How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 96. Arc 3 Prologue. My Fist Is Rated E For Everyone

release speed might get decreased to 3 ch/week starting this week or the next one. I've started getting incredibly busy.


While System is moving its [Scan] to reach a certain world.

Inside a certain highschool on an earth like world, a woman can be seen leaving a classroom.

After walking for a few steps, she saw an elderly man walking toward her with a slightly hunched back. "Miss Alicia, have you finished teaching your Math class?"

Alicia replied to the old man with a wry smile."Yes."

The old man nodded and spoke. "How about you accompany me to chat for a moment."

'Damn it, I don't want to do this. But getting on this guy's good book will do me good.' Alicia smiled and replied "Alright, principal."

"Hohoho, thank you." The old principal nodded and started talking. " Has it been one year already since you started teaching here? Who knows, time passes so quickly. I still remember when you first ..."

'Sigh, this is boring. I graduated in education because I thought teaching students would be interesting. Who knows, it is actually quite boring. Those school romance manga are lied to me. I should've joined the military or something that will be a lot more exciting.' While she thought so, Alicia kept on smiling as she heard the principal keep on blabbering.

In her mind, she continued. 'The worst part is this old fart that can't stop his mouth. Damn it, I somehow got caught by him while leaving the classroom. Everytime this guy meets a teacher while strolling, he will keep on babbling nonsense for a long time. I've evaded him for a long time, who knew this old guy would suddenly launch a surprise attack today.'

"What bad luck." Alicia subconsciously muttered in a low voice.

"Hmm? What's wrong, miss Alicia?" The principal asked when he heard Alicia speak.

"Nothing, I just feel a bit tired after teaching." Alicia answered. Luckily, the principal didn’t hear her grumble.

While the principal and Alicia are chatting, both of them pass by a window when the initially bright afternoon sky outside suddenly darkened. Such a sudden change pulled both of their attention as Alicia and the principal paused on their track.

Amidst the dark sky, a huge thunder cloud can be seen. The lightning within it churned and changed just like a scene right out of an apocalypse movie before it suddenly split open.

From the hole in that thundercloud, a crimson meteor fell into the distance. It's soon followed by a small earthquake that can be felt from her feet. She also saw a flash of red light pass by just like an illusion.

When Alicia almost fell to the floor from the impact, she saw the principal standing next to her frozen and suddenly started spewing blood from his mouth. After a few coughs, the principal fell face first into the floor and twitched a few times.

"Principal, what's wrong?" She tried to flip the principal up and saw several blue purple veins appeared on his wrinkled face. His eyes have also turned red just like someone who hasn't slept for a few days straight.

The principal jumped from the floor and tried to bite her. In shock, Alicia subconsciously punched the principal hard on his forehead.

The old principal got knocked back before he rose up once again and roared incoherently while trying to bite her once more. She quickly kicked his leg and made him fall down before kicking him once again right in the gut.

"Wait, something is wrong!" While the beat up principal tried to stand up, Alicia could hear a cacophony of screams and roars from all around the school and even outside the building.

The fallen principal keeps on roaring incoherently while flapping around trying to stand up. When she saw that scene, Alicia was reminded of something and kicked both of the principal's legs hard.

Others might try to help the old principal when they see the old man roar as if he is in pain. But Alicia has seen enough zombie apocalypse movies to understand she is inside one right now. She just isn't sure whether this zombification is temporary or permanent. So, she merely incapacitated the old principal without injuring him too much.

After she gathered her thoughts, the first thing Alicia did was to run toward the school's hydrant box near the second floor's stairs. She remembered there is a small fire ax located inside. When she first entered the school as a teacher, she speechlessly stared at that ax while thinking about whose crazy idea it is to add a fire ax on a high school's hydrant box. Who knows it actually comes in handy right now.

During the whole time, she passed by a few classes and saw a chaotic scene inside some of them. A few teachers could be seen turning into zombie-like things as they tried to bite the students who sat nearby them.

Alicia thought of helping those students. But when she saw a student get bitten and turned into a zombie, she changed her mind and continued to run towards the hydrant box. It might sound egoistical, but she chooses to keep her own safety first and foremost.

Once she arrived, Alicia took the fire extinguisher located nearby and used it to shatter the glass sealing the fire ax.

With that fire ax in hand, she quickly ran back to the class where there was a zombified teacher inside. She hit the zombified teacher's head using the flat side of her ax. The middle aged teacher got smacked so hard his body flew toward the wall as he hit his head.

Seeing the sudden change, the students panicked. That's until one of the students who had been bitten by that teacher suddenly turned into a zombie too.

While Alicia beat that student with her ax, she shouted to the remaining students. "Everyone, calmly leave the classroom and wait in the corridor!"

Those students ran outside the classroom as Alicia kept the two zombies at bay. Once she saw every single student had left, she knocked both of the zombies and retreated outside. She also locked the door while at it.

Upon leaving the classroom, Alicia is still full of adrenaline, she gripped the ax hard on her hand while thinking. 'This is so darn exciting!'

"All of you, go and warn the other class. Some people suddenly got turned into zombie-like creatures. We'll gather at the canteen." She told the students to warn the other classroom. Meanwhile, Alicia sat on the floor and took some breather.

Those students nodded their heads and went to warn other classes. Especially when they saw the teacher and one of their classmates who had been zombified and got locked in the classroom.

Alicia breathed in relief as she saw those students left. "Luckily, there weren't any students who threw a tantrum or panicked."

While sitting in the corridor, she finally collected her mind while looking at the window in a daze. Currently, there are still some traces of the thunder cloud in the sky. The cloud covered the whole city and made the situation seem gloomy.

"Just a minute ago, I complained that things are boring while listening to the principal's words. Now, I am in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Although I hope my life will turn exciting, I don't mean it to turn like this." Alicia grumbles as she lay flat on the floor.

Suddenly she remembered something and jolted up. 'Wait a minute! The principal!'

Alicia remembered she forgot to lock the zombified principal and he is currently on the loose. Along the way, she found several empty or locked classrooms with several zombified students and teachers inside.

When she arrived where the zombified principal previously was, Alicia found him missing from the corridor where she knocked him before. Next to her, the glass window has been shattered. It is the window through which she saw the crimson meteor fall.

After some thought, Alicia decided to enter the school's canteen and gather with the others.

"HELP!" Midway through her journey, she heard a shrill scream coming from one part of the school.

"That sound seems to come from the biology labs." Alicia clenched the hand holding her fire ax and went towards the source of that scream. Upon arriving, she saw a bloody scene.

In front of the classroom, there is a pair of twin boys who stood in front of the door and blocked it using items from surrounding classrooms. When they heard the sound of someone approaching, both of them turned their heads toward Alicia. They looked extremely shocked upon seeing Alicia holding a fire ax.

Through the shattered glass in the lab's door and windows. Thomas, the teacher in charge of biology class, has turned into a zombie. Around him, there are many student corpses, more than 10 zombified students, and several dozen frogs. Some of those frogs had escaped through the shattered glasses in the window and reached the corridor where Alicia and the twins stood.

Luckily, the biology lab is equipped with anti burglar window bars. It should be able to block the zombies inside from escaping through the window for a short moment. But from how there are already some dents on it, the window bars most likely won't last for long.

While Alicia is observing the situation, she feels a piercing pain from her ankle. Looked below, she found out a frog had bitten her leg. She focused her sight into the frog, and saw that some of its organs had fallen due to a huge knife mark on its stomach.

Alicia quickly slashed that frog with her ax and cut it into two halves. Before pulling the part that's still stuck on her ankle while gritting her teeth.

When she saw the bite mark on her leg, Alicia muttered in shock. "A.. am I also going to turn into a zombie?"

A loud metallic collision sound from the laboratory broke Alicia from her shock. A dent has appeared on the laboratory's door. Soon, zombie teacher Thomas can be seen smashing his body into the classroom door and finally breaking some part of it.

Zombie Thomas placed his hand into the hole and grabbed around randomly. Meanwhile, his other hand repeatedly punched the door to create a bigger hole.

When the twins saw that scene, they stumbled backward and scurried back.

Alicia frowned, Thomas seems to be much stronger than the zombie teacher she previously beat with her ax. That zombified teacher can't even damage the classroom door. Zombie Thomas on the other hand has broken the laboratory door which is a bit thicker than the classroom one.

While she thinks so, Alicia has slashed her axe toward Thomas's hand that's randomly grabbing around.

Alicia held her urge to vomit upon looking at the mutilated hand and told the twins. "Let's go to the canteen and hide first."

The twins followed after Alicia as the three of them ran toward the canteen located in the school's first floor. As the labs are located at one corner of the school, its distance from the canteen is quite considerable.

While running, Alicia asked them. "How do you guys survive from the lab?"

One of the twins replied. " We went to the bathroom. Upon returning to the lab, we saw everyone in the lab had turned into zombies and decided to block the door with some tables. Luckily, the door has been closed beforehand by someone."

Alicia nodded. 'it seems one of the people running around the school to warn everyone has been smart enough to lock the door when they saw the laboratory full of zombies.

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