How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 89. He Is Too Smart To Be Left Alive

A few minutes later, the lightning started to condense once more and soon arrived nearby Ren Qingquan. When the surrounding cultivators saw that scene, they quickly retreated far away and dispersed.

Just like the first bolt, this lightning is still shaped like a pillar. The main difference being the diameter of this pillar reaching up to 5 meters. 

When I saw the pillar quickly descending to Ren Qingquan, I teleported the stones I've created and activated their [Devour]. Those stones quickly did their job and got annihilated upon contact with the lightning pillars. Although they barely make any difference in the lightning pillar's size, any decrease in size is good enough.

Once the pillar of lightning was only a few meters away from Ren Qingquan, I teleported him into the inheritance site. The pink barriers created by the inheritance site should be able to help him block the lightning attack. The lightning pillar hit the pink barrier head on and caused a massive explosion. 

Those cultivators who previously arrived and don't have time to evade far away are blown by the after effect of that explosion. As for the pink barrier, it trembled crazily while the color turned paler with every passing second. 

The tremors last for ten whole seconds before they finally subside. During that time, some tiny crack appeared on the pink barrier. 

I guess this pink barrier won't be able to fully block the last tribulation lightning.

A minute later, the cloud almost finished cooking its last lightning bolt. While there is still time available, I warned Ren Qingquan.

[Host, the barrier won't be able to hold your last tribulation lightning. Please prepare to run away once more. System will immediately activate 'Transfer' once the lightning breached that pink barrier.]

Ren Qingquan nodded his head and circulated the spirit qi in his body following the Evanescent Movement Technique he practiced.

Soon, the last lightning bolt arrived. The difference in size isn't as exaggerated as the difference between the first and second lightning bolt. The third bolt is a lightning pillar approximately six meters in diameter.

As Ren Qingquan was hiding behind the pink barrier, the lightning pillar first hit the pink barrier and caused it to release cracking noise. A second later, a shattering noise can be heard as the barrier finally couldn't hold on.

Although it shattered, the barrier has successfully decreased the size of that lightning pillar to a diameter of slightly more than 2 meters.

Right after shattering the barrier, that lightning pillar immediately flies toward Ren Qingquan.

When I saw it, I used [Transfer] and teleported Ren Qingquan a kilometer away and returned back to the cultivation world's sky.

Just like its predecessor, this lightning pillar also used a physics-defying turn and moved in a 'J' shape. The lightning pillar that initially descended toward the ground returned and flew back up into Ren Qingquan's position.

While that lightning pillar is moving upward, I am busy teleporting stones I've anchored and used the [Devour] placed on them.

On the other hand, Ren Qingquan activated his full speed and randomly choose a direction to fly away.

As Ren Qingquan left the area where the sky of that inheritance site was torn open. I saw the far away cultivators spread into two teams. Most of them went towards the inheritance site that's already on its last leg. Meanwhile another part followed after Ren Qingquan.

My gut feelings said those people are coming with ill intention. But I am currently busy throwing stones at the lightning pillar to decrease its size. So, I'll let them go for now.

The cat and mouse game between Ren Qingquan and that lightning pillar lasts for a full hour. At this time the sun has started to reach the horizon and evening has arrived.

Throwing another batch of stones anchored with [Devour], I successfully destroyed that lightning pillar.

By this time, Ren Qingquan initially had more than one million points and was only left with around 700,000. That's because although creating stones and teleporting them cost a lot of points. But some of the points are recovered from swallowing the energy inside the lightning pillar.

Most of the cost comes from teleporting Ren Qingquan using [Transfer].

When the group who has tailed Ren Qingquan for the last hour see the lightning bolt already dissipate, they begin encircling him.

The Divine Transformation who loved to show off his knowledge walked to the group's front and said. "Young man, it seems you have gained a massive benefit from the inheritance site to be unable to contain your realm and accidentally advanced while in a secret realm."

When I heard his word, I quickly anchored that man with [Devour] and prepared to activate it anytime. This is exactly the textbook opening sentence for a villain.

Just like what I expected, the Divine Transformation cultivator then continued with a kind smile on his face."I don't think a weak cultivator like you will be able to use such a powerful treasure. How about giving it to me so I can safely keep it? Furthermore, the treasure you used to create a spatial crack is too dangerous. Such a thing must be sealed. I specialized in sealing techniques, so you can leave it to me."

Right after he said that word, Ren Qingquan commented. " What a hypocrite."

Meanwhile, I activated the [Devour] attached to that Divine Transformation cultivator. 

"It seems you are greedy and don't wish to share that treasure."  The Divine Transformation cultuvator's face turned from kind to one of pity upon hearing Ren Qingquan's word. Then I feel him circulate his spirit qi to cast a magical technique.

With that man's casting as a start, the surrounding cultivators also start to cast their magical technique toward Ren Qingquan. I also anchored those people with [Devour] and activated it.

Luckily the heavenly will already opened a crack before the man successfully released his magical technique. 

Caught off guard, the Divine Transformation cultivator immediately got swallowed by the space crack. He lasted for a whole minute before I finally lost connection with the [Devour] anchored to that man.

During that one minute, the people surrounding Ren Qingquan who had prepared to cast their magical technique had also been swallowed by the space crack I opened through [Devour].

Yet more and more people keep on surrounding Ren Qingquan while he is activating his Evanescent Movement Technique to escape far away. 

I also kept on anchoring them with [Devour] and summoned space cracks. Every Time someone entered the range of my [Scan], I immediately anchored them with [Devour] and sent them to meet their maker.

When those people saw the person next to them get swallowed by a space crack, some of them quickly retreated while some still continued with their attack.

Although I keep on killing those people by summoning space cracks. But I can't help but feel there is something weird. Something is seriously wrong. But I can't exactly put my hand on it.

I kept on feeling uneasy until I saw the Divine Transformation expert who loved to show off his knowledge reappeared once more. Something clicked and I finally guessed where this weird feeling was coming from.

Some of those people I've been killing are actually clones! 

I never expected cultivator's ability to create clones to be so exaggerated. My first meeting with clone technique was a few days ago when I saw Elder Fengyun's clone that has a much weaker energy level compared to the main body.

The clone created by elder Fengyun is exactly the same as a human cultivator. Whether it is their energy circulation, flesh, bones, blood, or any other body part. I can't find any difference between them and normal humans.

I thought that was because elder Fengyun's clone technique is special. But it seems that this kind of clone technique is widespread in the cultivation world.

If not for that Divine Transformation expert who has left an extremely deep impression on me somehow reappearing after being swallowed by the space crack, I wouldn't have realized it.

This time that Divine Transformation cultivator stood among those groups of cultivators and shouted.

"Everyone, stand at least one kilometer away from that boy and use your clones to target him and keep your main body hidden. I've observed and found out that boys have some means to trigger the force of heaven and summon a space crack on anyone and anything within one kilometer of his range!" 

When I heard his words, I panicked.

Oh shiet! OH SHIET!!!

I screamed when they found out about my usage of space crack and [Devour]. Although they don't seem to understand how it works yet, things don't look all that good now.

While escaping, Ren Qingquan's face also changed. Due to the cultivation of those who chased after him is at least at the Nascent Soul stage. All of their sights are incredibly powerful, that change in Ren Qingquan's expression doesn't escape the sight of surrounding cultivators even when they stand a kilometer away.

Furthermore, some of them seem to have eye-related magical techniques that can pierce through obstacles and directly see Ren Qingquan.

When the surroundings expert saw the slight change in Ren Qingquan's expression. All of them praised the Divine Transformation expert. "As expected of Daoist know-it-all, he found that boy's weakness so quickly!" 

Damn, that guy's name is indeed fitting!

When I heard how the other cultivators called the Divine Transformation expert, I nodded my head and marked him to my hit list. After I place Ren Qingquan in a safe place, I'll try to find his main body and anchor him with [Devour] before killing him. This guy knew too much, it's dangerous to leave him alive.

Meanwhile, Daoist know-it-all heard someone calling him and furrowed his brow in anger. "Damn it, who spoke just now! I already told everyone, my name is All knowing! Daoist All knowing! Which fucker spread my name as Daoist Know-it-all, you better hope I won't found you, otherwise I'll teach you all of my knowledge in torture!" 

Daoist Know-it-all's tantrum slightly delayed the group of cultivators chasing after Ren Qingquan.

Suddenly Ren Qingquan said to me, 'System, help me upgrade my [Scan]!'

[Every one meter increase in Scan's radius will cost 100 points up to 10,000 meters. Do you wish to purchase it?]

'Yes. Increase the range of my [Scan] to 5,000 meters.'

[You spent 400,000 points to increase the range of Scan from 1.000 meters to 5.000 meters]

Right after I sent those notifications, Ren Qingquan quickly said, 'System, continue to grant those people with [Devour] and kill them. Also, is there any way to make [Scan] change shape? Previously [Devour] had an upgrade that can change its shape right? Shouldn't [Scan] also have one?'

Without Rain Qingquan's command, I've been busy anchoring those people's clones and activating their [Devour].

Also, I've separated some of my attention to check possible upgrades for [Scan]. And damn, he is absolutely right! There is indeed an upgrade that can be used to change [Scan]'s shape! With this upgrade I can make [Scan]'s initially ball shape with the host in the center, into a different shape.

Of course there are also limitations. For example I need to spend points to increase its malleability, and the total volume of that [Scan] won't increase.

Basically, as long as it is still equal in volume to Rent Qingquan's current [Scan] which is a ball with 5.000 kilometers radius. Then, I can morph them into any shape, which increases the length my [Scan] can reach.

[Host, the upgrade to change Scan's shape does exist. Do you wish to spend points to upgrade it? The more points spent, the more malleable the shape of [Scan] will be.]

'Yes! Spent 200.000 points to upgrade it!' Ren Qingquan internally shouted.


On the opponent's side, Daoist Know-it-all screamed when he saw me start activating [Devour] and summoning space crack even when they stood one kilometer away. "Damn it, my analysis is wrong! Everyone quickly shoot your magical technique together at that kid!" 

As soon as he shouted that, Daoist Know-it-all's clone once again got swallowed by the space crack.

Those people surrounding Ren Qingquan followed Daoist Know-it-all's last word and shot at him at the same time.

Due to focusing on too many things, I failed to properly defend Ren Qingquan from that combined attack and some of them successfully bypassed the spatial crack I summoned through [Devour].

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