How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 40

Back on the beach proper, Tobi has appeared on the battlefield and summoned the Gedo Statue. The statue roars, calling down lightning to strike the Allied Shinobi Forces surrounding it. Many ninja are either incinerated by the lightning or stoned by the flying debris.

After being suddenly blasted from behind by a beam of chakra, the Gedo Statue turns around only to be sucker punched by Mecha-Kurama. Standing over the statue, the robotic fox begins to claw at it, tearing one of its arms off with its fangs.

“Interesting, this creature appears to be as strong as the full Nine-tails…” Tobi watches the carnage from a distance, acquiring both the Benihisago and Kohaku no Johei. “...Hmm?”

A White Zetsu slowly emerges from the ground. “There’s something you’ll want to hear.”

“What is it?”

“It’s Sasuke’s teammate, Jin… he’s joined the Allied Shinobi Forces.”

“Jin? I’ll deal with him later.” Tobi brushes off this information.

“But that’s not all, he’s somehow obtained his own Rinnegan.” White Zetsu interjects. “And he’s become much stronger than he ever was before.”

“However strong Jin has become, it’ll be nothing once I have the Ten-Tails.” Tobi disappears along with the two treasure tools of the Sage of Six Paths.

As Mecha-Kurama is about to plunge his fist through the statue’s chest, it disappears in a puff of smoke as soon as it came.

Reverting back to his Mecha-Naruto form, the mechanical duplicate can hear someone in the distance screaming, “Choza, seal me! Hurry, hurry up and seal me!”


The reanimated Shinno is lying on his stomach with all of his limbs removed. He twitches and spasms with four black receivers sticking out of his back. Jin menacingly towers over the defeated reanimation, holding another black receiver.

“If you’re trying to escape, don’t bother.” Coming down from his victory high, Jin ruthlessly throws the receiver into Shinno, impaling his forehead. This looked much cooler when Madara did it to Tobirama…

“I will learn your secrets, Jin…” Shinno freezes for a moment then lifts his head, wearing a confused look. “Wha--what’s going on, where am I?”

“Hello and goodbye, Dr. Shinno. May we never meet again.” Transforming back into his suppressed state, Jin claps his hands together. “Catastrophic Planetary Devastation.”

The reanimation’s eyes widen with shock then narrow with rage as he slowly rises into the air with rocks and debris clinging to him. “It’s you--you’re the brat who killed me!! You, piece of filth--I’ll get out of this and when I DOOOO…………!!!

More and more rocks and boulders are pulled into the newly formed planetoid along with the reanimated Kakuzu and Hizashi. The planetoid continues to rise as it gains mass until it’s above the clouds, casting a shadow over the field Jin’s standing in.

“Get the fuck over yourself.” Jin mutters as he turns and casually walks back to the main coast area.


Meanwhile, just beyond the Land of Frost’s border, the sun begins to set as the Allied Shinobi Forces engage the White Zetsu Army, reanimated ninja, and a platoon of mungonhei in a vicious battle of attrition, explosions and tremors across the battlefield are near constant due to the intensity of their battle.. Echo and Ayanami have already arrived on the scene and have dispatched the two rampaging dragons.

Ayanami unleashes a barrage of lightning fast jabs into a reanimated Danzo. “Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!”

Danzo is sent flying through several trees and into a boulder, shattering it upon impact. Dust and ash begin to swirl around him as he regenerates.

“Quick--I need a sealing ninja!”

“I’m on it!” Maki, a sand kunoichi dashes for the downed Danzo, wrapping him up tightly in a roll of cloth. “Cloth Paralysis Jutsu.”

The cloth the sand ninja carries shoots out, wrapping itself around the reanimation until there's a cocoon of cloth lying on the bloody ground. Maki walks toward the cocoon and places a red tag with markings on it, the marks spread from the tag to all across the cocoon. However, the cocoon soon fades away and Danzo reappears.

“...Just how many times am I going to have to beat this old man?” Growing frustrated, Ayanami watches another one of the Sharingan on Danzo’s arm close.

The reanimated Danzo holds his hand out, putting his hand on a damaged tree nearby. In a puff of smoke, his summoning appears and opens its mouth and inhales. Ayanami uses her chakra to firmly stick to the ground, but has to quickly grab Maki who is being pulled in by the beast’s immense suction force.

The Baku, huh? Thank you, Jin for sharing your memories. Ayanami weaves a hand sign with her free hand. “Wood Style: Wood Dragon Jutsu.”

A gigantic wooden dragon bursts out of the ground behind the leaf kunoichi, flying toward Danzo’s Baku. It dives headfirst into the beast’s mouth, blasting out of the other end with blood and guts trailing behind. After a very brief moment of wailing in agony, the Baku falls over dead into a pool of its own blood.

“Thank you.” Maki says as Ayanami helps her up.

“Don’t worry about it… we’re comrades after all.”

“Excellent job of using the Baku’s inhalation against itself.” Echo walks over the kunoichi while dragging two reanimations that are being impaled by several black receivers.

The three ninja watch as Danzo pulls out a kunai and uses his breath to infuse wind chakra into it, creating a Vacuum Blade. As the reanimated Hokage candidate continues his attack, Echo uses the Asura Path to fire a massive blast of chakra from his eyes. The blast had enough explosive power to devastate the entire area in front of Echo. The dust clears to reveal that Danzo is unharmed, another Sharingan on his arm closes.

“He has two eyes left--three if he still has Shisui’s eye…” Echo mutters to himself. “Ayanami, let’s end this!”

Ayanami smiles then takes her stance. “You don’t have to tell me twice. Just make sure to keep up.”

“Same to you.”

The battle continues to rage into the night. As the full moon rises, all the remaining reanimations that haven’t been sealed yet suddenly freeze. An invisible force pulls each of them into coffins that appear out of nowhere, the coffins quickly disappear as soon as they came.


…I’ll take one of those… and some of these… I can’t copy kekkei genkai--ooh, that could be useful! Jin leans against a tree with his arms folded, probing his new allies for their jutsu.

Jin stands in the center of the camp with Mecha-Naruto at his side. Rito sits on a branch of the same tree, eating a rice ball without a care in the world. Multiple ninja pass by them, some offer their gratitude while others look at Jin in contempt and continue walking. In the corner of his eye, Jin singles out a samurai in the crowd, the Onikage can just feel the samurai’s gaze pierce through his helmet, burning into him.

After a few moments, the samurai steps forward and stares down Jin face to face. The air becomes tense as Mecha-Naruto puts himself between the two.

Jin decides to break the ice by asking, “You know who I am, don’t you?”

“Who hasn’t heard of the great Jin Uzumaki? A rogue ninja who prevented the fellow rogue ninja, Hiruko from starting the Fourth Great Ninja War, who now aids us in the war, and who attacked the Five Kage Summit.” The samurai speaks with a woman’s voice, calm yet cold and resentful. “I like that part, it has weight…”

The female samurai’s voice grows louder, attracting the attention of everyone in earshot. She opens her arms welcomingly in order to mock Jin, a crowd soon begins to gather and surround them with all their eyes trained on him and the female samurai. The attention starts to make Jin feel uncomfortable.

“Were you at the summit? …Sorry, but I don’t recognize you.”

“No.” The female samurai begins to pace back and forth, clenching her shaking fists. “You and your friend, Sasuke, killed many samurai at the summit… like my father and older brother.”

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