How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 265

"You're coming with us?”

"Yay! Mr. Cat is coming with us!"

When I heard that the cheese cat was coming with us, I had a contradictory reaction from Speranza.

"I think it would be very fun to follow you nyaaa.”

"Can you leave this place like that? You're the guardian deity of the Dragon demons, right?"

"I didn't become one because I wanted to. They just made that up on their own nyaaa.”

"Dragon demons will be really upset if they hear it."

The cheese cat shuddered at my last words.

"Nyaaa, I still handed over my strength to my alter ego in consideration of what I owe to them so far nyaaa. They're still immature, but they'll do my part in a little while nyaaa.”

The cheese cat intentionally left his energy even though he was annoyed being treated as the guardian deity.

It seemed like he did not think badly of his relationship with the Dragon demons.

"If you go to the farm, you will no longer be a Karshi. Are you sure you’re fine with that?”

"It doesn't matter nyaa. Don't call me Karshi anymore nyaaa."

"What do I call you then?"

“Didn’t you often call me something like Cheese….nyaaa.”


Did he hear when I called him cheese cat?

"I don't know what it means, but it's better to be called Cheese instead of Karshi nyaaa."

"I like the name Mr. Cheese, too, Papa. Hehe!"

Speranza kept muttering the name Cheese with a big smile.

Considering the dignity of Karshi, it was such a cute name, but the cheese cat doesn’t seem to feel uncomfortable by it.

Other than that, what should I do now?

As I was thinking about whether I should really take Karshi with me, I felt the uproar on my side as everyone flocked over.

"What's going on?"

"Oh my! Karshi?"

"It's the Karshi that helped us last time, right?"

"What is it? What is it?

I explained what happened to everyone. The person who responded first was Lia.

"Is Karshi coming with us?”

"Nyaaa! I'm going to come with you guys nyaaa."

"Are you okay, Lia? The guardian deity of the village is leaving, isn’t it bad?”

Lia, who agonized for a while with a serious face, carefully answered.

"Wouldn't it be fine…? Of course, there will be many villagers who will be sad when they hear that the guardian deity left. But, he isn’t leaving completely, and he left someone to succeed him. I want Karshi to do what he wants to do.”

She was surprisingly not against the cheese cat leaving. Ryan also added with a smile.

"I don't think the villagers will take this issue as seriously as you think, Sihyeon. You don’t have to worry or feel pressured about that."

Following Lia, Ryan responded that it was fine, while Lilia was busy watching the cheese cat next to Speranza.

Everyone responded positively, so my mind leaned toward taking the cheese cat with us.


"What? Are you going to bring that stray cat to the farm?"

Kaneff's expression was like a parent who just heard that his child will be bringing a stray cat home. In a word, he looked very unhappy.


The cheese cat, who was very angry when he heard the word stray cat, quietly looked at Kaneff's face.

Perhaps he quickly realized that it would be difficult to come with us if he could not persuade Kaneff.

"Does Boss not like it?"

"Of course. What’s so good about this cheeky, chattery stray cat?….”

"Nyaaa, when was I chattery nyaaa?”

"Just tell him to live with the Dragon demons who will support him for the rest of his life.”

Kaneff shook his head and expressed opposition. I put on a troubled look at the outright rejection.

His job on the farm was to fool around, but on paper, he was the one who was responsible for the farm. No matter how much others agreed, I could not force myself to do something that he was against.

Everyone looked disappointed.


Speranza went forward and hugged Kaneff's leg tightly. Kaneff's displeased expression brightened in an instant.

"Boss Uncle!"

"Speranza, what's wrong?"

"Can't we bring Mr. Cheese to the farm?"


Speranza pointed at the cheese cat with her finger.

As soon as Kaneff realized who Speranza was referring to, he looked displeased.

"You want to take that stray cat with us?”

"Un, can't we take him home?"


"I'll play with him every day and help him wash up. Papa also praised me for taking good care of Grify and Finny. So I'll be able to take good care of Mr. Cheese  too.”


"Pleaseeee… Boss Uncle!"

Speranza acted cute, shaking Kaneff's legs with her hands. Kaneff's face, which used to be stoic, began to shake little by little.

Eventually, Kaneff, who couldn't overcome the fox girl's cute charm, made a faint smile on his sullen face. And he quickly coughed, conscious of the eyes around him.

"Well,…… It doesn’t matter if he won’t bother anyone."

Speranza raised her fox's ears and twinkled her eyes.

"Really, Boss Uncle? Is it okay if I bring Mr. Cheese with us?”

Kaneff spoke to me, avoiding the glistening eyes.

"Sihyeon, do whatever you want."

"Will you be alright?”

"You're going to take care of all the troublesome things anyway. It doesn't matter to me, so take care of it."

"Yayyyy! Boss Uncle is the best!"

Speranza clung to Kaneff's leg, expressing her joy. Kaneff smiled again and gently patted Speranza's head.

Ryan, who watched the scene, approached me and whispered.



"I thought Sihyeon was the one who called the shots on the farm, but it seems like Speranza might be the one."

"Haha! Is that how it looks?”

I couldn't hold back my laughter at Ryan's serious evaluation of Speranza’s power on the farm.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Cheese cat joined our family under the new name "Cheese".

As soon as the issue regarding Cheese got solved, the plan to take the Yakums together with us to the Demon farm was carried out in earnest.

Lilia once again activated the dimensional door.

Again, I put my hand on a transparent magic stone in the middle of the device. What's different from last time was that I have another small hand on the back of my hand.

After several tests, we found out that not only I but also Speranza had to be with me to open the door to the Vision world.

Lilia said she was very interested in the unusual phenomenon and would study it further.


The device that read the energy of Speranza and I successfully created a dimensional door. Lilia checked the stability of the dimensional door and signaled me.

Now it's my turn to step up.

Yakums, who were waiting a little away, had to be taken inside the dimensional door.

I approached the leader Yakum and talked to him.

"Are you ready? We will be going through the dimensional door you see over there.”


I felt a little uneasy in the cry.

No matter how much trust he had in me, it seemed like it was not easy to take the first step into a space he was unfamiliar with.

"It's really okay. I'm going to enter the dimensional gate with you guys. If you act like a coward, other guys will be even more anxious.”

Boo Woooooooooo!

The leader Yakum reacted sensitively to the word coward.

"All right, all right. I won't call you a coward. So let's get going. Don't you want to see your new home soon?"

-Boo Wooo wooooo!

While he hesitated, a small Yakum approached me.

Pow wo woooo

"Huh? Do you want to go with me first?"

– Poo Wooooooooo!

Little Yakum nodded with a lively cry.

The leader Yakum, who got stimulated by the little Yakum’s brave appearance, began to move his stopped feet.

Me, leader yakum and little yakum. The three of us stood side by side and headed into the Dimensional door.

Can Yakum's big size pass through the Dimensional door?

I was worried.

Fortunately, we were able to enter the dimensional door easily.

After a moment of dizziness.

When I came to my senses again, the surrounding scenery changed in an instant. The two Yakums continued to look around, confused by the unfamiliar situation.

Soon after, other yakums followed the leader and entered the dimensional door.

Then the farm members, Lilia, and the soldiers of the Castle appeared one after another.

"Is this the Vision World that I've heard rumors about?"

"I can't believe Sihyeon created this place……. It's hard to believe even when I see it with my own eyes."

"As Andras said, the scenery is the same as the farm."

The farm family looked around the Vision world and each burst into admiration.

Lilia was very happy that her plan had succeeded.


Speranza and Cheese kept looking around the Vision world with blank expressions.

It wasn't just looking at the scenery, it was like looking at something invisible beyond.

I felt uneasy about the strange appearance of the two. I was a little worried, and at that time I heard a thick voice of a man from somewhere.

"How can you bring so many of them all of a sudden?"

"Ah! Master!"

I found Bellion and approached him. Unlike me, who was glad to see him, his face was slightly distorted.

"Greetings are enough, leave here as soon as possible."

"What? Did I do something wrong?”

"This is still an imperfect world. If so many people suddenly come, it might collapse in an instant. In particular, those giant energy-bearing Yakums are like bombs here!"



Everyone's expressions hardened in an instant when we heard the explanation. Bellion pointed to Lilia with a frustrated look.

"Hey, there!"

"Huh? Me? Me?"

"The Demon girl who came with the big Demon boy last time. Apparently, you opened the dimensional door, right? Hurry up and open the door again. You know what happens when this world collapses, right?”

Lilia nodded with a contemplated face and hurriedly turned on the dimensional door device. Fortunately, the dimension coordinates for the farm were entered in advance, so the dimensional door could be opened quickly.

We scrambled to move over the dimensions again. The anxious Yakums were first allowed to pass through the dimensional door, followed by the rest.

As I was about to leave, I spoke to Bellion for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Master."

"It's okay. It was a little risky, and I just didn't want anything to happen to this world."

"Did you see the cute girl who was with the big cat? That's my daughter I told you about last time."

"Hmm, unlike you, she’s cute."

At the time, I heard a voice calling me from the side of the dimensional door.

"Brother Sihyeon. I can't keep the dimensional door open for long. We have to go!"

"Sihyeon, come."

I looked at Bellion with a sad expression.

"I wanted to talk to you a little more…….”

"It's okay. You've figured out how to get here anyway. You can come back later."

"Then I'll go, Master. I'll definitely come back later."


I ran to where everyone was, promising Bellion that I would come next time. Just before everyone was about to cross the dimension, Bellion's cry was heard.

"Thanks for the wine, my disciple!"

A large wooden barrel appeared blurrily next to Bellion waving his hand. It was a wooden barrel containing traditional liquor we received as a gift from the Dragon demons.

"Argh! No! My drink!!!"

Along with Kaneff's desperate scream, beyond the dimensional door, the scenery of Vision world completely disappeared.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

The warmth that could be felt even without fur clothes, the familiar and friendly grassy smell hovering around the tip of the nose.

Boooooo Wooooo Woooooo!

The welcome Yakum cry that greeted me.




The voices of Andras and Alfred along with the steps of the baby griffins that came running behind the two.

Looking at everything, a bright smile bloomed on my face.

Finally, I’m home.

(To be Continued on Jan 23 {MON})

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