How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Side Chapter 1

As the morning sunlight shines through the window, Jin yawns as he wakes up from his deep slumber. The new genin gets out of his warm and comfortable bed, he performs a few stretches before doing three sets of twenty push ups.

Today’s the day… I’m assigned my team and my mentor. Jin looks at the calendar, it’s October the 15th. Better get dressed then.


Fully dressed, Jin waits patiently outside the restroom door which is in use. The Genin can hear the sink water running from the other side of the door. After thirty minutes of waiting, Jin's patience grows thin.

“HEY, you’re not the only one who has to use the restroom, ya know?! …What’re you doing in there?!” Jin bangs furiously against the door. “Hurry up! I need to finish my routine so I can go eat!”

OCCUPIED! Go outside like the rest of the animals, Tomato-Head!”

“You first, Ino-Pig.”


Now that Naruto knows the Shadow Clone Jutsu I can probe his mind! A gleeful Jin thinks as he and Ino exit the house and make their way to the academy.

“I believe they let an outsider like you graduate, what a surprise.”

“That was then, this is now… Just make sure to not get in my way.” Jin’s tone is filled with venom and malice.

Not hearing a response, Jin turns to see that his cousin has stopped walking and locked eyes with a pink-haired girl in a red qipao dress. Tension fills the air and for a brief second to Jin, the two girls turn into a tiger and dragon who’re both poised to strike.

Oh, right… Ino and Sakura have a childish rivalry. I don’t have time for this. Jin continues walking, not giving them a second thought.


After arriving at the ninja academy and subsequently his class, Jin takes his seat. Everyone is wondering what will happen for orientation, except for Jin who suffers in silence.

OH, FUCK ME--DAMN IT ALL!! WHY? WHY DID SHINO HAVE TO SIT BEHIND ME?! Jin’s face begins to turn blue with extreme anxiety.

The red-haired Genin’s heart pounds like a drum and sweat runs down his face, his neck hairs rise and his skin crawls. Jin finds it difficult to breathe while his arms and legs tremble, his face gains a green hue because of sudden nausea.

…FUCK! I NEED TO ESCAPE! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!! Jin stands up and quickly power walks to the front desks.

He meets his fellow reincarnation, Ayanami Hyuga by the windows.

“Is it okay if I sit here?”

“Okay… but I saw that--why do you hate Shinno? I’ve noticed that you avoid him like the plague the whole time at school.”

“I don’t hate Shinno… I just hate bugs.”

Realizing what Jin meant, Ayanami nods and scoots over to the window.

A now elated Jin takes his new seat. “Thank you.”

“I’M FIRST!!” Ino and Sakura both shout as they burst into the classroom.

“That’s no fair! How come Ayanami gets to sit next to Jin?” Several girls say in the background.

How annoying… Jin thinks as he takes out a sheet of paper and begins to draw.

A little later, several gasps are heard followed by dead silence.

“Oops.” Ayanami has a look of guilt mixed with embarrassment. “Sorry, Naruto…”

“Danger!” Naruto mutters as he looks to his right.

A horde of jealous girls stare down the titular character with cold, menacing glares. Sakura and Ino are at the forefront, they appear to be the most upset.

“Naruto… you are so dead.” Sakura cracks her knuckles. “You’re finished.”

Terrified of what's about to happen… wow, this kid really loves his ramen… Ah, there’s the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Jin probes Naruto’s mind as he continues to draw.


After Naruto’s… girl trouble, the class has all settled down and taken their seats. Iruka has arrived and stands in front of the class.

“As of today you are all ninjas, but what comes next will be far more difficult. Now, you’re all only genin, first level ninja… All the genin will be grouped into three-man squads, Each squad will be led by a jonin, an elite ninja.”

I wonder who’ll be on my team…? Jin wonders as he hears murmurs from his classmates.

Jin leans forward so he can intently listen for his name and those of his future squadmates. He feels nervous, anxious, but at the same time, excitement.

“We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities, so that’s how we set them up. I will now announce the squads. Team 1: Jin Yamanaka, Yuno Tamaki, and Takeda Sarutobi.”

“YEAH!!” A girl shouts from the back.

Takeda and Yuno? Who the hell are they? A puzzled Jin leans back, underwhelmed by his team members' names.

Iruka looks down at his clipboard, continuing to list the teams. “Team 3: Ayanami Hyuga, Byakuya Hatake, and Mikasa. Next is Team 7…”


Classes have been dismissed until the afternoon and Jin now sits alone on the roof of the academy, finishing off the contents of his bento. He sets the bento box to the side and begins to infuse his chakra.

While weaving a hand sign, Jin says, “Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

In a puff of smoke, Jin is disappointed at what he sees. “Only two…? Lame!”

“Well, we only just learned the technique.”

“That and we don’t have a tailed beast to draw chakra from.”

Hearing footsteps the three Jins turn to see a girl with azure hair and a navy tank top with a big smile on her face. Her dark blue eyes are filled with sparkles.

“I was thinking… since we’re on the same team, why don’t we have lunch and get to know each other.”

Jin curtly responds with, “I already ate, you should hurry up and eat. We need to head back and meet our new teacher soon… later.”

As Jin walks away, he has his two clones dissipate in a puff of smoke. Yuno is left alone to sulk.

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