How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 84

“HAHAHA… HAHAHAHA…” With tearful eyes, Jin continues to laugh out loud.

The snake sage is bent over on his knees, his fist pounds hysterically against the rocky terrain, breathing is starting to become difficult. Not once did he ever think that Madara, one of the coolest and strongest Naruto characters, would be impaled in the anus or that it would bring him this much joy and laughter in life.

“BWAA HAHA!!” Naruto begins to cackle as well. “That’s what you get!! Good one, Ayanami!! HAHAHAHA!”

Jin’s guffaw has infected Naruto, the hero of the Leaf points at their impaled enemy in amusement while clutching his gut. Ayanami and Sasuke are off to the side, they look away as they are both embarrassed and annoyed by their obnoxious allies’ laughter.

“You guys are laughing way too much… This really isn’t that funny…” Ayanami stammers awkwardly.


The two clansmen continue laughing together without a care in the world like a pack of hyenas, they laugh so hard that their cheeks turn a bright red. Their roar of laughter kills all the tension for a brief moment.

“Th-This is the first time…” Madara speaks in a low growl. “That I’ve ever suffered such humiliation…!!”

Jin and Naruto immediately stop laughing, everyone is put on edge by Madara’s words. The Ghost of the Uchiha’s entire body shakes with a blood lusted fury, his chakra begins to fill the air.

Madara looks up, shooting an ice-cold glare at Ayanami. “I’ll kill you all… IN THE MOST GRUESOME WAY IMAGINABLE!!”

To Naruto and Sasuke’s surprise, Madara completely vanishes and in his place stands his Limbo Clone. Jin and Ayanami try and expeditiously sense Kakashi's chakra signature, blasting off toward his location.


The Copy Ninja asks, “Fine… then can you at least tell me who exactly is under that mask?”

“For the third time, Kakashi, I’m not telling you anything. Mind your own damn business.” An annoyed Echo rebuffs.

While Jin and Ayanami have begun running the gauntlet, the rest of the team has been patiently waiting several yards away from Kakashi. The Leaf Ninja has tried to gather more information on Jin and Moryo from the team, but to no avail; they’ve repeatedly refused to answer his questions and avoid making eye contact so as to not be put under genjutsu.


Startled by the sudden screech, everyone jumps back; Mecha-Naruto brings out his various guns and missiles, ready for combat. They turn and see a reeling Kakashi on one knee, he is covering his left eye, blood slowly trickles out from the injury he is covering.

“Over there!” Rito shouts.

The young genius points at someone who has just appeared a little further away, it is Madara Uchiha. He opens his left eye, revealing the Sharingan he stole from Kakashi. Rito feels a gush of wind and two blurs blitz right past him, one of the blurs horizontally bisects the Uchiha with a Vacuum Blade, they are none other than Ayanami Hyuga and a black-suited web-slinger.

“Is that… Spider-Man?” Rito scratches the back of his head in confusion.

“No, this chakra…” A vigilant Echo corrects, feeling them out. “It’s Jin and Mileena.”

The Ghost of the Uchiha is unfazed by the abrupt loss of the lower half of his body and continues to hover in the air. His form is distorted by an ominous spiraling void that immerses him; he swirls until he is completely pulled in and disappears altogether.

Another distortion appears, the void swirls, spitting out a frightened Sakura Haruno. She is on her hands and knees, trying to calm down.

“Why are you here, Sakura?” Sasuke asks, arriving on the scene.

Kakashi lifts his head up and answers, “She was in the time-space plain… Sakura, what’s goi–”

“The fact that she’s here means Madara traveled to the Kamui dimension. He’s collecting his other Rinnegan as we speak.” Jin rolls his eyes as he explains the situation. The moment of this is almost here… Shit.

Jin and Ayanami casually walk back to the group, the kunoichi starts stretching while the Onikage folds his arms. Mileena undoes the bonding and seeps into her creator’s skin, returning him to his usual appearance; Jin can’t help but shudder as the sensation of the symbiote entering his body is a cold and strange one.

“Kakashi-Sensei… Y-Your left eye? Let me see.”

The concerned medical ninja picks herself up and hurries over to her wounded teacher, she carefully inspects the injury before performing medical ninjutsu on the affected area.

Suspicious, Sakura has her eyes trained on Jin’s group. “Why is there a metal Naruto puppet? It’s freaky looking…”


Angered by the medic ninja’s words, the robotic double fumes at the seams. Echo puts his hand on Mecha’s shoulder and holds him back.

“Don’t engage.”

“Jin? Echo? What have you two been teaching him?” Rito asks.

“Nothing really, I’ve just been making minor and gradual adjustments to his programming every time I repair him.” Jin shrugs, still folding his arms.

“We have no idea when they might emerge. Stay alert.” Sasuke takes command, he closes his left eye to preserve chakra.

Sensing a powerful chakra signature headed right for them, everyone looks back only to find Naruto landing right next to them; the hero wears a casual smile.

“So, what did you do about his shadow?” Sasuke asks.

Naruto explains, “Ayanami’s clone and I immobilized him with six paths rods--thanks by the way!”

“It was nothing, don’t mention it.”

“Hey there, Sakura! Let me do it!” Naruto notices Kakashi’s injury.

An addled Sakura steps aside and allows Naruto to enact his solution. Naruto rests his right hand on Kakashi’s left eye socket, Jin and Ayanami can sense what the Child of Prophecy is doing; Naruto uses his Six Paths Power of Light to mold some of Kakashi’s own chakra into a new left eye. Naruto pulls his hand away as the process only takes a very brief moment.

“Open your eye, Kakashi-Sensei.” Naruto encourages.

Unsure of what his student just did, Kakashi does what he is told and is surprised. Sasuke and Sakura are surprised at what they see; Kakashi has a new left eye.

Tsunade’s disciple asks, “Naruto, how’d you do that?”

“It’s kinda hard to explain…” Naruto tries hard to articulate what he just did. “Well, you see… I sort of… took a piece of Kakashi and… uhh… ummm…”

“Naruto, I told everyone to stay alert.” Sasuke interrupts.

“Huh? Really? Well, this is the 1st time I’m hearing of it.” Naruto argues.

Sakura chastises Naruto, saying, “C’mon… Quick talking back for once, Naruto. You’ll just have to explain about the eye later…”

“Were you two able to deal with that Moryo creature?” Sasuke asks curiously.


“…Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrgghhh!!” Moryo screams.

The injured demon hovers sporadically among the clouds, still reeling in pain at the loss of one of his heads. One of Moryo’s other heads breathes fire onto the wound, immediately cauterizing it; the searing pain only helps to further fuel his rage.

Moryo roars, “Human scum… YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!!”


“Uhh… No, but I can imagine he’s not too happy right now.” Jin dwells on the subject briefly before answering.

Everyone is instantly put on edge by the foreboding sensation of an incredible chakra approaching, everyone turns to face this fiendish presence.

“You haven’t forgotten the lesson from trying to steal the bells, have you?” An intense Kakashi asks.

Naruto quickly answers, “Of course not, the answer is: Teamwork!!”

Several meters away, another distortion appears, but it doesn’t stay long; the spiraling void spits out Madara and Obito before vanishing. The Ghost of the Uchiha has both Rinnegan now as well as four Limbo Clones surrounding him while Obito stands like a zombie with Black Zetsu covering half of his body; the Akatsuki leader appears to be in a daze, it looks like no one is home. Madara’s fierce gaze intimidates Sakura and Rito, forcing them to cautiously take a step back.

Madara menacingly sneers, “Then… you all, dying tog–”

“Spare me the chit-chat and let’s fight already!” Jin interrupts. I don’t give a damn about your idle threats, man…

“I’m going send you all to–”

URGH! Chit-chat!” Jin interrupts again with a little dance. “Chitty-chitty-chat-chat-chat-chat-CHAT!”

Madara’s sour expression informs everyone that he steadily grows more and more annoyed by Jin’s insolence. Ayanami is the only one who finds Jin’s juvenile taunts even remotely humorous.

Madara’s face further contorts with annoyance. “I’ve–”

“Chit-chat!” Ayanami interrupts, chiming in.

Grrrrr…! Impudent brats… Planetary Devastation!!”

Madara ominously ascends into the air, he creates many black spheres and has them scatter throughout the sky. The ground starts to shake violently again as countless boulders shoot up off the floor and into the air. The collected debris are pulled in and cling to the spheres in mass, resulting in the creation of a multitude of large satellites. Together, the numerous planetoids darken the sky.

“RRRAAAAAARGH!!” Drowning in emotions, Jin dumps chakra into his three eyes.

Both of the Onikage’s Rinnegan turn scarlet red, his Rinne Sharingan glows, and an ethereal skeletal structure quickly forms around him. Soon after Jin’s Susano’o forms meat, then skin, then armor until he manages to conjure a Perfect Susano’o.

Like all full-bodied Susano’o, the snake sage’s gains a tengu-like nose, wings for flight, and is clad with robes and ornate armor. However, Jin’s humanoid avatar possesses traits that make it unique from others; it is golden-yellow in color with red eyes and forward-pointing devil horns protruding from both of its temples, it wears a horrified expression, and its wings appear to resemble those of an angel’s. Its scabbard sheathes a longsword with the crossbars of the hilt curled upwards.

Jin’s Susano’o spreads its majestic wings wide and with one flap, it takes off like a rocket. As Jin ascends higher and higher, Madara does not rest on his laurels; he orders his planetoids to fall like meteors. Moments away from colliding with the plummeting satellite, the ethereal warrior unsheathes its sword.

Susano’o: Celestial Prison Flame Sword! Jin casts internally, suspended in the forehead of his avatar.

The humanoid avatar’s blade is completely coated in dark orange flames and with one mighty swing, it cleaves into the meteor; as the sword makes its way through, the rock glows as it melts upon making contact with the blade. The planetoid crumbles away like dust once the sword exits it; to Jin, it feels like he is cutting butter.

As Jin continues to soar ever higher, he notices something flickering in his peripheral vision. He takes a gander and sees Sasuke flying up with his own Complete Senjutsu Susano’o, Jin watches as Sasuke’s avatar raise its curse mark pattern adorned fists and brings them down hard onto another meteor, smashing it into tiny pieces of rubble.

The two Susano’o continue to make their way up to Madara, destroying as many satellites as they can; the air grows warmer due to the exploding meteors. There is no end to the falling planetoids as they keep coming, but Jin and Sasuke continue to shatter them as they fly higher.

“This is getting REALLY annoying!!” Jin yells in frustration as his avatar cleaves another meteor in two.

“We’re almost there, just keep moving!” Sasuke shouts.

The two shinobi both manage to reach their foe. Once they arrive, they are greeted by patiently waiting Madara is suspended in his Perfect Susano’o. The elder Uchiha is surrounded by his four Limbo Clones who reside in their own Susano’o, they take defensive positions around their caster. All five of them hover ominous in the air with the moon behind them, silhouetting their appearance.

“Planetary Devastation and the shadow’ Susano’o… Quite the combo.” Madara boasts proudly, menacingly. “Now… writhe. Keep dancing for me!”


Violent tremors erupt across the battlefield, the ground has become unstable as the quakes continue; Shikamaru is forced to crouch low to the ground in order to maintain balance.

“At 4 o’clock! Meteorites!” A panicked cloud ninja warns.

The strategist of Team 10 rears his head at where the ninja was pointed and trembles in awe from what he witnesses in the distance, a horde of meteors falling from the sky. Shikamaru gets even lower and braces himself on instinct.

“Brace for impact!” A shouting Darui orders.

Choji whines, “Just what in the heck is happening over there?! This isn’t normal…!”

Shikamaru, this is Alliance HQ! Our Sensory Radar has taken the shape of multiple planets, what’s going on over there?!” Shikaku asks telepathically.

Shikamaru immediately reports, “The chakra Naruto gave everyone has disappeared and the giant tree vanished abruptly. Something big is happening, that's for sure… Most likely something bad!


Havoc rips through the heavens above as jutsu are launched back-and-forth, resulting in massive explosions that light the skies. Jin and Sasuke throw attacks like heavy artillery while Madara responds in kind. Even as meteors continue to fall and tornadoes form, the young ninjas press on.

“Even with the power you have gained, you can’t take on 5 of me at once. Well? Show me what kind of plan you can come up with.” Madara makes sport of the ordeal.

The elder Uchiha and his Limbo clones all launch a volley of Yasaka Beads; Jin and Sasuke evading the oncoming barrage by separating, they fly around them until they are in a position perfect for flanking them.

“Decrepit, senile, old man! You’re already a dead man walking, you just don’t know it yet!” Jin taunts, roaring from inside his avatar. Susano’o: Fire Style Gelel Rasenshuriken!!

Through his avatar, the Onikage produces a massive Rasenshuriken with its primary right hand; the green light the jutsu emits burns brighter as Jin adds his six paths sage chakra to its power.

Jin’s Susano’o winds its arm back and throws the attack with incredible force; Madara and his Limbo Clones are all quick to evade it, however, two of the clones make the poor choice of hovering on either side of the jutsu. Just as the Rasenshuriken passes between them, it instantly expands in size, catching the two shadows in its blades; the Limbo Susano’o are eviscerated into nothingness due to the central sphere of the Rasenshuriken detonating, producing a blazing vortex in the immediate area.

Unfortunately, Jin is given no moment of respite as the other two shadows take advantage upon seeing an opening; they close in on him in a pincer attack.

“Inferno Style: Susano’o Flame Control!!”

Scores and scores of black flaming arrows rain down upon the shadows as well as Jin, the young Uzumaki is forced to make nimble and erratic maneuvers out of desperation; his Susano’o flies upward, performing a barrel roll. It then quickly dives down and performs a Cuban 8 maneuver; the ethereal warrior takes a hit on its left hand; it erupts with flames.

“Goddammit, Sasuke!! Pay attention to your fucking surroundings--you hit me!!” An enraged Jin shrieks, he sweats from the heat of the black flames.

Sasuke replies with a cold, “Watch out.”

Jin silently grimaces toward his ally, the only reason he does not retaliate is due to the fact that he needs the revolutionary for the fight with Kaguya ahead. Not uttering a word, the Onikage slowly redirects his rage towards the Ten-Tails jinchuriki.

“You… insipid maggots…! Limbo: Border Jail!” Madara growls.

The Ten-Tails jinchuriki creates four new shadows with their own Susano’o. The Limbo Clones fly rapidly toward Sasuke, they surround the young Uchiha, and grab hold of each of his avatar’s limbs with the intention of pulling it apart. Madara’s clones heave with all their might, but Sasuke and his Susano’o suddenly vanish out of thin air, replaced by Madara. It is unfortunately too late as Madara’s clones were already in the process of pulling; the dark blue Susano’o is torn apart, completely dismembered.

“Ngh…!” Madara groans.

The damage causes the Ten-Tails jinchuriki to lose concentration. His shadows all dissipate, leaving him vulnerable.

As Sasuke’s purple Susano’o flies next to Jin’s yellow one, he takes note of the damage inflicted on the elder Uchiha’s ethereal warrior; all of its limbs are gone and cracks form all across its center mass. A bulb lights up in the three-eyed ninja’s head and then his face contorts into a devious, sinister grin.

“Sasuke, SWITCH AGAIN!!” Jin orders.

Without warning, Jin has his avatar move to uppercut Sasuke’s. The young Uchiha watches and waits, waiting for the last possible second then he abruptly disappears with Madara taking his place; More cracks form on Madara’s ethereal warrior the moment the colossal yellow fist collides with its chin. With Madara stunned, Jin seizes the moment and has his avatar twist its body around, spinning swiftly. The yellow Susano’o uses the momentum to deliver a solid spinning heel kick, Jin’s avatar continues to spin, landing several more kicks; the cracks grow thicker and the elder Uchiha’s avatar is propelled further into the air.

As the dark-blue avatar falls back down, the Jin eerily appears right in front of it, he is close enough that he can see Madara’s maniacal scowl; satisfied, the young Uzumaki grows a smug grin. The Onikage’s Susano’o swiftly winds its arm back and throws a mighty punch; the head of Madara’s Susano’o shatters upon impact, it does not stop and continues its collision course. The giant fist crashes into elder Uchiha, sending him flying away, his Susano’o subsequently shatters into countless pieces and scatter in the night winds.

Is that it? No, it can’t be. I don’t buy it… Jin is whelmed by his victory.


I-I… I’m the new Sage of the Six Paths… How… How could I fall to you maggots?! Madara ruminates pensively.

The force from Jin’s Susano’o Punch sent the Ghost of the Uchiha streaking across the sky like a shooting star, he is unable to fathom how mere children are making him struggle like this. Madara creates another shadow that blitzes past and catches him, stopping what would be his crash landing.

*huff* *huff* *huff*…” Breathing heavily, the elder Uchiha analyzes the situation. I cannot believe it… I’ve been pushed this far… But…

Collecting himself, Madara stands tall and raises his fist, more determined than ever. The battle is far from over, he knows he can still win the war. Afterall, he has yet to play his final trump card.

Madara declares, “*I* will be the one who will get to see his ‘true dream’ come true!”

“My, you must really love the sound of your own voice…” A voice scoffs from behind.

Madara turns around fast and sees the demon, Moryo patiently hovering behind him, his serpentine heads moving together like a pack of wolves. The demon’s back is riddled with burn marks, and he is missing one of his heads, the cauterized wound smolders.

Moryo continues. “If you truly wish to create paradise on Earth, then launch the Infinite Tsukuyomi.”

“You overgrown lizard. What do you have to gain from me achieving MY goal? What are you plotting” Skeptical, the elder raises an eyebrow.

“Well, I wanted anything, it would be…” Moryo stops and thinks for a moment. “To be a perfect version of myself.”

“And just what do you mean by that?” Madara asks, his suspicion increases by the minute.

“You’ll find out soon enough. Well, go on, ‘savior…’ the world is waiting.” The demon encourages.

While not entirely certain of Moryo’s true motives, Madara knows he cannot trust this ancient creature, he is a threat that will have to be dealt with very soon. For the time being, the infamous historical figure reaches for his face and with a loud tearing sound, he rips off the forehead protector-like appendage which emerged from the left side of his forehead; a third eye, the Rinne Sharingan, is revealed.

Like clockwork, the full moon becomes flaming red, the color of blood. The ominous red glow parts the clouds, shining over the entire battlefield. A ripple pattern forms on the surface of the moon along with nine tomoe.

Focusing chakra into his third eye, Madara weaves a hand sign. “Shine upon the world, Infinite Tsukuyomi!! Now… Become one!!”

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