How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 68

As Gyuki crashes into the ground near Kurama, the Ten-Tails detonate because of all of Mecha-Kurama’s Tailed Beast Bombs. The explosion is massive and sends out shockwaves so strong that the shinobi and the tailed beasts have to anchor themselves to the ground by focusing chakra into their feet.


Mecha is sent flying away by the blast with Jin clinging on to one of the robotic fox’s ears; Jin is clinging so tight that he wonders if he welded his hands to the ear. Jin groans as singed skin begins to heal, but his hands continue to burn as Mecha-Kurama is still hot to the touch; Mecha is so hot that he looks like he’s glowing. As Mecha-Kurama crash lands near the group, Jin releases his grip and runs around in a panic.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!” Jin yelps before vigorously blows on his burning palms. All this pain… I’m seriously considering going all out now.

“Dammit! It’s time…” Kurama exclaims in frustration through the chakra avatar

Gyuki adds, “Sorry, Bee! This is it for me!”

The Kurama chakra avatar dissipates, leaving Naruto, Kakashi, and Guy to slowly descend to the ground while Gyuki shrinks down and reverts back to Killer Bee; steadily cooling off, Mecha-Kurama shrinks down as well and reverts back to his Mecha-Naruto form. Jin pay much attention as he is distracted by the strange sensation of his hands growing a new layer of skin while the skin that was burned flakes off, scattering in the wind.

While having a healing factor is great, the very sight of my regeneration just looks so damn alien, it’s so fucking gross… A shuddering Jin thinks to himself.

Naruto stands strong and undeterred, he faces down the Ten-Tails and the three fearsome shinobi atop its head; the Hero of the Hidden Leaf weaves his signature hand sign. Ayanami and Jin both step forward and stand side by side with the titular character.

“Don’t, Naruto! It’s meaningless to create shadow clones that will split up your chakra even more…” Kakashi attempts to talk down the young Uzumaki while he holds Guy’s right arm around his shoulder, hoisting him up. “They might be useful as diversions, but not decisive hits. And if you go down, we’ll lose this war.”

“Actually, we won’t lose the war if Naruto dies--I can assure you.” Jin scoffs at Kakashi’s claims. Should Naruto actually die, I’ll just end this war and seal the Ten-Tails inside Sasuke, then we’ll focus our efforts on Moryo…

With his peripheral vision, Jin can see Naruto giving him the stink eye; Naruto is clearly upset over Jin’s dismissal of the prospect of him dying. However, Jin pays Naruto no mind as he has already committed to keeping him safe.

“You all were just a motley crew anyway!” Madara heckles, looking down on them.

With a coy smile, Ayanami asks, “Heh heh heh. If we’re really as weak as you say, why haven’t you beaten us yet?”

“The Eight and Nine-Tails are the only reason you’re still alive.” Obito answers.

“Yes, you do need Naruto and Bee alive to extract their tailed beasts, but what about me, Jin, Rito, Echo, Kakashi, and Guy? WE don’t have tailed beasts, you don’t need us alive.”

“Maybe, we’re stronger than you realize…” Jin interjects with a smug grin. “OR maybe… YOU are the motley crew.”

The Ten-Tails opens its colossal mouth wide and amasses chakra, preparing to fire yet another Tailed Beast Bomb.

In a cold tone, Obito tells the group, “This discussion is getting us nowhere… so just disappear along with the rest of the world!”

The Ten-Tails closes its mouth shut with the dense sphere of chakra still inside. The behemoth opens its large maw and fires a Tailed Beast Bomb in the form of a powerful beam of chakra. However, instead of hitting Naruto and company, the beam is several meters off and hits a mountain range far off in the distance; the beam leaves behind a thick cloud of smoke and scarring on the ground.

Not much longer now… Jin broods.

“W-What the–?! H-He missed?” Kakashi stammers with shock and confusion.

“Kakashi! Guy! Sorry we’re late.” The head of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga speaks as he and several other ninja land near them.

A frustrated Ino lands near them with Hinata at her side. “I can’t believe he shook off my Byakugan-aided, spot-on Mind Transfer in just 2 seconds!”

I’m just gonna tune them out and wait for things to progress… Jin thinks to himself, maintaining a respectful silence.

One after another, more and more ninja arrive on the battlefield. Jin tenses up and freezes when Shino along with several other Aburame clan members arrive; to Jin’s anguish, they just so happened to land just a few feet behind him.


The Aburame clan members present release scores and scores of their insects to the point that they create a giant swarm that darken the sky.

Don’ttouchme! Don’ttouchme! Don’ttouchme! Don’ttouchme! Don’ttouchme… Jin panics internally with sweat now running down his face. “*groan*

“”””””HIDDEN MIST JUTSU!!”””””” A number of Hidden Mist shinobi shout in unison as they arrive, filling the air with a thick mist.

The mist and the insects work in conjunction with each other to block out their enemies’ visual prowess as well as their ability to track the Ninja Alliance. As more and more Alliance shinobi gather, Sakura arrives and proceeds to heal Might Guy.

“First Company has arrived on the scene!” Darui reports as he lands in the mist.

“Second Company has also arrived!” The stone jonin, Kitsuchi reports in.

The leaf ninja lands, reporting, “Third Company has arrived!”

“Fourth Company has arrived!” Shikamaru reports.

Temari lands beside the next head of the Nara clan along with a menagerie of other Alliance ninja.

The Samurai leader, Mifune walks into the mist with an army of samurai, stating, “Fifth Company has arrived!”

“The Medical Unit’s here too.” Shizune reports as she heals a leaf ninja, several other medical ninjas stand near the Medical Unit captain, healing the surrounding ninja.

“Sensory Unit’s arrived as well.” Cee reports.

“You call THAT, ‘hiding’?” Madara sneers with a thunderous voice.

Lifting up one of its many tails, the Ten-Tails whips it around and blows away the smokescreen with a mighty swipe. The mist cloud dissipates and the beetles are all blown away; Jin calms down some. What was hiding in the mist is revealed to be a massive army of ninja from the Five Great Ninja. Jin looks around and sees that there are ninja from other villages that he recognizes from games and anime filler in the large crowd with him, he can’t help but smile with amusement as he is in a Where’s Waldo splash page of Naruto characters from all throughout the franchise.

“Not motley crew now, huh?” Naruto mocks the three adversaries above. “What you're lookin’ at here is… the Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu--the world’s greatest, most invincible, super-duper ninjutsu, ya know! A Jutsu that trumps the Infinite Tsukuyomi, remember that!!”

“The “Allied Shinobi Forces Jutsu’? What a joke.” Menma callously dismisses Naruto’s claims.

“We’re gonna stop the three of you with this jutsu!”

Obito sighs. “You’re wrong. Why won’t yo–”


Everyone turns their attention to the one who interrupted Obito, it was Rito. The young boy stands proudly with his arms crossed, he wears a look of confidence.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I move that we skip this pointless debate and get right to the fighting.” Rito makes sure his words are loud and enough for all to hear.

“I second Rito’s motion. ATTACK!” Jin throws three black receivers.

Madara and Menma each catch one while the final one passes right through Obito. A number of Alliance ninja quickly scatter and surround the Ten-Tails.

Our intel shows that the enemy boasts impressive eyes. So first we’ll impede their movements by destroying their vision.” Shikaku speaks telepathically through Inoichi’s Mind Transmission jutsu.

A multitude of Hidden Cloud Ninja get into formation, standing before the behemoth and weave hand signs.

“””“”“Lightning Style: Flash Pillar!””””””

“””“”“Gale Style: Laser Circus!””””””

All of these techniques going off in unison create a powerful, blinding light; its effectiveness is proven due to the Ten-Tails having to cover up its massive eye. While the Ten-Tails continues to cover its eye, Temari and a number of sand ninja begin weaving hand signs.

“””“””Wind Style: Air Current Dance!””””””

The sand ninja create and control air currents from the palms of their hands. The technique easily whips up loose dust in the area, creating a controllable dust storm with the Aburame insects flying through the currents.

After shutting down all their senses, we’ll immobilize them.” Shikaku continues.

Scores and scores of stone ninja weave hand signs.

“”””””Earth Style: Vast Mobile Core!””””””

The terrain around the Ten-Tails cracks and shifts to alter the elevation, the ground quickly sinks and traps the behemoth within a giant hole in the ground. While the behemoth sinks deeper and deeper into the ground, many ninja from the Leaf, Mist, and Stone Villages swiftly weave signs.

“””“””Lava Style: Quicklime Jutsu!””””””

“””“””Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!””””””

“”””””Fire Style: Majestic Flame Jutsu!””””””

The ninja from the three hidden villages launch their techniques simultaneously. The Ten-Tails is completely drenched in Hidden Stone Ninjas’ quicklime while the water from the Hidden Mist ninjas rapidly stirs up the quicklime; the Hidden Leaf ninjas’ fire jutsu dry the mixture while also burns the Ten-Tails in the process.

Let it set and presto! Immobilized.

The Alliance cease their assault and it is just as Shikaku says, the water and fire transformed the quicklime into makeshift quick drying cement. All of the alliance ninja stare down at the Ten-Tails as they infuse chakra and prepare jutsu; Jin holds a Fire Style: Gelel Rasenshuriken over his head with both hands and Ayanami has a Sage Art: Lightning Beast Running Jutsu at the ready.

If we take down those three casters, the Infinite Tsukuyomi can’t launch… However, it’s best to assume that Ten-Tails’ power can’t be suppressed for long. Only physical attacks work on Madara, so shinobi with taijutsu skills will go after him--Obito can slip through all moves and jutsu, but according to intel--only for 5 minutes… coordinate with the Medical Unit and continuously attack for MORE than 5 minutes. As for the last one… we don’t yet fully know w–

Oh, Ayanami and I will handle Menma, leave him to us.” Jin uses the Mind Transmission Jutsu to telepathically speak to Shikaku and the rest of the Ninja Alliance.

“Alright, you two will deal with him. Naruto, that’s right, it’s time for your…”

Jin, Rito, and Ayanami jump into the hole along with the entire Ninja Alliance army, descending on the Ten-Tails as if they were a unified swarm of wasps; some shinobi are weaving hand signs while others already have their jutsu at the ready. Even though the situation is quite serious, the three reincarnations can’t help but feel an innate sense of excitement and joy.

“ALLIED SHINOBI FORCES JUTSU!!!” Naruto shouts at the top of his lungs.

An excited smile slowly creeps onto Jin’s face as he is with Naruto and Ayanami, at the tip of the spear. All things considered, this is actually kinda fun. I should be terrified for what comes next, but I’m not… It’s WEIRD.

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