How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 263

A few days have passed since the big event.

The Dragon demons in the Red Scales village escaped the fear of Yakums and returned to their usual daily lives.

The warriors who were injured in the fierce battle also started recovering little by little.

In addition, the warriors who followed Hargan had to be lightly disciplined at the village level.

Ignoring the chief's order and leaving the village was a matter of light crime, and they also faced relatively weak punishment because they fought with their lives to stop the rampaging Yakums.

Hargan was imprisoned for inciting conflict in the village and inciting warriors to rebel. Not only was he removed from all positions, but his family and acquaintances were also kept under surveillance.

Ryan also visited Hargan several times to interrogate him for information about Gastra.

However, he said he could not find any useful information. The circumstances are that he's been thoroughly exploited and abandoned by Gastra.….

And another victim of this case, the Yakums also returned to their peaceful daily lives for now. They also fought a fierce battle, so some Yakums were quite seriously injured.

Still, in line with their reputation as the top Demon beasts of the Demon world, most of the Yakums quickly recovered their wounds and went to graze.

The apparent wounds recovered quickly, but they seemed very anxious. As a result, immediately after the incident, they showed a very sharp vigilance.

Ah… Of course, I was an exception.

After the incident, the Yakum group's trust in me rose sharply. Sometimes it seemed like they were greeting me more kindly than the guys on the farm.

To help injured Yakums recover quickly, I applied herbs myself, and in case of severe wounds, expensive potions were used.

I also had a lot of conversations besides healing the wound. The leader Yakum also seemed to be very anxious about the current situation.

"That's why I kept saying it. It wasn't the villagers down there who attacked you."

-Booo Wooo Woooo…

The leader Yakum replied sullenly as if he knew he had misunderstood. The drooping figure looked more pitiful because of his large size.

"I'm not saying you're wrong. In the first place, Gastra and Hargan, who worked with him, are the worst."

-Booooo Woooo.

"Don't you feel uneasy about staying here? Do you want to come with me if you don't mind? There are a lot of other Yakums on our farm, too.”

– Boo Woo?

The leader Yakum showed a slight interest in the proposal to go with me to the farm.

"There is a lot of fresh grass, and it's much warmer than here, so it won't be a bad place to spend your days. I'll give you delicious snacks from time to time. Have you ever heard of strawberries? There is this snack that the Yakums on our farm really love."

– Boooo Wooooo…

I explained the advantages of the farm and tried to persuade the leader Yakum. As the explanation continued, he showed more interest.

"What do you think? Do you want to come to the farm with me?"


The leader Yakum could not easily answer the last question. Although he showed interest, it seemed difficult to make a choice right now.

In a way, this reaction was natural.

It was never an easy decision to abandon the place where you lived your whole life and head elsewhere.

And it’s an even more difficult decision for a leader, whose decision will not just affect him but those who follow him.

"There's still time left, so think about it slowly."

– Boo Woo.

He gave me a small cry, then lowered his head and rubbed his face. It was an expression of his own gratitude.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

– Lord Cardis, we have a visitor.

"Yes, let them in."


"Ugh! It's a little warm here."

It was Lilia, the genius girl of the Schnarpe family.

She came into the accommodation where we were staying, guided by the Dragon demons. The tip of her nose and her cheeks had turned red as if she had suffered from the severe cold here.

"Welcome, Lilia."

"Hi, Sister Lilia!"

At the greeting of Speranza and me, Lilia answered in her usual bright voice while still trembling.

"It’s been a while, Brother Sihyeon! Hi, Speranza!"

"You had a hard time coming all the way here, right?"

"I had a hard time because it was cold. But it was okay. I came out of my house after a long time and watched a lot of fun things."

What a positive demon girl.

Looking at her cheerful atmosphere, which I haven't seen in a while, made me smile.

"Miss Lilia, have some hot tea."

"Ah! Thank you, Sister Lia."

Lia prepared warm tea for Lilia, who was still feeling cold.

Her body, which was trembling, calmed down with the scent of the savory tea and the warmth felt through the teacup.

A few sips of tea brought life to Lilia's face.

Looking around, she looked at the Cheese cat next to me and asked.

"Is that big cat next to Brother Sihyeon the guardian deity, considered sacred by the people here? It's fascinating…"

Lilia looked curiously at the Cheese cat, who was picking fur, and when she suddenly reached out and tried to stroke….



Lilia's touch was quickly stopped by a flame around the cheese cat. She looked at me with a startled look.

"You shouldn't try to touch him all of a sudden like that. He doesn't like anyone touching him."

Speranza and I were the only ones who were allowed by the cheese cat to touch.

Of course, he seemed to have accepted Speranza's reluctantly, so he gets annoyed when she strokes for a long time.

"Hmm, I see…… By the way, Brother Sihyeon?”


"Isn’t it uncomfortable? Why are you sitting close to each other like that?”


As Lilia pointed out, on my left was Lia, who had just brought the tea, Speranza was on my knee, and the large cheese cat was on my right.

Since I was busy recently, Speranza, who felt lonely, often stuck together like this, and the cheese cat kept following me because it said it was comfortable next to me.

On the other hand, in the case of Lia, the relationship kind of changed after the Gastra incident.

If the feeling she had for me before was like the one with a very close colleague, now she had a very strong feeling that saw me more than a colleague.

Sometimes I get a little confused by Lia's change, but now I am adjusting little by little to it.

Anyway, I couldn't explain each of these situations, so I just smiled awkwardly and skipped answering that question. Instead, I quickly brought up another topic of conversation.

"By the way, Lilia. You came here on the order of the Demon Lord Castle, didn't you?”

"Yes, that's right. The Castle asked for the help of the Schnarpe family. Usually, my brother takes charge of the duties, but this time I became the representative of the family. Isn't it amazing?”

Lilia said with a very proud look. She seemed to be very proud of the fact that she was ordered to do something by the Demon Lord.

"Isn't the order to take Yakums here to the farm?"

"That's right."

"How are you going to do that?"

I asked with a genuinely curious look. Lia next to me also waited for Lilia's answer with interest.

"Do you remember the promise I made to you last time? I said I'd study hard to repay Brother Sihyeon's kindness.”

"Yes, you did."

"I worked so hard on it and recently I’ve achieved small results. And I think we can use that research this time.”


A result achieved in the recent study …….

I was a little worried hearing that it was not a proven method, and Lilia, who noticed my negative reaction, urgently added an explanation.

"The research is not perfect yet, but I have fully confirmed the possibility. I've checked it with my dad and brother several times. Trust me, Brother Sihyeon!"

I calmed her down because I was taken aback by her serious appearance, which was completely different from her usual carefree attitude.

"I know what you mean. Can you explain in more detail what method you're going to use?”

"Um… It's better to see it yourself than to explain it in a complicated way, right? Let's get out right now."

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

We were led out by Lilia. On the way out of the accommodation building, I met Kaneff and Ryan at the entrance.

"Oh, Uncle Kaneff! Brother Ry!"

"What? You've already arrived.”

"Hey, Lilia."

The two briefly greeted Lilia.

"Seeing that you came all the way here representing the family, you must have been pretty quiet these days without causing any accident?"

"Where are you all leaving? Lilia, I think you should have just arrived."

"That's right. Now, I’m on my way to show the results of my research to Brother Sihyeon. Brother Ry and Uncle Kaneff should also come with us.”

The two were also caught by Lilia's hand and dragged out together. The place we were headed for was a large vacant lot with wagons parked on the side of the building.

"What brings you here?"

The Dragon demon guards guarding the entrance of the building approached carefully and asked. Lilia grabbed them by the arm with her eyes twinkling.

"That's good. Can you help me for a second?”


"You see that big carriage over there? There's something I need to get out of the wagon. Can you help me take it out?”

"Ah…… I see."

The Dragon demon guards followed Lilia toward the carriage and pulled a fairly large device out of the carriage.

It seemed to weigh quite a bit looking at the stout guards groaning.


A large device was placed on the floor. Lilia stood next to it and explained with a confident look.

"Ta-da! This is the masterpiece of Lilia, who is called the genius of the Schnarpe family! This is…… Vision World dimensional door generation device!"

"Vision World dimensional door generator?"


Most people reacted with bewildered expressions on their faces, while I frowned at the uncomfortable word ‘Vision World' that I heard again.

"This device creates a dimensional door to the World created by Brother Sihyeon, Vision World.”

Kaneff understood the expression ‘Vision World' and showed little interest.

"Vision World means…… Is it the place where you guys stayed for a while when you moved from the world where Sihyeon lives?”

"Yes, Uncle Kaneff. At that time, I happened to go to the Vision world by accident, but if we use this device, we can move there again.”

"Oh, it's a device that opens the dimensional door. Andras previously said that is a difficult area to deal with.….”

Ryan looked at the dimensional door device and showed admiration. Naturally, Lilia's shoulders became tense.

I, who was uncomfortable with the word ‘Vision World’ looked at the Dimensional door device in a strange way. It had a similar appearance to the one I saw at the Mana Nuclear Energy Research Institute before.

"By the way, Lilia. Why did you bring this device all of a sudden?”

"Brother Sihyeon, did you still not understand?"

Lilia asked me back in a subtle voice. I scratched my head with a puzzled look.

What the hell is she planning on doing with this?….

Ah! No way!

When I reacted as if I  realized something late, Lilia smiled.

"Yes, I will use this device to move Yakums to Vision World and then take them to the Demon farm!"

(To be Continued on Jan 16 {MON})

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