How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 321

Formally ask her out?

When I was looking blank with a slightly unfamiliar expression, Ryan smiled softly and added an explanation.

"In short, you can think of it as proposing."


I looked at Andras with a mixture of wonder, envy, and a little surprise.

He twitched his lips, as if he was so embarrassed and couldn't hide his happiness.

“But weren’t you two already dating? I thought you were dating, of course.”

"As Sihyeon said, Amy and I are in a relationship. But so far, our relationship has not been official."

"Is that because it's kept a secret?"

"Yes, that could be one way to interpret it. But really, it's the difference between being acknowledged by our families or not. I think Sihyeon understands the dynamics of our families well."

Schnarpe, Barbatos!

Both families held a great deal of power in the demon world.

"Hmm… So, you're currently in the stage of solidifying your feelings for each other, and Andras, your plan is to seek approval from both families?"

"Yes, that's right."

"It's not much different from dating in the human world, is it?"

Ryan stepped in once again to add to the explanation.

"The process may be similar, but the pressure you feel will be a little different. In this noble society, marriage is like a public relations exercise for the family."

"Wow, it's that serious?"

"It's especially intense for families with strict codes of conduct. That's why many young aristocrats keep their romantic relationships a secret. Or, well, it's often an open secret."

And Ryan patted Andras on the shoulder and laughed playfully.

Ryan gave Andras a playful pat on the shoulder and chuckled.

"I've got my ear to the ground in social circles, but it was tough to keep track of everyone's relationships. I was worried that Andras would end up as a lonely old bachelor since he wasn't interested in dating."

"Hmm, Koh-uh! Ryan, stop talking nonsense.”

Andras coughed and tried to shut Ryan up. But Ryan just kept giggling, finding the situation hilarious.

I laughed along, enjoying the sight of the embarrassed Andras.

In this warm atmosphere, there was one person who was not amused.

“Hey! Are you guys doing this on purpose in my room right now?"

Kaneff scowled as he rested his chin on his desk.

Noticing the bloody momentum belatedly, we took a step back from the desk.

"Boss, why not join in the celebration of good news?"

"Why should I celebrate good news for that punk? I'm still considering whether I should take back my leadership and drag him down to hell."


Andras took a deep breath and hid behind me, as if he thought that Kaneff might actually do it if given the chance.

Ryan, again, came forward to intervene as he saw the turmoil between Kaneff and Andras.

"Is there any guarantee that it will turn out well?" he asked with a significant look.




"What are you talking about?"

"What I mean is, just because you want something, doesn't necessarily mean you'll get it. Love is the same. Going from a secret love affair among aristocrats to a recognized relationship is not an easy feat."

Andras' face fell while Kaneff's eyes softened and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"Ha ha, that's true. We don't know what the future holds. He might even get kicked to the curb," Kaneff said, causing Andras to tremble in fear.

‘Boss, why don't you say something nice for once?’

Andras' body trembled at the terrible words that flowed from Kaneff's mouth.

I stepped in to calm the frightened demon, reminding him to stay confident.

"Andras, take it easy. You can't give up before you even start. Confidence is key,"

With my words of comfort, Andras' shaking lessened and he regained his composure.

"Have you thought about your plans for the future?"

"Yes. If she says yes, I intend to have our relationship recognized at the Barbatos Family event that will be held shortly, and…………."

Andras looked at me and Ryan alternatively.

"If everything goes according to plan, I'd like to ask both of you to be witnesses," he added.


This time too, Ryan added an explanation instead.

"It's a witness to an engagement or marriage. The witness guarantees on behalf of the man and woman that their love is true. Usually, it is common to ask a close acquaintance or a reputable person. When you have a child later, the person who served as a witness often becomes a godfather or godmother."

"Huh! Isn't that a very important role? I don't know about Ryan, but I wonder if I can take on such an important role…"

I was surprised and waved my hands because I wasn't sure if I was worthy of such a responsibility.

“It was in that sense that I spoke to the people here first. Nothing has been decided yet, so I hope you will think about it slowly.”

I nodded at Andras' serious request.

What matters now was not whether I'm being a witness or not, but getting a YES from Lady Barbatos.

"How do you plan on proposing to her?" I asked, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"I would like to seek your assistance with that, Sihyeon," he replied.

"Me? Why me?" I was taken aback by his request.

"As you know, demons have a great interest in the world where you reside. Amy is no exception and we often discussed it. I shared with her what I learned from you and my own experiences after visiting your world. Sadly, she was disappointed that she couldn't experience it in person," Andras explained.

"Wow," I said, realizing the gravity of the situation.

With a better understanding of the situation, I had a rough idea of what Andras was going to ask next.

"If possible, I would like to give Amy the chance to tour your world, even if it's just for a short while. It would mean a lot to her," he said with a genuine smile.

"And use this opportunity to propose?" I asked.

"No, not at all," he said, his face reddening with embarrassment. "I simply feel bad for Amy and want to make her happy. It's not about proposing."

Andras, who was normally composed and rational, was now acting bashful and fumbling for words.

I was tempted to tease him, but I was also envious of the happiness he was feeling.

"But I can only take one person with me," I pointed out.

"You don't have to worry about that. I am scheduled to visit on behalf of the Schnarpe family in the name of technical support. So, Sihyeon, you just need to take Amy."

"Oh, I had no idea. You've been working hard to arrange this," I said in surprise.

"Kuk-kuk, Sihyeon was unaware. I've been in and out of the castle multiple times a day for the past few weeks to coordinate this technical support visit," Andras said with a grin.

It was clear that Andras was putting his heart and soul into this confession.

I looked at Andras with pure admiration.

"Sihyeon, I have one more thing I need to ask you,"

"Sure, go ahead. I'll do my best to assist you,"

"I heard from Lilia that there is a culture called ‘Dating Course' in that world…"

A dating course(route).

To put it simply, it’s an expression that refers to the schedule of a date set in advance.

"It's not easy for me to plan a date because I am not familiar with the customs on the Earth side. Can you recommend a dating course for me?"

"Uh… Um…"

If it was a simple date, I would have recommended it without much thought, but now it’s different from general dating.

At the end of this date, there was a very important event, which was Andras' confession of love, which had to be scheduled. Actually having to schedule for that last event… It was a bit burdensome.

What if I came forward to help and in turn end up ruining it?

I was so worried that I couldn't answer. Andras asked again with a nervous look on his face.

"Is it hard to help?"

"No, not that it's difficult. I'm worried about whether I can do well… …and it's a very important event to you."

“It’s okay if you don’t think too hard. I don't need the best results, I just want to hear Shihyeon's suggestion.”

That's even more burdensome.

Andras' eyes conveyed a strong trust in me. It's always a pleasure to be trusted by someone, but it also made me feel more responsible.

There's nothing I can do.

He looked at me with desperate eyes. I just didn’t have the will to refuse. I nodded my head with a slightly awkward smile.

"Okay. I don't know if I can do it well. I'll try to prepare the best date course for that day."

"Haha! Thank you so much, Sihyeon!"

Andras couldn't control his joy and hugged me. It conveyed to me how happy he was to express his emotions that I had never seen before.

“Ouch, ooh! Andras! I'm suffocating."

"Oh! I'm sorry."

I escaped from the arms of the giant demon and caught my breath.

“Whew. First of all, please let me know the detailed schedule. How much free time do you have on the specified day?"


"And if possible, please find out about Amy's taste. Like the places she wants to go, the food she wants to eat, and the things she is interested in."

Andras took out his notebook and pen and wrote down what I said.

"If you need any help, please feel free to let me know."

"Of course, I will definitely need your help, along with Ryan's, since both of you have spent more time on Earth than I have,”

"Haha! That's true."

Ryan burst out laughing as if he was enjoying the situation itself.

Once I accepted Andras' proposal, I strengthened my will to do my best.

‘Don't worry, Andras. I got this, I will be your cupid of love.’

(To be Continued)

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