How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 100

On the evening of the day when Lim Sihyeon rescued Miru, many people from Elden village gathered together at the call of Chief Lagos. 

Several serious-faced men argued regarding the opinions in order to determine punishment for those who were deceived by Derick, who committed a vicious crime. 

There was not much disagreement that Derick should be severely punished, but the problem was the vigilantes who cooperated with him. 

"Of course, we should punish them severely! This is nothing short of a betrayal of the village!" 

"Do we have to go that far? I don't think they meant to cause any trouble to the village…" 

"If this isn't an act of causing trouble to the village, what is it?" 

"Village didn't suffer any damage. Isn’t it?" 

Most villagers wanted strong punishment, but a few from vigilantes' families countered that it was too much. 

"If this keeps us from working in the strawberry field, are you going to take responsibility?" 

"It has nothing to do with this. It's a problem with the villagers, why would they have a say about it?" 

When everyone's voice got louder and louder, Elder Raccoon, who was quietly watching the situation in the corner, uttered a word. 

"Tsk tsk, you fools." 

With a chilly atmosphere, everyone's eyes turned toward Elder Raccoon. 

"What? What?" 

"I said fools. You idiots!" 

"What are you saying, Elder? Are you out of your mind?" 

"Why don't you guys know why Lagos asked everyone to gather?" 

"Of course we know, it is to set the punishment for the wrongdoers…" 

Elder Raccoon looked frustrated at the slightly foolish answer. 

“Did you say there's no damage to the village? Can you say that when we almost lost the most precious thing?" 

"The most precious thing?" 

"What do you mean, Elder?" 

Elder Raccoon murmured as he looked at the residents with strange expressions. 



"Trust with Sihyeon, who you used to say was the benefactor of the village. You guys still don't understand what I'm talking about?" 

"When you guys are struggling to get a mercenary, he went to Kaldinium and got mercenaries to save the village.” 

“ He would have bought in cheap laborers using the powerful merchants who come to the village, but instead he let you guys work in the strawberry field.”

“When Miru was taken, he saved her from danger by throwing away all those strawberries." 

As Elder Raccoon’s words continued, the faces of the people of Elden village became more solemn. 

"You used to say he’s our benefactor with your mouths, but now no one cares about the strawberries that Sihyeon threw away and you are saying it has nothing to do with the village. What a bunch of fools?" 

"No… That's… we never asked him to do that…" 

"Would you have said the same thing if your parents or children were taken away?" 

No one could answer the question of the Elder Raccoon.

"With all the grace he has given to the village, even a saint wouldn't have acted friendly like him. But what are you doing now? Far from repaying his kindness, you're full of thoughts of your own. You're worse than the Beast… Tsk tsk, there is nothing wrong in Demons discriminating you." 

" Elder Stop. Your words are way out of the line." 

Lagos stepped up in the middle and stopped the conversation that was heating up. 

Elder Raccoon turned his head with a facial expression that he didn't care. 

"What Raccoon said is right." 

This time it was the words of Poco, another Elder of the village. 

"Sihyeon didn't hesitate to save Miru even by throwing away so many strawberries. He even consoled us not to worry about the loss of strawberries." 

The Beast-people who were hearing his words couldn't raise their heads in shame. 

"Even if he didn't express it himself, I'm sure he must be very disappointed in us. Still, he entrusted us with the punishment of the sinners. What do you think this means?" 

"That means…." 

"I mean Sir. Sihyeon still respects and trusts us. He has such a big heart that ordinary people like us can't even imagine. And….. I have seen it." 

"What did you see, Elder Poco?" 

People turned down their breaths and focused on Elder Poco's next words. 

"The beast that Sir. Sihyeon was carrying. It’s not a normal beast." 

"Are you talking about the baby Beast?" 

"It just seemed normal…" 

"No. If I remember correctly, it must be… a baby Yakum." 


All the Beast-people surrounding Elder Poco gasped in unison in surprise. 

"Oh… I can't believe it…" 

"You mean the yakum that sweeps away the cities if they get angry?" 

Although Yakums were a rare Beast, they were famous enough that there was no one in the Demon world who did not know about their danger and ferocity. 

‘That's right.” 

“But taming a baby yakum… I've never seen or even heard of anyone capable of doing it.” 

"Hasn’t everyone already seen it? The mysterious beings surrounding Sihyeon." 

"Is it the fairies…" 

"Fairies… Are you talking about the fairies in the strawberry field?" 

Beast-people began to get excited with an unknown exaltation. 

"The Demons who followed Sihyeon were also extraordinary people. Yakum, fairies, and even a dragon maid… I think Sihyeon is probably… 

"What is it?" 

"Elder? Please tell us quickly." 

Everyone looked breathless and waited for Elder Poco's next words. 

"I think Sihyeon is probably the ‘God’s messenger' who came to provide salvation for us, who were suffering and getting discriminated against." 

"God’s messenger!" 


"Oh… Sir. Sihyeon?" 

"God’s messenger!" 

If Elder Poco had said this in a normal situation, it would have been treated like nonsensical crap and ignored even if it were the words of the most respected Elder, Poco. 

However, Sihyeon's amazing ability so far, endless tolerance, mercy, and dramatic solution to the problems blinded their eyes. 

The fact that Sihyeon is a ‘God’s messenger’ to help them from their suffering felt sweet and happy. 

Facts that seem to be in one’s favor are easily believed. 

Without a strain of doubt, Sihyeon quickly began to be accepted as ‘God’s messenger’ by the Beast-people of Elden village. 

"Elder Poco! What should we do?" 

"Weren't we already indebted to Sir. Sihyeon? We have no choice but to trust and follow Sir. Sihyeon sincerely. I've already decided to use the rest of my life for Sir. Sihyeon.” 


"I'd love to!" 

‘God’s messenger’ which began with old man Poco excited the crowd and even began to turn it into a frenzy. 

Watching this, Lagos and Reville looked embarrassed. 

"Hey, Lagos." 


"If we reveal Sihyeon's identity here as an Ester… …it would be a disaster, right?" 

"I think something big has already happened." 

"God’s messenger…Hahaha!" 

Reville burst into laughter. 

“Why are you laughing?” 

“No, I can imagine what Sihyeon’s expression would be like when he hears the words ‘God's messenger' later.”

‘That's… that's definitely funny.” 

“Right? Hahahaha.”

Lagos and Reville laughed, thinking the situation was ridiculous, but deep down, they felt a little different. 

They really wished that Lim Sihyeon was ‘God’s messenger’ 

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"Clothes, pajamas, socks……" 

I packed Speranza’s clothes carefully and put them in my bag. 



"I want to take this, too." 

Speranza gave me a piece of paper that was a little wrinkled. 

It was the dictation test in which she got a perfect score a few days ago. 

The test paper was a little crumpled because she kept showing it to all the farm members. 

"I want to show it to grandma." 

Speranza's eyes were already sparkling at the thought of showing it to my mother and being praised. 

"Well, Okay. Let's take this, too." 

I forced myself to hold back my laughter and collected the test papers and packed them into the bag. 

The fluctuating shoulders and swaying tail made me know how she’s feeling right now. 

"Now, shall we go, Speranza?" 

"Yes, Papa!" 

Excited Speranza went down to the first floor, almost pulling my hand. 

The farm members were waiting for us in the living room. 

"Oh, did you finish packing already?" 

"Yes, I packed everything we needed in advance and all I had to do was just put them in my bag." 

"Speranza, you look so excited. Is it that good?” 

“Un, I love it.” 

Lia looked slightly envious. 

"I wish I could go to the world where Sihyeon lives. I'm so curious about what it's like." 

Andras and Alfred nodded in agreement with her and looked at me. 

I pretended not to see their eyes full of strange aspirations and avoided them. 

I can't take them out even if they looked at me like that 

According to Ryan, taking Speranza out is a very, very exceptional case. 

Of course, I wish I could know, but I couldn't get the hang of it at all at this moment. 

This vacation is for 3 days. 

It didn't mean that I would play all 3 days. 

I had to quickly finish what I had put off on the earth during the vacation. 

Of course, I planned to spend a day with my mother and children separately. 

It was my first time being away for three days since I started working on the Demon farm. 

Feeling anxious, I began to recite the precautions one by one to the farm members. 

"Andras, please check carefully every day because Chorongi's childbirth is coming up soon. Please contact me right away if there is anything wrong. I'll be back as fast as I can." 

"Yes, I'll do that." 

"And I’ve emptied the honeycomb in advance, so it'll be okay, so please take care of the strawberry field a little bit. Oh! And I prepared the meal in advance, so make sure to eat them on time. You've been eating too many snacks at night with Elaine lately, so don't skip the meal." 



Andras and Alfred shuddered at the same time. 

Since the time we went to rescue Miru together, Andras and Alfred have become close, and the number of snacks they eat together late at night has increased. 

Snacking is okay, but I was worried because they didn't even take care of breakfast due to eating until late at night. 

"Elaine, please check the strawberry field with Andras and do the stable cleaning as usual." 

"Okay, senior." 

"Oh! And don't throw away empty soda bottles after finishing your sword training. What are you going to do if the baby yakums just swallow it out of curiosity!" 

"Uh… yeah. I'll be careful." 

I nagged them a lot, but there's still one more big mountain left. 

In a way, the first two people could be seen as a warm-up for this moment. 


“Huh? What?” 

"There's been news lately that you've been sneaking out beer in broad daylight when I've been away.” 

“Who, who said that?” 

"The informant asked for anonymity."

Kaneff's gaze turned sharply to the other farm members. 

Everyone looked away in a hurry. 

"Boss, you promised you will not drink during work hours, right? You said I can cut off alcohol and snacks if you ever did that." 

“Hmm, when did I? I don't remember…" 

"Then let's exclude everything you wanted to bring this time…" 

"Ah, Okay! I won't. I won't!" 

"Are you sure? Can you promise? You can't just drink because I'm not there?" 

Kaneff nodded his head with a pained look. 

"You know you have to work hard on your report, right? And don't write unnecessary words in the report. Why do you write ‘Beer is delicious!' in the last report ?" 

"Hey! There's nothing special to write about, so I wrote what I was enjoying." 

"What would the people in Demon Lord castle think of when they see that?" 

“Oh! they’ll probably think that I'll be having a beer later."

"…Okay, then I’ll cancel the 4X potato chips you wanted this time." 

"No! My 4X chips! It's so delicious when drinking beer!" 

"So just keep your promise. Then I'll buy you as many 4X chips as you want." 

“Okay, I got it. Now go away! Someone will think you’re my mom." 

Did I nag a little too much? 

But I can't help worrying. 

Finally, I approached Lia. 

"Lia, I don't need to tell you anything, do I? You’re the most reliable one on the farm.”

"Thank you." 

Lia blushed slightly at the word ‘reliable’. 

On the other hand, the trio, who were nagged, looked dissatisfied. 

"But please promise me one thing." 


"Never cook." 

"………….Ah, Un, Okay." 

Lia nodded with a grim look hearing the ban on cooking. 

Kaneff and Andras laughed in silence when they saw it.


Lia's cold gaze turned to Kaneff and Andras. 

The two hurriedly managed their expressions and pretended not to see her. 

"Don't be too discouraged. I'll buy some cookbooks. Let's start by practicing simple dishes.”


“Of course.” 

"Thank you very much, Sihyeon. I'm so happy!" 

Lia was overjoyed when she heard that I was going to help her with cooking lessons. 

‘Well… it'll work out somehow, right?’ 

On the other hand, Kaneff and Andras' faces turned black and white. 

Only Alfred, who had never tasted Lia's dish, looked curious. 

It's really time to leave after all the nagging. 

"Speranza, say your goodbye to everyone.”

Speranza said goodbye to each and every member of the farm. 

"Goodbye, Sister Lia!" 

"Yeah, have fun, Speranza." 

Starting with Lia, 

"Teacher! I'll show grandma the test paper." 

"Hahahah, Grandma will be very proud of you." 

Andras, the teacher.

"Brother Elaine, you shouldn’t cry because you're lonely?" 

" What…Why would I cry?" Senior! You said something weird to Speranza again, didn't you?" 


After finishing saying goodbye to Alfred, Speranza, who hesitated for a while, approached Kaneff carefully. 

Speranza had never approached Kaneff on her own, so everyone watched it with bated breath. 


It was pronounced a little sloppily because it was her first time saying the word ‘boss'. 

But it was clear that she was calling for Kaneff. 

“Huh? Uh… uh.” 

Kaneff replied unnaturally, a little confused. 



Hearing Speranza’s words, Kaneff's lips quivered in confusion. 

However, soon the corners of his mouth moved gently and drew a gentle smile. 

"Okay, have a safe trip," 

He carefully raised his hand and stroked Speranza’s head. 

Speranza smiled like a satisfied cat. 

"I've never seen Mr.Kaneff smile like that before." 

Everyone nodded quietly at Lia's murmur. 

"If he smiles like that to me, I'll activate dimensional leap magic and will run as far as I can." 

Everyone nodded quietly to Andras' murmur. 

After saying goodbye to all the farm members, Speranza came back and held my hand. 

"Then I'll be back, everyone. If anything happens, please contact me." 

"Okay, Bye!" 

I took Speranza out of the farm building. 

"Why are you coming out so late? Popi!" 

Poooo woooooo! 

Gyuri and Akum whined since they had waited outside for a long time. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." 

"Let's go quickly! I miss grandma popi!”

" Me too…I miss grandma" 


"Okay, let's go, guys.”

(To be Continued)

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