How to Catch a Celestial Fox

…And Defilement

Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. An itch crawled over his insides, creeping deep inside in spots he hadn’t even known existed. The jade toy felt small, inadequate, and it just didn’t feel right. Worst of all, Huo Huli felt like he was getting drunk from Zhou Lieren’s pheromones.


“Lieren…” he panted Zhou Lieren’s name and hot tears stung his eyes. He writhed around, his body seeking out some sort of relief but he couldn’t find it. Not deep enough. Not...knot... He shook his head back and forth, trying to express his words.


Zhou Lieren’s rumbly voice sent shivers up his spine and his cock strained, “What, my little fox? You can’t take the fake knot?”


Fake. That word stuck out to Huo Huli. It was fake, it wasn’t Zhou Lieren, and his body was actively rejecting it. From his hole to deep inside, he ached with need.


“I….I...Lieren, I need…” Huo Huli shut his eyes as a wave of heat flooded him, leaving him breathless. To try and ease the overwhelming itch he clawed at his stomach, trying to get to the spot where it hurt the most.


Zhou Lieren’s voice cut through his mental fog, “What do you need?” 


Huo Huli opened his mouth but any words lodged in his throat. He felt dizzy, the heady scent of apricots were infused with a musk that made his mouth water. Garbled noises and what could have been words tumbled out of his mouth.


Then something slammed into him, kickstarting his senses. Get him! His need drove him forward, demanding to get what he desperately wanted. Huo Huli reached down between his legs and grabbed Zhou Lieren’s wrist. With a firm pull, he pulled Zhou Lieren’s hand to his stomach. He hoped that he could communicate what he needed without quite understanding it beyond his desire to have Zhou Lieren deep inside.


In his desperation to get his point across, Huo Huli pressed Zhou Lieren’s hand against his stomach. Maybe if Zhou Lieren could feel him, then maybe he would know what he needed as he struggled to speak. He finally opened his eyes, blinking through the tears as he met Zhou Lieren’s tight lipped expression. Huo Huli could see that he wasn’t unaffected either, with his thick cock in his hand looking angry and ready to be in him. In me...


Through whimpers, he could barely get out the one sentence he needed to communicate. “I need here…”


There was a shift in the air and a strong musk felt like it was suffocating him. Huo Huli’s vision blurred for a moment and when he blinked through it, Zhou Lieren’s face suddenly hovered just inches from his own.


“Lie--” Huo Huli was cut off by Zhou Lieren’s mouth which claimed his. He was pushed back against the bed roll and the toy fell away, leaving him empty. He whined, teeth crashing against the aggressive kiss that threatened to swallow him whole. 


Zhou Lieren’s tongue pushed its way inside and his moans were muffled by Zhou Lieren’s own. His growls and groans felt electric, sending tiny shocks against Huo Huli’s skin. When he felt like he was losing air, the kiss ended and he was abruptly flipped over.


“Sorry,” Zhou Lieren hissed at the back of his ear, his throat sounding raw. “I’m sorry. I want to see your face, but this will get me deeper.”


...get me deeper… Those words echoed in his head and Huo Huli arched to press his body back against Zhou Lieren in a silent plea to encourage him. He thought he heard himself mumbling it was okay while tucking his elbows underneath himself.


Huo Huli’s hips were grabbed in a punishing grip and hoisted up high, propping him up on his knees. The tilt of his body pushed his face towards the bed, exposing every inch of himself to Zhou Lieren. He could feel Zhou Lieren’s fiery hot cock prod at him and he raked his nails down along the sheets which were already soaked in his sweat. He didn’t have to beg because Zhou Lieren surged forward at the same time Huo Huli pushed back. When their bodies slammed together, a dam broke.


All his cries and moans that he barely held back poured out, filling the hut like their intermingled pheromones that hung thick and heavy in the air. True to his words, Zhou Lieren reached deep inside in this position and ground his hips down to the bone before pulling out, only to sink back inside. His cock speared into Huo Huli, reaching the parts of him that ached so much during his heat.


The force of his thrusts drove Huo Huli forward and his face ground against the bedroll. To get better leverage, Huo Huli lifted himself up on his hands. He used the angle to rock back against Zhou Lieren, meeting him slap for slap, his need and instincts driving him. Huo Huli felt a hand in his hair push the thick mass over a shoulder to expose the other and a sharp pain shot through him.


He felt pressure on his shoulder and when it vibrated, Huo Huli realized it was Zhou Lieren growling and biting him. Zhou Lieren let go and bit the back of his ear on the same side and Huo Huli sputtered out a string of curses.


Zhou Lieren’s hands fell away from his hips and he hunched over Huo Huli’s back, his lips pressed against his ear. One arm wrapped around Huo Huli’s midriff and the other braced against the bedroll, holding himself up.


“Feel me?” Zhou Lieren’s breath licked his neck like hot flames. His hand came over to Huo Huli’s stomach and Zhou Lieren pressed in just like Huo Huli had him do before. He felt Zhou Lieren’s cock bump against the firm hold of his hand. The gesture was so small but it made the air rush out of him and his cheeks felt like the hottest part of his body besides the cock shoving itself inside him.


Huo Huli’s hips twitched and he turned his head to look at Zhou Lieren over his shoulder. When he regained his breath, he spoke through clenched teeth.


“You call...this...worship?!” He tossed Zhou Lieren’s erotic words back at him and his nails caught on the sheets as he curled his fingers around them to stuff them in his fists. “Saying such things like that-ah!”


Zhou Lieren’s cock hit the very bottom and Huo Huli threw his head back, eyes wide. His elbows rocked and he couldn’t support himself as the air was literally punched out of him. He dropped his head down and cried as Zhou Lieren placed kisses on his back and little bites on any flesh he could catch between his teeth.


“What do you call this then?” The heat and laughter in Zhou Lieren’s voice made Huo Huli want to smack him and slam himself back harder against the cock at the same time.


Embarrassment stung his cheeks but his body was betraying him once again. He felt overwhelmed by the sensation of being filled so thoroughly and satisfied in a way that he’d never felt before.


“Defilement of a temple!” He choked on a cry. “Sh-shameless defilement!”


Zhou Lieren grabbed Huo Huli’s arms by the crook of his elbows and lifted him up to the point where his chest arched out. In this position he was speared onto Zhou Lieren’s cock, which had stopped thrusting. He could feel him pressed deep inside and firmly against the bundle of nerves that Zhou Lieren had been slamming before. A tongue licked the shell of his ear and he almost came right then.


“I think you pushed me into a rut,” Zhou Lieren’s clever tongue lapped at him again, this time at his neck. Precome oozed from the swollen head of his own cock and dripped down to the sheets below, a few clear drops landing right under him.


Frustration at not having the delicious friction inside, he huffed and squirmed. “Am I supposed to apologize?”


Zhou Lieren’s throaty chuckle made Huo Huli moan and tilt his head back. Everything about the alpha was like a shock to his system. Why can’t I get my fill of him? 


“You don’t have to and I won’t apologize for defiling you.” Zhou Lieren’s voice had an edge that made him shudder. “I’m the only one allowed to anyway.”


When Zhou Lieren finally started to move, he didn’t let go of Huo Huli. He stayed suspended like this, at Zhou Lieren’s mercy, as his hips slammed into him. His own body was used as a counter weight for Zhou Lieren to drive himself further inside until he slammed home against his womb.


Huo Huli saw stars. With each roll of his hips, Zhou Lieren’s motions ripped through him and carried a balm that eased all his aches and pains. His tense muscles relaxed and that feverish state he’d been in felt like it was cooling down, tempering the furnace within his core. Something coiled inside his abdomen, right at the spot Zhou Lieren kept pounding against.


His brain felt like it was floating and his thoughts drifted briefly to something Huo Cheng once said about dual cultivation.


“It’s like nothing you’ll ever experience’s just something that fits.”


He felt like he was riding on a wave that crashed against the shore but was secure and unwavering as a mountain. His heart thundered and Zhou Lieren’s groans made the blood that rushed through his veins boil. Huo Huli had never known this sort of feeling could exist, that he would get to experience it. Lieren fits...Lieren fits with me...


He started to cry tears that felt cold as they ran down his face. Huo Huli’s chin dropped down to his chest, unable to hold his head up any longer as that coil tightened like a python inside.


“You!” He yelled out to Zhou Lieren, “Only you!”


Zhou Lieren snarled and his hips came in faster and their moans were punctuated by the slap their bodies made. Something swelled against him and that twist inside churned until Zhou Lieren roared and shoved forward one final time. When Zhou Lieren’s thick knot buried deep and locked in him, whatever it was inside Huo Huli burst.


Jets of heat flooded him and a rippling wave of warm light rushed through his body. A loud bell tolled, mixing in with Zhou Lieren’s cries, both of them beckoning to him. He saw a blinding white light flash before him and he shook violently. When he collapsed forward, he realized the ground underneath was what was shaking. Zhou Lieren’s weight crashed against him, but it wasn’t unwelcome.


Huo Huli didn’t want to move, but he couldn’t even if he tried. He laid in a heap of his own mess, supporting some of Zhou Lieren’s weight on his back. Zhou Lieren’s limbs bracketed him, his whole body covering him like a protective shield. A part of Huo Huli wanted to curl up and enjoy this, but he felt Zhou Lieren’s knot rapidly deflating. His body stiffened in surprise, worry flooding him. Is he done? Shouldn’t he be locked in for a little while? He started to question if he had passed out accidentally and lost time, but no.


“Did you...just have a breakthrough?” Zhou Lieren’s heavy breaths fell against the back of his neck. 


“Was that what it was?” He whispered. 


He did feel different. Though exhausted, he wasn’t sore or heavy. In fact, he felt lighter than air. Did I just dual cultivate into the Intermediate stage? He didn’t use Zhou Lieren as a furnace because that was very disrespectful without consent, but like their first time, it felt as if all his meridians burst open all at once. Huo Huli’s mind tried to wrap around the possibilities but screeched to a halt when he felt Zhou Lieren pull out of him and lean back.


“Wha--” He began but his joints locked up when he felt Zhou Lieren’s hands on his ass. His rough palms pushed apart his cheeks and both thumbs slipped inside, hooking against his rim lightly. Huo Huli trembled in surprise when Zhou Lieren pulled him open, his hole squeezing instinctively to try and hide.


“What are you doing?!” He tried to twist himself as best as he could to look at Zhou Lieren behind him. Zhou Lieren had a smug alpha-like grin on his face as he stared down at his hole. Huo Huli could feel something hot and wet leak out and it made him all the more embarrassed.


“I like looking at my handiwork,” Zhou Lieren said before lifting his hungry gaze at him. Huo Huli’s breath caught in his throat. He’d never heard such a scandalizing thing before, which was saying something from being brought up in a dual cultivation sect. He immediately felt flush, but before he could come back with a response, Zhou Lieren flipped him over onto his back and had Huo Huli’s knees up to his shoulders.


He felt Zhou Lieren’s hard cock poking at him again like a rod of steel. “A-again!?”


Zhou Lieren’s eyelids lowered, giving his face a lazy appearance though the wolfish grin on his face was anything but easy going. 


“I think your pheromones set me off into a rut. That means my knot won’t last that long, but it’s so I can keep having sex.” He explained in the most casual manner with his silky voice. “But don’t worry…”


Zhou Lieren loomed over him, teeth shining with his wide grin. He stared at Huo Huli like he was a meal and Zhou Lieren was the hungry demon waiting to feast on him. His face dropped down until their lips were just barely touching when he breathed out against him.


“I’ll be agreeable,” he said with a burning kiss that melted Huo Huli’s protests away.

Omega Mini-Theatre 4


During this, Huo Ningjing purchased a spicy pork pancake from a street vendor with the remaining wen he was given. As he took his first bite of the tasty treat, the ground shook and the sky flashed white and purple. It came and went quickly in a blink of an eye. He pulled the pancake away from his face to stare down at it, the meat and seasoning glistening.


“Dif ah haf ah bruhkfroo?” (Did I have a breakthrough?)


He asked out loud with his mouth full. He didn’t feel any different, except for feeling incredibly full. Is that what a golden core expansion feels like? He took another bite just to make sure, and yes, he was still full. That has to be it! Who knew that all he had to do was eat this blessed pancake and he’d level up his cultivation?! He held up the pancake triumphantly.


“Fank yoo pahnkak Guhs!” (Thank you pancake Gods!)


Truthfully, it was a blessed occasion.

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