How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 42

Well into the night, the Allied Shinobi Forces prepare for night attacks from the enemy forces. It’s not too long until multiple reports of the enemy infiltrating the Allied Forces’ ranks arise, stirring up confusion, mistrust, and paranoia. All the divisions try to keep in constant contact with HQ, but haven’t discovered a way to counter the White Zetsu army’s sleeper agents.

Meanwhile, Jin and Echo both use the Mind Transmission Jutsu to telepathically link up the minds of their group so they can compare notes and plan the next move. A mist ninja slowly, quietly walks up to Jin from behind who in turn probes his mind.

Can everyone hear me?” Jin punches the mist ninja’s head clean off. His corpse morphs into a White Zetsu.

Loud and clear.” Rito responds.

Yes.” Ayanami chimes in.

Echo curtly replies, “Just get on with it.

Good, our first order of business is to confirm we’re all who we say we are. I’ll start it off…” Jin takes a moment to think of something the group would know. “Ooh, got one: On Earth, there’s a bunch of crazy people who think the Earth is flat even though centuries of evidence that prove their beliefs are wrong.

Oh, so we’re using world history to prove who we are.

“It can be anything that the rest of us should know.”

Alright then, I’m next… .No one will ever take them down, The power lies on their side~!


Okay, You’re the real Rito. Ayanami, you’re up.

Hmm… Kurama was a fox demon and a master thief. He was injured to the point where he had to possess and merge with the unborn fetus of a pregnant woman to survive.

Yu Yu Hakusho? Yep, you’re definitely Ayanami.” Jin nods.

I guess it's my turn then…” Echo strokes his chin as he thinks of something to say. “...GT is better than Super.

That’s a load of bullshit and you know it!” Rito blurts out in outrage. “GT isn’t even canon.

Us liking GT has nothing to do with its canonicity, we just like it more.” Jin points out.

Rito argues with, “What’s so great about GT?!

The Super Saiyan 4 form, the Baby Saga, the Shadow dra--we are WAY off topic here… Okay, we’re all the real versions of us. What’s our first discussion?

Ahem.” Ayanami telepathically speaks up, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Earlier today, I sensed your six paths chakra. What happened? I thought we agreed to preserve our chakra for the final battle.

Kabuto happened, he revived Shinno from the Bonds movie and powered him up. I almost died three times. What about you? I sensed your wood chakra.

Kabuto. He revived Danzo, and we had to beat him ten times before we could seal him.” Ayanami awkwardly looks away.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot…” Rito interrupts. “I watched Jin’s fight with Shinno from a distance, he somehow awakened his own bloody susanoo!

A susanoo, you say? What about black flames, did you get that?” Echo intently stares at Jin.

Jin shakes his head. “No, why?

I haven’t been completely honest with you. I didn’t graft Madara’s flesh onto you, Jin… I grafted Sasuke’s.

Their telepathic chat room goes silent. After a brief moment, a facepalming Jin exclaims, “Why am I not surprised? Damn it, Echo. As soon as Rito invents the gun, I’m going to shoot you!

Nah, you won’t. Someone who knows the future is extremely useful.” Echo casually disregards Jin’s threat.

Jin’s eyes wince in annoyance. “Shut up. …Anyway, I think we should converge on Naruto’s location and help him with Nagato.

Rito asks, “Won’t our new friends question where we are?

Not if we send a few clones to each of the battlefields.” Ayanami responds.

And once we’ve dealt with Nagato, I’ll help Itachi with Kabuto. This version of Kabuto is even more of a threat than he ever was in the anime and manga.” Jin continues. “You guys will fight Tobi with Naruto and Bee and I’ll join you as soon as Kabuto is removed from the equation.

Sounds like a plan to me!

Alright then.

Very well...

Jin gives a nod. “Then consider this meeting adjourned. Stay whelmed.

Ayanami cocks her head to one side. “Whelmed?

Jin’s referencing a show he watched, I’ll explain it to you later…


As the sun rises Jin, Rito, and Mecha-Naruto hop through the trees to get to Naruto’s location. They gather their wits as they traverse the forest canopy.

Rito breaks the silence by asking, “So are you and Ino friends now?”

“There’s still a lot of baggage we’d have to work through, but… maybe. One day.” Jin remembers what Zetsu does to Madara. really should start working on that contingency…

A little while later, as they get closer to their destination, Rito notices Jin’s mouth making bizarre movements.

“Oi, Jin? What’re you doing with your mouth?” Rito sees a black substance dangle from Jin’s mouth.

“Making a baby.”

Rito stares blankly at Jin. “What?”

“I’m making a baby. Call it insurance.”

Jin spits the black slime into his hand, it clings tightly onto Jin before slithering into the Onikage’s clothing. Seeing this, Rito’s face turns green as it contorts with revulsion.


“Relax, I think you and her will be the best of friends.” Jin tries to reassure his friend.

“...It’s a she?!”

“Yeah, I naming her Mileena.”

Rito stops on the next branch he lands on. He lurches forward and lets out a stream of chunks.

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