How to Catch a Celestial Fox


Zhou Lieren was both perplexed and intrigued by the omega twins. He too mistakenly assumed the alpha from the Huo Clan was Tianshanghuo-jun, and was surprised to learn that it was the omega Huo Laoda. After he thought about it, it did make some sense. Like his title, Huo Laoda was as beautiful as an immortal. His skin was fine and smooth as jade, the only mark on it was the three cinnabar petals painted at the center of his brow.


Huo Laoda’s thick and lush hair was like gentle ripples on the surface of water that cascaded down his back. Zhou Lieren wrestled with the peculiar urge to reach out and touch it - which was very unlike his usual nature. He’d never been interested in many people, nor any omegas, but this one kept distracting him from his sect brothers.


“I don’t know why they gave the map to the stupid Heavenly Lake sect.” Mu Yi grumbled loudly enough that it brought his attention back. “That beta will probably get us lost.”


The Elders had sent them off on their journey about an hour ago, where they would travel on foot to the city that the Elders selected as to be in most need. At most, it would take a two-day walk if everyone kept a good pace. At the head of their little group was the Heavenly Lake sect, who was put in charge of their map by the Elders.


“They are a sect full of scholars, so map reading may be best suited for them.” He pointed out to Mu Yi, but it most likely fell on deaf ears. After being humiliated, Mu Yi looked like he’d been gearing up for a fight, so trying to rationalize with him was useless. Zhou Lieren suspected that Mu Yi didn’t go complain to his uncle Elder Mu because he didn’t want to admit that an omega had made a fool out of him. However, unlike his other sect brothers, he knew how to not make himself look like an ass.


“With their noses in all those books at their fancy library, that leaves us with having to pick up the slack protecting everyone.” His other sect brother, Fan Su, lamented alongside Mu Yi. Both of them slouched and dragged their feet as they walked, grumbling about their other companions for the trial.


Zhou Lieren walked beside his brothers, not from a sense of unity, but because it put him in a position to watch Huo Laoda from behind and analyze him. He was a beauty and a nobleman’s son, but he was not arrogant. His smile, while reserved, was sweet and genuine. Huo Huli spoke politely to everyone and would answer every question that someone would ask of him. Unlike Tianshanghuo-jun, Zhou Lieren did not feel the need to be so personable. For him, he felt that his skills spoke for themselves, and that was enough.


“Li’er, will we stop to have a snack soon?” Huo Ningjing turned his head up to his brother as they walked side by side.


Does his birth name have li? Or is that simply a nickname?


“No, we can wait a few more hours.” Huo Laoda reached over and poked his brother in the stomach. “We just ate not too long ago. Where do you put away all that food, huh?”


Huo Ningjing stuck out his tongue. “Are you calling me fat, gege?!”


“What are you so happy for?” Mu Yi griped and narrowed his eyes at Zhou Lieren. He hadn’t realized he was smiling until Mu Yi pointed it out. “Shouldn’t you be offended that Elder Mu was bullied into letting us be at the mercy of these idiots?”


Zhou Lieren dropped his smile. He typically held his tongue when it came to Mu Yi because he was the nephew of the sect leader. Zhou Lieren was an orphan and not high born, so he had no standing to rebuke Mu Yi. When it came to Mu Yi, it was easier to stay quiet or point out a fact.


“I think we can respect the Elders’ decisions and act like the alphas that we are.” He tried to appeal to their nature as a sect, which he also abided by. “We are sent here to do a job, right?”


Both of his sect brothers hummed in agreement and Zhou Lieren breathed a mental sigh of relief. Ahead of them, Huo Cheng slowed his step to fall out of line with his cousins and joined them now.


“Zhou Rong, yes?” Huo Cheng asked and he nodded. The smile on Huo Cheng’s face brightened. “Tell me, are there tigers at your sect?”


Zhou Lieren was surprised that Huo Cheng not only remembered his name but singled him out to have a conversation. “I don’t think there are any more at Tiger’s Grotto.”


High in the mountains was a place called Tiger’s Grotto, where the sect lived. It was said that their sect founder, Qiren Shen, had four tigers who were his guardians that lived to be a hundred years old and lived well past their master’s time. What was myth or fact was beyond Zhou Lieren, but regardless, his home was named that.


“There haven't been any tigers for hundreds of years now,” Fan Su explained.


“Aww…” Huo Cheng frowned, looking genuinely upset at this. “I kind of thought all you Seven Star disciples got a pet tiger or whatever.”


He tried to imagine the over hundred members tending to a bunch of tiger cubs, but it was much easier to envision them biting the hands that neglected to feed them.


“I wish.” Fan Su laughed then asked his own question. “You’re a religious sect, right?”


“It depends on who you ask…” Huo Cheng shrugged. “The sect is, but the actual Huo Clan family are not all religious, just the ones that are in the sect. Those that live outside are typically secular. Our sect has people from outside of our clan too, who choose to be religious.”


“Are they adopted?” Mu Yi peered around Zhou Lieren to look at Huo Cheng.


“Some do get adopted, but a lot of them are just regular people who come to educate themselves, cultivate, and learn the dao.”


“Regular people,” Mu Yi snorted. “You just let anyone in? Especially omegas?”


Zhou Lieren would have missed the way Huo Loada’s shoulders stiffened if he hadn’t been paying such close attention to him.


Huo Cheng, if upset by the question, didn’t show it. His good-natured smile never faltered and he gave a smooth answer, “Especially omegas. As a religious sect, we believe in the balance of life. Each of the genders and designations has their own to contribute, and so we follow those teachings according to that.”


“You don’t actually believe that, do you?” Fan Su asked with a frown. “They’re, you know -- omegas. They would just distract the people who are trying to work and cultivate.”


“I don’t see why I wouldn’t believe it.” Huo Cheng shrugged. “My cousins and the other omegas never distracted me. Besides, I’m engaged to an omega in the sect, and it’s quite pleasant to sit next to him in our lessons. What sense would it be to not include them?”


While Mu Yi and their sect brother nitpicked at Huo Cheng’s words, Zhou Lieren turned his focus back on Huo Laoda and memorized more details about him. His robes were unlike the other Anyang Huo Clan members, which was peculiar since many of the disciples dressed alike with perhaps a few unique touches here or there.


The baggy outer robe was short instead of long like the others and was loosely held shut by a gold band. His sleeves were tied shut with a white length of fabric woven around his forearms, similar to the sleeves of his own uniform. Huo Laoda’s inner robes were white, covering a gold shirt with a high, stiff embroidered collar that ended just under Huo Laoda’s jaw. His long, elegant fingers were covered by brown leather archery gloves that only exposed two fingers and a thumb on either hand. Apart from his face, the only skin exposed were those six fingers.


There was something he did wear that was identical to his brother’s, though. Hanging at their waists and swinging by the hip was a small pink satchel with a jade pendant. Zhou Lieren glanced at Huo Cheng’s midriff, but he only had a silver bell with a tassel on his waist. Curious, Zhou interrupted his sect brothers and finally asked a question of his own.


“Is there a significance to what your cousins are wearing on their belts?” 


Huo Cheng tilted his head then looked at the twins with a long stare until recognition struck him. “Oh! You guys are not around a lot of omegas, right?”


The three Seven Star disciples shook their heads. Zhou Lieren had only seen omegas in the city at the base of the mountain when he’d help with trade items, or he would occasionally pass an omega villager when they were on a night hunt.


“Well…” Huo Cheng’s silly grin turned up a notch. “You know about an omega’s heat, right?”


Fan Su’s cheeks turned blood red and he hissed at Huo Cheng, “You aren’t supposed to talk about that sort of thing! That’s...that’s private! And gross!”


Zhou Lieren was also somewhat uncomfortable, only because of the casual way Huo Cheng spoke of it. He understood it was a fact of life, and that all omegas could get pregnant, but it wasn’t something the alphas he grew up around spoke of. He had never seen an omega in heat either, just some of the things his fellow sect brothers would say. The teachers in their sect explained that the reason omegas weren’t allowed on the mountain was that their bodies and energy would taint their very holy site because of their heat.


“Oh don’t be a baby,” Mu Yi smirked at their sect brother and crossed his arms over his chest. “Nothing is better than an omega in heat.”


Huo Cheng tossed his head back with a loud bark of laughter. He wiped a tear from his eye and his grin was still present. “I doubt an omega has let you near them with a li-long pole.”


Offended, Mu Yi made a derisive snort. He scurried over to the other side of Huo Cheng, where he squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest. Huo Cheng didn’t look the least bit intimidated. “I’ve slept with loads of omegas! What would you know!?”


Huo Cheng arched a brow. “I told you I was engaged, didn’t I?” 


He and his sect brothers paused, taking in this information. It was Mu Yi’s incredulous tone that broke the awkward silence.


“Are you saying you’re allowed to sleep with your betrothed before marriage?” Mu Yi squinted, making his already beady eyes even smaller. Zhou Lieren was also surprised to hear such a thing, too.


“Of course. Our sect practices dual cultivation.” Huo Cheng said it in such a way like he was pointing out the sky was blue. He hooked his thumbs under the straps of his bag and continued in the same matter-of-fact tone. “We are arranged to marry and our families and Elder Huo have permitted us to. Not only does it help our individual cultivations, but…”


Huo Cheng’s face shifted into a small smile, morphing his strong features into something more delicate. “But feeling someone else’s energy is one of the most intimate things to do, and getting to know my betrothed that way makes us feel like we have friends for many lifetimes. It makes it easier, you know?”


No, Zhou Lieren admitted to himself. I don’t know. He’d never known such a level of intimacy that gave Huo Cheng a blissful look as he reminisced about his partner. Mu Yi openly gawked at Huo Cheng, who slid his eyes towards Zhou Lieren.


“How about you?” Huo Cheng’s playful smile returned. “Have you slept with an omega before?”


Zhou Lieren did not feel the need to answer. He’d never slept with an omega before, but he wasn’t a virgin either. Instead, he pointed to the question he originally asked. “You never explained what those things were for.”


“Oh! Duh!” Huo Cheng struck his forehead with the heel of his palm, “A lot of omegas who can afford it carry their herbal suppressants in a bag around their waist. It helps them regulate and avoid going into heat. Most omegas are regular, but when you’re young and getting close to age, there’s no real time frame on when an omega starts to have their heat. It’s just better to have it on hand.”


So that’s their medicine. Zhou Lieren’s eyes strayed back to Huo Laoda’s waist, which was heavily obscured by the big robe, then down to the medicinal bag in question.


“Yeah, well...those two better not--” Mu Yi didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence because Huo Cheng reached across Mu Yi’s chest and stopped them in their tracks. Huo Cheng’s young, cheerful features were replaced by a cold stare that looked straight ahead. His eyes were glazed and lifeless, nor was he moving.


Concerned, Zhou Lieren thought it best to get a family member while he checked for a pulse. “Tianshanghuo-jun!”


“Hey!” Mu Yi stepped in front of Huo Cheng and waved his hands in front of the other’s face. “You awake, buddy?”


Huo Laoda and his brother turned, sharing looks of alarm. They ran up and brushed Mu Yi aside. Huo Laoda held onto his cousin’s other hand, his pale pink lips turned down into a frown, and his brows pushed together and furrowed the three cinnabar petals at his forehead. “Did you see something?”


As if those words released Huo Cheng from some spell, the color and life came back to his eyes. Huo Cheng blinked rapidly and rubbed his forehead, his eyes squinted shut in pain. He looked like he was ready to faint, so Zhou Lieren released his wrist and stood close by to support him should he fall. 


“Something evil…” Huo Cheng muttered and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.


Bai Luo bolted to them at an impressive speed while his two brothers huffed and puffed behind him. He skidded to a stop in front of Huo Ningjing, his face flush from exertion.


“What…what’s going on?” Bai Luo panted, staring only at Huo Ningjing. 


Instead of letting Huo Ningjing answer, Huo Laoda turned to the Heavenly Lake disciples and extended his hand, “Please, may we see the map?”


The beta blinked and pushed up his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. He opened the map and handed it to Huo Laoda with a shaky hand. Huo Laoda bowed his head and said a quick thank you before holding the map up to Huo Cheng.


“What happened?” Bai Luo asked Huo Ningjing again.


Huo Ningjing leaned towards the alpha, keeping his voice down. “Huo Cheng has the gift of predictions.”


Zhou Lieren’s curiosity got the best of him and he asked the smallest Huo, “Is this something common in your sect?”


“Mmm, once in a while a disciple can. It just happens a lot with Huo Cheng.” Huo Ningjing shrugged and watched his brother and cousin interacting with the map. Mu Yi stared at the two with a scrunched up face, like he’d tasted something bitter.


Huo Cheng pointed at a spot on the map and Huo Laoda shifted to let the Heavenly Lake members take a look. The beta, still shaking, pointed next to Huo Cheng’s finger.


“That’s not too far from us,” he squinted over the rim of his lenses to look down at the scroll. “It’s next abandoned mine?”


“What are we standing around here for? Let’s show it who's the boss.” Mu Yi genuinely smiled for the first time since their journey and clapped his hands together. He rubbed his palms together and walked right through Huo Laoda and the Heavenly Lake sect members. 


“I would advise against it.” Huo Cheng opened his eyes now and looked at them. “I think it felt us near and ran off.”


“Well, it’s gotta be hiding in that abandoned mine, right?” Mu Yi rolled his eyes, “Whatever it is, it’s scared of us if it ran away. It isn’t a match for one Seven Star disciple, let alone three.”


Mu Yi winked at them, but Zhou Lieren focused on Huo Cheng’s fierce stare. His forehead had an intense crease as his blonde eyebrows met in the center. He looked more than just wary, but scared.


“Come on,” Mu Yi urged him and Fan Su. “We can take care of this easily.”


“Wait,” Huo Laoda commanded. He patted his cousin’s cheek and stepped back, facing Zhou Lieren. “There is safety in numbers.”


“Shixiong Huo is right,” the beta bobbed his head up and down. “I-i-if we have to go, let’s all go together.”


They rolled the map back up and stuck it in their pack. Several of the disciples adjusted their swords on their belts after Huo Laoda took their bow off their back and held it in hand. Huo Laoda stepped towards the direction that the mine was. Zhou Lieren felt compelled to approach him and stand at his side.


“Do you think it’s that serious?” He asked, genuinely curious about his opinion.


Huo Laoda lifted his face to Zhou Lieren. His lips still had that frown, but there was a cold determination in his eyes that looked alert and ready. He’d seen such a look before on other experienced warriors in his sect.


“I think we should treat everything for the next three months very seriously.” That was all Huo Laoda said before he continued forward. The younger Huo skipped past Zhou Lieren, giving him a bright smile as he followed his brother. 


Mu Yi, not to be outdone, bumped his way through the other disciples and followed next in line. Zhou Lieren and the rest went along as well, heading to a small overgrown trail off the side of the road. They fell into a loose formation, a few members standing side by side in the middle, while Huo Cheng and Mu Yi were off to the sides like escorts.


He could hear Huo Laoda speak to his brother, “Remember, stay close to Cheng'er.”


Huo Ningjing laughed and held up some paper talismans to Huo Laoda, “I came prepared gege, don’t worry.”


While it was pleasant to see, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit envious while he watched the two brothers. He never witnessed such a relationship full of affection for one another. Even between blood brothers in the sect, none of them treated the other with such kindness. Bai Luo, who walked beside him, gave a deep sigh. Zhou Lieren glanced at him then followed Bai Luo’s line of sight, which was directly on Huo Ningjing.


Oh? Zhou Lieren arched a brow. Bai Luo blinked then turned to look at him. The top of his ears turned red and he whipped his head back to look straight ahead. Zhou Lieren said nothing and focused back on the task at hand because an alpha’s crush on someone wasn’t his business, killing monsters was.


The deeper into the forest they went, the more their surroundings changed. The bright healthy green trees made way to damp, rotten-looking trees with limbs broken and falling. The ground was barren, not even a weed daring to bloom in such a desolate place. A cold breeze blew past them and everyone stopped. Some crows cawed overhead, their call echoing in the empty forest.


“What’s that?” Mu Yi pointed off to the side. Their group stopped again and Mu Yi ran off to investigate. There was a pale grey, oddly shaped lump along the ground with hair on it. It looked like a carcass of an animal. Mu Yi poked at it with his foot, turning it over a bit before leaping back with a cry. “It’s-It’s!”


Everyone rushed over and surrounded the object. A human skin, torn perfectly from a corpse, lay empty. It was still clothed and the mouth, nose, and eyes gaped in a morbid, lifeless expression of horror. Several of the disciples reacted like Mu Yi, and the beta went to retch beside a nearby tree. 


Huo Cheng knelt beside it and touched the skin. “It hasn’t been here that long.”


“What do you think could have done this?” Bai Luo asked no one in particular.


Mu Yi gestured wildly at the skin with a finger as he spoke in a high-pitched tone, “Anyone can see that it’s a Corpse Fiend!!”


“No,” Huo Laoda frowned and stared down at the skin. “I don’t think so.”


“This skin doesn’t look decomposed like a corpse…” Bai Luo joined Huo Cheng on the ground and bent closer.


“Moreover, there isn’t a cemetery in this area, correct?” Zhou Lieren moved into action now and he turned to the Heavenly Lake disciples. They all nodded yes to his question.


He crossed his arms and rubbed his chin. Corpse Fiends were a type of ghoul that fed off the bones of the deceased, leaving the muscles and meat behind. It would remove the skin and wear it to travel from graveyard to graveyard. It would break into the next burial, and the cycle would begin again. “If it was a Corpse Fiend, why would it have such an intact skin instead of a decomposing one...and where is the body of its new victim?”


All their heads turned around, scanning the immediate area. There were no dismembered parts of a body, fresh or otherwise, nor any sign of blood. Zhou Lieren also noticed that there were no tracks either, which added even more to the mystery.


Huo Laoda touched his cousin’s shoulder, “Do you sense anything?”


Huo Cheng shook his head and stood up, his hand gripping the hilt of his blade. “No, I saw the presence here...but it went further towards the mine. I think we interrupted whatever it was doing. I...I think it could sense us.”


Huo Ningjing looked back towards where they came from. He bit his lip before he spoke, “We are really far from the road we were on. If we did scare it must be powerful enough to have sensed us way out here.”


There was a long moment of silence. Huo Laoda stood and peered up at the sky, watching the birds fly overhead in a lazy circle. Huo Laoda lowered his gaze and looked at all of them.


“Who here has experience in battle?”


Huo Cheng, Huo Ningjing, and the other Heavenly Lake alpha beside Bai Luo raised their hands. He raised his last, and Huo Laoda nodded to each of them in turn.


“As the eldest out of everyone, I will take responsibility. I do not expect everyone to agree to this, but I will need you to follow my lead.” Huo Laoda’s voice was neither aggressive nor hurried. He was calm as he addressed the rest of them. “Please look out for one another.”


The Heavenly Lake alpha frowned, “What do you expect us to do?”


“Those with experience should pair with someone who hasn’t. Heavenly Lake, I seem to recall that you are good with barriers, is that correct?”


Bai Luo nodded, “We are.”


“Good,” Huo Laoda’s intense eyes drifted towards Zhou Lieren and his sect brothers. “I take it those swords are not just for show?”


“Hmph!” Mu Yi grunted and glared, so Zhou Lieren answered.


“We can defend others if necessary, Tianshanghuo-jun.” He lowered his head respectfully, and Huo Laoda dipped his head in return.


“Thank you.” Huo Laoda took a deep breath that expanded his chest wide before letting it all out in one go. Finally, Huo Laoda looked down at his brother with a small smile and patted his head, “Let’s hope this is a good learning experience, yeah?”


They set off once again, following behind Huo Laoda. Bai Luo shivered beside Zhou Lieren. “Ugh, I hope we don’t run into anything too scary. This place is already giving me nightmares.”


“Don’t worry,” Huo Ningjing looked over his shoulder at Bai Luo, his smile reaching his eyes, making them squint. “With gege around, there’s nothing to fear.”


With gege around, there’s nothing to fear.” Mu Yi repeated the words in a mocking, squeaky voice under his breath that only he and Fan Su could probably hear. Mu Yi spoke louder now, “Puh-lease...You Huo’s just want a chance to show off. Don’t worry, the Seven Star sect will make whatever it is turn to dust.”


Mu Yi held up an arm to flex a muscle and Huo Ningjing crinkled his little button nose in disgust. He shook his head slowly, clucking his tongue, “Tsk, tsk.”


The beta called out from beside them, looking up from the map he examined again, “We should be approaching the mine.”


Zhou Lieren’s ears picked up on something, “Quiet.”


He reached out to grab Huo Laoda’s shoulder to stop him. It stiffened and flinched under his touch so he let go immediately and dropped his hand down to his sword.


There was a soft gurgling sound, like water bubbling up from a spring. Zhou Lieren focused ahead of them, peering at the faint mist that hovered just above the ground. There was a cave-like structure with wooden struts around the mouth, which had to be the mine. Some pickaxes and shovels were stabbed into the trunks of trees nearby, embedded in it for so long that they rusted orange.


Something was shifting along with the mist, its movements stiff and abrupt. Another breeze swept through the area, carrying the scent of decaying flesh in the air. Everyone shielded their noses except for Huo Laoda, who stepped forward in front of their team.


The wind lifted the mist, revealing several grey, ashen humans huddled over a skinless corpse. The sound that they heard was the gnashing of their giant, razor-sharp teeth as they chewed on the muscle and tissue from a corpse that lay at their feet. One of them lifted their head and sniffed the air, then locked eyes with Zhou Lieren.


It was Mu Yi that broke the silence and stated the obvious, “It’s jiangshi!”


At that, the other heads of the seven or so jiangshi popped up and stared at the source of the noise. Behind them, cowering near the mouth of the cave were perhaps another half a dozen, if not more. Everything exploded from there.


Huo Laoda pushed his brother towards Huo Cheng and rushed forward. Abandoning the command Huo Laoda had previously given, Zhou Lieren unsheathed his sword and followed him instead of staying close to someone else. The Heavenly Lake alpha also followed closely at his heels.


Two of the jiangshi stood and leaped forward, their long bony fingers outstretched, brandishing their sharp, yellowing nails. Huo Laoda jumped at the same time as them and lifted his bow. Just like before on the training grounds, two white flaming arrows appeared in his hand. He shot them simultaneously and they hissed through the air before it pierced through the jiangshi’s skulls, killing them instantly..


One female jiangshi hopped towards Zhou Lieren, its limbs moving like a wooden puppet on strings. He dropped down to his knees and skidded across the dirt, sword extended. He slid past the jiangshi and sliced through its legs right below the knees. With a pop, he cut through the rotted bones with ease. Its kneecaps fell through the two gaping appendages and rolled across the ground like two flat eggs. It shrieked while its upper half fell face-first into the dirt. Zhou Lieren tucked his feet underneath him and hopped into an upright stance, his blade at the ready. He swung his sword down across its neck for the killing blow, severing the head from its shoulders.


Zhou Lieren’s eyes scanned for the next enemy, but when he turned towards the sounds of battle, he caught the most dazzling fight between Huo Laoda and another jiangshi.


Huo Laoda spun out of the path of an armored jiangshi that tried to take a bite at him with its mouth wide open. Mid twirl, he reached into his robe and whipped out a paper talisman, holding it in between his fingers as he sucked in some air and held the talisman in front of his lips. He blew against the paper, and the brush strokes crackled to life. They glowed bright red, and a brilliant white fire shot out from the talisman like Huo Laoda was breathing it himself. It swirled around the jiangshi, engulfing it instantly, and Huo Laoda let go of the talisman as it turned to ash, vanishing into the air. Huo Laoda sidestepped out from the jiangshi’s reach as it fell and eventually turned into ash as well.


Huo Laoda turned to face him and their eyes met for a split second before his eyebrows shot up in alarm and reached for Zhou Lieren.


“Look out!” Huo Laoda shouted and pushed him away. Zhou Lieren’s feet caught himself from falling and he turned back around with his blade poised to strike, but there was no need.


Where he once stood, a jiangshi flew across and headed straight towards Huo Laoda. The smaller man didn’t flinch and kept his ground, his steely gaze trained on the creature. A wave of energy electrified the air as three shimmering white arrows appeared over Huo Laoda’s head, suspended in the air and twirling. In a blink of an eye, the trio rushed forward and plunged into the jiangshi, one in the chest and the other two in each eye. It fell, also consumed in flame once the arrows burst on impact.


He was mesmerized by the display, unable to pull his gaze away from the sight. The glow of the white flames made Huo Laoda’s skin look radiant, its reflection flickering in his stunning eyes. Strands of dark hair clung to his cheeks from the sweat that slid down from his thin, elegant brow. Zhou Lieren had to blink to escape the momentary spell he was under and catch his breath.


Zhou Lieren did not have a moment to say a proper thank you. A pair of bulging black eyes appeared over Huo Laoda’s head and without a second thought, Zhou Lieren grabbed his wrist and yanked the heavenly beauty towards him. He wrapped an arm around to shield him and he thrust his sword forward, stabbing the jiangshi in the chest. Before he could deliver a final strike, Mu Yi had somehow entered the fray and with a loud battle cry, he lopped the head off that jiangshi. Its body slumped on Zhou Lieren’s sword and the head dropped between Mu Yi’s feet. 


He lowered his sword and used his foot to push the body while pulling his blade out. The sickening squish was followed by Mu Yi’s gag of disgust. Everything was quiet after the battle and bodies lay scattered around them, but it looked like all of the disciples were left standing.


Huo Laoda broke free from his hold, his arms flailing like a bird's wings when caught. He stumbled forward a few steps but caught himself. When he straightened, Huo Laoda turned his head to give him a thunderous glare over his shoulder, his cheeks flushed hot. Huo Ningjing rushed to his brother’s side and flung himself at Huo Laoda, wrapping his arms around his midsection.


“You did so well, gege!” He squeezed his brother tighter, ignoring his brother’s grunts of protest.


In the chaos, Huo Laoda had dropped his bow when he grabbed him. Zhou Lieren sheathed his sword and bent down to grab it, then held it out to its owner. Huo Ningjing released Huo Laoda and smiled up at Zhou Lieren. The small omega cupped his hands and bowed to him.


“Thank you for taking care of my brother!” His smile never disappeared, even though his brother looked flustered. Huo Laoda cleared his throat and adjusted his robes before addressing him.


“Y-yes...thank you very much for your assistance.” Huo Laoda’s tone was polite but strained. He quickly snatched his bow back from Zhou Lieren and turned his back to him. Coughing once more, Huo Laoda approached the others who were around the corpse that the jiangshi were feasting on.


“I think this is the victim of whatever that thing is.” The beta took his glasses off and wiped the lenses with his robe.


“It had to have been placed here,” said Fan Su while pointing to the fallen jiangshi. “These jiangshi aren’t dressed like miners, and there are older bones from some unknown bodies around the ground.”


“You’re right.” Huo Cheng clapped the other alpha on the back and stood beside him. “Jiangshi hunt during the night. Whatever did that to the corpse was feeding these things.”


“If that is the case, we shouldn’t make camp anywhere close to here,” Zhou Jieren looked around their surroundings, checking to make sure everything was clear. “I say we clean up, head back to the road, and try to get as close to the village by sundown.”


Bai Luo shot his hand up in the air, “Seconded!”


There were several more shouts of agreement. Huo Cheng prepared the dead for burial with the help of two other alphas, and Huo Ningjing skipped over to him.


“Do you have any injuries?” he asked Zhou Lieren and held up his sack. “I am a good physician from my sect, so if you have any complaints, please tell me.”


The omega was so small that he only came to about Zhou Lieren’s chest. It was comical to think of such a small person so concerned with his well-being, but it was a sincere gesture, so he smiled politely and bowed his head. “Thank you for checking on me, but I am well.”


At that moment, Mu Yi slithered up beside Zhou Lieren, holding onto his wrist. He stepped in between him and Huo Ningjing and moaned.


“Huo Ningjing, I think I may have hurt my wrist!” Mu Yi groaned once more, swaying on his feet. Zhou Lieren shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as Mu Yi continued, “Please, would you check this brother’s injury?”


“Disciple Mu Yi…” Huo Laoda suddenly spoke, his voice sounding near. Zhou Lieren opened his eyes again and saw Huo Laoda standing beside his twin brother with a protective hand on his shoulder. “I am so sorry to see that you are hurt. I am also familiar with the ways of medicine, and I would be glad to inspect it myself.”


Huo Laoda’s words were kind and polite, but his eyes held a fire to them that even gave him pause. Mu Yi started to stammer, “I...I…”


“I don’t mind, gege,” Huo Ningjing blinked up at Huo Laoda. Either the boy was oblivious to the murderous intent in his brother’s eyes, or he was simply immune to it.


Huo Laoda gently pulled Huo Ningjing away from Mu Yi and patted the smaller Huo on the head. “Don’t worry, Xiao Huo, it is my duty as the eldest to take responsibility for all the members. You should check with Huo Cheng and make sure the final rights are done properly.” Huo Laoda grabbed Mu Yi’s wrist and the flesh on his arm dimpled from Huo Laoda’s fingers as he squeezed. The alpha yelped like a pup.


“Mmmm…” Huo Ningjing tilted his head and tapped his chin before shrugging his shoulders up to his ears. He passed a what can you do? look at Zhou Lieren. “Okay! You have fun!”


Huo Ningjing wiggled his fingers at Mu Yi, then to him, and skipped away in the same manner that he appeared. Huo Laoda kept a hold on Mu Yi and he didn’t look interested in letting go.


“Don’t worry, disciple Mu Yi, I’ll take good, good care of you.”


Mu Yi paled and he wriggled out of Huo Laoda’s grip. He shook out his hand and spoke loudly, “Oh! Look! It’s all better! Thank you very much!”


Zhou Lieren couldn’t suppress the chuckle that escaped him. Huo Laoda watched as Mu Yi ran off to the others and his plush lips curved into a smug grin, looking like a cat that caught his mouse. Huo Laoda’s eyes caught Zhou Lieren staring, and they shared one final look. With a small nod, Huo Laoda turned away and walked in the opposite direction. Zhou Laoda watched as he left, his eyes never straying.


“Impressive,” he muttered to himself.

Chibi Theatre 1

Zhou Lieren: I have found my Heavenly Fox (prey) ರ_ರ

Huo Huli: Huh? (°□°)

Author’s Note:

I wanted to talk about my character's names, as they have a purpose and were carefully picked.

The Anyang Huo Clan specializes in fire, hence their surname.

火狐狸 - 火 Huǒ (fire)  狐狸 Húlí (fox) - we will learn the meaning for this name in the story. The courtesy name Laoda means eldest. I initially was going to have Huli be the younger twin, but the character in Laoda (老大) looked a little bit like fire, and I switched.

宁静 Níngjìng (peaceful, tranquil) - I thought it’d be funny for such a chaotic character to have a name that means this. Dier simply means second, indicating he is the second or younger twin.

澄 Chéng (clear) - given that he has been gifted with premonitions, this is actually his second name. Shortly after finding this out, his father (once the Elder) gave him this name with the intention that his visions are “clear”. 

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