How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 170

Uncle, who still boasts a reliable figure, walked up to me and hugged me.

He tapped on my back with a strong touch.

"I'm so glad you came!"

"I'm sorry, Uncle. I should have come earlier."

"It's okay. I'm not ignorant, and thank you for coming back like this."

Feeling sorry and thankful in my heart, I put on a slightly awkward smile.

While I was greeting Uncle, the back door of the car opened and my mother came out with the children.

"Sister! Thank you for coming from so far."

"Long time no see, Brother. How have you been?"

"Hahaha! I'm fine. Fine"

Uncle greeted my mother briefly.

And naturally, he turned his gaze downward.

“Are these the children you told me about last time?”

“Yes, that's right.”

Before coming, I told Uncle about the children in advance.

Thanks to that, he wasn't very surprised, but his expression felt a little awkward.

No matter how much awakening and other mysterious beings have become the norm, many people have yet been very afraid or shown rejection when they actually face it.

I was worried that Uncle might also feel the same way.

Fortunately, it seemed to be a useless worry.

"Oh, my! The kids are so cute. How can they be so small and lovely?"

Uncle lowered himself with his mouth wide open.

He made eye contact with the children and waved.

"Hi! What are your names?"

Speranza hid her face behind my mother's legs because she felt burdened by the greeting of a strange uncle, while Gyuri and Akum showed interest in the uncle and stepped forward.

"Who are you, Popi?"

– Pow wo wooo?

Gyuri flied around Uncle.

Akum carefully approached Uncle, smelled him, and gave him a weak headbutt.

"The child behind mom is Speranza. The cute furry guy is Akum, the flying fairy is Gyuri."

"Speranza, you have to say hello properly."

When my mother pushed her back slightly, Speranza faltered forward.

The fox's tail and ears drooped down as if they were very nervous.

"Hi… Hello. My name is Speranza."

As soon as she finished her greeting, she hid behind me this time.

I held Speranza in my arms to relieve her tension.

Naturally, she dug into my arms and made a comfortable expression.

Uncle murmured slightly regretfully.

“Oh… You must be scared."

"I'm sorry Uncle. She’s a little shy of strangers."

"You don’t have to be sorry… I know my face is scary for children, it's my fault."

Suddenly, Uncle blames his face, while my mother covers her mouth and smiles quietly.

"You must be tired from driving long. Let's hurry up and go."

"Wait. I'll take the presents from the car."

I left Speranza to my mother for a while and took out the presents I had prepared from the trunk of the car.

"What did you bring that many?"

"What do you mean many, Uncle? Brother Junho sent me so many strawberries last time. It's nothing compared to that."

"Why are you comparing? He sent you strawberries because they're overflowing here…."

I had to borrow Uncle's hand because I prepared a lot.

I headed to Uncle's house with my hands full of presents.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩


"Speranza, is it good?"

– Nod.

Speranza nodded, munching a rice cake in her mouth.

Next to her, Akum and Gyuri were also tasting rice cakes.

"Oh, my. They eat rice cakes so well! If I had known this, I would have brought a lot more rice cakes in the morning."

Aunt smiled happily at the children eating the rice cakes deliciously.

"But. Why did you buy so many gifts?"

" Sister. How can a guest come to someone else's house empty-handed?"

"Why are talking like going to some stranger’s house?"

" We got so much help from Brother when we had tough times and recently Junho also sent a lot of delicious strawberries."

"That's right, Aunt. Please don't feel pressured and accept it. I bought the same nutritional supplements that my mom takes, so make sure to take them and give uncle every day.”

Aunt looked a little burdened, but she seemed to like the presents we had prepared.

"What is the need for nutritional supplements? All you have to do is just eat well and work hard."

"Uncle, you have to take care of yourself."

"Si is right, Brother. You have to prepare more when you're healthy."

"Tell him more Sister. He’s so overconfident in his own health that he doesn't even go to the hospital when he gets sick."


The conversation changed track and changed into a nagging of Uncle.

In particular, Aunt let out a lot of complaints about Uncle and issues regarding his health.

Uncle coughed and forcefully tried to change the subject.

"Hmm… By the way, when are you going to go up there?"

"We were planning on going after greeting Uncle and Aunt."

“Why don't you wait a little bit before you go up? I think Junho's morning reservation will be over soon.”

"Oh… Come to think of it, where is Brother Junho now, Uncle?"

"He's probably teaching the visitors who came to experience the farm in the strawberry field. Why don't we go and take a look if you're curious?"


I followed Uncle and walked to Brother Junho’s strawberry farm.

My mother decided to stay because she wanted to talk with Aunt more.

Speranza and Gyuri also said they would stay because they were tired from being in the car for a long time.

Only the powerful Akum followed me to the strawberry field.

"Hahaha! Look at this guy. He’s full of energy."

Uncle patted Akum with a look of satisfaction as we headed to Brother Junho's strawberry field.

It felt strange to walk on the countryside road that has not changed much.

“How does it feel to be back home after a long time?”

“I feel restless. Not too long ago, I didn't think I would be able to come back like this.”

If I hadn't gotten a job at the Demon Farm, I would still be paying the debts with difficulty.

Uncle understood what I meant and nodded quietly.

While I and Uncle continued to talk in a slightly heavy atmosphere, Akum ran from place to place, exploring with curiosity.

He went into the grass and smelled it, or went down near the water of the stream and played by dipping his feet.

I managed to stop Akum when he tried to jump into the stream.

"You're not supposed to go in there."

– Pow wooooo?

Akum looked up at me with innocent eyes.

He seemed to have no idea why I blocked him.

To prevent damage to the surroundings, I began to walk with Akum in my arms.

As I walked, talking to Uncle and carrying Akum, I saw a fairly large vinyl greenhouse field in the distance, and near it, I could see some children in yellow kindergarten clothes.

The children's unique high-tone voices and innocent laughter echoed everywhere.

A man who looked exactly like Uncle and was carrying strawberries found me and approached me.

"Huh…? Sihy? It’s Sihy, right?"

“It’s been a while. Brother Junho.”

"You punk…"

Brother Junho came running like an arrow and shook my head roughly.

"Did you forget everyone after going to the city? You never made a single call."

"I'm sorry."

"You must know what you did wrong."

Brother Junho let go of me only after I apologized.

A cool smile hung over his slightly dark face.

“Good to see you. How many years has it been?”

“About… ten years.”

"Haaa…You used to be cute. Now you're like a disgusting old man."

"Haha, who's like an old man? You look more like one."

Me and Brother Junho, who grew up like brothers since childhood met again after almost 10 years, but it wasn't awkward or strange at all.

The only thing that made me feel a little bit sad was that I couldn't come to see him a little earlier.

There were so many stories that I wanted to talk about, so I was thinking about what to say first.

While I was thinking, there was a commotion near the greenhouse from where Brother Junho came.

Our eyes naturally turned towards the disturbance.

There, a cute baby Yakum was eating strawberries while acting cute to kindergarteners.

"Do you like strawberries?"

– Pooooo wo wooooo!

"Here! Eat this. I picked it myself."

Akum ate a lot of strawberries given to him by the kindergarten kids.

“That's a very cute puppy.”

“No! It’s not a puppy. Dogs don’t have horns.”

“Then, what's this?”

“Uhh… Cows have horns."

"Is that so?"

The children fed strawberries to Akum and had a serious discussion about his identity.

As interest in Akum increased, the children flocked, and the kindergarten teachers also started gathering.

"Teacher! Is this a puppy?"

"No, it's not. It's a calf!….Um… I don't know……”

The female teacher looked at Akum and blurted the end of her words.

Then, she asked Brother Junho with an anxious look.

"Excuse me… Is this an animal that you raise in the strawberry field?"

"No, it's not an animal that we raise here."

"It's not dangerous, right?"

Her face became more blurred when she heard that it wasn't an animal from the strawberry field.

I explained instead of Brother Junho.

"It's alright. He's a nice and harmless guy. He's smart and he understands well. Right, Akum?

" Pow wooooooo!

Akum answered my words reliably, then approached the anxious female teacher and began to act cute.

He slipped in front of her, flipped over, and rubbed her legs.

As if showing he was not dangerous, Akum appealed his cuteness with his innocent and sparkling eyes.

It was so childish that I felt a little embarrassed, but it had a very powerful effect on the female teacher.

"Oh my…."

The uneasiness disappeared on her face in an instant, and before she knew it, she was lowering her posture and stroking Akum.

“Teacher, I also want to pet him.'

“Me, too!”

“Me, too!”

Akum became a big hit!

The children quickly flocked around Akum.

The female teacher tried to calm the confused children.

Brother Junho also seemed to be very confused by the unexpected situation.

I spoke to the children while quickly picking Akum.

“Now! Who wants to play with this cute friend here!”



“This friend's name is Akum. Akum really likes strawberries. Listen to the teacher and the strawberry field uncle here, and pick a lot of strawberries. Then I'll let you play with Akum."


“I want to play with Akum.”

"Teacher! Let's go pick strawberries."

As my words worked, the children turned their attention to picking strawberries again.

The female teacher and Brother Junho led the children and took them to the greenhouse.

"Si. You're very good with kids. People would think you're a kindergarten teacher."

"Hahaha. I've been hearing that a lot lately, Uncle."

I burst into laughter at Uncle’s admiration.

Maybe because of what I said, the children picked strawberries really hard so that they will be able to play with Akum as much as they wanted.

Akum also ate strawberries fully and made a happy cry.

Finally, the children finished the farm experience class safely by taking a one-on-one commemorative photo with Akum.

The female teacher was also slightly embarrassed and took a commemorative photo with Akum.

Looking at the children who loved Akum so much, Brother Junho said to me in a serious voice.

"Sihy, let's do business together. The experience farm is going to be a hit with just Akum."


"Don't laugh, you punk. I'm serious."

I just laughed at Brother Junho's urging.

(To be Continued)

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