How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 93

I hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day! ❤️😍🍫🍓

“HHRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Despairing, Jin wails into the ether.

The ground underfoot crumbles away and floats upward, maniacally hovering in the air due to the overwhelming chakra pouring out of the outraged ninja; the entire area quakes and trembles wildly almost as if it is shaking in fear.


The Onikage’s screams--as well as the earthquakes--have come to an abrupt halt due to his head being fully submerged in the mysterious white chakra; everyone is dead silent as they witness Jin being fully engulfed in the amorphous mass of chakra. The air grows still as this mass of chakra slowly ascends while gradually expanding in size, leaving only a lingering sense of pain, melancholy, and tension in its wake.


“...What’s going on? What is that thing?!” Kakashi asks.

As the shambled Copy Ninja holds his former student's lifeless corpse, he watches the grotesque mass grow in size; his body has become tense with mixed feelings of intense sorrow and instinctual fear; his mind wants to stay and fight, but his body is screaming at him to run.

“I-It’s Jin…” A grief-stricken Ayanami answers while wiping her tears.

Through puffed eyes, the kunoichi quietly stares at two of her now dead friends; they had their whole lives ahead of them, bright futures, the good they could’ve done, but now that’s all gone. Blood leaves Rito’s body, painting the sand underneath his body scarlet-red while chunks of charred gray matter drip from the back of the gaping hole where Sakura’s eyes and nose should be.

With a heavy heart, the young Hyuga kneels down and slowly, affectionately strokes the fallen boy’s head for the briefest of moments. She then closes his eyes.

She tearfully continues, “He saw Rito cut down and then he just…”

“It triggered this transformation.” Sasuke finishes her sentence.

“Yes… That’s right.”


To everyone’s shock and awe, the mass of chakra changes in appearance, taking the form of an eldritch horror; what was once Jin is now an enormous white cloud of horrid proportion; numerous white tendrils sprout from its miasmic form, each flailing aimlessly; it has several mouths filled with multiple rows of pointed teeth which vaguely resemble wolf fangs. Its center mass is randomly dotted with a dozen eyes with each one possessing a Rinnegan; they glow bright red with pain and anger.

“Kill Moryo.”

“YOU? Kill ME? Laughable!” The demon callously dismisses the creature while he gathers chakra in one of his remaining mouths. “Shade Style: Ju–”

This creature, this abomination speedily gathers chakra in several of its dilating eyes, and before Moryo can fire his jutsu, before he can even react, he is hit by multiple pitch-black beams of intense heat and sent flying away; while he is blasted away, Moryo writhes and screams in agony as a few of the rays manage to pierce the demon’s flesh and body like hot knives through butter.

“…Mine. That power… is mine… My power…” Kaguya mutters with a soft, cold voice, glaring dangerously at the atrocity with her clear white eyes. “Who said you could use that?”

The air Kaguya gives off immediately shifts from cold, distant, and alien to that of a feral, rabid beast; as her body begins to bulge and swell with chakra in many places, the ground once again trembles.

“I will not permit any more foolish actions committed WITH MY CHAKRA!!”

The enraged Mother of Chakra quickly expands in size and mutates; she turns into a giant, white, monstrous rabbit with colossal growth on her back. The growth itself has several of the tailed beasts’ faces growing out of it like tumors.

Multiple tendrils with hands at their ends emerge from out of the rabbit’s back growth and rocket toward the abomination.

“Kill Moryo.”

The abomination’s numerous eyes dilate as they gather chakra once more; A jet of pitch-black light blasts from the creature’s many Rinne Sharingan; the beams meet the hands in midair and cut them down, completely severing them from the rabbit; the black rays leave a trail of black flames on wherever they touch, reducing them down to mere ash.

The grotesque rabbit rapidly heals from its wounds in mere moments, and opens its colossal maw, gathering massive amounts of chakra. A dark sphere of chakra forms in its mouth, the sphere quickly expands in size; its colors resemble those of the Truth-Seeker orbs; the power being focused into this one orb is so intense that it causes violent earthquakes that can be felt for miles and miles.

The Rabbit Goddess unleashes the chakra on the eldritch horror in the form of a powerful, condensed beam; the horror defends itself by speedily releasing vast amounts of gelel energy from every orifice on its body in the form of a dome-shaped barrier; sparks shoot out from the point of impact. The creature’s barrier manages to last a full five seconds before being overtaken by the rabbit’s beam, shattering like glass, leaving its creator at the mercy of the beam.

Screeching in pain as the horror is engulfed completely in the rabbit’s searing-hot Truth-Seeker Beam, it is sent flying into the bottom of a nearby canyon. The moment, the very instant the beam--as well as the horror--crash into the ravine, a massive explosion occurs; the discharge erupts from the gorge like a geyser, sending out powerful shockwaves in all directions; the shockwaves reach even the heavens, parting the clouds.

Once the explosion dies down the dust cloud is blown away by the breeze, all is seemingly quiet, all is seemingly as silent as the vacuum of space; no signs of movement are detected; the air is forebodingly still with a lingering tension.

“…K-Kill… …Moryo…”

Without warning, an onslaught of raven-black lights jet out from the dark abyss in multiple d, bringing forth a furious blazing death with them. The dark rays cut through all in their path like butter; boulders are cleaved in two and the mountains.


“Everyone, take cover!” Ayanami shouts.

As a rogue beam darts toward the group, the nimble kunoichi picks up Rito’s corpse and sprouts a chakra arm from her right shoulder, grabbing Kakashi along with Sakura’s cadaver; she leaps back, narrowly evading the black ray by a few inches. While landing, the Hyuga watches the beam cut through a plateau in the distance as if it were a cake.

“These are clearly the black flames of the Amaterasu…” A cautious Ayanami analyzes the trail of flames left in the beam’s wake. “But… Jin’s not using it the same way as Sasuke or Itachi. He’s firing them like–”

–Heat vision.” A familiar voice coming from behind finishes Ayanami’s thought.

While gently setting Rito, Kakashi, and Sakura all down, the kunoichi whips her head around and sees Mileena walking toward the group with her worried red eyes focused on where Jin fell.

“Mileena…? Where’ve you been?”

The Symbiote looks at the kunoichi as she rubs her stomach. “…Let’s just say that Black Zetsu won’t be manipulating anyone ever again… *burp* …I… also wanted to return Father’s--Oh no!”

Ayanami quickly ducks out of the way as a Truth-Seeker Orb blasts out of Mileena’s abdomen, flying into the crater where Jin fell at faster than light speeds.

“IRRITATING MAGGOTS!! YOU COULD NEVER DEFEAT ME!! YOU’LL ALL SUFFER… SO MUCH!!!” A thundering demonic voice roars in the distance.


The demon growls, “Fall! You must fall to me…!”

Moryo returns to the battlefield with a fury hither to a supernova. The demon charges at the giant white rabbit and rams it, throwing his whole body into his assault; the reeling rabbit goddess is knocked out of the sky. However, the rabbit reaches for Moryo as it falls, dragging him down with it.

The two beasts crash into the ground, causing a large crater to form; the ground trembles as titans wrestle one another.

“You are the key to my ascension and nothing more! Now kneel, slave!” Moryo snarls.

Two of the demon's remaining heads coil around the rabbit, constricting as a snake would. The rest of his heads bite at the rabbit goddess, violently tearing off chunks of flesh; the rabbit retaliates by clawing at Moryo with its massive, clawed paws; they go at each other like a pair of rabid animals.

“Kill Moryo.”

While Moryo and the rabbit continue to tear and claw at each other, the eldritch horror slowly rises out of the canyon and steadily creeps toward the skirmish; its numerous eyes begin to dilate as it molds chakra.

“Kill Moryo. Kill Moryo.”

The creature unleashes another barrage of laser beams. However, Moryo sees them coming, releasing his grip and leaps back, leaving the rabbit to take the full brunt of the attack; each beam pierces straight through the body, but the rabbit quickly regenerates its wounds while detaching each and every body part that is on fire.

“I won’t fall for that again, you miserable whelp!” A glaring Moryo angrily growls. “Now… Eat this!”

The demon retaliates by quickly amassing chakra; he opens his mouths and launches a volley of projectiles which consist of 3 different jutsu: Gale Style: Laser Circus, Shade Style: Judgment, and an unknown lightning jutsu in the form of an electric ball.

In response, the multi-eyed horror erects another barrier of gelel energy to defend itself; Moryo’s Laser Circus pelts the barrier, forming large cracks in it. The demon’s two other attacks slam against the cracked barrier, shattering it completely and damaging the defensive monster who wails, reeling back in pain.

“…K-Kill… …Moryo… …I will… …kill… …Moryo…”

“You better not try to rile the great Moryo! Both you and Kaguya are mine…!” An invigorated Moryo roars. “The world will hear my name and TREMBLE!”

Just as the sinister demon finishes his brief monologue, the rabbit fully recovers from her injuries and the white horror rises up once more. Poised to strike all three kaiju square off, locked in a three-way deadlock, locked in mortal combat.


“Well, that’s just great… I don’t see how things can get any better.” Ayanami throws up her hands in defeat.

The group all watch the three titans battling it out from a safe distance; they are all slowly demoralized as they watch the beasts savagely tear into each other; their hearts are heavy with the deaths of two of their closest friends and confidants.

“Actually… Things can get better. We can still tip the scales back in our favor.” Mileena speaks out, piercing through the veil of despair. “If you can get me close to Father, I can re-bond with him and make him calm down.”

Ayanami looks back at Mileena with a faint glimmer of hope. “Are you sure you can bring Jin back from the land of Cthulhu?”

“Yes, I was made for this.” The symbiote gives a thumbs up.

A sudden tremor forces the leaf kunoichi’s attention back on the clash of titans; the Lovecraftian horror sinks his many teeth into Moryo as the demon gores the rabbit with his horns. Meanwhile the rabbit plunges her claws into the horror’s flesh.

Ayanami shakes her head, refocusing her attention on the other powerhouses. “Naruto. Sasuke. Do you think you can keep Moryo and Kaguya busy long enough for Mileena and I to get Jin back?”

“Can do! We’ll buy you all the time you need!”

“Of course. Don’t underestimate the Uchiha.”

The young Hyuga’s determined and analytical gaze finally falls on Kakashi and Echo; she senses that Echo, the time-displaced Jin is low on chakra--likely from helping Obito bring her, Sasuke, and Rito back from the desert dimension. The kunoichi is disappointed seeing as she fails to sense even a sliver of six paths chakra coming from Kakashi, only his normal chakra.

We really have changed the plot of NARUTO just by existing here, haven’t we…? Ayanami thinks to herself before looking back at their fallen friends. “I need you two to stay here. Keep Rito and Sakura safe.”

Arms folded, Echo curtly responds, “Will do.”

“Alright… there’s nothing I can do at the moment anyway.” Kakashi calmly replies.

The kunoichi looks around the group and sees the fire reignited in everyone’s eyes; they know that hope is still out there; they can feel it. Everyone gives her a quick nod of approval.

“Okay then, let’s get ready to do this…” Ayanami nods, slamming her fists together. “We’ll show those creeps the real superpower of teamwork!”

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