How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 73

Enjoy the extra-long chapter!

“C’mon, we can’t let the others show us up! Team 8, heading out!” Kiba shouts while weaving a sign, creating a single shadow clone. “Inuzuka Style: Man-Beast Team Transformation Combo: Three-Headed Wolf!”

Kiba and his clone both fuse with the dog, Akamaru, and dramatically grow in size. Together they become a giant, three-headed wolf with three sets of sharp claws and canine teeth bared. The wolf then curls into a ball and starts spinning at ferocious speeds, as if chasing after their own tail; the ground is torn up in the process by their sheer speed. Hinata along with a swarm of Shino’s insects jump into the raging vortex that is their teammate.

Team 8’s combination shoots out into the battlefield mowing down all the enemy forces. The larger fission clones and mugonhei are all immediately torn asunder by the three-headed wolf as it rolls through, the smaller enemies are swiftly struck by Hinata’s 64 Palms technique. Not only do the dozens of terracotta warriors, mugonhei, and fission beings have their chakra points attacked at lightning-fast speeds, Hinata had also implanted some of Shino’s insects into them.

“Parasitic Giant Beetle Infestation!” Shino shouts from where he was initially standing.

The bugs that Hinata had planted begin to burrow into their victims’ body and begin to devour their flesh and chakra. The beetles continue to eat and eat so much so that they grow in size, rapidly. The enemy forces affected all fall to the ground in painful spasms of agony before finally dying as giant insects blast out of their bodies, spraying friend and foe alike with their victims’ bodily fluids.


Upon witnessing Team 8’s collaboration, Jin freezes in place with his muscles tensed and sweat running down his face. With his skin crawling, Jin’s complexion changes to a pale white then to a sickly green and his stomach begins to churn.

Ayanami grabs him by the shoulder and reassuringly pulls him away. “Let's go over there.”

“Nah yeah, I think I see a spot with tons of bad guys and no bugs.” Rito adds.

“I-I think I’m gonna hurl…!” A shuddering Jin whines.


“Alright, c’mon, Team 10! Attack with an Ino-Shika-Cho Combination!” Ino orders, infected by everyone’s competitive spirit.

“We can use Formation E!” Choji excitedly agrees while weaving a sign, growing enormous in size. “Expansion jutsu.“

What a drag… Shikamaru crouches down, weaving a hand sign while sighing, “Shadow Grasping Jutsu.”

The young tactician’s shadow materializes and increases its power, becoming like steel. Shikamaru then has his shadow quickly reach for and connect with Choji’s.

“Sensory Communication!” Ino weaves a sign as she places her left hand on the back of Shikamaru’s head. Twenty-five enemy signatures locked on…

Ino senses the chakra signatures of over two dozen enemies and transmits the information directly into Shikamaru’s mind. Choji curls up into a ball and spin-dashes, running over several enemies at once; Ino continues to track their opponents by their chakra all the while Shikamaru is perfectly directing Chōji's movement via the manipulation of their shadows.



So, I managed to not throw up. Feelin’ pretty good about that… A now calmed down Jin thinks as he crushes the head of a mugonhei soldier with his bare hands.

The clay doll lifelessly falls to the ground at the Onikage’s feet, it quickly disappears in a puff of black smoke. Jin looks around and sees that the remaining enemies surrounding him have already been defeated, either by Ayanami or Rito; the kunoichi sits on a pile of dead fission beings while the young boy stands at the center of a crystalline statue garden.

They didn’t save any for me… Whoa, wait, what am I saying? That’s a good thing! Jin quietly laments.

Everyone hears a voice shout, “I’m technically part of Team 7 too. I’ll attack the main body from the sky!”

Jin looks up, he witnesses a large, white hawk with thick, inky, black outlines fly high above him in the air. Riding atop the living drawing is its caster, Sai; true to his word he is on a direct course for the Ten-Tails proper. However, his bird is hit by a wooden spike, it was thrown by one of the fission clones in an attempt to protect its main body. The hawk drawing dissipates leaving the Anbu ninja to plummet from the sky.

“Sai!” A worried Naruto calls out, reaching out and grabbing him with a chakra arm.

The reincarnations watch from the sidelines; knowing what comes next, they commence the buildup of their chakra. Jin feels a tingling sensation occurring in his spine, his blood roars in his ears as he feels the adrenaline coursing through him.

“You guys all set?” Jin asks his friends as he crouches down, placing his hand on the ground.

Ayanami bites her own thumb and weaves signs. “I’m ready, Jin.”

“So am I.” Rito does the same as Ayanami.

They both crouch down and place their hands on the ground, all three have their eyes on Team 7. The reunited squad all bite their thumbs in unison and place their hands on the ground.

“We need to mow them down and slip past, huh? That’ll be easy!”

“This guy can clear the distance in one leap and repel any enemy attacks too!”

“I can now stay near and heal anyone who suffers serious harm at any time!”

All six ninja channel chakra into the hand they have on the ground, a jutsu formula forms under each of their hands.

““““““SUMMONING JUTSU!!””””””


A colossal cloud of smoke suddenly detonates in their location, blanketing them from any and all prying eyes. The smokescreen is at its thickest in the very center.

“Master Rito, you summoned me?” A voice speaks as a pair of giant wings poke out of the smoke. “All this smoke is in the way.”

The wings spread out and with one mighty flap, the pair of wings blow all the smoke and dust away. The six ninjas are revealed to be standing boldly on each of their own giant animals; Rito stands on the head of the female summoning hawk, Tsume.

“Much better… So why am I here?”

The boy points forward. “Do you see all those monsters ahead? I need you to help me with crowd control.”

With her sharp vision, Tsume fixes her gaze upon the large number of enemies remaining. A number of fission beings and mugonhei are battling with each other while some have their eyes focused on her and the other giant animals.

Feeling insulted by the monsters’ gaze, Tsume crouches down with her talons digging into the ground. Her tail sharply flicks back and forth while she spreads her wings to make herself appear larger and more threatening.

“With pleasure.” Tsume squawks, preparing to take flight.


“This color…?”

Ayanami looks down at where she’s standing and instead of the dull, rusty red skinned toad she was expecting to be standing on, she sees that she’s on an aquamarine skinned toad. He has yellow eyes with gray markings around them and two distinct, circular markings on his shoulders. He also carries two huge katanas on his back, which are his main weapons with an orange sash around his stomach.

“Gamahiro?” The kunoichi asks.

“The boss was busy with some negotiations, so I came instead. So, what’s the deal here anyway?” The toad says.

“Okay… Do you see the large monster in the back? I need you to get me closer with some leaps.”

Gamahiro looks beyond the vast numbers of creatures coming to blows and discerns what Ayanami was referring to. The toad can clearly see the behemoth that is the Ten-Tails in the distance, behind an army of lesser clones.

“Simple enough.”


Still kinda weird sharing vision with the Rinnegan summons… Jin broods, standing on the head of his giant rhinoceros. “Let’s go!”

Jin has his rhino charge full speed ahead into the warring armies, the ground quakes and trembles with each of the quadruped’s strides. The rhino stampedes through the horde of enemies with incredible speed and force, all of the smaller enemies in its path are immediately crushed and trampled; it gores a giant fission with its powerful horn and throws it into the distance, crushing even more foes.

“I’m going to charge in--all the way to the host. Don’t be late.”

Riding upon his giant snake summon, Aoda, Sasuke slips through the enemy numbers and makes his way to the Ten-Tails’ main body.

“Same to you!” Jin retorts, shouting.

Jin’s rhino rams through more of the opposition, getting closer and closer to the behemoth in the back when a fission being crash lands directly in front of Jin and his rhino. However, something is very different about this one; it is much larger than all the others.

Undeterred, Jin creates a Celestial Prison Flame sword from his right hand; the dark orange blade burns brightly in the night as Jin has it grow longer, extending its length by ten meters. The fission clone winds its left arm back and thrusts it forward for a mighty punch. However, with a simple swing of his fire sword, Jin quickly severs its arm and vertically bisects the clone; the creature is engulfed in flames and the blade carves through its flesh.

The fission falls to the ground, separating into two pieces while they both are consumed by the flames. Not wanting to waste any more time, Jin has his giant rhino continue running forward.


“Wind Style: Giant Casting Net!” Tsume flaps her mighty wings.

She creates a multitude of extremely sharp wind currents, these blades of wind overlap with one another forming into a net and launches the attack at the enemy armies; numerous mugonhei, terracotta soldiers, and fission beings are sliced to ribbons from all angles.

The summoning hawk soars high into the air, she bombards both opposing forces with powerful wind jutsu while gracefully evading their projectiles. Rito rides on the back of her head, diligently analyzing the situation; he watches Jin and Sasuke running through the horde of enemies with their summons, Ayanami and Naruto leap over with their summons, and Sakura healing the alliance with hers. Since the terracotta soldiers are immortal and can repair themselves, the members of the Sealing Team have to rush in and quickly seal them in mass as a mob of Alliance ninjas protect the sealing ninja.

Rito’s focus is taken off the battle when he feels something cling onto his shoulder and back. He looks back and sees a white slug with three blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and side of its body from its head and tapering off at its tail; the slug is about half Rito’s size.

“Y-You’re the slug Katsuyu, right?” The somewhat startled boy asks. “...Why are you stuck on my back?”

Rito’s eyes dart back and forth between the slug’s two optical tentacles, he is unsure as to what he should be looking at.

“I am working with Sakura to heal all of our allies. Although… Jin, Naruto, and Sasuke all rushed ahead before any of my pieces could get to them.” Katsuyu explains herself.

“Oh. Good.”

“What?” The slug speaks with a confused tone.

“Heh heh heh… Trust me, you getting anywhere near Jin would be a hindrance.” Rito giggles.


Ayanami can feel the wind in her face as her toad summon, Gamahiro, leaps over the scores of enemies; the kunoichi's hair flaps in the breeze.

Gamahiro has his swords drawn as the Ten-Tails fissions are throwing projectiles at them from the ground, the giant toad precisely and rapidly swings his katanas in a flurry. He parries and deflects the javelins with each strike of his swords; more and more projectiles are thrown, but Gamahiro keeps swinging with his aim continuing to be true.

“Nice work, Mr. Gamahiro!” The kunoichi cheers her summon on. “Can you keep this up while I start weaving jutsu signs?”

“No sweat, I can do this all day!” The toad proudly retorts.

As Ayanami weaves the hand signs necessary for a lightning jutsu, she can see Naruto riding on Gamakichi to her left. The orange toad furiously deflects the fission javelins while the Child of Prophecy amasses chakra into his right hand, forming a Rasenshuriken.


As the four summoning animals along with their riders get closer and closer to the Ten-Tails’ main body behind the warring armies, Jin senses Sasuke gathering chakra into both of his eyes and Naruto infusing chakra in his right hand. He also senses Ayanami building up chakra into her hands. Jin holds up his right hand and focuses fire chakra into it, he adds gelel energy for an enhanced Rasenshuriken.

“Wind Style: Massive Rasenshuriken!!”

Naruto--in his KCM1 form--holds aloft a large, bright, white and blue jutsu in the shape of a windmill shuriken; the jutsu is so gigantic in size that it exceeds the summoning toad, Gamakichi. The hero throws his jutsu at the Ten-Tails with great force.

“Inferno Style: Susano’o Flame Control!!”

Using his ethereal avatar as a medium, Sasuke creates intense black flames and applies shape transformation to them. The flames take the form of a pitch-black arrow with an aura of flickering flames, the rogue ninja’s Susano’o takes the arrow and loads it onto its bow. The chakra avatar fires the arrow with great precision.

“Fire Style: Gelel Rasenshuriken!!”

Jin brandishes a fairly large, bright, red and orange jutsu in the form of a windmill shuriken over his head; it is not quite as large as Naruto’s, but it is just as powerful due to the gelel energy that has been infused into it. The Onikage launches his jutsu toward the Ten-Tails.

“Lightning Running Beast Jutsu!!”

Ayanami forms a Lightning Blade in her hand, the jutsu morphs and takes the form of a hound made entirely of electricity with a cord of lightning connecting to the hand of the kunoichi. Guided by its caster, the beast dashes toward the Ten-Tails with ridiculous speed and unpredictable movements.

As they get closer and closer, Naruto and Sasuke’s jutsu collide in mid-air. Due to their ratios being perfectly balanced, they merge into the combination jutsu, Scorch Style: Nimbus Tempest, something reminiscent of a pinwheel.

Meanwhile, Ayanami’s jutsu chases after Jin’s; the lightning hound grabs the Gelel Rasenshuriken in its mouth and swallows it whole. The Jin’s jutsu is absorbed by Ayanami’s and transforms; the lightning cord dissipates while the hound transforms into a translucent wolf composed entirely of raging, hot plasma. Bright flashes of blue and orange occur all throughout its body and white particles float near and around it. Due to the creature's absurd heat, the ground underneath its paws immediately melts into molten lava.

The plasma wolf crouches down and lunges forward, vanishing completely. In the blink of an eye, it reappears directly in front of the Ten-Tails with a trail of burning corpses and lava in its wake. The wolf starts running circles around the behemoth; it sprints faster and faster until a firenado forms with a solid, flashing blue and orange ring of light at its base. The column of flames has arcs of lightning as it has an electrical coating surrounding it.

RRRAAAAAAAWWWWRRR!!!” The behemoth cries out in pain.

Trapped within the raging vortex of flames, the Ten-Tails is in agony as the flames and lightning sear and roast its flesh.

The Nimbus Tempest jutsu is consumed and absorbed by the firenado, transforming yet again. The vortex grows larger and taller, piercing the clouds, the flames become pitch-black, but emits a dark-orange light that illuminates the whole battlefield. The arcs of lightning coating it become more frequent and intense.

The fission clones near the Ten-Tails are pulled into the vortex and burn, they are incinerated into nothing, but ash. Even the ninja far off in the back can feel the heat coming from the four-way combination jutsu.

“That there’s a BEAUTIFUL sight!!” A sweating Jin proudly admires their collaborative art, he performs the Mind Transmission jutsu and telepathically asks Ayanami, “Hey, what do you think of the name, ‘Plasma Style: Ark Flash Beast’?

It works, I guess… but I think you can do better.

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