Hides his Rinne Sharingan by keeping it closed and covering it with his bangs.

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