How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 32. Arc 1 Epilogue Farewell Martial Arts World (╥╯﹏╰╥)~

As usual, when there is something Ren Qingquan doesn't understand. He will just ask the person most likely to understand about it so they could explain those things to him. Within his mind, Ren Qingquan started a calling system.

'System. What is going on with your map? Did it just glitched? There is actually a tunnel suddenly appearing there.'

[Ding! Explaining to the host. There is a force capable of interfering with the system's Scan within that tunnel. Please upgrade the system's Scan function to increase its penetration and stability so as to not be affected by that interference force.]

Hearing the system's explanation, Ren Qingquan could only continue to dig the soil while in a daze before asking the system a suspicion he had since a long time ago.

'System, is it possible you got sent as my cheat after only half formed? Why have I never read about the system in those novels requiring upgrades in almost every single chapter.'


While he is arguing with the system, Ren Qingquan hears a scream from his uncle behind him.

"Could you kids dig faster? We old guys can't hold it any longer here!"


Looking back at the three Martial Lords consisting of his uncle, elder Zhang, and Peak Master Fen. Ren Qingquan could see their condition getting worse.

Right now his uncle's blue robe has turned red due to the blood flowing from his wound. Elder Zhang could be seen swallowing medicinal pills like there is no tomorrow. Lastly, although Peak Master Fen looks mostly intact, there is a huge patch of baldness in the middle of his head due to the attack from that wolf.

Opening the system's map, he saw there were still dozens of meters before their group could dig through and enter the tunnel. Sighing, Ren Qingquan decided to use [Devour].

'Sigh, whatever. This ability of mine has been known anyway.'

"All of you make way."

Ren Qingquan immediately went to the front of their team and activated [Devour] to swallow the layer of soils within a mere minute.

Behind that layer of soils, there is the small tunnel he previously talked about. The tunnel is made of stone-like material similar to the one used by the sect on top of this mountain. The only exception being the color that is slightly darker and the slight glow this stone has.

Looking at the small path that appeared in front of them, they immediately ran into it. While running, Ren Qingquan doesn't forget to pull some of them toward his system's [Storage]. Although the system seems unreliable and often requires upgrades, he must acknowledge its capability. Which makes him come to the conclusion that those stones that could affect the system's scan are definitely precious.

The wolf, unwilling to let them go, followed their group through that tunnel. As the tunnel is not quite big, the Martial Emperor wolf needs to crawl through the tunnel which gives their group some time to run away from that wolf.

After running for a whole half an hour, their group saw a huge empty space where a big circular platform with many complicated circles drawn on top was placed right in the middle of that empty space. At the center of that big circular platform, a small crystal-like thing is imbued into the platform.

Looking around the big empty space, the group could only see one path connected to their current location which is the tunnel they came from.

Seeing their current situation, everyone in the group except for Ren Qingchen who inspected the crystal and runes like drawing on top of this platform turned pale. Peak Master Fen even said some scary things.

"Ayooo... Who would've thought this old me would die at a cave in the middle of nowhere instead of dying in sleep just like I planned."

Looking at Ren Qingchen inspecting the crystal located in the middle of that circular platform, the Third Princess arrived and asked in concern after realizing Ren Qingchen seems to know about the most likely formation under them.

"How is it? Could this thing be used?"

"There should be some damage here and there, but someone might have arrived here before us and repaired it as I could see recent traces of repair. The only problem here is the energy source. That crystal in the middle has been slightly damaged and can't release spirit qi properly, if only there is a spirit stone or even one trace of spirit qi, I could use it to siphon the remaining qi stored within that broken spirit crystal to activate this formation."

Looking at the Third Princess's sad face, Ren Qingquan continued.

"Guess now I need to use my second plan and fight that wolf."

Pointing at Peak Master Fen, Ren Qingchen threw a flute toward him.

"Old man, you are the strongest here. Use this flute by gathering your blood energy toward it. After that, control your energy and lock that wolf as your target. The attack from the flute should be enough to seriously wound that Martial Emperor."

Just when Ren Qingchen told his battle plan to the three Martial Lords around him, Ren Qingquan who had been hearing his whole conversation with the Third Princess suddenly talked.

"Eh, is this the spirit you are talking about?"

Looking back, Ren Qingchen could see Ren Qingquan raising the tip of his finger. Above it, there is a faint mist-like thing which is one of the forms a spirit could exist in.

"That is right! How could you generate a spirit qi in the lower world though?!"

With a face that everyone here wishes to punch, Ren Qingquan answered.

"It comes from the martial arts technique I practiced. It is said to be found on this island and is an incredibly hard technique to practice. But I successfully learned it in a mere day, don't you think I am amazing?"

Hearing his answer Ren Qingchen discarded the unimportant second part and merely focused on the first one.

'Is it the inheritance of that pitiful top sect? Is the ruin on top of Meteor Island related to that sect? If so, then my start at the cultivation world in this life will be several times better than in my previous life.'

After waking up from his thinking, Ren Qingchen called into Ren Qingquan.

"Come here and follow my word to guide the spirit qi stored in this crystal into the formation."

While following his instruction, Ren Qingquan seems to finally realize something as he asks a question.

"Just what kind of formation is it anyway?"

Listening to Ren Qingquan's question, Ren Qingchen is speechless. Just how stupid must someone be to follow another word without even knowing about their motives first. Anyway, he still answered Ren Qingquan's question.

"Teleportation formation."

"Where does it lead to?"

"It seems to lead toward the Immortal Cultivation World."

Hearing his word, except for the Third Princess that has guessed it. The others standing on top of the platform are shocked. The old man Ren Qingchen threw the Azure Flute in shock.

"What? What do you mean by teleportation formation and immortal cultivation world? Ain't that thing just a legend?!"

"Of course not. Otherwise where do you think this Meteor Island and those seemingly nonsense knowledge about immortal arts come from?"

While bantering with Peak Master Fen, Ren Qingchen continued to guide Ren Qingquan about how to use his spirit qi and siphon the spirit qi in that crystal.

Just when a trembling noise could be heard from that tunnel. The strand of spirit qi Ren Qingquan used finally successfully siphoned the spirit qi stored in that spirit crystal.

With that, the platform started to glow with a blinding white light that engulfed everyone standing on top of it.

Behind the blinding light, all of them could see the wolf finally arriving at the empty space and howled.


"Human! DIE!!!"

With a sound similar to those old TVs being turned off, all eight human +1 wolves disappeared from the empty space.



'Ouch! Ouch! It's frickin 'hurts!'

Opening his eyes, Ren Qingquan could see the notification from the system while he was taking his sweet time waking up.

[HOST! HOST! WAKE UP!!! Initiating another emergency waking up procedure in three seconds! 3! 2! 1!]


"Owwww it hurts!"

Returning to his senses after being zapped by the system twice, Ren Qingquan realized he is currently sleeping on top of an island with 7 other people laying around like corpses.

Looking as if those people could still sleep oh so sweetly, Ren Qingquan felt unbalanced mentally and asked whether or not the system could sell him that electricity it used to zap himself awake.

[Ding! Host, please open the system shop]

Opening the system store, Ren Qingchen looked at the items sold there and found the one he was looking for.

[lightning, 1 point. Description: A lightning.]

Purchasing 1 point of that lightning, Ren Qingquan asked the system whether or not this was enough to kill the people around him.

[No, 1 point of lightning is exactly the amount the system used to shock the host previously.]

Getting the system's confirmation, Ren Qingquan spent 6 more points to purchase more lightning and start to shoot the lightning in system storage toward those people laying around him.

*Bzzzzttt* x7

"Ouch. Ayooo, my body is numb"

With a cacophony of grunting noise, the surrounding people woke up. After some time getting used to their surroundings, some of them started asking questions toward him as he is the first person to wake up.

Feeling their questioning look, Ren Qingquan just shrugged.

"Don't ask me. I also just recently woke up. I think Ren Qingchen has a higher understanding about our current situation compared to me. Afterall he is the one that taught me how to activate that formation. "

With that, everyone changed the target for their questioning toward Ren Qingchen which soon answered their question.

"We should have arrived at the immortal cultivation world. I can sense the natural spirit which didn't exist in our previous world."

Next, the senior brother standing next to him asked another question toward Ren Qingchen.

"Then, what should we do now? Also, where is the wolf that has chased after us previously?"

"It seems that the wolf either hasn't been teleported or got teleported to another place instead of together with us because it joined when the formation got activated. I think we should look for a way to leave this small island."

Just when they are deciding which direction they should swim to and whether or not elder Zhang needs to use another of her pills to summon some fish as their ride. A whizzing noise sounded from the air above them.

"Halt! You have trespassed into the territory of Pure Wave Sect!"

In the sky above them, a group of people wearing the same uniform as each other while riding a flying sword could be seen.

Raising his head to look at that group, although Ren Qingquan has prepared himself mentally since Ren Qingchen said they have arrived at an immortal cultivation world, he still couldn't help screaming internally because seeing the real deal is a whole different thing.


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