How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 66

The Black Nine-Tails lunges at Jin, diving headfirst with its ferocious mouth open wide; Jin hurriedly jumps back and watches the tailed beast crash into the ground, it lifts its head up and spits out a mouthful of dirt and rock.

The imposter fox shoots daggers at Jin with its icy gaze, it looks at Jin as if he is the sole reason for all of the beast's anguish and hatred, the bane of its existence. The fox’s tails swing back and forth wildly, its ears are erect, and its fur bristles.

The Chimera jutsu, Rinnegan, Shikotsumyaku, and full control of his Nine-Tails… A pondering Jin quietly mutters, “What are you doing…? Hurry. Hurry. Hurry…”

Jin confidently smirks as help has arrived; Mecha-Kurama speedily runs up from behind the Onikage and sprints right past him. The robotic duplicate connects a powerful right hook to the Black Nine-Tails’ muzzle; before it is sent flying, Mecha grabs hold of two of its numerous tails and begins to spin around; the ground itself is being torn up as Menma’s tailed beast tries to dig into the ground and anchor itself. Mecha spins faster and faster with each passing second until finally using the momentum to throw the tailed beast. The Black Nine-Tails is thrown several city blocks away and lands hard on its back.

I should probably give Mecha-Kurama back his autonomy… Jin thinks while he jumps onto the giant robot’s head, he weaves a hand sign. “Release.”

“HUH…? WHA--? M-MASTER? WHAT’S GOING ON?” Mecha groggily asks, coming back to his senses.

“I’ll fill you in later--right now, we’ve got a fight on our hands!”

Menma and his Nine-Tails have already recovered and are running full speed toward them.

“WHAT THE…? ANOTHER COPY? UNACCEPTABLE!!!” Mecha-Kurama roars in outrage and disbelief.

Once close enough, Black Kurama slows down; the tailed beast skids along the ground some before finally coming to a full stop. Jin can sense the evil fox building up chakra in its mouth, the beast opens its toothy jaws and fires a Tailed Beast Bomb. Mecha-Kurama jumps out of the way, barely evading it; Black Kurama proceeds to fire more Tailed Beast Bombs and more. Mecha-Kurama runs faster while narrowly avoiding the incredibly dense spheres of chakra; some fly right over the mechanical fox, nearly grazing it while others hit the ground near Mecha-Kurama as it runs. Whenever they hit something or someone, it detonates into a large explosion and Jin can feel the heat coming from all of them.

Still sprinting, Mecha-Kurama alters his path and is now running right for the evil fox, he gathers chakra in his mouth. Mecha counter attacks by shooting a few Tailed Beast Bombs of his own with incredible velocity. Black Kurama dodges the first one by ducking and evades the others by briskly jumping high into the air; both kaiju continue to shoot at each other with neither side wanting to lose ground, both defend their pride and majesty with tooth and claw.


Meanwhile, Madara is combating the Eight-Tails on the other side of the battlefield, he currently has the tailed beast tangled up in his Wood Dragon Jutsu; it’s slowly draining the Eight-Tails of its chakra. Madara coldly stares the octopus down, certain of his own victory.

“...In order to enjoy the little time left, we really should clear out this battlefield first.”

As Madara unleashes his Susanoo, something completely unexpected happens; a few stray Tailed Beast Bombs fly through they're side of the battlefield. Some zip right past them without ever hitting anyone, while others…

“Whoa!” Naruto shouts as he narrowly dodges one.

One of these stray Tailed Beast Bombs is in fact headed right for Madara, The Ghost of the Uchiha quickly leaps out of the way only for the sphere of chakra to graze the Eight-Tails; it destroys some of the wood dragons tying down the giant octopus, allowing him to break free more easily than it would have been.

A Hyuga with Wood Style, a powerful Crystal Style user, and two Nine-Tails imposters… Madara quietly observes their battle in the distance. “Much certainly has happened subsequent to my death.”


…Won’t be much longer now. Jin holds on to the back of Mecha-Kurama’s head, he watches the barrier containing the Gedo Statue.

Cracks are gradually starting form along the barrier’s flaming, red surface, some are even growing bigger.


It is at this moment Jin feels a sharp, stinging, burning pain coming from his left shoulder. He reaches for the area in pain, it feels warm and wet. He feels something in the wound itself. With two fingers, Jin reaches into the injury and pulls out the foreign object; the object in question is a finger bone coated in Jin’s blue blood.

Did I… just get shot… by Menma?! After the realization, Jin is overcome with rage.

“We will triumph. You won’t survive!” Menma screams his declaration from atop his tailed beast.

Sharp bone spines protrude from the evil Naruto’s body, specifically the upper half. Jin squirms with disgust at the sight of it.

“Hold on, Jin. We’re coming.” Someone shouts from behind.

Jin looks back and Rito with Ayanami, they are on top of the kunoichi’s wooden Godzilla golem. The wooden reptile charges right past Mecha-Kurama and sprints right for Black Kurama; the Nine-Tails imposter follows suit.

“Just give up, you can’t defeat us!”

At full speed the two kaiju ram right into each other using headbutts, their collision creates a powerful shockwave that forces Mecha-Kurama to brace himself. Both Ayanami and Menma use the momentum from their beasts’ motion to propel themselves into the air and right towards each other; both have their hands balled into fists.

Menma throws a bone spine covered punch while screaming, “YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE RIGHT NOW!!

“Look, Menma… Just give up on trying to make us give up!” Ayanami snaps back.

The Hyuga kunoichi nimbly weaves her head out of the way of Menma’s strike and quickly counters with a punch of her own, enhanced by the Twin Lion Fists. Her blow connects, slamming hard into Menma’s face.

The evil Naruto doppelganger is sent hurtling away; Black Kurama backs off and quickly chases after its jinchuriki, it reaches out its furry hand and catches Menma before he can crash into the rocky, battle scarred terrain.

The wood kaiju holds its hand out for Ayanami to land elegantly on it. As the kunoichi breathes a breath of relief, Mecha-Kurama walks up to the wooden Godzilla; Jin sits squarely on the robot fox’s head.

“That was pretty crash of you.” Jin gives a friendly thumbs up.

Ayanami gives Jin a confused look. “Crash?”

“Jin’s using slang from that superhero show from his memories…” Rito informs. “Y’know, the one about the teenage sidekicks.”

“OH, right… I remember now--the speedster's grandson from the future said it.” Ayanami thinks back to her time in Jin’s mindscape.

“Glad to see you’re finally catching on to my sense of humor.”

Their banter ends as a massive explosion goes off in the distance, it is so bright that it illuminates the battlefield for a brief moment; the explosion quickly dissipates, leaving behind a thick cloud of smoke. Jin and Ayanami no longer detect any chakra coming from the statue, they do however, sense a vast influx of nature energy coming in the direction of the smokescreen.

“I-I think… I think we should start using our true strength now.” Ayanami meekly suggests.

“No. Not until Naruto and Sasuke get six path po--HEY! WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?!!”

Jin calls out to Menma who has recovered and is headed right for Naruto and Madara’s location; the large smokescreen in the distance suddenly parts, revealing the Ten-Tails.

“RAAAAAAAWWWWRRR!!” The Ten-Tails opens its one massive eye and releases a blood curdling roar.

“After him! We need to keep Naruto safe!” Jin orders.

The team ride on their kaiju and swiftly chase after the evil doppelganger.

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