How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 97

“A-At long last… the n-nightmare… is finally over…” The ailing Future Jin mutters.

Holding on by a thread, an enervated Echo watches in awe as a typhoon travels up into the atmosphere and detonates; he is forced to lean on Mecha-Naruto due to the fact that he can feel his legs turn to jelly; his skin has grown paler and the dark circles around his eyes have grown noticeably weaker. The time-traveler is unbothered by the fact that he is now on borrowed time as he feels a sense of peace wash over him, he completed goals in getting revenge and changing the future.

“ECHO, I’M TAKING YOU TO MASTER JIN AND LADY AYANAMI. ONE OF THEM CAN HEAL YOU.” Mecha-Naruto’s concern for the one who brought him online is masked by his monotone voice.

…I-It would seem that Jin gave the… T-Tin Man a heart. Fuckin’ hilarious…! Hearing this, Echo weakly shakes his head and smiles. “Don’t bother… *cough* …No m-medical ninjutsu can undo… wh-what's happening to me… *cough* *cough*

For better or worse, being a blood-member of the Uzumaki clan grants Echo a strong lifeforce; he is dying, he will die, but he will hold on long enough to give his counterpart one final gift.

*cough* …M-My… My only regret is… *cough* that I won’t be going… t-to the same place as… MY Ayanami and R-Rito…”


I should probably collect the light dragon’s chakra… Hovering in the air, Jin ponders what he should do next. …REALLY wouldn’t want a tailed beast-level threat running amok at this particular point in time.

While slowly descending from on high, the Onikage sprouts a pair of red, bubbly chakra arms from his shoulders; they grow longer as they reach out and grab hold of the genryu chakra by its neck. The dragon’s chakra thrashes around, struggling to break free, but Jin keeps a firm grip; Jin treats the white chakra like clay and condenses it, molding it into an orb the size of a common baseball.

“The power of the sun… in the palm of my hand. It’s mind-blowing, epic even.” Jin mutters, marveling at the ball of chakra as he mentally recites the lore behind the dragons of Mt. Koryu. Each Genryū represents the 5 basic chakra natures: earth, water, wind, fire, and lightning. And when all five dragons merge together… they form the Light Genryū, a very powerful dragon capable of destroying the world…

The young Uzumaki’s gaze remains fixed on the chakra when his feet touch the rocky ground as if he is in a trance, his mind races with ideas, endless possibilities at his very fingertips. Ayanami and Rito both take note of the coy expression Jin currently wears.

“You’ve already received a massive power-up by your future-self, putting you on equal footing with Naruto and Sasuke…” Ayanami points out in an attempt to feel out what Jin is thinking. “…And now you have the power of the light dragon literally in the palm of your hands.”

Rito adds to the kunoichi’s line of thought by saying, “With that bloody thing, you could quite easily establish yourself as the strongest cunt in Naruto…”

“I could, I SURELY could…” Jin replies, nodding with a coy smile. “BUT on the other hand…?”

In the blink of an eye, Jin appears right in front of the young genius with an air of mystery; he squats down so that they see each other eye-to-eye and winds his right arm back which holds the Light Genryū's chakra.

“Die on me again… and I’ll bring you back to life just so I can kill you myself.”

Confused, Rito tilts his head to the side. “Huh? What’re talking abo–?!”

Jin thrusts his hand forward and plunges the chakra into the shocked genius; he uses his six paths chakra just to make sure the merger goes off without a hitch, leaving nothing to chance.

“Shadow and Light Style: Creation of All Things.” Jin chants.

A groaning Rito stumbles back. “Urgh… Grooogaaah… Aaaaaagh!”

Sensing a surge of powerful chakra coming from the young genius’ body, the smiling Jin eagerly pumps his fists in excitement; he is ecstatic about his scheme working.

“Jin… What did you do…?” A concerned Ayanami queries, also sensing the chakra coming from Rito.

The Onikage looks back at her with a grin. “Oh, I just gave him a shit-ton of rare candies.”

“Hwhoooooooooah… HYAAAAAH…!”

Jin and Ayanami cover their eyes as Rito’s body emits a blindingly bright flash of light. Once the flare of illumination dies down, the two ninjas open their eyes and see Rito examining himself; a mix of shock, awe, and bewilderment cover the boy’s face as he notices the quartet of orbs--seemingly made of light--hovering around him; they twinkle like stars in the night sky.

Rito’s brow furrows as he curiously examines the orbs. “So, you made me the… for the lack of a better term--‘jinchuriki’ of the dragons?”

“More like I fused the both of you together. Hagoromo created the 9 tailed beasts by splitting up the Ten-Tails’ chakra and giving sentience to each portion; I just did the opposite of that…” Jin goes on to explain. “In other words, you ARE the Light Genryū. Think what Uub and Buu did in GT.”

“So, let me get this straight… you went and played god? With MY body?” Rito’s eyes narrow, the tone of his voice becomes deeper and rapid.

Jin just shrugs nonchalantly, weighing the options. “Hmmm… Altering your body without permission… or you, dying to an Otsutsuki or some other powerful idiot? Decisions, decisions…”

Ayanami seizes this moment, suddenly stepping in-between them, she has her arms firmly stretched out to keep the two apart; her expression is one of annoyance.

“If you two are done with your little spat, we can discuss Jin’s ethics later… Right now, we have more important matters to deal with.”

Ayanami points to the distance. Jin and Rito follow her finger and see an ominous black sphere in the sky, overflowing with immense levels of chakra; it gradually increases in size whilst the ground begins to tremble. The quakes become more and more violent as the orb continues to expand, Jin knows full well that the entire dimension--along with everyone in it--will be destroyed if it continues growing.

She has a point… A grinning Jin looks at his friends and asks them, “Well, guys… ready to finish Shippuden?


“Ggh… You cretins… Disappear!!” Kaguya growls, infusing chakra.

The Mother of All Chakra produces a barrage of her Eighty Gods Vacuum Fists to counter and suppress Naruto’s chakra arms. Powerful shock waves are produced as their punches collide with one another as a result of their savage might; Kaguya grins as she quickly gains ground.

However, her arrogant smirk quickly fades away due to her noticing Sasuke charging toward her from behind; she aims her free hand at the last Uchiha and shoots an All-Killing Ash Bone at him, but a sizable chunk of diamond very suddenly, very mysteriously appears in front of her Ash Bone, shielding Sasuke. The rogue ninja swiftly knocks away the crumbling mass of carbon with the webbed-claw-shaped wings on his back and follows-up by making a pair of Susano’o arms with the intent to pummel her, Kaguya counters with another volley of Vacuum fists.

Not good… I’ll go to the ice world… Kaguya broods, scheming on what to do next, her lips purse with frustration. NO. Indra’s reincarnate possesses the Amaterasu, so that would be no good…!

Kaguya is at a stalemate with her grandchildren’s reincarnations, she finds their tenacity frustratingly annoying, but she truly believes she can still turn the tide back in her favor once more.

“Hey, Kaguya! The clan knows what you did to Isshiki and the tree…” A voice says from above. “They’re mad and they’re coming to get you!!”

Upon hearing these words, the now shocked and afraid Otsutsuki looks up to see Jin and Ayanami, dive-bombing with a fire in their eyes and hordes of chakra arms of their own; she notices that Jin looks at her with a sinister, unhinged smile. With the strength of the righteous and the fury of the damned, the two ninjas come down on the Mother of All Chakra with fists swinging. The realization that this child knows more than he lets on hits Kaguya like a shot in the arm, but she doesn’t let that stop her from forming even more Vacuum Fists to again counter.

The frustration Kaguya feels gradually turns into fear and outrage as she is besieged on three fronts. The four shinobi steadily gain ground as they pummel their way through the Otsutsuki’s defenses; if she only had to deal with one or two of them, victory would be assured, this however, is unfortunately not the case.

“Gotchaaaa!!” Naruto yells while thrusting his right hand forward.

With a fiercely determined expression, Sasuke quietly follows suit by shoving his left hand forward.

““THIS IS THE END!!!”” Jin and Ayanami shout in unison.

Im…possible…the mother of all chakra…lose to these offspring. Kaguya’s face contorts with despair and denial as she feels Jin and Ayanami grab her tightly and push her towards Naruto and Sasuke; their fingers dig into her to the point of blood beginning to trickle from where they grip her. “Gwaaaaaaaahhhh!!”


Knowing what the others are thinking, all four shinobi infuse their six paths chakra and shout, ““““Six Paths: Planetary Devastation!!””””

As the four quickly break away from their shared enemy and fly down to where the rest of their group has gathered, Jin looks back and a grin, watches as Kaguya is sealed away; as boulders and debris ascend and cling to the defeated Otsutsuki, her Rinne Sharingan fades away while nine colossal masses of chakra ooze from her and descend to the ground.

While the Onikage makes landfall, the masses of chakra land around the group in a circular formation and retake their tailed beast forms, but Jin pays this no mind when he notices Mecha-Naruto. The robot double is cradling Echo; Jin’s expression sours when he detects his counterpart’s chakra is fading.

“Sealing complete!” Naruto’s brimming smile quickly turns into a horrified panic, he frantically runs around in circles. “Hey, wait--HOW’RE WE SUPPOSED TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE?!!”

“He got it done… but I gotta say, he’s still a tad dumb, isn’t he?” Son Goku says to Kurama, who looks away with embarrassment.

Everyone grows dead silent as they feel a powerful chakra calling to them; they suddenly vanish without a trace, leaving Kaguya’s dimensions for the time being.


In a puff of smoke, Jin realizes that he along with the rest of the group are no longer in Kaguya’s core dimension, but the final battleground of the 4th Great Ninja war; he scans his surroundings and is amazed to find all prior Five Kage gathered around them. Before the group, stands Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths and Father of Shinobi; he hovers in a meditative position over his Truth-Seeker Orbs with his pewter staff floating behind him.

“Welcome back home, Naruto.” Minato greets his son with a warm smile.


Keenly aware of what is going to happen next, Jin tunes them out, but maintains a respectful silence and turns his attention to the ailing Echo; he looks so feeble as if he were a coughing infant. The Onikage infuses his chakra and weaves the Ram hand sign, activating the Mind Transmission Jutsu and establishing a telepathic link between the members of his team.

Jin? What’s this all abo… Oh.” Ayanami’s expression saddens as she too senses the weakening chakra.

The team silently, somberly gathers around the expiring Echo, keeping him company in his final moments. No one should face the end alone.

I-I’m… I’m sorry…” With tears running down his face, Rito lowers his head, feeling a mix of guilt and shame.

The wheezing time-traveler responds by saying, “…D-Don’t be… Live lives worth living… Ch-Change the world… Experience everything that MY friends and I never could…

I-I recently learned the R-Reanimation Jutsu, I-I can… find some White Zetsu stragglers… real scum of the Earth that no one will miss. Use them to bring you back.” Jin chokes on his words, his heart begins to grow heavy. He’s me… he gave us the power to change our fate, it’s only natural that I help him…

N-No, don’t… I was already… prepared to die…” Coughing, Echo slowly reaches for Jin’s right hand, grabbing it and resting it on the top of his head. “T-Take my… knowledge… Take m-my eyes… You’ll put them… to good use…

Echo, no!” Tears stream down Ayanami’s face.

Ayanami, please… don’t f-feel… sad for me… I am… at peace… I’ve done what… no other artists could… GODS, I made… g-gods…

Sensing his counterpart’s chakra is close to dropping to absolute zero, Jin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He builds up his nerve and whispers to Echo, “Requiescat in pace, brother. God rest your--OUR poor soul.”

Gathering chakra in his Rinnegan and hands, the Onikage uses the Human Path to pull out the time-traveler’s soul. Due to the Mind Transmission’s telepathic link still being up, the rest of the team are also privy to the knowledge and memories flooding into Jin’s mind; his eyes grow wide and his brain lurches as Echo’s secrets play out in his head.

RITO (Six Paths):


  • Rito manifests six path chakra.
  • Was fused with the Genryū of Mount Koryū against his will.
    • As the Light Genryū, Rito now has an affinity for all 5 basic chakra natures.
    • 4 orbs of light hover around him, they can shoot beams of light.
  • The mugonhei now protect and serve him loyally.



  • The scars left over from Orochimaru’s experiments have completely vanished from Rito’s body.

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