How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 81

“...I’ll be taking possession of every one of, you beasts!” A revived Madara declares, sure of himself.

The Ghost of the Uchiha stands tall with his left foot stepping on a defeated leaf ninja, absorbing the Nine-Tails chakra gifted to him by Naruto. The infamous historical figure threateningly stares down both the Ninja Alliance and the tailed beasts; even though Madara does not have eyes at the moment, the sage chakra he stole from Hashirama grants extra sensory perception, a sixth sense.

Madara hears someone yell, “Everyone! Get out of here!”

Sensing another battle of epic proportions about to take place, the various Alliance shinobi all flee, scattering a safe distance away.

Getting into position, Madara smiles because he is excited. He feels his blood pumping and his heart racing, it has been quite some time since he has truly enjoyed battle; to Madara, combat is only fun when both opposing forces are alive.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Madara jumps forward, lunging for the tailed beasts. He continues to smile.


“This really sucks. I hate this…” Jin mutters under his breath. The war’s nearing its endgame… I don’t even know if I’m angry or scared right now.

The Onikage flies back to where Ayanami is, still bitter over Menma getting away. He can see the tailed beasts charging toward Madara in the distance and thinks nothing of it as he already knows what will happen. Jin picks up the pace just as the tailed beasts all slam the Uchiha with their tails.

When Jin arrives at Ayanami’s current position, he spots the rest of the team with her; they appear to be discussing something at length. They stop speaking as soon they notice Jin; their curious eyes fall on the Onikage as he lands gracefully on the head of the kunoichi’s wooden reptile.

“Menma?” Ayanami asks with a bitter tone.

“He got away.” Jin replies.

The young Hyuga shakes her head in frustration and turns away, messaging her forehead while Rito steps forward with a face riddled by a spirit of inquiry.

“What do you mean that crazy wanker got away? You never let the bad guys get away.”

“I meant what I said. He went back to the genjutsu world, but not before swearing revenge on me and this entire dimension. Do you have any more of those chakra-restoring food pills?” Jin is quick to change the subject.

“Yeah, I still have some…” The young genius reaches into his bag. “…I only took like 8 of them at the time because I didn’t want to risk getting in trouble though.”

Rito pulls out four food pills and hands three of them to the organic members of the team before eating on himself. Jin scarfs his down like a pecan while Echo lifts his mask up some to eat his; Ayanami, however, hesitates to eat hers, she watches Naruto and the rest of the Alliance battle Madara in the distance.

The kunoichi’s face has concern written all over it as she watches Shukaku bury Madara in a mausoleum of sand. Madara breaks out with his Susano’o, its blue light glows ominously on the battlefield; the ground quakes as their battle continues to rage.

“Ayanami, listen to me…” Jin reassuringly puts a hand on Ayanami’s shoulder. “…I know you’re worried. But you’ve seen my memories, Naruto’s not going to die, I promise.”

“Okay, Jin. I trust you.” Ayanami takes a deep breath before finally consuming her food pill.


A little while later, thanks to White Zetsu’s efforts, Madara reclaimed one of his Rinnegan and a new arm to replace the one that was torn off in his scuffle with the tailed beasts. The Ghost of The Uchiha is quickly proving himself to be more of a threat than Obito ever was.

With his Rinnegan, Madara summoned the Gedo Statue, and had it spew purple chakra chains from its mouth that bind each of the tailed beasts by their necks; one-by-one the One through Seven-Tails were quickly pulled in, leaving just Gyuki and Kurama. They struggle to break free, but to no avail. Before the Eight-Tails can be dragged into the statue, he swiftly removes one of his tentacles.

“Sorry, B-Bee…” Gyuki groans as he is sucked into the Gedo statue.

From within the Kurama avatar, Naruto is gradually forced back as the Nine-Tails is pulled closer to the statue. The hero is forced all the way back to one of the fox’s tails.

“Good.” Madara smiles ominously with satisfaction.

“Hey, kid--K-Kazekage! Do me a favor…” Kurama desperately asks Gaara, fighting the chains with all his might. “His father. ½ of me is sealed inside Minato… So, you just take that other half and transplant it inside Naruto. That will save his life… Hurry to the 4th Hokage!”

Unable to hold on any longer, Kurama is pulled in with Naruto forced out of the avatar. The hero’s eyes widen for a moment as he has realized he lost the tug-of-war, his eyes grow heavy as all his strength leaves him, his heartbeat slows down.

“Well… guess I can’t expect more with my current strength…” Madara breathes a sigh of relief.

The enemy of the world stands tall atop the Gedo Statue with cold professionalism, the statue’s eyes are all open as it now possesses most of the tailed beasts and their chakra; all he needs now is his other eye and Minato’s half of Kurama. However, he is unable to bask in his victory; with Hashirama’s senjutsu chakra, Madara can sense someone fast coming from behind, so he creates a black receiver from his right palm.


At the base of the divine tree, the air is still yet tense as Jin and his team are all dead silent. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of their breathing, none of them is able to relax. Just the battle in the distance and that heavy breathing. Everyone is collecting their wits, preparing for the final series of battles in the Shippuden era of Naruto that are about to take place.

…in heaven, hallowed be thy name… Jin silently prays. Father-God, please allow my friends and I to survive what comes next. Give me the strength to send Moryo to hell…

The Onikage is on his knees with his hands clapped together. Even though he hasn’t practiced in years, Jin still sees himself as a Christian and he knows he needs all the help he can get now more than ever. Mileena is snug inside of Jin’s clothes, poised to strike should anything unforeseen occur.

To Jin’s left, Rito and Echo diligently take inventory of all the gear and equipment they have acquired throughout their journeys. The young genius is quietly thinking of something; Jin assumes he’s coming up with strategies.

To Jin’s right, Ayanami meditates inaudibly to both calm down and mentally prepare for the battles ahead. A small fraction of her doubts and fears slowly start to fade away; Jin guesses that she’s hyping herself up.

A little further away Mecha-Naruto vigilantly keeps watch over the rest of the team, his ominous, robotic eyes glow in the dark of night.

“U-Uhhh… Umm… G-Guys…?” Jin meekly stutters, breaking the silence. With watery eyes, he lets down his barriers. “I-I… I just wanted to say thank you all for… being my friends and for helping me when I needed it…”

Hearing Jin’s words, Rito feels the need to speak. “No wukkas… If this thing goes sideways and we all end up dead again… meet me at the pub. I’m buying.”

The boy’s voice is calm and collected, but his face is pale and has his head held down.

“What’re you guys talking about? WHEN we win and survive this thing, there’s this great little ramen shop in Konoha we have to check out.” Ayanami interjects, joining the conversation, her voice full of confidence.

However, everyone can tell that the confidence Ayanami shows is a front to hide her own nervousness just by looking directly in the kunoichi’s eyes, but no one bothers to call her out on it.

“I’m holding you to that. Let’s give ‘em hell, everyone.” Putting on a brave face, Jin cracks his knuckles.


“The simple fact that you possess such eyes proves that you continue to seek something despite many great losses…” Madara stares at the felled Sasuke with eyes of pity. “…But all of that ends right here. You shall lose your very self. You see, THIS is what they call a true ending.”

“U-Ugh… Arrgh…!” Sasuke groans in pain.

Lying helpless on the ground, Sasuke stubbornly claws his way over to Madara despite growing weaker by the second. Blood trickles out of his stab wound, but the rebellious Uchiha continues to drag himself. Memories of Itachi flash before Sasuke’s very eyes, pressing him to keep fighting.

“I-I’m not… dying…! I-I can’t… die… y-yet…!” Sasuke wheezes defiantly through gritting teeth. “RRAAARGH!!”

Sasuke continues to struggle as his body grows weaker, even the very act of breathing is painful for him. He keeps crawling toward Madara until his body finally gives out and he collapses.

Silently, Madara embeds Sasuke’s sword in the ground and casually walks away. Assured of completing his dream of the far future, he weaves a hand sign, and the Ten-Tails appears right behind him.

Madara seals the Ten-Tails within himself and becomes its latest jinchuriki, his appearance transforms drastically; Madara's skin becomes gray, and his hair turns white. The Uchiha elder is cloaked with a complete outfit composed of chakra, with a pattern of six magatama below his neck and a pattern similar to the Sage of Six Paths’ on his back. He also gains a forehead protector-like appendage which emerges from the left side of his forehead and has an upward curve on its right side and a single horn on its left side. Ten Truth-Seeker Orbs appear behind him, one of which formed the other half of Hagoromo's shakujō.

“So, THIS is six paths power…” Madara assesses his newfound strength before turning his attention elsewhere. “Now… Time to collect that left eye!”

Not saying another word, a determined Madara takes off and flies away. His next destination, Obito.


“AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Echo jolts up onto his feet.

The time-traveler’s sudden outburst startles the whole team. Appalled, they all watch as he briskly paces back and forth, seething. Echo’s entire body shakes with rage and bloodlust, he appears as if he truly desires to strangle someone until the light leaves their eyes.

“What’s up with you?” Jin asks.

Echo growls, “HE’S near…”

The team all look at each other confused before looking back at Echo.

“Jin and I can sense Madara, he has overwhelming power like us now. But Moryo? We don’t detect him--at all…” Ayanami informs.

“*I* do… I could never forget this sensation. This chakra. It feels like there’s a predator stalking me but decides not to attack just yet. I don’t know where it is, but I DO know it’s somewhere nearby, waiting, WATCHING.”

With Echo’s detailed description of Moryo’s chakra, Jin and Ayanami try to sense it again and this time they do. It is faint and is hanging in the air, they are unable to pinpoint his exact location, they just know that he is nearby.

Back-to-back, Jin and Ayanami have their weapons drawn and build up their chakra. Poised to strike, they wait for Moryo to make his move.

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