How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 295

The farm members came out of the building to see us off.

"Have a nice vacation, Sihyeon!"

"Have fun, Speranza, Akum!"

"Tell your mother that the food was delicious."

" Don't forget the souvenirs!"


At their farewell, Speranza and Akum continued to look back and wave their hands and cry.

"Bye-bye! I'll be back!"

Pow wow wooo!

By the time the figure of the farm members became faint, I calmed the excited children.

"Now, let's stop saying goodbye and walk properly."


– Pow woo wooo

The two clung to my side with light steps.

"Papa, is Gyuri not coming with us this time?”

"Yes. She’s busy because she has a lot to prepare with other fairy friends for winter."

Gyuri, who was always with us on vacation, was excluded this time.

-I can't come with you this time, popi. I'm too busy with work.

Gyuri was so sad that it felt that she would tear up, and eventually decided not to come with us saying there was something really important.

"Gyuri will miss grandma too…….”

– Powwww…

Speranza and Akum expressed regret with gloomy expressions. I patted the disappointed children lightly and soothed them.

"Next time, we can all go together. Grandma must be waiting. Let's hurry up and go."


– Pow wo wooo

The rejuvenated children began to walk vigorously.

Looking at it happily, I accelerated my steps to the place where the dimensional gate wa…….


A sudden red flame flared up in front of us.

The frightened children immediately hid behind my legs. I also flinched for a moment, but soon realized the identity of the flame and relaxed.


A large familiar cat appeared at the place where the flames died out.

Speranza, who soon found out who it was, shouted happily.



Speranza, who was hiding behind my legs, ran quickly and hugged Cheese. Cheese, who was used to Speranza's hug, lowered his head slightly and accepted her hands.

I approached Cheese a step later than Speranza, lowered my posture, and asked.

"Cheese, what are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping. Did you come all the way here to see us off?”

Cheese stared at me while being held by Speranza.

"Are you going back to the other world where you live nyaaa?"

"Yes. I'm on vacation, so I won't be back on the farm for a while.”

At my answer, Cheese blinked as if he was thinking something, and suddenly said something unexpected.

"Then I'll also come with you, nyaa.”

"Hmm? You're… coming with us?"

"That little Yakum is coming. Can't I nyaaa?”


Cheese insisted, pointing to Akum.

While I hesitated to answer for a while, Speranza, who was hugging cheese, twinkled her eyes.

"Papa, can we take cheese with us? Pleaseeee…”


Speranza looked at me with eyes filled with anticipation, and I couldn't say no easily looking at those eyes.

I sighed a little and looked at Cheese again.

"Cheese, why do you want to come with us all of a sudden?”

"It seems more fun to go with you guys than to be on the farm nyaa.”

"That's it?"

"Do you need any other reason nyaa?”

It wasn't a special reason, and he seemed to be simply curious.

In the first place, it was for the same reason he left the Red Scales village and came to the farm, so there was nothing strange.

‘Can I take the cheese?’

Unlike Akum and Gyuri, Cheese was quite special. He was a slightly larger cat on the outside, but the reality was [Karshi], a guardian deity that the Dragon demons worshipped.

"Okay. But, if you want to come with us, you have to do as I say. Will that be okay? If you mess things up there, many people will be in trouble."

"I know that much nyaa. I won’t run wild, okay nyaa.”

Cheese looked up at me with an expression that said [This is enough, right?]

I replied resignedly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yes, let's go together."

"Yay! Cheese is coming with us!"

Pow woo wooooo!

Excited Speranza and Akum ran around, shaking their bodies. Cheese also wagged his tail with a satisfied look.

Instead of missing a little fairy on this vacation, a big cheese cat joined us.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩




As soon as the door opened, the children burst into the room and rushed to my mother, who was waiting in front of the front door.

"Oh, my cuties! Did you come early to see this grandma?"

"Un! I told Papa to go fast because I missed grandma. I did a good job, right?"

"Well done, well done, my sweety.”


My mother, who was hugging the children, looked around and asked me.

"Didn't Gyuri come with you?"

"Yes. She couldn't come with us this time because she said there is a lot of work to do there. She was very disappointed that she couldn't make it up this time."

"Is that so…”

My mother expressed her longing for Gyuri with a slight blur on her face.


And at that time, a new visitor appeared in front of the regretful mother.

"Oh, my! What is this kid?"

"Grandma, this is Cheese. He lives on the farm with us.”


"Didn’t you see in the group picture we took with everyone last time, mom? The big cat next to the little griffins.”

My mother, who belatedly noticed the identity of Cheese, clapped her hands and raised her voice.

"Oh, my! Is it that cat? I didn't know when I saw the picture, but he’s much bigger than I thought."

Then she approached Cheese and reached out carefully.

If it were ordinary Cheese, he would have avoided or refused the touch by a stranger, but the guy acted quickly, accepting my mother's touch calmly.


My mother smiled as if she liked Cheese.

"Unlike his looks, he's very gentle. Are Demon cats supposed to be this big?”


As the explanation would be complicated, I roughly glossed over the true identity of Cheese, thinking as long as he stays still, he’ll be no different from a big cat.

While my mother was catching up with the children, the front door slid open and a somber laugh came in.

"Hehehe, you've finally arrived."

"……Don't do anything weird and come in quickly if you're going to come in."


Yerin appeared, sticking out her tongue playfully.

She passed me like the wind and headed for the children.

"Speranza, you didn't forget about me, did you?"

Yerin approached with a nervous look on her face.

If Speranza really forgot Yerin, it would have been a spectacle to watch, but unfortunately, Speranza remembered her.

"Hello, Sister Yerin!"

Speranza smiled and greeted Yerin.

"Awww! You haven't forgotten me even though it's been a while. I’m so happy.”

Yerin hugged Speranza tightly with a really moved expression.

Pow wow woooo!

Akum, who was next to her, also approached Yerin and made a cry, maybe trying to say he also remembered her.

"Little Akum also remembered me. Come here, baby."


She hugged Speranza and Akum at the same time and made a happy face. I don't know about other things, but it seemed like she was really sincere when it came to children.

Cheese next to my mother approached me and asked.

"Who is she nyaa?"

"It's a neighbor who lives next door. She loves the children and comes visit sometimes like this."

While Cheese was looking at Yerin, she also noticed the existence of Cheese.

"Huh? Sihyeon? What’s that big cat?"

"He lives on the farm with us. His name is Cheese."

"Cheese? Hahaha! What a cute name.”

Yerin, who burst into laughter, approached Cheese with interest.

"Cheese~! I'm Yerin. Do you want to be friends with me?"


When Yerin reached out, Cheese avoided the touch with a very sharp movement. She did not give up and reached out again.

Whoosh… Whoosh!

Cheese avoided Yerin's touch once again, and at the same time, he swung his tail quickly and shook her hand like a whip.

"Oh, so cold.….”

Yerin looked at Cheese with resentful eyes because of the harsh attitude.

Meanwhile, Cheese went back to my mother with a haughty step, as if he did not care.

My mother stroked Cheese and burst into a small laugh.

"I guess Cheese is shy".

"SIHYEON! That cat is ignoring me, right?

"It's just he doesn't like strangers very much.”

While appeasing the brave Yerin, I was deeply impressed by Cheese's action.  He was quick to figure out who to respect and whom to ignore.

And, my mother who was patting Cheese, slowly looked around the children and asked kindly.

"Aren't you guys hungry? Shall grandma make you something delicious?”

"I'm not hungry yet, Grandma."

"Really? Then is there anything you want to do?"


Speranza hesitated to answer as if she could not think of anything in particular.

Naturally, everyone's eyes moved to me.

"Do you have anything in mind for today?"

"Well? Today is the first day of vacation, so I was going to roughly rest at home."

"Hey, what's that? That’s boring for the children."

"Is that so?"

At Yerin's scolding, I scratched my cheek awkwardly. As she said, I thought it would be a little boring for the children to spend the rest of the day at home.

My mother, who was watching this, spoke in a soft voice.

"Then why don't we go out for a walk in the nearby park? It's warm today, so I think it'll be good to take a walk."

As my mother said, it was less windy and sunny today, so it was very warm weather for winter.

"I want to go to park!"

Pow wo wooo!

Speranza and Akum were the first to respond positively. Cheese also nodded as if he wanted to see the outside world.

Yerin jumped up from her seat with a bright expression.

"Okay! Then it's decided. Let's all get ready to go out for a walk."

(To be Continued)

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