How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 180

Reville continued his explanation with a grievous look.

"Like those people a while ago, recently, many people are coming to Elden village hearing the rumors that Elden village is a good place to live. Most of them don't have a home or a job, so they're wandering around."

"Do that many people come here?"

Reville shook his head with a grim expression at my question.

"It's more than what you think. The number of people who would have come in a whole year has come in a month."


"Of course, the number of people coming is a problem, but the bigger problem is that there are a lot of bad guys among them. Guys from crime-prone urban backstreets to tramps who have no intention of working. The insecurity of the villagers is soaring through the sky,"

Reville concluded his words with a deep sigh.

After that, Lagos also complained about the difficulties.

"Reville and the vigilantes are trying to control it somehow, but it's getting tough as the number of incidents keeps increasing. Even if they're holding up now somehow, I don’t think they can continue this in the long run."

My expression darkened hearing the concerns of the two.

The Elden village, which I thought wouldn't have any big problems, was also having a hard time.

It was even more concerning because none of the problems seemed easy to solve.

Alfred, who was sitting on a chair a little further away from the table, suddenly opened his mouth.

"Why didn't you tell Senior about the problems in advance? Why did you leave like that until it got so serious? Listening to what you said, I think this problem has been there for quite a while, right?"

His tone had a strong intention of holding them accountable for all the things happening in the village.

Reville grimaced as if he was slightly offended, while Lagos bowed his head as if feeling a huge sense of responsibility.

For a moment a cold silence hovered around the table.

Not wanting to create a strange atmosphere, I took the initiative and intervened.

"Elaine… we're not here to point a finger. We have to focus on solving the problem first."

“… I'm sorry, senior.”

Although he looked a little displeased, Alfred bowed his head admitting his mistake.

I nodded my head at Alfred, who looked apologetic and turned to Lagos.

“Lagos, may I know why you notified the problems of the village so late?'


“I'm not asking this to blame you. Regarding the affairs of the village, I left everything to Lagos, so I want to help you somehow if there are any difficulties."

When I soothed him in a soft voice, Lagos slowly raised his head.

“I didn't mean to escalate the problem. I didn't want to bother Sihyeon with this kind of problem. So, I tried as hard as I could, but… it seems that it was beyond my ability.”

"I see."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sihyeon…"

"No. I'm sure Lagos did his best. But please let me know as soon as possible if there is a problem like this in the future. That way, we can share our opinions and think of solutions."

Lagos started shedding tears hearing my consolation as if the heavy burden he has been carrying lightened.

Knowing how hard he works for the sake of the Elden village, I felt a lump in my throat.

After that, we talked about the various other problems that needed immediate attention.

We talked a lot but couldn't find a proper solution.

For now, we decided to prevent the situation from worsening with the extra funds I had.

We decided to provide food and daily necessities to neighboring villages belonging to the Cardis estate and to select additional vigilantes to maintain the security of the Elden village.

As soon as everything got roughly organized, Lagos immediately went out to find a merchant to get food and daily necessities, Reville also left after a short greeting, saying he was busy with the vigilante work.

The three of us who were left behind decided to go back to the farm for now.

On our way to the farm, I spoke recalling Lagos, who was struggling with problems in the village.

"It was a little unexpected. I thought Lagos was very competent and thought he could solve all the problems within the village."

"Yes, Lagos managed the village well. I admit that, but it was when Elden was still a small village. Now the Elden village has changed beyond recognition. It can well be called Elden town. No wonder it's hard for Lagos who only had the experience of handling a small village."

Andras continued his reasoning in a calm tone.

"To be more honest, Sihyeon is responsible for the difficulties of Lagos. The problems that are happening now are actually things that cannot be solved by the village chief's authority. It's a matter for the lord to step up. Of course, it's wrong for Lagos to try to solve it by himself, but it's also true that Sihyeon has not been interested in the duties of the Lord."


I couldn’t retort to Andras’ criticism.

As he said, I did not show any interest in the territory even after getting officially appointed as a Lord.

I may excuse myself by saying I was busy with farm work, but it was absolutely true that it was my duty as a Lord to look into the affairs of my Estate.

When I realized my mistake and became depressed, Andras opened his mouth with a softer look.

"I know Sihyeon is busy with farm work. But what I’m saying is you must not let go of the lord's duties completely."

"As Andras said, I was a little imprudent. From now on I'll pay more attention to my estate. Thank you for pointing out my mistake."

"That mindset is good enough for me."

A smile formed on my face at the thought of having a friend who can point out my mistakes and advise me.

"Ahh, I guess it's not easy being a lord. I never thought this many problems would pop up all of a sudden."

"Hahaha! What comes easy won’t last, what lasts won’t come easy. It's all the more difficult if it involves taking responsibility for so many people."

"Senior, cheer up. I'll also do my best if there is anything I can help with."

Alfred’s eyes sparkled as he expressed his strong will to help me.

I appreciate his willingness to help me, but what I needed now was a slightly different form of help.

"Hmm… Is there anyone who can tell me more about the management of the estate…"

Andras covered his mouth and laughed at the murmur of my concern.

“Hahaha! I guess he was right again.”

“What? What do you mean?”

"Ryan. He prepared something for this type of situation in advance. Sooner or later, you'll see…"



Alfred and I looked at Andras with puzzled expression on our faces.

Andras kept laughing to himself, and didn't give us any explanation.


Two days have passed since I went to Elden village.

Thanks to the extra money, the problems in the village were quiet for a while.

Lagos and Reville, who were struggling, were also able to take a breather.

There was no big burden because there was quite a lot of money saved, but this way of using the money won’t solve the roots of the problem.

When I was grinding my head to come up with a solution, an unexpected guest came to the farm.

"Lord Cardis. How have you been?"

"Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

A calm greeting followed by a very high-pitched greeting.

"Ugh… yeah, I'm good. But suddenly, what's going on… "

Two beautiful female Demons came to the farm unannounced.

It was Murain and Surin, who attended the swearing-in ceremony at Ryan’s invite.

I looked puzzled at the sudden visit.

Seeing my reaction, Surin smiled gently and spoke.

"Sir. Ryan made a request to me at the swearing-in ceremony. He asked me to help Lord Cardis once if he ever ran into trouble. I heard these days Lord Cardis is having a hard time with a problem in the Estate… right?"

"Ah… That's right. I was looking for someone to help me run the estate."

"I'm not good enough, but I'd like to hear the details and help you."

"Thank you. Thank you very much"

So this is what Andras said about Ryan's preparation.

Ryan is amazing in many ways.

I was deeply touched by the wisdom of Ryan and was delighted by Surin's proposal.

"Then, Miss Murain also…”

"No, I just followed Surin because I thought it would be fun. I'll just quietly look around the farm. Don't worry about me."

Murain smiled softly, sticking out her tongue cutely.

Even at the swearing-in ceremony, the two seemed to be close friends.

It seems like she simply accompanied Surin.

"Oh… I was so surprised that I kept the guests outside. Follow me. Let's go inside and continue with the details."

I led the two into the farm building.

As soon as we entered the building together, we saw Lia, who was cleaning.

"Sihyeon, you came… Oh my! Are they guests?"

"You might have seen them at the swearing-in ceremony. This is Surin, and this is Murain."

Lia quickly put away the cleaning tools aside and greeted the guest politely.

"Welcome. My name is Liane, you can call me Lia and I work as a maid here."

While the two guests and Lia briefly greeted each other, cute footsteps were heard from the second floor.


– Biip!

– Biip!

Along with Speranza, baby Griffins came down from the second floor.

At first, they looked excited seeing me, but belatedly found the stranger’s existence and stopped moving.


– Biip?!

– Biip…?

Since I was with Surin and Muraine, instead of coming to me, Speranza hid behind Lia's back.

The baby Griffins also moved in the same way.

Surin and Murain's lips moved upward due to the children's cute actions.

Especially, Murain showed more interest in Speranza.

"Lord Cardis! Lord Cardis! Who are those children? I think she just called you papa. Is that your daughter?"

"Yes. She’s my daughter, Speranza."

"Ah! Surin, did you see that kid just now? Isn't she so cute?"

"Murain, calm down."

When Murain, who was fascinated by the cuteness of the little fox girl looked excited, Surin stopped her with an embarrassed look.

I understand her excitement at the fatal cuteness, but Speranza, who is wary of strangers will become warier if she showed such excited behavior, and would never approach…


I was dumbfounded by a completely unexpected event.

This was because Speranza, who was hiding behind Lia, was slowly approaching the guests.

Speranza moved on her own.

Although it improved a lot from the past, Speranza was still wary of people whom she met for the first time. So when there's a stranger, she normally hides and would not come out.

Surprisingly, now she was approaching Murain and Surin on her own.

Lia and I, who knows Speranza's personality couldn’t hide our surprise.

Judging by her slightly quivering fox ears and her curled tail, Speranza seemed very nervous.

Nevertheless, she did not stop.

Two minutes later, Speranza arrived in front of Murain and Surin.

The two also looked down at the fox girl in front of them with nervous expressions.

Speranza slowly opened her mouth while looking up at the Murain.

“…I heard it.”


“I heard the song.”

“Oh! You listened to my song?”


Murain said with a slightly moved look.

"Hehe. Thank you. Do you want me to sing again?"

When asked by her, Speranza thought about something, and soon shook her head from side to side.

“Ehhh, you don't want to listen to this sister’s song?”

“It’s fine.”

Murain looked very disappointed and turned gloomy.

However, Speranza's words soon changed her expression once again.

“Teach me.”


“I want to sing, too.”

(To be Continued)

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