How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 7

“OH? So you did survive.” The White Snake Sage exclaims after she frees Jin from her mouth, returning to a comfortable position on her throne. Upon being freed, Jin drops to his knees, becoming drowsy from the experience. “Hmm?”

“...Hurrraayyy……………….” Jin manages to squeak out, before fully collapsing unconscious. Stay awake… stay…...

“Ichikishimahime, Tagorihime! Find somewhere safe to put him, his training will begin the moment he awakens.” The Sage orders her attendants.

“Yes, Lord Snake Sage.”


FINALLY!! After a month, I fucking mastered sage mode! An elated Jin thinks as he walks out of the foggy canyon and into a forest. As he walks through the woods, he stops in his tracks and quickly hides due to him sensing ninja rushing in the direction of the land of wind. Sand ninja, huh? And they seem to be in a panic, I guess I’ll probe one of their minds for information.

Lets see… an army of foreigners have attacked the Land of Wind using odd machi--OH SHIT, IT’S THE STONE OF GELEL PEOPLE!!! Jin thinks excitedly as he probes one of the Sand shinobi’s minds. The rogue ninja proceeds to release his Probe Jutsu and then runs in the direction of the Land of Wind, using the Body Flicker technique. I want those stones, the powerboost they grant is equal to that of the initial jinchuriki form and they can heal wounds.


In the ancient ruins of a temple that houses the ore of gelel, Haido arrives in his warmachine and Naruto, Shikamaru, and Ayanami confront him. Having just arrived himself, Jin watches their conversation unfold with everyone unaware that the young rogue ninja watches them from the darkness.

“Hey, Gramps! People gave their lives for your dream, do you even care?!” Naruto asks, angry with the foreign conqueror who is caught under Shikamaru’s Shadow Possession Jutsu.

“No Naruto, Haido doesn’t care for anyone, but himself.” Jin reponds, standing on the ceiling, looking down at everyone present with his arms folded and a cocky smile covering his face. “Afterall, he is nothing, but a lowly despot.”

“Jin?! We thought you died?!” Gasps a surprised Naruto.

“And what’s up with your eyes? They look different?” Asks an also shocked Ayanami.

“Die? No! Became stronger? Yes.” Jin answers before using his hand to briefly cover his left eye. Jin currently has Sage Mode activated, but chooses to not inform them. “And as for my eyes you don’t need to know.”

Why is Ayanami here instead of Sakura…? Whatever, doesn’t really matter. Jin thinks as he turns his head to face the foreign warlord, pulling out a kunai. “Haido? I’m taking the stones on you and your four generals’ person and you’re going to die. Give me the stone on your right hand now and I’ll make your death quick and painless.”

“It’s time the gelel ore was eliminated from the world, once and for all even if it means our doom!” Kahiko interrupts as he activates a switch and descends further into the temple ruins with Temujin.

“Eliminate the stone?!” Haido growls as he knocks Naruto away. He pursues Kahiko and Temujin with two of his grunt soldiers. “You three, deal with these pests!”

“Funny, I was about to say the same damn thing... Crazy, huh?” Jin says, snapping his fingers. Three shadow clones emerge from hiding and proceed to engage Haido’s three female knights combat, leaving the real Jin to follow Haido with Naruto and Ayanami following close behind.

“I hope you know what you’re getting into…” Says one of Haido’s female knights as she launches a lightning attack at the Jin clone.

If I remember correctly the lightning girl’s name is Ranke... The clone thinks as he quickly grabs and throws a rock at the lightning, absorbing it. The clone then uses the Body Flicker technique to appear right in front of her and plows her into a wall with a Rasengan Barrage. The Gelel stones in their bodies give them unusual powers, I need to kill them before they use them.

“How… did you… evade my lightning…? Ranke struggles to ask, unable to move.

“These ruins are also a mine, meaning there’s plenty of metal ore to go around.” The Jin clone explains. He pulls out a kunai, cutting her down, and begins to dissect her, looking for her stone. So fucking gross…!!


“HA HA HA!! Stupid boy, your meddling will get you killed!” Says one of the remaining female knights, cackling as she chases one of Jin’s shadow clones through a series of tunnels. She transforms and begins to catch up.

Werewolf? Then that must make her Fugai. The Jin clone thinks as he dodges her Howling Blast. He leads her into a room filled with large chimes. The redheaded rogue is seemingly gone by the time Fugai enters.

“Heh heh… no use hiding, I can smell you!” Fugai says, turning to face Fugai.

“Oh, I wasn’t hiding.” Jin tells her before spitting Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets at the chimes, causing them to ring loudly. All the noise leaves Fugai stunned, leaving her open to the Jin clone slashing her with a kunai.

“I don’t understand... How are you... not affected by the chimes…?” Fugai asks as she falls to the ground.

“Hmm?” The clone says as he turns his head and points at his ears, revealing that they’ve been plugged up. Jin’s clone proceeds to finish off Fugai and begins to dissect her, searching for the stone in her body. It’s a shame that none of these girls can be reasoned with… They’re all really hot.


“Face it, you can’t reach me, boy.” Mocks the last female knight who has transformed into a bat-like humanoid and is now flying in the air.

“Trust me, Kamira. *I* don’t have to reach you. SAGE ART: INORGANIC REANIMATION!!” The Jin clone shouts as he slams his hands against the ground. The walls and floor begin to shake and bend; they close in on Kamira and crush her wing arms and legs.

“AAAAIIIIEEE!!!!” Kamira screams in both pain and terror as she falls to the ground, leaving a crater. The Jin clone jumps down to check her status. “You… won… Happy now…?!”

“No, not really…” The clone responds with disgust in his tone. He pulls out a kunai and looks at her. “Who do you think has to dissect your corpse…?”


Now, I just wait for Haido to pluck out Temujin’s stone. I don’t need to kill him and I don’t want to kill him, he’s good and survives the movie. The real Jin thinks as he watches Haido find the key that grants access to the mines. Wow, the scene where Temujin learns the truth is longer than I remember…

After a few minutes of waiting, Haido transforms into a humanoid-like monster with, light grey skin, light red eye sclerae, dark black slanted eye pupils, long unkempt spiky white hair with two long even strands of hair on each side of his face, thin blank white eyebrows, a medium-built six pack, and four light red floating balls behind his back. He lifts Temujin by the neck, and then uses his Gelel Laser to blast a hole through Temujin, and take his stone.

Oh, fuck?! GO TIME!! Can’t let him break that stone. Jin thinks to himself as he launches himself at Haido and tackles him. The rogue ninja then jumps away with the stone of gelel in one hand and Temujin in his other arm. Upon landing, Jin places Temujin safely on the ground and pulls up his shirt. Brace yourself, Jin…

Jin grits his teeth and plunges the stone into the right side of his chest. He falls to his knees and spasms from the pain. OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS HURTS!!! But…! The pain… is quickly fading…

Good, the wound is healing… And I can already feel the power surging inside me…! Jin thinks as he returns to his feet, teary eyed. He turns and faces Haido, smirking. “Sage mode and a stone of gelel...? AH, this is gonna be fun.

Oh! I should be able to do this now…! Jin thinks excitedly as he pulls out a kunai. He exhales wind-infused chakra onto his kunai, which now resembles a makeshift scimitar with a distinctive light green colouring. “Wind Style: Gelel Vacuum Blade!”

“Power yourself up all you like, you’ll still be garbage!” Haido says as he goes to punch Jin in the gut. Jin disappears before Haido can touch him and quickly reappears a couple yards behind the warlord, holding out his Vacuum Blade. As Haido turns around, his left falls off and blood gushes to the ground. “AAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHH!!!!

“Now, for the arm with the gelel stone.” Jin says as he walks up to a screaming Haido. Out of both pain and desperation, Haido fires a Gelel Laser, but Jin dodges the attack and proceeds to cut of Haido’s right arm. Holding the severed arm and annoyed by the tyrant’s continued screaming, Jin blows a sage mode and gelel enhanced Fire Style: Flame Bomb point blank at Haido, reducing him to a smoking pile of charred meat and bones. AH, peace and quiet…

“Hey, Jin… you are coming back with us to the Leaf Village right…?” Naruto asks as he slowly walks up to Jin.





  • Jin learned Sage Mode from the White Snake Sage of Ryuchi Cave.
  • Jin Yamanaka's physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability are enhanced.
  • Jin Yamanaka's ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu become more powerful.
  • Jin can manipulate natural energy.
    • Jin now has the ability to use natural energy to breathe life into inorganic substances and control them.
  • Jin can now sense chakra around them and can sense attacks without the need to see them.
  • When facing an opponent that can drain chakra, this can prove to be fatal to the opponent if they absorb too much chakra and will be turned to stone if they haven't had training with Sage Mode in the past. Furthermore, the user of Sage Mode, Jin can hold still to absorb more natural energy for the opponent to absorb and turn their own chakra absorption against them.


  -While in sage mode, Jin has yellow irides, snake-like pupils, and blackened sclerae, as well as purple pigmentation around his eyes. (Imagine Naruto’s sage mode, but with snake eyes and purple around the eyes)

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