How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Side Chapter 5


Several days have passed since the Hebi have left that small town in order to find Itachi, the team has chosen to set up camp deep in the forest for the time being. Taking advantage of their free time, Jin has decided to take Rito on a short hiking trip. After walking some distance away from their campsite, Jin finally stops walking.

“So why did you take me out here?” Confusion is written all over the young boy’s face.

Not saying anything, Jin turns to look back at Rito with a calm yet stern expression. He appears to be thinking about something, but says nothing; he strokes his chin, still thinking of what to say. Jin’s silence makes Rito perplexed, he doesn’t know if he should be curious or concerned.

“Oi, Jin! Why. Are. We. Here?”

“...I’m going to teach you a new jutsu.” Jin finally breaks his silence.

What…? Rito’s head tilts to one side. “Sorry, but why? I already have crystal style.”

“Don’t get me wrong… kekkei genkai are strong, but kekkei genkai users are one-trick-ponies.”

“What? Please explain…”

“How do I…?” Jin’s eyes light up as if a light bulb appeared over his head. “Rito, make a sword or something.”

Not saying anything, Rito goes along with Jin’s request and makes a crystalline sword in the shape of a cleaver. It sparkles like diamonds in the afternoon sunlight.

“Good. Hit me.”

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Rito is visibly taken aback by Jin’s words.

“I said for you to hit me. With all you got.”

“Mate, I’m not gonna–”

“Just do it!”

With both hands on the hilt, Rito lifts the sword into the air. He uses his chakra to enhance his muscles and swings down with all his might.

“Purple Lightning.”

Jin swipes at the blade with the violet electricity concentrated in his hand. The sword is cut in two with the tip flying straight into a nearby tree, Rito just looks at his broken sword with a dejected look on his face.

“Crystal Style is weak to both Lightning Style and powerful wide-range jutsu. If we were to fight for real, I would spam lightning jutsu and Rasenshuriken until they connect.” Jin continues to explain. “Once characters like Sasuke figured out Deidara’s explosion jutsu worked, he started using more and more Chidoris. Like I said, kekkei genkai users are one-trick-ponies.”

“Got it. So what jutsu did you want to teach me?” Rito shatters the sword.


Jin hands Rito a red water balloon with a yellow cloud pattern. Rito stares at the rogue sound ninja with confusion and disbelief.

“The first step to learning the Rasengan is to use your chakra to spin the water in the balloon until it pops.” Jin pulls out another balloon and holds it out for Rito to see. “Observe.”

Bumps form on the balloon’s surface in every direction, the balloon sways from side to side. It bursts with water splashing onto the ground.

“That’s all?” Rito doesn’t look convinced.

“The steps seem simple, but are deceptively complex…” Jin wipes his hand on his pants before crossing his arms. “I started training my chakra control before I even entered the academy and it still took me two months to master this jutsu. Give it a shot.”

“I’ll try…”

“Don’t try, do.

“Shut up, Yoda.”

Rito gathers chakra in his hand and has it spin, the balloon sways from side to side and then flattens. Sensing this will take a while Jin walks to a nearby tree, he sits down and takes out his book to draw…


Sometime later, the Itachi Capture Team has returned to the Leaf Village in failure. Feeling like an abject failure, Ayanami finds herself reading at the library, as she combs through several books and finds a few subjects of interest.

“Oh and Ayanami? You wanted us to surpass Naruto and Sasuke, right? I’ve gotten stronger, why haven’t you?” Jin’s words echo in the Hyuga’s mind.

“Anything good to read?”

Ayanami looks up from her book, a man with white hair and a mask covering his face looks back at her. He wears his usual relaxed and bored attitude, but Ayanami can detect the faintest traces of concern in his eye.

“Hey, Kakashi-sensei…” Ayanami’s expression is one of dejection.

“Why so glum?”

“It’s… I couldn’t save my teacher and I couldn’t help the team capture Jin or Itachi, I feel like I haven’t made any real progress…” Ayanami bears her soul to the jonin. “I remember how Jin would spend hours here reading, can you help me with something?”

“Help you with what?”

Ayanami shows Kakashi the book she was reading and says, “Some of these books talk about something called, sage jutsu--what is that?”

“Sage jutsu is what happens when one trains to be a sage, it exponentially increases the power of ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Sage jutsu can only be taught at special locations like Mt. Myoboku and Ryuchi Cave. There’s more to it, I’m just glossing it over…”

I wonder if Jin learned sage jutsu? Maybe I can too… Ayanami listens intently to Kakashi’s words. “Interesting… If I were to travel to Myoboku, how would I get there?”

“On foot it would take at least a month, one could try to reverse summon themselves… Ayanami, I know what you’re thinking, but don’t–”

Ayanami bites her thumb and weaves several signs. “Thanks for the lesson Kakashi-sensei! Summoning Jutsu!”

The young Hyuga slams her hand on the table and a formula appears where she places her hand. In a puff of smoke, Ayanami disappears leaving Kakashi by his lonesome.

“Shhh!” The librarian hushes from his desk.

Kakashi bows and whispers, “Sorry.”


In a puff of smoke, Ayanami finds herself in a strange new land; Ayanami surveys her new surroundings, there are numerous frog statues, fairly large leaves and mushrooms, and many rocky spikes several stories high in the distance. In front of Ayanami stands a green toad with a small, white goatee and thick eyebrows and wears a gray cape. The toad just has a confused look due to the kunoichi's sudden arrival.

Ayanami awkwardly bows. “H-Hello… I’m Ayanami Hyuga. Is this where I can learn sage mode?”

“I-I’m Fukasaku… I don’t mind teaching you, but I have important business with the Leaf to deal with first. Jiraiya-boy is dead…”

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