How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Side Chapter 7

In the aftermath of Pain’s jutsu, the Village Hidden in The Leaves has been reduced to a massive crater with several layers of depth, dust covers the entire area, creating a haze; the hollow's perimeter is covered in debris and wreckage that once were the many houses and buildings that comprised the village. There is complete silence, nothing can be heard aside from the wind blowing and the shifting of the rubble. Tsunade’s personal summoning, Lady Katsuyu, is the sole reason there are any survivors.

Within the dust cloud, the elder toad, Shima, is hopping urgently towards the very epicenter of the blast; as the toad gets closer, the ground gradually slopes downward. Upon reaching the edge of the innermost layer of the crater, Shima stops in her tracks and weaves the hand signs, Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, and Ram.

“Summoning Jutsu!” The toad shouts, pressing her right hand on the ground.

A jutsu formula appears under Shima’s hands and briefly spreads before erupting into a giant cloud of white smoke that creates a gust of wind, blowing away a portion of the dust cloud leftover from Pain’s attack. The smoke slowly and dramatically fades away to reveal three giant toads, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken; all three toads are brandishing their weapons, prepared for a fight. On top of Gamabunta’s head is his son, Gamakichi with his arms folded and standing on Gamakichi’s head is Naruto who is also crossing his arms with a steadfast expression on his face. Boldly standing atop Gamahiro’s head is Ayanami, she has her hands resting on her hips; Naruto and Ayanami both have orange pigmentation around their eyes and yellow irises with toad-like pupils.

Hmm? Where are w--wait a minute. Growing confused Ayanami activates her Byakugan.

The veins around the young Hyuga’s eyes bulge and her irises enlarge, but remain yellow due to sage mode and her pupils become more distinct. Due to the vast power increase granted by sage mode, the range of Ayanami’s near-360° penetrative field of vision has increased tenfold. The increased eyesight causes a sudden and intense sensory overload; Ayanami hunches, clutching her eyes in pain.

She quickly focuses the scope of her vision to the surrounding area; the realization of where they’ve been summoned to is devastating, Ayanami is shocked to her very core. The sight of her home destroyed and her friends and family either dead or severely injured caused the kunoichi great pain, unspeakable pain.

Her pain and sadness immediately vanish when she notices a person hidden among the dust directly in front of her group, a man wearing a black cloak with red cloud patterns; Ayanami’s brain lurched, rage curdling inside her. With pure hate and vengeance taking root in her heart, the young Hyuga balls her shaking hands into fists.

“Wait, I don’t get it… where are we?” Naruto asks, looking around in confusion.

Also perplexed, Gamabunta asks, “Where’s the enemy we’re supposed to face?”

Shima jumps up Gamabunta landing on top of his head and right in front of her husband, Fukasaku.

“What’s goin’ on, Ma? Why didn’t you summon us to–”

“This IS the Leaf.” Ayanami growls.

“What do ya mean?’ Gamakichi asks.

Shima answers with, “Just look around.”

Through the haze, Naruto makes out the Hokage Rock, the mountain overlooking the Leaf Village with all the faces of the Hokage carved into the stone. Just at the feet of the mountain lies debris and building wreckage.

“It’s obvious to me who did all this…” Shima exclaims.

Pain.” Blood slowly drips from Ayanami’s fists.

As Naruto grits his teeth in anger, the Akatsuki member steps out of the haze and into a more visible patch of land; He coldly looks up at Naruto with dead eyes.

“Good, now I don’t have to hunt you down.” His voice is just as cold as his stare.

Something comes flying into the area, Ayanami sees that it is another Akatsuki member with the same eyes and hair color as the man in front of her group. The enemy kunoichi performs a summoning jutsu of her own, four more Akatsuki appear in a puff of smoke; they too have the same hair color and eyes. The five land right in front of Pain, taking a defensive formation.

The Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade suddenly appears, breathing heavily and takes a fighting stance. Naruto and Ayanami both notice her injuries and sense that her chakra reserves are low. Several anbu come to her side, to aid and protect her in any way they can.

“Huff… Huff… Huff… How dare you trample on the jewel, the dreams of my predecessors…? I won’t forgive you?! I’ll settle this now as HOKAGE!!!”

“It appears you understand a little about pain. However… I have no need for you right now.” With a stoic tone, Pain coldly dismisses her.

One of the Pain bodies quickly rushes at Tsunade with blades coming out of his right arm, but Ayanami immediately intercepts him and strikes a chakra point to stop his heart. However, something unexpected happens; upon hitting her intended chakra point, the Asura Path’s insides come blasting out of his back, leaving a sizable hole in his torso. The ground is now littered with chunks of metal and machinery. The scene does shock Ayanami, but then she quickly composes herself.

Thanks to sage mode and Guy-sensei’s training, I’m much faster than I ever was… With a cold tone, Ayanami utters, “You’re hurt and exhausted, get going. We’ll deal with Pain… permanently.”

Naruto and the two elder toads leap down to Ayanami’s side, declaring, “Let’s settle this!”

Both sides stare each other down, the tension is spiking. As the Paths of Pain take a more strategic formation, Gamakichi leaps down and uses his long, prehensile tongue to pick up Tsunade.

“Here, please take Katsuyu… She’ll come in handy, she has intel on all of the Pains.” Tsunade hands Naruto a small slug clone.

“Granny… N-Now that I’ve mastered nature energy, I’m able to sense everybody’s chakra… Is Kakashi-sensei away on a mission?”

Tsunade says nothing, but Ayanami can see a wailing Choji holding Kakashi’s lifeless body; this only makes the flames in the kunoichi’s heart burn brighter, hotter.

“I see.”

As soon as Gamakichi leaps away, the Animal Path breaks the stalemate by summoning a giant rhino; the beast charges at Naruto with full force, but the new sage catches the rhino with his newly acquired might. Naruto forces the rhino to slow down, it slows down until it’s stopped in its tracks. Naruto takes the opportunity to throw the giant rhino high into the air. The Animal Path summons a giant dog and ox, the two summons begin to stampede.

“”Let’s go--Sage Art: Frog Song!””

Fukasaku and Shima leap into the air, focusing nature energy to their throats; they croak in unison, releasing large, loud, and immensely powerful sound waves. The dog and Ox paralyzed by the sound attack.

Naruto runs past the summons to engage the Preta Path, leaving Ayanami to deal with the beast. She creates a shadow clone and both run until they're directly underneath each animal, both kunoichi launch a high-speed palm thrust.

“Sage Art: Eight Trigrams Air Palm!”

The summons are blasted by a shell of precise and compressed shockwaves and sage chakra, sending them into the air with the giant rhino. Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken all jump into the air, taking advantage of the situation and proceed to beat the summons into submission.


Naruto weaves a sign. “...Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

“I see, so you’ve become a sage… and mastered the same jutsu as Jiraiya-sensei.” Tendo Pain begins to converse.

“Jiraiya…? Y-You called him ‘sensei’?”

“I also learned from Jiraiya, he was my master as well… that makes us sibling-students. Sharing the same sensei, we ought to be able to understand each other. Our master desired peace.”

“JUST SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!” Naruto roars as he and his clones prepare the jutsu. “Everything you’ve done here… all this destruction… what part of all that is peaceful?!!”

Pain remains cold and stoic. “You simply cannot see the forest through the trees, you’re not able to comprehend the true meaning of peace or what I’m trying to accomplish. Just let yourself be captured, surrender and your death will lead to peace.”


In a frenzy of rage, Naruto throws the Rasenshuriken, the jutsu flies at the enemy group with tremendous speed. Tendo and the Naraka Path quickly jump out of the way, evading it. The Animal Path however, can’t and has to be pulled out of the way by the Human Path. The Rasenshuriken instantly expands, shredding the Human Path to oblivion. While in midair, the Animal Path notices a bright light headed right for her, she turns to see a hound running towards her; the hound is composed entirely of lightning chakra. The hound bites down and detonates in a brilliant fashion.

The lightning dissipates as soon as it appears, leaving behind only smoke and a charred hand. A surprise Naruto looks back to see Ayanami walking forward while holding her right hand, residual sparks of electricity come off of it. She can see her squad, Team 3, by the village gate, Mikasa is desperately attempting to resuscitate Byakuya.

“So you’re a terrorist and a hypocrite…?” Ayanami’s voice is cold and venomous. “You won’t hurt anyone ever again… I’ll be dancing on your ashes before the end of the day.”

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