How to Catch a Celestial Fox

A Celestial Fox Dreams of Me

Zhou Lieren was unsure how long he knelt beside the door to what now was Huo Laoda’s room. In between his hands was the blanket he used to cover Huo Laoda with in order to carry him. It was instinct that told him to grab it, knowing that animals sometimes needed to be blinded in order to settle down, and also he figured that Huo Laoda would not want to be seen by the public in such a state.


Is that an omega’s heat? He frowned at the thought. Huo Laoda looked like he had been in immense pain and torture, his body behaving like he’d been possessed and he fought with himself - and lost.


He lifted his head when he heard the large doors of the barn thrown open. Huo Cheng looked wild eyed as he scanned the room until his gaze settled on him. His blonde tail swayed as he stormed across the large space, and Zhou Lieren set aside his blanket to stand up and meet him by the time Huo Cheng was near. Huo Cheng grabbed Zhou Lieren by the front of his shirt and pushed him into the wall. He was startled by the aggressive gesture but Zhou Lieren dropped his neutral mask over his face and let the other rage.


“What happened!?” Huo Cheng demanded, his hot breath brushing against Zhou Lieren’s face as he narrowed the distance between them just mere inches between their noses. His blue eyes blazed almost intensely as Huo Laoda’s. “What did you do?”


He opened his mouth to calmly defend himself but the soft scrape of the door opening had both alphas turning their head. Huo Ningjing stepped out and startled when he saw them and his face looked identical to his cousin’s, but was not aimed at him.


“Cheng’er!” He hissed in a whisper and quickly shut the door behind him. “What are you doing?!”


Huo Cheng quickly released Zhou Rong and held his white knuckled fists at his side. He glared at him before looking at Huo Ningjing and in a lowered voice spoke, “Xiao Lin only told me that he,” Huo Cheng indicated to him with his chin, “brought Shixiong in, and that he was sick.”


“And that gives you the right to act like a buffoon?!” Huo Ningjing flailed his hands at his cousin, slapping at his chest as he stepped between them. He stood guard in front of Zhou Rong like a little lion dog. 


Scowling, but thoroughly scolded, Huo Cheng stepped out of reach of his cousin and frowned. Huo Ningjing sighed and looked at them both.


“Li’er was given something to give a false heat. He already threw up whatever it was, but now he just needs to sweat it out.”

“False heat?” he asked, but Huo Cheng spoke at the same time.


“He was drugged?” His eyes turned cold, the blue in them swirling like a storm.


Drugged? His spine stiffened, not realizing that was the case. Huo Ningjing nodded and addressed their cousin.


“I think so. I can’t tell what it is right now because the more important thing is helping Li’er.” Huo Ningjing shifted his gaze to him next, “A false heat is just what it sounds like. Sometimes it’s brought on suddenly by a hormone imbalance like during pregnancy, or in this case Li’er was given something to force a false heat.”


“Did you see who did this?” Huo Cheng directed the question to him.


“No,” he answered slowly, “I found Huo Laoda in the alley beside the inn. He appeared to be in a lot of distress, and I figured the best one to help was Huo Ningjing.”


Some of the fire in Huo Cheng’s eyes fizzled, “I...I owe you an apology, then.” Huo Cheng stepped forward, “I--”


Zhou Lieren held up a hand, “No. There’s no need. I understand your concern.”


He couldn’t fault Huo Cheng for having such a visceral reaction. He was terrified when he found Huo Laoda like that, and to know now that this was done purposefully? His fingers twitched before he clenched them together.


“Is there anything I can do?” Huo Cheng asked Huo Ningjing.


Huo Ningjing frowned and shook his head sadly. “Li’er has a lot of yang energy, and this aphrodisiac drug congested his meridians and gave him an amplified reaction. The best thing for him now is rest, so I gave him a mild sedative. Oh!”


Huo Ningjing turned around to face him fully, his head tilted back to look up at him. “Li’er asked for you. You can go in - don’t worry, the incense in there helps mask his pheromones.”


Huo Cheng stepped forward and looked like he was about to object, but as if anticipating it, Huo Ningjing raised up a defiant finger to press against Huo Cheng’s lips. Dejected, Huo Cheng stood back and remained quiet.


“Are you sure that he asked for me?” He was unsure why he’d be called upon, but he did not want to disrespect Huo Laoda if it were true.


Huo Ningjing bobbed his head, “Positive. Go on in there.”


Huo Ningjing urged him onward with some waving of his hands, practically shooing him into Huo Laoda’s room. He opened the door and quickly stepped through. He gulped at the sight.


Huo Laoda was stretched out on the bed, a quilt pulled up to his chin. Beside him on the table was a bowl of half-eaten medicine, a pitcher of water with a cup, and a small washbasin with a used cloth. The room’s single window was shut tight, leaving the trail of incense smoke wafting through the air and a single lantern lit the room. Though he could only see his face, Zhou Lieren had never seen someone so pale. Huo Laoda’s skin looked ashen, and sweat beaded down his temples like he’d been caught in the rain.


His eyes slowly opened and he turned his head to Zhou Lieren. Huo Laoda’s polite smile pulled at his chapped lips and he winced as he shifted a little. Zhou Lieren stepped forward, worried that Huo Laoda was in pain again, but he was even more worried that he didn’t know what to do if he was. Huo Laoda pulled a smooth, graceful bare arm from underneath the blanket and pointed to something at the end of the bed.


“Please,” he croaked. “May you fetch my bag?”


When he caught sight of Huo Laoda’s naked arm, which rested on top of the covers now, he hesitated. It felt improper to see this because Huo Laoda never revealed his skin. While this normally would be considered nothing to the regular man, it was as close to the edge of full nudity for Huo Laoda, and as he said, no one was allowed to see him naked


He didn’t want to take too much time from Huo Laoda’s recovery, so he did what he was asked and picked up the bag. He set it beside Huo Laoda before joining him on the bed. He could see the raw red lines of scratch marks up and down his arm, some of which had scabs.


Wanting to do something useful, he reached for the water and cup and poured it for Huo Laoda. He offered the cup of water to him, but Huo Laoda barely lifted his head and only took a few small sips. Zhou Lieren wouldn’t force the issue so he set the cup down and lifted the bag onto his lap.


“What do you need, Tianshanghuo-jun?”


Huo Laoda closed his eyes again and spoke softly, his voice thankfully less hoarse. “In my bag, there is a large green money pouch. Please take whatever is inside there.”


Zhou Lieren opened the sack when Huo Laoda started but he stilled when he spoke of money. He pushed the sack shut and frowned down at Huo Laoda. Is he delirious because of the medicine? Or this heat?


“Why would I want your money?” he asked.


“Never one to leave debts, right?” Huo Laoda’s playful smile looked just as beautiful on his sweat-covered, pale face as it did his regular one. His own words tossed back at him were meant to be funny, but it stung Zhou Lieren.


“What makes you think you owe me a debt?” He dropped the sack to the ground and stared down at Huo Laoda.


Huo Laoda’s eyes flickered open. His dark eyes, which held such fear in the alley, were now shiny and a little out of focus as they looked back at him.


“The Seven Star sect...doesn’t do something without fair compensation.” Huo Laoda recited Elder Mu’s exact teachings, which Mu Yi often repeated. “I owe you more than a debt of gratitude, I--”


Huo Laoda flinched and hissed, his eyes shut tight. The beautiful man reached out to him and Zhou Lieren caught the slender hand. Huo Laoda’s grip was strong as he squeezed until whatever passed, then he slumped back against the bed. Zhou Lieren kept his hold on Huo Laoda’s now limp hand.


He gritted his teeth together and leaned over Huo Laoda, bracing his hand on the other side of his frame. He glared down at him, his stomach in knots. “I don’t care about that. You do everything for so many people. Why can’t I do a simple thing for you?”


Huo Laoda shook his head side to side, the strands of hair that clung to his neck fell back against the pillow. He coughed then groaned once he stopped moving.


“It wasn’t simple…wasn’t simple...” Huo Laoda gave another cough and the squeeze wrapped around his hand again.


He watched the small movements of Huo Laoda’s face once he settled back down again. His cheeks were pink, and his lips now had color to them too. This close, he could appreciate the long curl of his lashes that fanned against his flushed cheeks when he blinked. Zhou Lieren let go of Huo Laoda’s hand and lifted his to that heavenly, beautiful face. He slid the edge of his index finger along the perfect curve of one of his eyebrows.


“Why haven’t you ascended yet?” He heard himself whisper. The brow he touched pinched with the other one and Huo Laoda slowly opened his eyes. They were somewhat glassy, but it didn’t get rid of the way those light brown eyes captivated him with just one look. “You have to be some sort of Immortal by now.”


Huo Laoda’s smile didn’t reach his eyes, but a chuckle rasped out. He angled his head away from Zhou Lieren’s touch, but then turned back towards it just as quickly.


“What would the heavens want with a defective omega?”


He pulled his fingers away and clenched them into a tight fist. Damnit,!


“You are wasted on us mortals,” he persisted. “Aren’t you doing all this so you can become an Immortal?”


“Things like immortality mean nothing to me. I am doing all this so I may live how I want.” Huo Laoda’s answer was both simple and like a riddle all at the same time, just like the many times before. His speech slurred just a little at his question, “Don’t you do what you want?”


Do I? He had to think hard on that answer. Up until now, Zhou Lieren simply lived the standards of the sect because he had no other life to live. He was an orphan, he’d been brought up by the Seven Star Elders, and he was a good disciple. The only moments of connection he had were with his Shizun, while everything else was strict and put into specific boxes.


The rules used to be a lot simpler - wake up, train, chores, sleep, kill or be killed, be useful or get kicked out, and nothing came without a price. His experience the past few weeks was like a starving man suddenly given a buffet. What dish does he pick first? The choices of what he could and couldn’t do were limitless outside of the sect, and that in and of itself was scary. But this damned heavenly beauty made it look so simple, which amazed and frustrated him.


“I don’t know how to live,” he confessed and a tightness seized his heart. “I don’t think my current life allows me the opportunity to.”


Huo Laoda’s hand reached for him again, pushing weakly on his shoulder. It was a fraction of what he knew was Huo Laoda’s strength, showing how depleted he was. “Then take my money. Take even more money. I’ll ask my father for anything on your behalf - just name your price to start over. I owe you that.”


That coil wrapped around in his chest squeezed tighter and he grabbed at Huo Laoda’s hand again by the wrist and pinned it above his head against the pillow. He growled at him, punctuating his words one at a time to get his point across.


“I. Don’t. Want. Your. Money.”


Like a mocking child, Huo Laoda responded in kind, “What. Do. You. Want?”


“You!” he nearly yelled, his heart pounding inside his chest. 


He wanted Huo Laoda. He wanted to listen to him, to be near him, to touch and be touched by him. Huo Laoda watched him just as keenly as Zhou Lieren watched everyone else. When Huo Laoda looked at him with his sharp gaze, he was seen. It was what he wanted to say the other day, but he ended up making Huo Laoda upset instead.


Huo Laoda’s eyes widened just a fraction, and there was a moment of silence before a laugh escaped Huo Laoda’s lips. His other hand came out from underneath the quilt and he covered his snort with it.


Huo Huli’s slight laughter died down after he flinched again. A groan gurgled out of him and he shut his eyes, “Rong’er, Rong’’re normally so agreeable in my dreams.”


Dreams? Zhou Lieren pulled back and quickly released Huo Laoda’s wrist, startled at the familiarity. He swallowed down his swollen tongue and forced himself to ask, even though he wasn’t sure he’d like the answer. “You dream about me?”


“Yes, you fool.” Huo Laoda sighed and his eyes opened again. “You listen to me in them. Why won’t you listen to me now, Rong’er?”


“Would you call me by my birth name?” His aching chest started to soften, but his heart kept its rapid pace. He leaned a little more, hovering close to Huo Laoda, and when he did not react negatively, Zhou Lieren stayed there.


“I would have to know it first.” Huo Laoda blew out a breath and brushed away some of his hair that stuck to his face. Zhou Lieren did the same for him on the other cheek, and like before Huo Laoda leaned into his touch with a gentle sigh.


“Zhou Lieren.”


“Hmm?” Huo Laoda blinked.


“My name is Zhou Lieren,” he repeated.


“Hmmm…” Huo Laoda hummed once again and a lazy grin spread across his face. “Xiao Lieren.”


He frowned at that, “No, Ren’er.”


“Oh, tsk tsk…” Huo Laoda clicked his tongue like he was scolding him and lifted both hands to Zhou Lieren’s face. He did not jerk away when his soft, bare palms cupped his cheeks and the slightly calloused thumbs rubbed at his eyebrows. “Don’t furrow your brow, Xiao Lieren. Smile more. You’re so handsome when you smile. Be more agreeable, hm?”


He placed a hand over one of Huo Laoda’s, stopping his movement. He stared into the other’s eyes, trying to find any lie. There was only some recognition in them and a typical wide pupil in many drugged people. Huo Laoda was clearly dazed because he did not think the other would willingly say these types of things.


“Xiiiiaaaooo Lieren…” Huo Laoda sing-songed. Even teasing, his singing voice was pleasant. 


“You think I am handsome?” He ignored the ‘Xiao Lieren’ comment for now, along with the moral implications of asking a drugged man for his secrets.


Huo Laoda, with his hands still on his face, pushed Zhou Lieren’s cheeks together until his lips made a kissing face. “Of course you’re handsome. Very handsome. Stop asking nonsense questions when you know the answers.”


He gently pulled Huo Laoda’s hands from his face, freeing his cheeks. He gently laid them down on top of the blanket over Huo Laoda’s chest. “Then tell me something I do not know. What may I call you?”


Huo Laoda ticked them off like a list that even in an inebriated state he could recite. “Title Tianshanghuo-jun, courtesy name Huo Laoda. Birth name, Huo Huli.” A frown followed after with “Don’t call me Xiao Huli.”


Zhou Lieren laughed at the face Huo Laoda made. He looked very much like his brother when denied a snack, his lips pushed out and the tiniest crease between his brows. The scowl deepened the harder Zhou Lieren laughed. He reached out and touched Huo Laoda’s hair, patting the top of his head gently.


“What are you doing?” Huo Laoda’s eyes rolled upward.


“Mmm…you said your name is Huo Huli.” His heart swelled with satisfaction at knowing this. It suited this beauty with his talent for fire. He truly did look like a celestial fox brought down from the heavens. He teased him lightly, “I am looking for fox ears.”


“Xiao Lieren,” he glared at him and spoke like an Elder reprimanding him, but his pout was too cute to be taken seriously. “Be nice to your Shixiong.”


“You mean, you want me to be more agreeable?” Zhou Lieren’s cheeks hurt from his smile. Had he ever smiled so much, or had such a long conversation? Albeit, it was with a slightly dazed Huo Laoda, so it may not even count, but it meant something to him.


Yes.” The little fox said with emphasis. “Only call me Huo Huli.”


“Huo Huli…” He rolled the name around his tongue. Would he scold me for calling him that when he comes to his senses? He wanted to probe further, to make sure Huo Huli knew what he was saying. “Huo Huli, are you sure I should regard you so familiarly?”


“You already kiss me in my dreams, how much more familiar can you get?” Huo Huli chuckled, but Zhou Lieren’s stomach turned around.


“Kiss?” His heart thundered in his ears now. He started to question if he wasn’t in a dream himself now. “You dream about me kissing you? Why?”


“You’re competent,” Huo Huli mumbled, his eyes drifting away from Zhou Lieren. “You’re handsome. You have a lot of skill, and though you come off cold, you are polite and listen well. Unlike the other alphas, you would never give me the time of day. Because I am nothing to you, that makes you safe.”


The time of day? Nothing to me? Did Huo Huli really think he had a low opinion of him?


“Unlike the other alphas? What do you mean?”


“Defective or not, alphas still look at me. I don’t want them to look at me. You don’t. That makes you safe.” Water gathered at the edges of Huo Huli’s eyes and the next words that fell from his lips were in a whisper. “I’m afraid of alphas.”


“What?” He’d meant to say that in his head, but he was struck so hard in shock by the admission that he blurted it out. “You fight countless undead - you’ve seen gruesome, horrible creatures, but you are telling me that you are more afraid of alphas?”


Even he was afraid of some monsters, but overcoming that fear was part of being a warrior and a cultivator in his sect. Unlike Mu Yi, Zhou Lieren still had an understanding that any fight could be his last. That day Huo Huli saved them all, he sincerely thought he’d meet death that day.


“I do not fear them. They are dead, and only have one intention. You don’t have to think too hard to know if they mean you harm or not. It’s the living that is tricky like that. The living…” His voice didn’t rise above a whisper, and Zhou Lieren watched in horror as a single tear slid down. It left a trail along the delicate curve of Huo Huli’s cheek. “The living are far scarier…”


He quickly wiped it away with his thumb. The tear didn’t belong, as it was like a crack in a beautiful piece of jade. It didn’t make Huo Huli ugly, because even with tears he was strikingly beautiful, but nothing should ever make him sad enough to shed tears. Like a string being pulled, Zhou Lieren was drawn to Huo Huli and he lowered his head to give a soft kiss to his forehead. His skin was clammy, but being this close to him, he could get a trace of his scent.


It was soft, delicate jasmine that was not overpowering but still just as sweet. It soothed him, his tight muscles relaxing at just the subtle notes of it. Huo Huli explained that he suppressed his pheromones, so being able to smell just the tiniest bit was precious. He kissed his forehead again, inhaling more of it.


“Mmnn…” Huo Huli stirred under him and lightly pressed on his chest with his hands. “Don’t kiss me. I always wake up when you kiss me. Let me be in this dream a little longer…”


He really is unaware of what he is doing. Zhou Lieren leaned back, only enough to look down at his face clearly. Huo Huli’s eyelids drooped and his pallor, while still pale, had a brighter flush on his cheeks and exposed neck.


“You can keep dreaming, Li’er.” He stroked Huo Huli’s luscious hair that was still somewhat damp from his sweat. Zhou Lieren petted him softly like this until Huo Huli closed his eyes and his chest rose and fell at a slow, even pace.


More of Huo Huli’s pheromones leaked out, filling Zhou Lieren’s senses more than the incense could mask. His gut tightened, and though his instinct was to bury his nose into the crook of Huo Hul’s long neck to gather up as much of that sweet scent as he could, he knew that Huo Huli was sick and sedated. It would be unwanted, and he didn’t want to upset Huo Huli. Zhou Lieren stood up and walked out the door, bumping into Huo Ningjing who was outside with his arms crossed and looking exactly like his brother with his intense stare.


Zhou Lieren did not say anything as he closed the door behind him. Huo Cheng was nowhere in sight now, so he dipped his head down politely. Huo Ningjing sucked in a breath and let out a whiny sigh.


“Okay, okay. I am not as stupid as my brother is, so I know what is up.”


“Up?” he asked, raising a brow.


“Look, Zhou Rong, I’m going to cut to the chase.” Huo Ninjing widened his stance and put his hands on his impossibly skinny hips. “I heard everything in there. My brother has never shown any interest in anyone. If my brother is happy, that means I am happy - and it also is useful to have you as a distraction.”


Zhou Lieren was even more confused, but he did appreciate his brother’s casual acceptance of the situation, even though he wasn’t sure how to proceed.


“You like my brother. Don’t bother denying it,” Huo Ningjing flicked his wrist, casually dismissing any possible refusals from Zhou Lieren. “But as I said, my brother is stupid. You need my help, and I need yours.”


He frowned, not sure if he understood where this was going. “You need my help?”


“Ah! So you do admit that you really do like my brother?!” Huo Ningjing’s eyes lit up, his smile wide. There must have still been a small bit of doubt, despite the haughty confidence he displayed just seconds ago.


He thought about this and looked over his shoulder at the door that separated him from Huo Huli. Zhou Lieren didn’t know what to call his feelings. Beyond being beautiful, Huo Huli was kind and playful. He was friendly and able to carry a conversation for much longer than Zhou Lieren had ever tried. Huo Huli was also powerful and very capable, but there was still so much humility in him. He could see the traces of sadness as well, and in a way, Huo Huli’s loneliness called out to his own.


Huo Huli’s words echoed in his head; I’m afraid of alphas… 


“I want your brother…” He looked back down at the young brother and sighed. “But regardless of how I feel, how would Huo Huli accept me?”


“That is where my help comes in.” Huo Ningjing pointed to himself, “I will tell you how to approach my brother by not being an asshole alpha, and you will help me by keeping him distracted which lets me flirt with Bai Luo.”


“Bai Luo?” He knew Bai Luo’s feelings on the matter, but not Huo Ningjing’s. “You really do like him?”


“Yes! But my brother keeps interfering!” Huo Ningjing’s shoulders hunched.


“So when you were...ah, hitting on me…”


“Oh, that?” Huo Ningjing laughed, “I was testing you, and you passed. My eyes are only set on A-Ming.”


A-Ming and Jing’er? Those two really were well matched.


Huo Ningjing continued, “I know my brother looks out for me, and I couldn’t ask for a better one, but he still treats me like I’m a child. I can take care of myself! If A-Ming ever tries to do something untoward to me, I will just put a binding talisman on him and tell you two to beat him up.”


If someone had told him a month ago that a pintsized cultivator could take on an alpha of his size, no matter how much of a stumbling idiot Bai Luo was, Zhou Lieren would never have believed it. Now he did, and he could definitely see Bai Luo running for the hills if he ever upset Huo Ningjing - or worse, Huo Huli.


“I will help you if you help me,” he agreed to these terms, “but I do not want to trick Huo Huli.”


“Don’t you mean Liiii’eeeerrr?” Huo Ningjing batted his eyes and giggled. Zhou Lieren’s ears heated, and Huo Ningjing’s smile grew. “We won’t be tricking him, I promise. Now, shoo. Li’er needs to rest, and the hut will smell of pheromones soon enough and might affect you.”


He gave one final look to the door, “I know you will take good care of your brother.”


He bowed to Huo Ningjing and picked up his blanket. By now dusk had fallen, and the stars were just peeking through as he made his way back to the village proper and into the inn. The day caught up with him, his body which had been sore before even helping Huo Huli felt even more worn out. No matter what, it could not shake the smile off his face, because the fact that a certain little fox dreamed about him made Zhou Lieren feel warm all over.


He politely greeted the Innkeeper as he entered and headed up the stairs to the room he shared with Mu Yi and Fan Su. Before he even opened the door, he could hear the raucous laughter from inside. He stepped inside, and Mu Yi was lounging on the single bed with Fan Su perched by the window. Their laughter died down a little when he came in and shut the door.


“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Mu Yi snorted. Zhou Lieren’s eyes shifted to him, and his smile vanished when he saw the small pink satchel with the green cord and intricately carved jade bead that he twirled around in his fingers.


Zhou Lieren dropped his blanket and froze in place. “Where did you get that?”

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