How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 37. Immortal World Style Fans Meet And Greet

Upon arriving at his guest house, I could see Ren Qingquan returned to reading the system message I sent about the sub system function and started asking another question.

'System, you previously said you might've found the source of my uneasy feeling. Does it have any relation to that tree struck by thunder?'

[That is right, the system guessed the uneasy feeling the host had is related to the 'Devour' function. Previously the system spent some reserve energy and attached a Lv 2 sub system containing 'Devour' on a tree in that location. Upon activating 'Devour' using that tree for ten minutes, it got struck by thunder.]

'Do you mean, I will also get struck by thunder once I activate [Devour] in this world?'

[Most likely yes.]

Hearing my answer, Ren Qingquan began thinking about several possible means to cheat that thunder punishment like attack. But, remembering how my previous experiment actually made three extremely powerful people to be concerned and fly toward that place. Ren Qingquan decided to lay low for now and only begin his test once the attention subsided. A decision I wholeheartedly agreed to.

Time moves in the blink of an eye and three days have already passed.

Before the sun even rose, everyone from Martial Arts World had already gathered together at an open space located nearby the guest house they are staying at.

Looking around, except for Rent Qingchen who is definitely a regressor and Ren Qingquan who could sleep without a care in the world, everyone else has a faint dark circle surrounding their eyes. They all seem to be nervous and losing sleep because the test today will seriously affect their future.

Although I know for certain through [Scan] that Ren Qingquan's third uncle and fatty's aunt are both losing sleep due to a different reason altogether, that is a topic for later.

Once the sun rose, cultivator Jin Fushen arrived at the place they gathered.

Observing the group which looks like a bunch of pandas, he just smiled and called upon them.

"Well, what a convenience that everyone has gathered here. All of you may follow me to the testing site for new disciples."

Jin Fushen then took his pouch and proceeded to pull a miniature boat that slowly enlarged until reaching the size enough for 10 people to barely fit in.

"The testing ground is quite far away, so all of you need to move using the boat. I will bring you all until you are near the testing location."

Ren Qingquan and the others jumped toward the boat that soon started to float once everyone had stood on top of it.

With everyone standing on top of the small boat, the boat began looking extremely cramped.

Jin Fushen smiled as he glanced at everyone standing nearby like sardines.

"We only need to fly for 10 minutes before arriving at the testing site. Please bear with it as this is the biggest boat I have."

Hearing Jin Fushen's explanation, everyone could only smile while being packed together like sardines. Soon after, they start talking among each other to relieve their boredom.

Meanwhile, I am currently busy activating my [Scan]. As the boat flies at a low altitude of less than one kilometer from the ground. [Scan] could still reach the people from Pure Wave Sect below them.

Separating my focus to overhear what Ren Qingquan's group are talking about. I spent most of my focus on [Scan] everything the boat passed through. The result of this [Scan] seriously shocked me.

During the whole journey, I sensed hundreds of thousands of people within the Pure Wave Sect. Among them, there are three people at extremely high levels.

They are at a similar level to the young woman who visited the crater caused by my experiment previously. Just like that woman, those three also have a fluctuation capable of distorting my [Scan].

Soon, they passed through Pure Wave Sect's formation barrier and reached a tall mountain with a flat peak nearby.

Midway through the mountain, there is a huge gate with the words Pure Wave Sect written using an amazing calligraphy. The words even exude some energies that could be sensed from the foot of the mountain.

Flying slightly further, all of them could see a huge city surrounded by extremely tall walls engraved with many complicated runes.

Stopping his boat at an opening between the city and flat pedal mountain they had previously passed. There are already many people waiting there, most likely to join the Pure Wave Sect's recruitment test.

Slowly descending his boat, Jin Fushen waited until everyone got out of his boat before using some hand seals to turn the boat smaller.

From Ren Qingquan's position, I could hear the surrounding people which mainly consist of teenagers around Ren Qingquan's age screaming in excitement.

"Look over there! An Immortal!"

"Where? Where?"

"What an amazing immortal, I also want to be like him"

There are many people screaming about their admiration. Many also talked about their wish to be an immortal cultivator. There is also one weird scream coming from a young girl mixed within.

"Kyaaa, so handsome! Senior, I want to have many little monkeys with you!"

Hearing those words, I imagine the scene where a group of fans meet their idol. Jin Fushen waved his hand toward those groups before pulling his sword and flying away on top of it.

"Kyaaa! He is staring at me!"

Hearing that same girl's scream, I am utterly speechless. When Jin Fushen waved his hand, he was standing at exactly 90 degrees to her.


From her location, she should've only seen Jin Fushen's side profile.

So, from which eye do you think he is looking at you! Do you think he has an eye on his ear?

Looking at Jin Fushen flying away on the sword while accompanied by gasping and kyaaa sounds, I could see Ren Qingquan's group becoming speechless.

As the surrounding people see Jin Fushen has flown away further and lose sight of him, they all begin to flock around Ren Qingquan's group which got carried here by that immortal.

"Big brother, are you here also to join the sect's recruitment test?"

Hearing the question coming from a twelve year old child, Aunt Zhang couldn't hold herself as she answered while pinching that boy's cheek.

"Yes, we are here to join the sect's recruitment test."

Seeing as Ren Qingquan's group actually answered that boy's question, it opened the dam for a flood of questions.

After a half hour long question and answer section. An elderly man wearing clothes similar to the one elder Fengyun wore, descended from the direction of that flat peak mountain. He also led a group of people as they floated down from the mountain with a flat peak while holding fifty huge steles.

Those steles are engraved with symbols most likely related to the five elements consisting of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water at the center area. Meanwhile, there are also many unknown symbols surrounding the five elements and a huge circular dent on the bottom of that stele.

Seeing that elder, the surrounding people finally turned silent. Many of them even had a nervous expression as they looked at the stele those people brought.

Without any nonsense, that elder announced the start of the recruitment test.

"I will be the head examiner for this recruitment test. For the first test, everyone will separate into fifty lines and touch the stele one by one. If it doesn't glow, that means you have no talent at cultivating immortality. As long as the stele has 4 glows or less, you may continue to the next test."

Hearing his words, everyone begins separating themselves into many lines.

As there are a lot of children among the people taking this test. The people previously following that elder went forward to help them.

Everyone in Ren Qingquan's group entered the same line, with Ren Qingquan standing at the rear.

Following the examiner's instruction. The person standing at the front of their line placed his hand on the circular dent at the bottom of the stele.

Soon, the stele lights up with three colors. Two at the center and one at the periphery.

"Three spirit roots, fire, earth, ice. Pass."

Hearing the examiner's voice, that guy wore a happy expression, as he quickly make way and moved toward the place of the successful participant.

The next person then touched the stele and made it glow with five colors.

"Five element spirit roots. Fail."

Just like that, the test quickly continued with many people unable to make the stele light up at all.

As this test only requires the examinee to place their hand on the dent located at the bottom of that stele. The line went forward extremely quickly.

After one hour, it is the turn of Ren Qingquan's group.

As the Third Princess stood at the front of their group, she was the first one to take the test.

Standing in front of the stele, the Third Princess placed her hand on it. Upon placing her hand, one of the peripheral symbols shone with a light cyan glow.

The examiner smiled and congratulated her.

"Congratulations, you have a pure ice spirit root. Pass."

Next, fatty Zhang touched the stele which made one of the center symbols shine with a red light.

"Congratulations, you have a pure fire spirit root. Pass. "

Following both of them, that senior brother Ren Qingquan always forgot to ask the name of went forward to touch the stele.

This time, one of the peripheral symbols shone with a dark glow.

How a glow could have a dark color is beyond me. But it still glows with a dark color anyway.

Looking at another person with only one glow, the examiner seemed to be doubtful and looked at the elderly head examiner behind him.

As the elder has seen how those three people have shone with only one glow consecutively. He is also in doubt and already started walking nearby the stele.

"Wait a moment, this thing might be broken. Let me try to repair it."

The elder then proceeded to smack his hand toward the stele several times.

*Thud* *Thud* *Bzzzt*

With several muffled sounds, the stele went several centimeters deeper to the soil while emitting a buzzing sound.

Seemingly satisfied, that elder touched the stele which glowed with 2 lights. Nodding his head, that elder told the examiner to repeat the test from Third Princess and the other two.

Wearing a sorry smile, he spoke to the Third Princess, fatty Zhang, and that senior brother.

"Sorry about the inconvenience. But, could the three of you repeat the test?"

Seeing the way that elder repaired the stele. I could only stare blankly because the whole thing is so unreal yet familiar.

I never thought I will ever see someone using the way to repair an old TV to repair item in the cultivation world


While I am reminiscing about the whole old TV thing. Third Princess already retook her test.

The result of this test is exactly the same. One of the stele's outer circles shone with a light cyan glow.

Continuing the test, fatty Zhang and that senior brother's result is also exactly the same as the previous test.

Seeing the exact same result, that elder brought them toward several other steles to do more tests to make sure about the result.

Still seeing the exact same result, he finally showed a smile while laughing heartily.

"Haha! Heaven has blessed our Pure Wave Sect with many talents!"


In a certain room, several people wearing Pure Wave Sect's elder robe gathered in front of a screen that showed what happened at the recruitment test.

Looking at the result of Third Princess and the other two's retests, one of them released a surprised gasp.

"*Gasp* Three consecutive pure spirit roots!"

Hearing that surprised gasp, one of them followed.

"Indeed. For three pure spirit roots to be detected consecutively is definitely the sign of good luck. What a pity none of their talent is suitable to my lineage."

After chatting, both of them stared at a beautiful woman with an envious look.

"I guess the young girl with ice spirit root will be taken as a disciple by elder Luli."

Glancing toward those two, she just nodded her head before staring at the screen coldly.

If Ren Qingquan is here, he would find her familiar as she is the woman he found nearby the hole caused by the thunder strike.

After elder Luli's lack of response, the situation in the rooms turns awkward.

Sensing the awkwardness, a fat kid looking elder spoke.

"Well, let's return our focus to the screen. The one elder Fengyun talked about will begin his test soon. By the way, I am taking that fatty and the other young man as my disciple."

Hearing his words, several people glared at him. But they all choose to keep their silence as that fat elder will soon advance in the realm. If they somehow got on that fat guy's nerve. Once he advances, he will definitely take revenge.

Of course they will curse that damned shameless fatty later. But that is a secret matter.

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