How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 345

-Pat pat.

I delicately caressed the head of the Shadow Clan baby with my hand, and as I did so, a mysterious energy flowed from my hand and spread throughout the baby's body.


The baby chuckled and cooed with delight as the warm energy embraced her, and a bright smile appeared on the faces of the two parents who were watching.

I patted the baby in my arms and left her with a final word of blessing.

"Yes, grow up healthy from now on."

"Awuu. Awu!"

Although I wanted to keep holding onto the baby as she smiled so sweetly, I resisted the temptation and handed her over to the parents.

"Oh, is it over?"


"Thank you very much for the blessing."

"Thank you so much, Fairy King!"

"No, I'm not the Fairy King."

I immediately denied the title of "Fairy King," but the child's parents repeatedly bowed their heads and thanked me.

Feeling a little burdened by their heartfelt appreciation, I gave a bitter smile and nodded my head.

The couple stood up, but remained respectful, and took the baby out.

"A-ba-ba. Ba-bi!"


The baby peeked over her father's shoulder and waved goodbye to me, and I returned her cute gesture with a smile.

Once the parents and baby had gone, and I was alone in the room, I stretched slightly.


Dealing with adorable babies was not a bad thing, but it was not an easy task to do constantly.

Furthermore, as I continued to bless them, I felt my energy being drained without even realizing it.

My brief moment of peaceful solitude was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"It's Bardan. May I come in?"

"Yes, come in."

Bardan entered the room and immediately showed me a great deal of respect, beyond what he had displayed as a mere host to a guest.

"May I sit and talk with you?"

"Of course, please take a seat."

"Thank you."

Despite being the owner, Bardan acted as if the roles were reversed and approached me with caution, kneeling down and standing up straight.

It was a posture not typical of someone in his position.


"How about sitting more comfortably?"

"That's alright, I feel comfortable like this."

‘Ugh! That’s definitely uncomfortable!’ I thought to myself, but refrained from saying anything so as not to offend Bardan and make him change his stance.

"How are you feeling? Did you tire yourself out from dealing with so many children?"

"I'm alright. Are there any more children in the village who need to receive the Fairy Queen's blessings?"

"No, they were the last."

I had been giving the Fairy Queen's blessings to the village children, and since the village was small, I was able to meet all of them faster than I had anticipated.

"Thank you so much for your hard work."

"It was nothing, really. I simply sat and patted the kids a few times."

"That's not true. Being blessed by the Fairy Queen is very special to the Shadow Clan. The children who received your blessing today will remember your kindness for the rest of their lives."

I was taken aback by Bardan's sincere words and didn't know how to respond.

I felt a burden from his excessive reaction, but at the same time, I felt proud when I thought back on the smiles of the children.

The door, which had been shut, cracked open and a face peeked out.

“Sihyeon, are you finished with your work? Can we come in?"

It was Lia, a red-haired dragon demon.

"Yes, I'm done. You can come in."


She entered the room playfully, followed by Andras, Locus, and Kroc.

The once-empty and cold room quickly became lively.

"It's incredible. I heard that all the children were blessed thanks to Sihyeon, and the entire village is in high spirits now."

"I don't think I did anything that great…"

When I waved my hand with an embarrassed expression, Andras quickly spoke up with a serious expression.

"No way! It's the ‘Blessing of the Fairy Queen.' According to records, those who receive the blessing are filled with good luck in their lives and live to a ripe old age without any illness or suffering."


I let out a bitter laugh and looked down at my hands.

To think that I could bestow such an amazing blessing just by touching them, it's hard to believe.

"By the way, what happened in the fairy world? How did Lord get the power of the fairy queen?"

All eyes were fixated on me as Locus asked the question with curiosity.

Although I could feel the intense curiosity in everyone's gaze, I couldn't give them a satisfying answer.

It's not that I'm hiding anything.

I genuinely don't know anything.

When I realized that I had acquired a mysterious power, I tried to return to the fairy world with Gyuri.

However, for some reason, the entrance to the fairy world near the tree roots wasn't working.

Even if I waited a little longer at the entrance, it was already late afternoon, and darkness was beginning to set in.

Since we couldn't stay overnight in the dangerous forest, I had to leave my regret behind and hurry back to the village with the rest of the party.

Gyuri, who had been with me all along, also shook her head and said,

"Uh… I don't know either, Popi!"

She shrugged her shoulders and said she couldn't remember anything.

Gyuri, who had been anxious the whole time, fell asleep in my pocket due to exhaustion.

Instead of telling them how I acquired this ability, I explained what had happened in the fairy world to the party members.

Andras, who heard the story, was lost in thought with a serious look.

"There was a Rift in the Fairy World…"

"Does that mean you failed to create a new fairy world?"

"I don't know either, Lia. Something seems to have happened, but I couldn't confirm it now that the entrance is blocked."

Did we fail to create a fairy world…

Have all the fairies disappeared? Was Gyuri the only one who managed to escape such a terrible fate?

Even though I was caught up in various things, the purpose of this trip was to bring back the strawberry field fairies.

If something terrible really happened, I would feel awful.

"What are you going to do now, Sihyeon?"


I paused for a moment to collect my thoughts.

I couldn't be sure of anything yet.

I wanted to confirm what happened if possible.



"If it's not too much trouble, could you take us back to the entrance of the fairy world tomorrow?"

Without any hesitation, Bardan nodded his head in response to my request.

"Of course. I'll prepare the scouts tomorrow as well."

Full of enthusiasm, he immediately rose from his seat and left the room. Of course, he didn't forget to politely greet me.

I asked the rest of the group in the room to help me a little more. They, too, readily nodded and promised to do their best to the end.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Another night passed in the village of the Shadow Clan.

My group and I were led by the scouts and headed back to the entrance of the Fairy World.

As we approached the large tree with an entrance, the giant beast that we had become familiar with appeared in front of us.

– Kreung! You're here again,

The giant beast welcomed me without any sense of caution.

The rest of the party members and scout team still had to keep a certain distance.

"You're still here?"

– I was waiting because I thought you'd come back again.


– You saved my children. That's how much I owe you. For the time being, I plan to stay nearby and keep other beasts from bothering you.

"Oh? I'm grateful for you doing that."

The giant beast seemed pleased with my reaction and nodded its head contentedly.

After a brief conversation with the giant demon beast, Gyuri and I headed toward the root where the entrance was, just as we did yesterday.

With nervous hearts, we entered the cave and passed through the passage.

"Oh! Sihyeon, Sihyeon, Popi, Popi!"

Gyuri, who was sitting on my shoulder, slapped my neck and shouted.

"I think the entrance is open again, Popi!"


I looked at the front of the passage with a delighted expression.

As Gyuri said, I felt a mysterious energy, unlike yesterday.

Huh? But it's a little different from the feeling of the fairy world that I visited yesterday. Moreover, this feeling…somehow feels familiar somewhere?

I blinked for a moment at the strange feeling I felt at the end of the passage.

"What are you doing, Popi?"


Urged by Gyuri, I pushed myself to step forward again.

Like last time, my vision became dark along with a hazy feeling.

After a while, I slowly regained consciousness with noise coming from far away.

Then, I mumbled blankly as I looked at the landscape in front of me.

"This is…"

The place where I regained consciousness was not the fairy world, with a pink sky, big trees, and flowers. It was a landscape I was far too familiar with.

"Oh, my! You're finally here, my disciple."

As soon as I heard his unique husky voice, I easily recognized that person's existence.


"Welcome. Welcome."


Bellion greeted me with such a warm welcome that I wondered, ‘Has he ever been this happy to see me before?'

He grabbed me with a shocked expression and said urgently.

"My disciple, you have to do something about those wicked creatures."

"What are you talking about all of a sudden, Master?"

"I can't live here because of their bullying."

"What? Who on earth is bothering Master, who is called the Hero of the Dimensional War?"

In the midst of this strange situation that kept happening, I couldn't keep my composure.

"Ah! There he is, Bipo!"

"The scary uncle is over there. Bapi!"

"Where did you go, instead of playing with us? Byopi."

The so-called little mischievous beings appeared in front of me one after another.

Among them were the ones who used to play with my daughter in the strawberry field.

My mind, which was full of anxiety, became clear.

A sense of relief and joy filled the void.

At the same time, one question strongly came to my mind.

Why are the fairies here? Why are they in the Vision world?

(To be Continued)

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