How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 65. Cultivation World’s Most Advanced Building

After running for half an hour, Ren Qingquan finally arrived nearby the sect's library. Thankfully, he has already reached the Golden Core stage and has strengthened body. Otherwise if he is still a Qi Refining stage cultivator, the time required to reach the library will increase by two folds.

Passing through a transparent membrane like barrier, the library building finally shows itself. When Ren Qingquan saw the library, I saw his face turn dumbfounded. Well, if I have a face I might also have the same look as him.

Different from other libraries Ren Qingquan visited before, the Pure Wave Sect's library isn't shaped like a pagoda or any eastern style building. Instead, it is cuboid in shape and made out of glossy materials.

The area of that building is approximately 200m x 200m wide and 100 meters tall. on its glossy exterior, many crisscrossing glowing lines can be seen. The whole thing gives off a sci-fi feel and makes it look incongruous with the Cultivation World's buildings.

But that isn't my focus, when seen using [Scan] the whole buildings actually give out extremely high energy fluctuation. It is even slightly bigger than the energy contained inside the Sect Master of Pure Wave Sect!

I dare bet 1000 points, this building is definitely a weapon! Due to its shape that reminds me of Ren Qingquan's metal plate weapon, I somehow imagined this huge plate building floating and smashing toward enemies. That sight will be extremely exciting.

After regaining my composure, I started to madly use [Scan] and lick- I mean, observe every millimeters of that cuboid building. Even if I can't understand anything about this building right now, I still sent the information into my [Storage] for further study once I accumulated enough knowledge.

While I went bonkers scanning the library, Ren Qingquan already walked nearby the building. Just like the people around him, when he stood within ten meters of the library's wall, a part of the wall slid to the side and revealed an opening.


Subconsciously walking inside, Ren Qingquan saw a super massive hall filled with several rows of huge bookshelves that reached the ceiling. With the height of a single bookshelf reaching around 50 meters.

All around the place, there are many cultivators standing on top of a floating platform as it flies between the huge bookshelves.

Just like its exterior, the interior of the cuboid library is also created using a material that gives off glossy metallic luster. The interior is illuminated by a cold light coming from a line attached at the ceiling and wall of this hall.

The sight inside made me stop focusing on scanning the library's building.

At the center of this hall, there is a wide transparent hollow pillar containing a circular platform moving back and forth between this floor and the floor above. The pillar is surrounded by a receptionist counter manned by several disciples.

'Let's walk toward that table first and ask around.' As he walked toward the reception table I heard Ren Qingquan thought 'This place is so unscientific! I mean, uncultuvationific or whatever the equivalent of unscientific is.'

Upon reaching the receptionist table, he is greeted by a woman that looks around her early thirty. Greeting the receptionist, Ren Qingquan cupped his hand. "Greeting senior sister, may I ask how can I read or borrow a book in this library?"

Seeing Ren Qingquan standing in front of her, the woman politely replied."Greetings. To answer your question, you can read any book by paying with sect contribution. But first, you need to prove your identity as a member of the Pure Wave Sect by showing your identity token."

Ren Qingquan placed his hand inside his inner robe. Ren Qingquan pulled his identity token from [Storage]. Giving the identity token he had, Ren Qingquan placed it on the reception table.

That senior sister froze and looked thoughtful as she held the token. When almost a minute passes, she moves her head to look at Ren Qingquan and the jade token several times before asking. "May I ask, are you senior Ren Qingquan? The senior brother of our sect? "

When I hear her words, I am awed by the Pure Wave Sect's information dispersion ability. Even though there is no ceremony or sect-wide announcement, Ren Qingquan's status as Senior Brother is actually known by a random disciple he just met.

With an interested expression, Ren Qingquan replied "Yep, how do you know? Am I that famous?"

"Hahaha, indeed. Senior Brother Ren is incredibly famous." After politely laughing, the woman pulled something from her desk's drawer.

Because I've been busy scanning this building, the paper that woman pulled caught me off guard.

On it, a painting of Ren Qingquan (with beauty filter on) is drawn. Right below his beautified painting, there is the word 'Ren Qingquan' written with a huge font on the first line. On the second line, the word Pure Wave Sect's Senior Brother is written in a slightly smaller font.

If someone just took a fleeting glance at it, they might even mistake the paper for a bounty.

Holding the paper while showing it to Ren Qingquan, the woman said. "So there is no need to be so polite to me, senior brother Ren. Please just call me junior sister Mu. After all if you call me senior sister, it might confuse the sect's seniority."

Ren Qingquan just nodded his head. "Alright then, junior sister Mu."

After replying, I hear him thinking about asking junior sister Mu to start borrowing a book.

As a good system, I choose to remind him that he is currently broke.

[Host, System suggests you to follow Elder Fengyun's advice when you first reach the Cultivation World. As you are currently a pauper, selling your Body Tempering Technique should be enough to be the capital to start browsing this library.]

'Well, alright.' Refocusing his eyes that looked dazed after reading my message, Ren Qingquan stared at junior sister Mu. "Junior sister Mu, do you know where I can sell a cultivation technique I found?"

Junior sister Mu replied while still in her professional smile. "Senior brother Ren, you can give the book to me and I will send it to my superior to be appraised. This process should be completed within 10 minutes."

Ren Qingquan asked me, 'System, can you create a copy of the Body Tempering Technique?'

I am currently in a great mood upon finding an interesting thing, so I decided to not rip him off and sold it at the basic price.

[Do you wish to purchase a physical copy of Body Tempering Technique for 1 point?]

'Yes.' After answering my question, I sent the freshly created book right into [Storage]. Placing his hand inside his inner robe once again, Ren Qingquan pulled that book from storage and gave it to her. "Then, I will bother you with it."

Leaving her table, junior sister Mu went to god know where before returning after more than five minutes while holding a pouch filled with coins. "Here is your sect contribution points."

Opening the pouch, there are five hundred coins engraved with formations that work as anti counterfeit mechanisms. The amount inside makes the two coin rewards Ren Qingquan gained from that mission to collect Steel Fin Fish look like a small change.

With quite a lot of money at hand, Ren Qingquan finally asked junior sister Mu some questions. "Junior sister Mu, how many sect contributions do I need to browse the book?"

Junior Sister Mu with her polite smile. "It will cost 10 sect contribution to browse books every hour. The books I mentioned are common books and low level techniques. Some bookshelves have the words x2, x3, x4, etc. which mean the amount of time spent while browsing those bookshelves will multiply by their respective number."

"Then, I will purchase 10 hours of browsing." With Ren Qingquan's answer, junior sister Mu gave him a token. Inside, there are a hundred small hourglass-like symbols with only ten of them filled.

Seeing Ren Qingquan staring at that token, that junior sister explained. "Senior brother Ren, this token is used to browse the book inside this library. With your identity, you can browse bookshelves marked with x5 or lower. Once you entered the range of a bookshelf's formation, the sand inside will start ticking. If you can't find the book you need inside a bookshelf and decided to look at another bookshelf, you can just leave the range of that bookshelf's formation and the sand on your token will stop ticking. When all of the sand inside your token went down, you will be repelled from inside the formation."

"Also, borrowing a book will cost you an hour worth of time which is equal to a hourglass for every book you bring outside of the bookshelf. So, please decide the book you wish to borrow before the last hourglass is used. Those books can't leave the library building, so you need to copy or learn them on the second floor. There are many private rooms in it for you to calmly read. If you need more time to browse books, you may return here to purchase it. And last, don't forget to return your token here, otherwise you will receive some fine!"

Hearing the reminder from junior sister Mu, Ren Qingquan cupped his hand. "Thank you for your reminder."

Leaving the reception table, I saw Ren Qingquan look at the surrounding people and followed them with his sight. 'Where do they get that floating platform? I also wanna try it.'

As I expected, he is also interested in that platform!

That's right, I am also curious and have already scanned the floating platform those cultivators used while Ren Qingquan is busy talking with junior sister Mu.

Those floating platforms are actually quite cheap to make with only a simple formation engraved, but that formation is connected with the whole building. After doing some simulation using [Calculate], I concluded it is impossible to recreate the platform and use it to fly outside this building. Which is such a pity.

Anyway, I digressed. Sending a message to Ren Qingquan, I told him about the place where many of those platforms are parked, which is quite near to the receptionist table. There is even a huge banner with the word 'platform' written that can be seen from his current position. I don't understand how he can't see that thing.

Once arriving at the place, there are rows of empty floating platforms lying around. Stepping above one of them, Ren Qingquan saw a small indent with the words 'insert token' and 'use mental power to control' written next to it. The shape of that dent is exactly the same as the token junior sister Mu gave him.

Placing his token into the dent, an invisible barrier appeared surrounding the platform with Ren Qingquan in it.

He followed the instruction on the platform and sent a trace of his mental power toward it. After swaying several times, the platform slowly stabilized as he learned how to control it.

While standing on top of the floating platform and controlling it through his mental power, I feel Ren Qingquan having an unreal feeling.

'System, are we still inside the cultivation world? I didn't suddenly transmigrate once again, right? Is this actually a sci-fi world?' Hearing Ren Qingquan's stupid question while having a concerned face, I rolled my eyes.

When I thought that was the limit of Ren Qingquan's randomness, I heard him continue his thought. 'If I really got transmigrated to a sci-fi world, then I wanna be a mecha pilot. Or at least the commander of a spaceship fleet and join a space war!"


Even if you indeed got transmigrated to a sci-fi world, I don't think anyone with the right mind will allow you to be their fleet's commander.

After passing through several bookshelves, I found out the defensive formations used on them are actually extremely strong. Those formations can even affect my [Scan] and make me unable to read the content inside!

Guess I need to upgrade my [Scan] again. But, let's do that later. Right now, leaving the sect and collecting more subsystem hosts is a lot more important.

Amidst his delusion, Ren Qingquan has walked around many massive bookshelves before finding one with a huge 'Stealth' word written in bold. The bookshelves on this library are actually placed haphazardly without any categorization which makes him waste most of his time searching around.

Moving closer toward the bookshelf, He controlled his platform to move forward until reaching a transparent barrier.

Once he reached that formation barrier, the platform he was on stopped for a few seconds before passing through it. At the same time, the token placed on his platform glowed and the sand on one of its hourglasses started ticking.

Looking at everything currently happening, I can only scream black technology!

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