How to Catch a Celestial Fox

You Aren’t Looking

His mind was a blur, but Huo Huli’s voice was like a siren call that directed him through a fog. Touch me, he said. Don’t hold back. He let go of the sheets, his nails catching on a few tears that he ripped into them. Shaking them off, he slid his hands on Huo Huli’s soft and slender hips and held onto them. He looked so beautiful like this, naked with his jade white skin flushed and sweaty. His nipples, like two cherry blossoms, were the perfect shade of pink and stood slightly erect.


Huo Huli felt so good around him. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt - snug like a glove but pliable that he could fit all the way in if he wanted to. His cock jerked at that idea and Huo Huli let out a gasp.


“Are you sure?” His voice came out in a rasp, surprising even him. He thought he would be more collected than this, but he should have known it would be otherwise. Huo Huli was amazing, and the feeling of being this close to him and connected felt electric.


Huo Huli’s gaze was as inviting as the small smile that pulled the tiny corners of his lips up. He nodded slowly and traced a line up against Zhou Lieren’s abdomen and chest with his hand.


“I don’t want you to hide a thing from me.” His eyes glinted and his fingers lifted to brush the line up his neck and finally cupped his cheek. “I want to see and hear you.”


His resolve didn’t snap, but something in him loosened and he brought his hands up to cup Huo Huli’s back and rolled so he was underneath. There was a tiny jolt from him when he landed, but it seemed to be because his cock shifted inside of him. His silky thighs that clung to his waist were covered in the tart and sweet liquid that came from deep inside him and sweat. He experimented with a soft thrust forward and watched Huo Huli’s face carefully.


He let out a moan like the one he did when he was riding him, one that made his mouth drop open and his brows furrow. Huo Huli’s lips smacked together when he shut his mouth to try and hold another one in, but he refused to let that go to waste. He bent his body over Huo Huli, pressing his lips against his ear.


“Please, say my name,” he whispered and nipped at the sensitive ear lobe. He quickly learned that Huo Huli would squirm, just like he did now, when he would touch his ear. He also clenched around his cock tighter, making him groan.


“Lieren…” Huo Huli panted and his arms came up to clutch at his sides, his body arching up into him. “Lieren, why...why aren’t you moving?”


He pressed inward a little more even though there was nothing left for Huo Huli’s body to take in. That earned him another little gasp and the fingers at his sides dug in, their trim nails pressing firmly against his skin.


“I’ll move,” he reassured Huo Huli, pulling his hips back as he did. “Anything, for you.”


He slammed forward and bit Huo Huli’s ear once more and he cried out his name. He buried his face into the crook of his long, graceful neck and inhaled deeply. The scent of jasmine tickled his nose the same way that strands of Huo Huli’s wavy hair did as it clung to him. His pace was like this, slowly pulling back and pushing in deep with a quick thrust.


He rocked his body back and forth like this, drowning in both the sound of Huo Huli’s moans and the pheromones he emitted. The fact he was the only one to experience this, to have the privilege of seeing Huo Huli undone and naked, was enough to make him dizzy. He growled, and Huo Huli let out a whole body shudder with a cry.


Huli...he likes that. He smiled to himself and bit at the poor, abused ear. He pulled his torso back so he could sit upright on his knees and held Huo Huli by his hips and thrust at this mix of slow and fast pace. Huo Huli’s hands released him and dropped back onto the bed above his head, splaying himself out before him. Zhou Lieren stared at him, eyes raking over every inch of exposed flesh. As he moved, Huo Huli’s cock bobbed and hit his belly, leaving a wet spot that glistened against his flawless skin.


He squeezed Huo Huli’s hips, leaving little marks that would surely turn purple. He let go and hooked his hands underneath his knees to push them up towards his chest, exposing him for Zhou Lieren’s pleasure. He watched as Huo Huli’s body swallowed him in and each backstroke showed his cock covered in the proof of how aroused Huo Huli was.


Sex with Huo Huli was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It wasn’t a quick handjob or sucking off another alpha in a hidden corner in Tiger’s Grotto in order to not get caught. Those moments were cold and strictly about releasing a physical need, but this? This felt like he was somewhere deeper inside Huo Huli, where no one had the privilege to see because he guarded it so vigilantly. Except for him.


Me. Only me. He growled again and slammed forward and Huo Huli gurgled out a cry.


“You! Only you!”


He hadn’t realized he said it out loud, but Huo Huli’s hands came up and gripped at his hands that held up his legs. His face was contorted into something that looked like pain, but his eyes were wide and the pupils were so big he couldn’t tell where the brown color of his eyes were.


“Why…” Huo Huli gasped, “What are you looking at?!”


Huo Huli’s tone was almost accusatory and it made him chuckle. His eyes fell back down to his hole. “Where our bodies are’s so beautiful, Huli.” He drifted his gaze back up to lock eyes with him. “You’re so beautiful, Huli.”


Huo Huli’s eyes pinched tight and he choked out a moan that made his chest arch up off the bed. When he opened them back up, there was a faint tear that slid from one of them. His stomach dropped, worried he had hurt Huo Huli, but his fingers dug into the back of Zhou Lieren’s hands.


“I can’t see!” He sounded indignant, almost offended that Zhou Lieren was the only one that could see in this position. 


He let go of one of Huo Huli’s legs and pulled himself out. There was a grunt of protest followed by a gasp when Zhou Lieren lifted Huo Huli’s hips up and bent him nearly in half. He swung the leg he let go of over his shoulder and tightened his grip on the other to use as leverage while he took himself in hand.


He stared at Huo Huli’s face as he pressed the thick head of his cock against his wet, slightly open hole. Huo Huli’s plush lips parted in a silent cry, his eyes wide as he watched Zhou Lieren feed his cock back inside inch by inch until he was fully seated against him. At this angle, he slammed against the spot deep within that made Huo Huli toss his head back, exposing his throat that flexed as he cried out.


Sweat dripped down his back as he snapped his hips back and forth in this position and he gruffly whispered, “You aren’t looking, Huli.”


The tiniest whimper escaped from him, his eyes shut tight until he blinked them open and tilted his chin down. Another whimper followed by a moan fell out of Huo Huli’s mouth when he watched Zhou Lieren’s cock enter him. The slick between made their skin slap loudly together with each thrust, the wet sounds of their joining rivaled the strangled cries that Huo Huli let out. Zhou Lieren groaned as well, his cock hitting something each time he bottomed out. this? 


He shifted to a few shallow thrusts, prodding at it experimentally. This is…! Huo Huli yelped and tears gathered at the corners of his eyes.


“Stop! Stop or I’ll cum again!”


He eased off and guided Huo Huli’s hips back down to the bed but kept his legs spread wide apart so he could press down against him, capturing his mouth into a kiss. He pushed his tongue in forcefully like his cock as he thrust back into him, gobbling up the small moans that tumbled out. Huo Huli flung his arms around him and clung to him like he was holding on for dear life. He felt Huo Huli’s cock twitch as it was trapped between them, rubbing against both of their abdomens with each roll of Zhou Lieren’s hips.


He growled against Huo Huli’s mouth, “Can I bite you?”


Huo Huli sobbed out a yes and Zhou Lieren bent his head down into the spot on Huo Huli’s neck that smelled the strongest of jasmine and latched his teeth onto it. Fingers dug into his back and scratched down his shoulder blades with enough force that Zhou Lieren was sure it would leave marks. Hot fluid splashed against his stomach and went a little faster with his thrusts, trying to chase his own orgasm after Huo Huli’s second one.


He lapped at the sweat that dripped down Huo Huli’s neck up to his ear and bit it. His body started to shudder, and he felt himself thickening as he got closer. He panted as he asked, “Can I knot you?” 


It was something he never experienced because it was an unspoken rule between alphas that they don’t knot each other. Huo Huli’s pliant, gorgeous body felt like it was made for him to get himself lost in. He growled again.


“Yes!” Huo Huli practically screamed and his nails bit into the skin along his hips, pulling him closer. His hips met him thrust for thrust now and his slick hole clenched tight around him, like he was begging to be knotted. He tried to hold out and ride the thrill of having Huo Huli under him like this, letting him have his way and pleading for more, but he had to cum.


He buried his arms underneath Huo Huli, gathering him up in them to pull him close. After three firm thrusts, the base of his cock swelled until he couldn’t pull out anymore. He could only push forward and merge their bodies together and cum poured out of him in thick spurts that went deep into Huo Huli. His back spasmed as he loudly groaned and buried his face in Huo Huli’s neck. He came with such a force that some small splurts gushed around the edges where their hips met.


Huo Huli cried out underneath him and Zhou Lieren pinned him to the bed with his weight. With him locked inside Huo Huli and their chests pressed together, he could feel the other’s heart beat around his cock and bang against his ribs. 


Slowly, ever so slowly, he shifted them to the side and rolled onto his back. His knot still tugged on his entrance, making Huo Huli hiss, but his body remained limp against him once he was on top. His harsh panting evened out and eventually Huo Huli’s rapid heartbeat under his palms calmed down. 


They did not say anything, but it did not feel like they had to. He gently stroked up and down Huo Huli’s back which started to cool down. Huo Huli held onto him lightly, his head tucked under Zhou Lieren’s chin. When he felt Huo Huli’s soft gentle breaths, he realized he had fallen asleep. He grinned to himself and simply waited until his knot died down. It took quite a bit for it to, which gave him plenty of time to clear his head after such a blissful evening.


He reached down to take a hold of himself and slowly slid his softening cock out of Huo Huli. His little body shifted slightly from the motion and there was a little hum, but he did not stir. Just as before, he slowly pivoted their bodies so Huo Huli could lay down on the bed face up. He crawled around to the edge of the bed and got up.


The water in the basin was cool, but it would have to do. The towel that rested on the edge of it was still damp from what had to have been Huo Huli’s nightly washing of his face before bed. He took the cloth and wet it a little more before going to Huo Huli.


He caressed the smooth skin with the cloth, wiping off the remnants of Huo Huli’s cum from his stomach and chest that was already flaking. He passed over the small indents and bruises on Huo Huli’s hips and waist, then the bite mark on his neck. His eyes lingered over them and he couldn’t help but feel smug and enjoy himself at the sight. They were the evidence of what they did, and no one else would see it. Only me.


He folded the towel and washed Huo Huli’s serene face. He did not stir much when he tilted him over to his side and brushed the towel lightly over his back. Then when he was on his belly, his hand dipped down to the top of Huo Huli’s beautiful, rounded ass.


He lightly held onto his cheeks and spread them open and a thick line of his cum dribbled out of his entrance. Marking Huo Huli in such a primal way satisfied him to no end. Not wanting any to spill, he leaned down and lapped at it hungrily, using his tongue to both taste it and to push it back into him. He savored the way their tastes mixed together, sweet and tart. When he felt Huo Huli’s hole clench and the muscles shudder underneath him, he pulled away and replaced his mouth with the cloth, wiping him clean.


Once Huo Huli was done, he wet the cloth again and cleaned himself up and set the towel to be washed with Huo Huli’s pants. Zhou Lieren gathered up his own clothes and folded them neatly aside before he finally got ready to go into bed. He pulled the blankets gently from underneath Huo Huli and covered him first so he would not catch a chill then slipped in next to him. 


When he settled down beside Huo Huli, he was unsure how to sleep next to him so he laid on his back. Huo Huli turned a little and made some sleepy humming noises then draped his arm across Zhou Lieren’s abdomen. His head rested on Zhou Lieren’s shoulder and his nose tickled his neck.


“ smell so good, Lieren…” Huo Huli sleepily mumbled. Smiling ear to ear, Zhou Lieren slid an arm under Huo Huli to cradle him close.  


He turned his head to kiss the top of Huo Huli’s and let himself inhale more of his pheromones. It and the warm breathing and soft feeling of his skin lulled Zhou Lieren into a deep sleep.

Author’s Note:

Some of you may be wondering “does Lieren’s biting mean they are mates?” - no. The concept of fated mates or biting to claim does not exist in this omegaverse. However, Lieren just likes to bite because he is actually a sticky, pawsy Mr. Wolf that wants to make sure no one - especially Huli - forgets who Huli belongs to :)

Alpha Mini-Theatre 2


[Deep in Zhou Lieren’s dreams]


Part memory and part dream, Zhou Lieren was back to being an awkward thirteen year old. With a tray in hand, he carried Shizun’s morning broth and tea and stood outside the door to his room after letting himself into the manor. Always prompt, Zhou Lieren arrived five minutes before Shizun would wake up. When the distant call of the morning bell rang throughout the grotto he stepped inside.


He kept his eyes down, respecting Shizun’s modesty as he was still in his underclothes, and went straight to the table as Shizun rose. He knelt down and laid the tray on the table and gently unloaded the small bowl of vegetable broth, a napkin, and a cup with the accompanying pot of tea. As he moved, he listened to every noise Shizun made to know what he was doing. The rustling of Shizun’s light morning robe as he slipped it on, the soft creak of the floor when his silent steps crossed the floor, and the soft exhale of breath when he reached the table.


He tucked the tray aside and proceeded to pour the tea as Shizun swept his light blue robe out and sat down. Zhou Lieren stayed quiet and still, watching Shizun’s strong hands hold his bowl and slowly eat his meal. Shizun moved in slow, careful paces, and always in the same order. Broth first, dab his mouth - which was unnecessary because Shizun barely spilled anything ever - and wait for Zhou Lieren to pour his tea.


Zhou Lieren had been so focused on watching Shizun’s hands that he forgot himself. After placing the napkin down onto the table, Shizun set his palms on the table and Zhou Lieren traced the long length of his fingers with his eyes as he stared at them. Shizun’s left hand curled its fingers and lightly drummed against the table until Shizun’s sharp voice cut through the quiet.


“Zhou Rong,” he said, full of reprimand. His breath caught in his throat and he bowed his head.


“This disciple asks for forgiveness, Shizun.” He reached out and quickly poured the tea, but not so fast that he would accidentally overspill. It was perfectly filled three quarters of the way. He made sure to not make the pot clatter when he set it back down and resumed his kneeling position until Shizun finished and moved to stand.


Their routine continued as normal. Zhou Lieren would pick up the clothes that Shizun had selected the day prior to wear today and help him disrobe then get dressed. Each time he would sneak a glance at Shizun’s body, the sharp lines of his muscles, the curve of his shoulders, and the way his dark hair swayed. When it was time to do Shizun’s hair, he sat in his chair in front of his brilliantly polished bronze mirror set on top of a vanity. Zhou Lieren picked up his ivory comb and slowly brushed his hair from crown to end, just how he liked it.


It came time for Shizun’s silver crown, and so he reached over to take it from the vanity and leaned a little closer than necessary. He tried to be subtle in inhaling Shizun’s spicy scent and steal a glance at his face in the mirror. When he stood back up with the comb and crown in hand, he could see the stiffness in Shizun’s shoulders. Uh oh.


As he gathered the hair in a half bun, Shizun spoke in a calm, even tone that he normally did in his lectures.


“I see you have learned to control your sword’s size,” he said. Zhou Lieren’s heart swelled at the sudden praise. “This is good. Do not reveal your sword to anyone in the future.”


He nodded softly, though Yuexia quivered at his hip slightly. “Yes, Shizun.”


“Many of the Daoists believe in not forming attachments.” The pause in Shizun’s words made him lift his eyes to dare look at Shizun in the mirror. His cool, icy eyes met his and Zhou Lieren’s heart went ba-dump. “We are not a religious sect, but it is a good intention for someone of your station. Perhaps I should pick up a text next time I am in town.”


Zhou Lieren thought he understood what Shizun was saying. Shizun knew that Zhou Lieren wanted him, and it was wrong on levels beyond just disciple and Master. They were both alphas, he was an orphan and Shizun was Zhou Jiang, a well respected leader and cultivating for immortality. He looked away and carefully pulled the bun through the crown then took the hair pin from the vanity to finish it.


He was all done so he dropped his hands down to his sides and spoke quietly, “Yes, Shizun. This disciple appreciates all your teachings.” 


Shizun stood, flicking his dark blue robes back and the fabric billowed out like a gust of wind caught it. He lifted his gaze once again and as Shizun turned, his robes turned to a bright red a veil fluttered with it. Shizun had morphed into Huo Huli now, dressed head to toe in a bridal gown with brilliant gold embroidery. He faced Zhou Lieren with a bright smile that lit up his face and a heavenly glow radiated from him.


Zhou Lieren was now back to his normal body and he looked down at his hands, blinking in confusion. His jaw went slack and he made a few sounds but Huo Huli stepped in close and his dark eyes shone.


“I don’t want you to hide a thing from me,” Huo Huli whispered then tenderly pressed his lips to Zhou Lieren’s.


The kiss in his felt so real that it woke him up and when he opened his eyes, his lips tingled. The early morning light peeked in through the open window near the bed, casting a stream of light through it that stretched across their still cuddled bodies.


Huo Huli mumbled something as he began to rouse awake and squirmed against his side. He gently pulled Huo Huli closer and turned his head to kiss his forehead. A pleasant sigh brushed against Zhou Lieren’s bare chest, but then Huo Huli’s entire body stiffened. He jerked upright in a seated position, exposing his back and rumpled hair to Zhou Lieren.


He admired it for a moment before Huo Huli’s head slowly turned towards him, meeting his gaze with wide eyes. Huo Huli yelped and leapt up in the air like what could only be described as a frightened cat; hackles raised, stiff limbed, and hair frazzled. If Huo Huli really was a fox demon, all nine tails would be bristled and standing at attention. In his jump, Huo Huli fell over the bed and landed on the floor with a loud thunk.


He blinked several times and waited until Huo Huli groaned before he leaned forward to peer over the edge of the bed down at him.


“Do you want to eat at Aunty Li’s?” He asked. 


Huo Huli laid flat on his back and draped an arm across his blushing face. He croaked out, “Give me a few moments, please.”


Zhou Lieren smiled down at him. The way Huo Huli made him feel was indescribable and having the privilege of seeing him like this was a blessing that only a Heavenly Immortal like this could provide.

“Don’t worry,” he reassured Huo Huli. I’ll give you all the time in the world.

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