How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 151

I quickly organized what I was doing and went back to the farm building with Andras. 

Brought farm members together and explained the current situation. 

Under these circumstances, I thought it would be better for Speranza to not hear about the baby Griffins, so I asked Lia to take care of Speranza for a while. 

Me, Andras, and Alfred gathered in Kaneff's room. 

"Did Barbatos ask you to bring Sihyeon?" 

"Yes. I've just been contacted." 

"Those spineless b*stards. A few days ago, they ignored our opinions and took the baby Griffin at will, but now asking Sihyeon to come because they have a problem? Huh! Just ignore it!" 

Kaneff snorted and showed his uncomfortable feelings. 

Alfred also looked resentful as he recalled the feelings from that time. 

"You're right, Mr. Kaneff. They're the ones who took the baby griffins. I don't think we have any obligation to comply with their request." 

Kaneff nodded, seemingly agreeing to Alfred's words. 

In response, Andras spoke with a slightly confused look. 

"I fully understand how you feel. What the Barbatos did to us was certainly rude, but it's not their behavior that matters now. I don't think Grify and Finny are in a good situation right now." 

I rushed to Andras, feeling my heart throbbing. 

"What happened to Grify and Finny? What's wrong with them?" 

“I haven't heard the exact situation either. They said it’s a matter about the baby griffins, so I've been told to bring Sihyeon as soon as possible." 

It's only been a few days, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal, right? 

Are they struggling because they can't get used to the place? Or what did the Barbatos do…? 

Ominous feelings kept coming to my mind. 

Kaneff and Alfred, who were reacting negatively, also crumpled their faces. 

All the farm members loved Grify and Finny so much. 

They couldn't bear to maintain their cool if the issue was about the little griffins. 

Andras briefly examined the mood of the rest and spoke again cautiously. 

"What shall we do? Rejecting their request will not be a disadvantage to us. The Griffins had already left our hands the moment they took them." 

"Wait, Andras! If the baby griffins are in a bad situation, they could have bought them here, right? Is there any reason for us to bow down and listen to their request?" 

"This is my guess, but the young griffins in the Barbatos family can't be moved easily. It's most likely related to the various problems within the family." 

I couldn't understand Andras' explanation, but Alfred quietly shut his mouth as if he could guess something.

Kaneff lamented, kicking his tongue with a bitter look. 

"Tsk tsk… after all, this is how things go. Damn f*ck…." 

There was a heavy silence in the room for a moment. 

Soon, everyone's eyes turned to me. 

As usual, it seemed like they would leave the decision to me. 

Obviously, I didn't like the Barbatos' behavior of taking the baby Griffins away. 

But I was more worried about the baby Griffins than wanting to get even with them. 

When Grify and Finny left the farm, the moment when they cried anxiously and pitifully kept ringing in my head. 

The decision did not take so long. 

"I think I should go. I don't like their behavior, but I can't turn a blind eye to Grify and Finny." 

“Oh. I knew it. An expected answer from the Master Pushover…" 

Kaneff frowned as if he didn't like my decision. 

But he didn't block or condemn my choice. 

He just grumbled like a distressed child. 

"If you're going to go, hurry up and leave. I'm going to take a nap." 

Everyone smiled slightly at Kaneff's response. 

I, Andras, and Alfred completed the preparations for going to the Barbatos family. 

Andras immediately made preparation for dimension leap magic. 

"Andras, are we going to take a leap right into the Barbatos mansion?" 

"That's right. They told me the coordinates so that I could move directly to the family mansion." 

"Wow… It must have been very urgent." 

Alfred explained on behalf of the busy Andras as I looked like I didn't understand their conversation. 

"Dimensional leap coordinates that can lead directly inside the family mansion are not usually told to the outsiders. There are chances of getting used for infiltration, so it's dangerous to leak it." 


"But their willingness to give us those coordinates proves that it's urgent." 

I understood and nodded. 

"So for the safety of the family, every family changes their dimensional leap coordinates periodically. Maybe the Barbatos will also change their coordinates as soon as they're done with us." 

As expected of Andras, the farm's chief explainer. 

While preparing for the dimensional leap magic, he hurriedly added an explanation. 

"I'm ready. We're running out of time, so let's move on." 

Andras immediately cast the dimensional leap magic as soon the preparations were done. 

A powerful flow of magic began to flow around us. 

My eyes turned white as I felt the dizzy sensation that I am now used to. 

After a while, the voice of Andras came along with the surrounding crowd. 

“I think we've arrived properly.”

“Oh! You're really here. It's nice to see you again.” 

When I heard a familiar voice, I naturally turned my head. 

My vision, which had been blurry for a moment, was focused, and I was able to quickly identify the owner of the voice.


“You can just call me Bebeto. It's an honor to meet you again, Sir. Sihyeon." 

Bebeto welcomed me, followed by a brief greeting to Andras and Alfred. 

"We're in a hurry, so I'll take you to the mansion right away. Forgive me for my rudeness." 

We followed Bebeto’s lead. 

As we left the inside of the building where the Dimensional Leap coordinates were located, the soldiers guarding the entrance blocked our way for a while. 

When Bebeto showed something out of his arms, the soldiers immediately gave way. 

The solemn atmosphere was completely different from when I visited the Schnarpe mansion. 

I was astonished at the size of the huge mansion, which became visible little by little. 

It was incomparable to the house of the Schnarpe family, which I thought to be large. 

"I guess it was true that the mansion we used to stay in wasn't that big. It's incredibly large." 

"COUGH, the mansion Sihyeon visited is not one of our family's main houses. If we have a chance later, I'll take you to Schnarpe's main house and show you around." 

Andras coughed and showed off his pride in his family. 

For some reason, the appearance was cute and a smile formed on my face. 

While whispering and talking, we entered the entrance to the splendid mansion. 

Bebeto walked quickly out of the aisle of the mansion. 

It was not as much as the Demon Lord Castle, but there were long corridors that felt like I would get lost quickly if I was left alone. 

"Here it is." 

Bebeto stopped in front of a room and carefully opened the door. 

Female Demons in the Maid costume in the room were surprised and looked at us. 

"Mr. Bebeto?”

"Yes. We have important guests, so please wait quietly." 

Bebeto, who was greeted roughly, led us into the room. 

There was a luxurious cradle for babies to use. 

When I approached carefully and checked inside, there was Grify and Finny. 

As soon as I saw the baby Griffins, my head got filled with joy, Panic, anger, sadness, and doubt……

All the negative thoughts that filled my head made my body tremble. 


“What the hell…” 

“Huh… NO WAY…” 

Not just me, but Andras and Alfred also couldn't speak properly when they saw the baby Griffin. 

To our response, Bebeto fiddled with his hands together with a restless expression. 

– Biii…p 

– Bbiii…p.. Bbiii… P… Bii… P… 

Grify and Finny looked up at me with difficulty, instinctively noticing that I was here. 

I was choked up by their weak cry. 

“Yeah, it’s me……guys." 

– Bi..i..p. 

– Bi… …ii… …p… …

In a voice slightly submerged in emotions, I called Grify and Finny. 

As I slowly reached out my hand, they approached me desperately and rubbed their heads. 

I wrapped my hands around them and hugged them carefully. 

The weight of the children had become too light in a few days. 

How hard it must have been for these guys who had a hard time leaving the farm. 

I almost burst into tears. 

Behind the dark and sad feelings, unbearable anger soared. 

Quite naturally, this intense emotion was directed at Bebeto, who was next to me. 

"Mr.Be … …no, Bebeto! What the hell happened to these kids? You have to explain it properly." 

Despite being as restrained as possible, my voice contained indisputable anger. 

Bebeto made excuses in a flustered hurry. 

"Well, I don't know. I saw baby griffins on the farm, and this is the second time I've seen them here today. I'm telling you the truth. Believe me." 

“Then… who the hell…?”


Suddenly, as if answering my question, someone opened the door and appeared with the soldiers. 

"It's been a while…” 

It was Roedin Barbatos, who came to the farm a few days ago.

“As you can see, the baby Griffins have been feeling a little under the weather lately, so we called you here. If you don't mind, can you stay here and take care of the baby griffins? We'll give you enough compensation." 


A disappointing laugh burst out my mouth without me knowing.

I wasn't even angry at Roedin's shameless attitude.. 

After a moment, I asked in a calm voice. 

"What the hell happened to these kids? Did you feed Hap properly?" 

"We tried to feed them as much as we could, but for some reason… they refused to….." 

"They refused to eat for no reason? Are you sure?" 

Roedin remained silent throughout my interrogation. 

My eyes towards him began to show stronger distrust. 

Children who were so healthy could not have refused to eat for no reason. 

Obviously, there was something more. 

I stared at Roedin with an attitude that I would not deal with him if he didn't answer properly. 

He frowned slightly and opened his mouth helplessly. 

"It seems that there was a bit of a problem with things inside the family." 

"INSIDE THE FAMILY……INSIDE THE FAMILY….. Is that how the Barbatos deal with everything? You don't have any consideration for the other person, huh!" 

"…You're talking a little too much." 

"I'm too much? What you've done to these children is too much!”

I was outraged and I uttered words in a loud voice. 

Grify and Finny trembled in my arms as if they were anxious. 

I wanted to curse at them, but I lowered my voice in case it had a bad effect on the children. 

"I don't think we need to talk more. I'll take these kids back to the farm. I can't leave them in a place like this anymore." 


"Take care of them here, or leave the baby griffins and go back quietly." 

"……….What if I can't?" 

"I hope you haven't forgotten where you are. I'd like to keep our family's benefactor as a guest until the end." 

Contrary to Roedin's polite words, the soldiers who came with him began to exude a ferocious atmosphere. 

The maids in the room turned pale, and rushed back, while Bebeto did not know what to do with the harsh atmosphere.

A cold voice came out of Andras's mouth. 

"I didn't expect the Barbatos family to be this rude… …and it's very disappointing." 

"If you had just met our demands, there would have been no problem. Make a wise judgment…” 

Roedin was consistent in his manner and was obviously mocking us. 

Without a word, Alfred put his hand on the handle of the sword and raised his spirits. 

There was a sharp clash with eyes between Alfred and the soldiers in the room. 

There was tension on both sides that could not reach an agreement. 

I held the baby Griffin in my arms with a firm heart. 

At that moment… 

"What are you doing? What a rude thing to do to important guests of the family!" 

Tension shattered like glass at the angry voice of a woman.

(To be Continued)

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