How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 39. Ren Qingquan: Let’s Give Everyone One

After I controlled Ren Qingquan's muscles through electricity to move forward for half an hour, he finally reached the gate with the word Pure Wave Sect written in it.

Passing through the gate, Ren Qingquan went outside of that illusion formation's range at last, which made him wake up and could control his body again.

Remembering the word elder Guan said. Should I call him sly or just incredibly good at word games?

From his words, it made people feel like the whole staircase is filled with illusion formation. But, the formation actually merely reached the gate which is only half way through to the peak.

Upon waking up from that illusion, the first thought I could hear was Ren Qingquan screaming internally. 'Aaargh. System, what did you do! Why is my body incredibly numb?!'

[Ding! The system doesn't have the ability to directly control the host's body. So, the system decided to use a small amount of electricity to make the host's body move.]

Listening to my explanation, Ren Qingquan tried to stretch his body to heal the sore muscle.

Thanks to Ren Qingquan's sore muscles which made him stand under the gate for a long time. I have time to scan the whole gate that is actually the core of the illusion formation.

With this, I already thoroughly scanned the illusion formation used in this test. It might not be useful in the future. But, it is good enough to fill the knowledge library in my [Storage].

After stretching his body for a long time. Ren Qingquan finally continued to move on his own and reached the top of that mountain.

Upon reaching the flat peak, ten people wearing the robe for elders suddenly rose from under the soil. Among them, there is elder Guan and the woman Ren Qingquan met previously nearby the place struck by thunder.

After rising from the soil. Except for the elder Guan, the other nine started to sit with crossed legs.

Previously, right at the moment those people rose from the soil. Through [Scan], I could detect the existence of a room below this mountain peak. But once the soil closed and those people went outside, my [Scan] actually got blocked.

From that, I realized perhaps this whole mountain is made using material with similar function to the stone Ren Qingquan picked at Meteor Island.

Glaring at the lone Ren Qingquan, elder Guan first congratulates him with puffy and red eyes. "Congratulations, you are the first to pass this test. Once night arrives or everyone reaches the top, I will bring everyone to the sect."

After Congratulating Ren Qingquan, he proceeded to sit with crossed legs just like the other elders.

Using [Scan], I saw the surrounding ambient energies gathering toward those ten people just like a vortex. I also tried to [Scan] them while they are doing what seems to be cultivation. But, perhaps due to the amount of powerful people within an area reached a certain amount. The fluctuation that could distort [Scan] actually got strengthened, which forced me to spend a lot of time slowly pierce through it before I could [Scan] those people.

Returning my focus to Ren Qingquan, He is currently standing nearby those cultivating elders while looking below toward the more than 100 people. On average, everyone there has reached the fifth step.

Ren Qingchen who is at the front has even reached the seventh step.

While trying to make my [Scan] reach those elders who are currently cultivating, I heard Ren Qingquan's sudden suggestion. 'System, I am bored. How about we bet on who among those people will reach the top first?'

As I am not too busy, I played along with Ren Qingquan. Personally I think the first one to reach this peak is guaranteed to be Ren Qingchen. So, I answered him with my guess.

[System thinks Ren Qingchen will be the next one to reach this peak.]

Hearing my answer, Ren Qingquan fell silent. It seems he also thought Ren Qingchen would be the first one to reach the top.

'Well, choosing the same person is boring. So, I will bet on that girl over there.' After saying that to me, Ren Qingquan pointed at a girl. That girl is actually the one who screamed 'kyaa' multiple times when she saw Jin Fushen who brought Ren Qingquan's group here.

Just like that, time passes quickly and during the afternoon, I finally pierced through the fluctuation surrounding those elders and reached my [Scan] toward one of them.

As I expected, what they are doing right now is cultivation or at least it's equivalent. Exactly when I tried to do a more in depth scan, another person finally reached the peak. Sensing someone's arrival, all of the elders stopped cultivating.

After spending several hours to pierce through that fluctuation, they actually stopped cultivating! What a waste of my effort!

<( ̄へ ̄)>

Looking at Ren Qingchen who stepped into the flat peak just now, those elders nodded and congratulated him while praising his will power before continuing to cultivate.

Seeing the difference in response, those elders seem to have realized Ren Qingquan's cheating. Guess I should try to be more subtle the next time I help Ren Qingquan to cheat.

Luckily due to some unknown reason, Ren Qingquan didn't get disqualified.

15 minutes after Ren Qingchen arrived, the girl Ren Qingquan pointed to finally arrived. After another 15 minutes, as if a dam had been opened, dozens of people arrived at the flat peak every hour. Seeing so many future cultivators, I could feel Ren Qingquan's restlessness as he kept on focusing on the recently added sub system function.

Finally unable to hold his itchy hand, I saw him send many Lv 1 sub systems containing [Scan] toward all of those people.

While Ren Qingquan sent everyone a sub system, I overheard the thought he is thinking right now. 'Let's give everyone I met a Lv 1 sub system just in case. So once I see the need, I could just upgrade their Sub system's level without being near them. Who knows, they might be useful one day.'

Wait, that is actually a genius idea! Why haven't I thought of this?! If every single person in the world is granted the [Scan] ability. Then, wouldn't I be able to achieve pseudo omniscience? Of course to achieve that, I also need to greatly increase my [Calculate] skill.

As if the door to a new world opened right in front of my eyes, I keep on planning and imagining the bright future that I will soon reach.

When I am lost in my delusion of grandeur, Ren Qingquan hasn't stopped spamming the button to grant Lv 1 sub system toward one of the elders. Looking at his act, I rolled my eyes.

I already told him, unless he upgraded [Scan] to increase its resistance against those fluctuations capable of distorting it. It will require a long time to grant an elder level figure with a sub system. I have even placed a loading screen to show how much progress has been made toward piercing their distorting fluctuation.

So, Ren Qingquan. Stop spamming that frickin button as it affects no shiet at all!!!

Soon, night arrived with Ren Qingquan spamming that granted Lv 1 sub system a button and successfully imbued every single person there, including all ten elders with Lv 1 sub system containing [Scan].

Looking around, somehow all hundred people successfully reached the flat peak one way or another.

Seeing as everyone finally arrived, all ten elders stopped cultivating.

Gathering everyone's attention, Elder Guan, who is their head examiner, spoke. "Congratulations to those who have passed. The other nine people beside me are elders from many different peaks. During your tests, some of you have entered their eyes and been selected as a disciple of theirs..."

"Enough of your nonsense, I am busy." Before elder Guan finished talking, the familiar female elder stopped him. Next she pointed at the Third Princess before doing a pulling motion with her hand. "You over there! Come with me."

After pulling Third Princess by manipulating spirit qi, that elder starts to fly toward the direction of Pure Wave Sect.

With that female elders as the lead, the other eight elders beside elder Guan also left.

Two elders took two people with them, like a certain fat elder who took fatty Zhang and that senior brother. Including that female elder, three elders only took one person each. While four elders didn't take anyone with them.

In total, seven people got accepted as a disciple by those elders. Among those seven people, all of them come from Ren Qingquan's group that arrived at the cultivation world from the martial arts world.

That is right, all seven except for Ren Qingquan.

Looking at the familiar people around him being picked up by those elders, both Ren Qingquan and I could only stare as their figures slowly turned smaller.

What snapped him from his daze is the words from elder Guan "Alright then, the other left here could follow me to the Pure Wave Sect."

Standing at an open area, elder Guan pulled a small boat similar to the one Jin Fushen used and made it turn bigger. Different from Jin Fushen's boat, elder Guan's have a much bigger size once it fully expands.

The boat's size is big enough to hold the hundred of people passing the test while leaving enough space for them to rest.

Furthermore, although the size of this boat is bigger, its speed is actually not lower than Jin Fushen's boat.

10 minutes later, everyone arrived at a mountain range filled with bustling activity.

Stopping at an open space nearby a certain building, elder Guan spoke while pointing at it. "All of you just need to enter that building and register yourself, then you are already a new outer disciple of Pure Wave Sect."

Once everyone left his boat, elder Guan started to reduce its size until it resembled a miniature boat. After he is done, Elder Guan flies away and leaves everyone there.

Seeing as elder Guan left, everyone went toward the building he pointed before. Ren Qingquan also followed the group and went toward the building.

Walking to the front of that building, there is actually a huge sign with the word 'Miscellaneous Hall's Disciple Registration Office' written on it.

That sign is placed right above the front door of the building and is decorated with the engraving of two phoenix. The wood which is used to craft that sign seems to be extremely precious as I could sense a lot of energy emanating from it.

Just like usual, I used [Scan] and recorded that sign into [Storage].

Entering the building, there are five counters with a beautiful female cultivator manning it. Separating themselves into five groups, the previously one hundred person group turned into five twenty person groups.

Everyone's registration doesn't last long as they only need to touch a stone before receiving a small pouch and a set of uniforms.

Shortly, Qingquan's turn arrived. The female cultivator behind the counter asked him to place his hand on the stone as she repeated the word she told to every person before him.

"Please place your hand on this recording stone. It will extract some of your mental power and record its characteristics. Also, don't resist during the process otherwise the extraction may fail."

When Ren Qingquan placed his hand into that stone, I could feel the existence of that fluctuation capable of interfering with my [Scan] being pulled from Ren Qingquan toward the recording stone.

So, those fluctuations are called mental power? It is a pretty underwhelming name for something that could affect my [Scan].

Returning my attention to Ren Qingquan, I could see him turn slightly listless after having those mental energies extracted.

Scanning Ren Qingquan's body several times, I feel nothing wrong with it except for a little sign of fatigue. Just what the hell is that mental power?

I guess there are still a lot of things for me to learn.

Looking at Ren Qingquan's listless expression, the female cultivator continued while handing him a pouch and a set of uniforms. "Here is your uniform for the outer sect. Inside this pouch, there is a guide book about the sect which you must read first, a copy of Pure Wave Sect's basic cultivation Method, and also an identity jade marked with your mental power. The identity jade is used to open the formation for your residence and store your sect contribution. Remember not to lose any of them! Now you can leave."

Hearing her warning at the end, Ren Qingquan nodded and thanked her.

Upon leaving the building, Ren Qingquan realized he had forgotten to ask where the location of his residence was.


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