How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 83. Inheritance Site Walkthrough

While watching Young Master Gu checking his surroundings, I saw Ren Qingchen had already arrived at the Pure Wave Sect.

Once he arrived at the Pure Wave Sect, Ren Qingchen pulled a talisman and activated it. With a glow, sound appeared from inside the talisman.

Soon, a familiar voice can be heard from the talisman. It is exactly Third Princess's voice, one of the person who arrived to the Cultivation world from Martial Arts world.

This came as a surprise for me. I never knew they're actually that close. Are they actually in a relationship?

Wait a minute, Third Princess is around 17 years old. Meanwhile Ren Qingchen is a regressor whose age is only known by heaven itself. Is it possible he is actually a pedophile?

I pushed those useless thoughts away and focused on their conversation. After a short boring talk, both of them decided to meet somewhere nearby Ren Qingchen's location after he said there is some important thing he wants to talk about.

Within a short time Third Princess had already arrived. Just like during the time she beat Ren Qingquan in the Martial Arts world, she still wore the same armor. The main difference being several additional runes that occasionally flashed on them. Which shows its status as a magical weapon.

Upon seeing Third Princess, Ren Qingchen immediately got to the point. "I found the inheritance of a powerful cultivator. But to enter that place early, a pair of men and women is required. So, I thought of bringing you along."

Third Princess asked. "Will it be dangerous?"

"It should have a small amount of danger. But compared to the gain, that bit of danger won't matter much. After all, cultivators must advance with bravery!" Then Ren Qingchen smiled. " Furthermore I have the answer for some of the tests that will be placed inside the inheritance site. As long as you follow along, we should receive a substantial gain from this inheritance site."

Third Princess looked thoughtful before nodding her head. "Well, alright. Furthermore my master has indeed asked me to go on an adventure once I can sense spirit qi and cultivate."

"Then, let's go." Now with Third Princess in tow, Ren Qingchen changed his mode of transportation. Instead of running like before, I saw him pull a metal plate engraved with many small runes.

Placing several spirit stones into an indent located in the middle of that formation plate, it started to release a cloud like white smoke.

Ren Qingchen jumped above the cloud generated by that formation plate and said to Third Princess. "Hop on."

Third Princess followed suit and both of them quickly traveled in the air and left the Pure Wave Sect.

While they're in midair, I happily overheard the conversation between Ren Qingchen and Third Princess. Although it is mostly Ren Qingchen just explaining things to Third Princess.

Ren Qingchen first explained. "The place we're going to is the inheritance of an Immortal Ascension stage expert called Endless Infatuation Immortal. She is an Immortal Ascender who understood the Dao of interchange between Yin and Yang."

Third Princess asked in curiosity. " What is the Dao of interchange between Yin and Yang?"

"It is the relationship between man and woman." Ren Qingchen answered with a straight face, while Third Princess looked blankly before she suddenly blushed.

Ignoring the blushing Third Princess, Ren Qingchen said. "Anyway, the inheritance site is located in a secret realm. To enter those secret realms, we need to look for a door that requires a pair to open it. Which is the reason I asked you to join me."

"Upon entering the door, we should be separated and teleported into a forest. From that forest, there will be three entrances capable of reaching the next inheritance test. But the catch is, a couple who enter through the same door must reach the next test through the same entrance." While Ren Qingchen explained, Third Princess nodded her head.

"All you need to do is walk to the south until reaching the edge of that secret realm. Then, just look for the nearest entrance. It should be shaped like a massive door, the kind you definitely wouldn't miss. I'll also choose that door, so the first test is a guaranteed pass for us."

"As for the second test, it should be a combat related test. Which means I can't tell you much about it. Then, there will also be another test that asks about several questions. I want you to answer all of those questions with 'secret'. I can't tell you in detail the reason, because even I don't quite understand the reason. I just saw it in a book."

Third Princess seems shocked upon hearing Ren Qingchen. "Ah? There are also things you don't know?"

Ren Qingchen rolled his head. "Of course."

Then, Ren Qingchen just taught Third Princess about some more detail while casually chatting.

Thanks to their previous conversation, I've understood the inheritance site better.

Basically this Endless Infatuation Immortal is a weirdo who reached the Immortal Ascension stage through understanding the way of intercourse. And the test inside that inheritance ground should be mostly about chemistry between couples.

Why 'should'? Because Ren Qingchen and Third Princess are discussing how to cheat that test right in front of me!

Although I already know how to cheat the test, but it is useless for Ren Qingquan. Because someone who entered the inheritance site alone like him already failed from the start!

The main question now is, why did Ren Qingquan get that massive urge to enter the inheritance site when he saw Su Ping and Bai Yushi open the door. I thought it was Ren Qingquan's nonsensical luck at work, which is the reason I allowed him to enter that door.

Or am I actually wrong? Is that perhaps just Ren Qingquan's urge to seek death and not the effect of his luck? Just like that time he got the urge to fight the giant rabbit Martial Emperor in the Martial Arts world.


After half an hour of travel, both of them arrived at the lake where Young Master Gu previously stood.

Ren Qingchen landed his cloud into the ground and took the spirit qi imbued in the formation plate, which causes the white mist like cloud to disperse.

After he checked his surroundings, Ren Qingchen nodded and said to Third Princess. "There should be a door behind the vortex under this lake. The vortex is slightly dangerous due to the energy it contains."

Ren Qingchen then pulled two sets of pill boxes from under his pocket. One of them contains blue colored pills, while the other one contains yellow colored pills. "Take one of each kind and swallow them. The blue one will allow you to breathe underwater for a short time, while the yellow one will protect you from the chaotic energy trapped inside that vortex."

Ren Qingchen took one of each pill and swallowed it. Third Princess immediately followed suit.

Once I saw the medicinal effect of those pills dispersing all around their body, Ren Qingchen told Third Princess to jump inside the lake.

Diving deep into the lake, they quickly arrived at the vortex that previously swallowed Young Master Gu. Relaxing the control of their body, they allowed themselves to be swallowed by the vortex.

Soon, both of them arrived inside an underwater cave while being drenched.

When he felt himself standing on dry ground, I saw Ren Qingchen circulated his spirit qi and vaporized the water in his cloth to keep him dry.

Third Princess who saw it requested Ren Qingquan to also help her. "Can you use that technique to dry my clothes too?"

Ren Qingchen nodded and started circulating his spirit qi.

With both of their clothes dry, both of them traveled deeper into the underground cave and arrived in front of the door that Young Master Gu used.

Ren Qingchen placed his hand and pushed the door. Seeing the Third Princess standing still in her position, he asked her to help him. "Come here and help me push open the door."

Third Princess quickly placed her hand on one of the doors. Yet, even after pushing until their faces turned red, both of them still failed to open the door.

Ren Qingchen stopped pushing first and contemplated while muttering in a low voice. "Weird, I am sure I remembered the date right. Then, is this door already used? Or is it possible there are some changes due to my regression?"

"If it is the former, it doesn't matter much as I still know the location of two other doors. But if it is the latter, then things are gonna turn troublesome."

Conveniently, the Third Princess didn't hear him muttering and asked. "Ren Qingchen, what are you muttering about? Also, what should we do now?"

Ren Qingchen calmly replied. "It seems the door has been used by someone before we arrived. So, let's leave this place first. I still know two other places where this door can be found."

Then, both of them left the cave through the vortex they came from. Although there are many chaotic energies inside the vortex, thanks to the medicinal properties of Ren Qingchen's pills that are still activated even now, both of them safely exited the passage and returned to the outside world.

Standing next to the lake, Ren Qingchen used his technique again and dried both of their clothes before taking his formation plate from inside his robe and activating it.

"Hop on, we'll check the door located inside a mountain first. If the door is still unable to be opened, then we'll go to the one located at Mist Mountain Range. The location of that door is a bit troublesome though, which is why I placed it last."

The Third Princess readily agreed. "Alright then, I'll just follow along."

Soon, they arrived at an unassuming mountain in the middle of a mountain range. The density of spirit qi in the surrounding areas is incredibly low. Which makes the place extremely deserted with barely any beasts at all.

I saw Ren Qingchen controlled his cloud and circle around the mountain until he finally landed on one side. Within a hundred meters of his landing spot, I sensed a cave through [Scan].

Both of them quickly entered the cave under Ren Qingchen's guide, and soon a door appeared before both of them. Luckily, unlike the door before, this one immediately depended once Ren Qingchen and the Third Princess placed their hand on the door.

Before the Third Princess could take a step inside, I saw Ren Qingchen stopped her. "Wait! Eat this first before we enter the door."

Ren Qingchen pulled a small pill box filled with six pills. After picking one and eating it himself, he explained the effect of that pill to the Third Princess. "This pill will help you resist the side effects of teleportation. So, with the help of this pill, we won't turn unconscious after being teleported like when we first arrived in the cultivation world."

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