How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 357

"I want to go too!"

I was startled by the sudden statement and action, and looked down.

"What? Do you want to follow Papa? Do you even know where Papa is going right now?"

"Yes, I know. You're going to meet the fairies in the Vision world, aren't you?"

Speranza accurately answered, even using the term ‘Vision World,' as if she had been waiting for the moment I would go to meet the fairies.

However, I still couldn't take Speranza to the Vision World.

“No, you can't."


"Speranza, don't you remember the last time you went to the Vision world with me and collapsed? What if something dangerous like that happens again?"

Once before, all the farm members went to the Vision world together. However, while we were there, Speranza, who had been perfectly fine, suddenly fainted in the Vision world.

When I think of that time……. Ugh! I could still feel my heart beating loudly. Not only me, but even other farm members were also greatly shocked.

After that scary incident, I made a firm decision not to take Speranza to Vision World again.

Even though we weren't sure what had caused her to faint, Speranza's safety was my top priority, and I wasn't going to risk it.

"I can't do that because I'm worried something dangerous might happen to Speranza again. No father in the world would take his beautiful and precious daughter to a risky place like that."

I tried to put on a more serious expression than usual. But then Speranza started to look around and spoke up as if she had thought of something.

“That, back then… That’s right! I suddenly got hungry and passed out. I ate a lot today, so I'll be fine."

This cunning little girl tried to dodge the issue with a plausible excuse.

However, there was one thing Speranza didn't know well.

On the day she collapsed, the farm members went above and beyond to find the cause of Speranza's collapse, checking even the smallest and most trivial things.

What clothes and shoes she wore when she woke up in the morning, whether she overexerted herself or not, etc.

To ensure Speranza's safety, they checked every small detail.

Of course, they were already aware of how much and what kind of food she ate that day.

"Ahem! Are you lying to Papa? You not only ate your meals properly that day but also stuffed yourself with cake."


When her hastily thought-out excuse didn't work on me, Speranza's expression darkened, and her fox ears drooped.


"I'll finish my work quickly and come back to play with you then. So just wait here…"

"Guys, help me!"


Who is she asking for help from…?



As soon as Speranza asked for help, the sound of small footsteps approached. The owners of those footsteps rushed straight toward me.

-Pow wo woooo!

-Biip! Biip!


"Aaah! You, you guys!"

Akum, Grify, and Finny.

In an instant, I was knocked down by the three beasts.

"You guys also want to play with the fairies, right?"

-Pow woo woooo!



The animals seemed to support Speranza's words with their cries.

“I want to introduce Speranza to my fairy friends too, Popi!”

Out of nowhere, Gyuri popped up, buzzin' around me, doing her best to get Speranza into the Vision world.

"Ugh… I told you it's not happening."

-Pow woo woooo!



When I wasn't giving in, they all went full-on "attack mode."

Akum, who was now pretty huge, got all up to my face, giving me licks and nudges.

Grify and Finny grabbed at my clothes here and there with their sharp beaks. The strength of the beak was so strong that it felt as if the whole clothes would come off.

Trying to get one off at a time, the other two would rush back and play tricks on me.

When I first met them, they were all small enough to fit in my arms, but when did they grow so much?… My heart swelled for a moment.

Feeling like I seriously couldn't handle it anymore, I yelled out in desperation.

“Oops, oops! Stop!"

At that moment, I heard someone's voice from behind me.


"What are you doing?"

"Huh? Lia, Ashmir!"

Lia and Ashmir.

Both of them had just finished hanging up the laundry. They were each carrying an empty laundry basket as they walked over.

"Are you playing with the kids?"

"You're playing so intensely."

"Ugh! I'm not playing right now."

Lia looked surprised and widened her eyes.

"Oh, you weren't playing?"

"I thought you were having fun too."

"Come on, guys, stop watching and help me get these little ones off me."

Upon my request, Lia and Ashmir each took care of one and moved them away from me.

Thanks to the two of them, I could finally stand up and catch my breath.

Lia helped me up and asked, "Sihyeon, what happened all of a sudden?"

"Well, I was going to go to the Vision world for a moment to deal with a fairy’s problem, Speranza and these guys insisted on coming with me."

"The Vision world? But Speranza is…"

Lia looked at Speranza and trailed off. She seemed to have the same worries as me.

Meanwhile, Ashmir looked confused and asked, "Is there a reason Speranza can't go to the Vision world?"

"Ah! Ashmir, you must not know since you weren't there at the time."

I briefly explained what happened when Speranza fainted in the Vision world.

"We haven't taken her there since then. But today, she threw a fit because she wanted to see the fairies there…"

"Hmm. So that’s what happened."

Ashmir looked back and forth between me and Speranza, lost in deep thought. I thought her reaction was a bit strange, but I was too busy with other things to pay much attention to.

"Speranza, Sihyeon is worried about you because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you again. So you can't throw a tantrum like this."


"And you guys, why are you playing such rough games? Look at Sihyeon’s dirty clothes. Oh my gosh, there's even a hole in them!"

– Pow woo…

"Sorry, Popi!"

Lia scolded Speranza and the little ones one by one.

Since she was always attentive to the children on the farm, they all obediently listened to her.

– Biip?

– Biip. Biip.

Only the clueless baby griffins continued to make noise.

As Lia finished scolding the kids and the atmosphere started to calm down, something unexpected happened.


Suddenly, with a bright flash, a large cat named Cheese appeared.

And then.

– Kyu Kyuuuu!

The divine beast Shushu also showed up, riding on Cheese's back.

"Cheese, Shushu? What are you two doing here?"

I was confused by their sudden appearance. It was the first time they had come out together like this.

– Kyukyuu Kyuuuu.

"I heard you're going to Vision world, nyaa."

"How did you hear that?"

"Heh, what do you take me for, nyaa? I know everything happening around here, nyaa,"

After showing off for a moment, Cheese continued the conversation.

"Are you planning on leaving Speranza behind, nyaa?"

"You heard me earlier, it's not that simple to just let Speranza go because they want to play with the fairies," I replied.

"In my opinion, it's better to take Speranza, nyaa."


I was surprised at Cheese's suggestion, and even Lia and Ashmir were listening carefully.

"I don't think the thing you're worried about will happen, nyaa. So just let Speranza do what she wants, nyaa."

"What do you mean…"

I looked at Cheese with bewildered eyes. Cheese's eyes weren't their usual lazy ones; they were very serious and deep.

"How can you be so sure? Do you know something?"

"Do you remember when I left the snowy mountain and came here, nyaa?"

"I remember."

It was when we went to help Lia's hometown.

Cheese and I first met on a snowy mountain not too long ago, and we quickly became friends. Cheese eventually followed me to the farm.

It wasn't that long ago, so I still vividly remembered what happened then.

"You opened the door to Vision world to bring those furry guys to the farm, and at that time, I also went to Vision world, nyaa."

Ah, that's right.

We used Vision world to bring the Yakum group to the farm all at once.

As I recalled that memory, I suddenly remembered that Cheese and Speranza had acted strangely in Vision world.

"Was the strange behavior you showed back then because you found something out?"

"I don't know everything, nyaa. But I did notice that there's a deep connection between Speranza and the Vision World, nyaa."

“But why do I have to take Speranza there?”

"You may not know this, but a mysterious power is growing within that child, nyaa. The collapse back then was due to her clumsy way of handling that power, nyaa."

"Mysterious power?"

"Yes, nyaa. If left unchecked, that power might be bad news for Speranza, nyaa."

Cheese's words were kinda hard to swallow.

However, deep down, I felt there was some truth to it. I also didn't feel that Cheese was lying.

Feeling slightly overwhelmed, I glanced at Speranza.

The cute fox girl still only had her heart set on playing with the fairies and didn't seem to have any interest in Cheese's complicated story.

From my perspective, that actually made me feel more at ease.

I turned my gaze back to Cheese, stared blankly at him for a moment, and then opened my mouth as if I was hypnotized.


"Sihyeon, you have to trust me, nyaa."

"No, it's not that."


"Did you… put on weight?"

“What kinda question is that, nyaa?!”

It was an ill-fitting topic for the serious atmosphere, but I couldn't let it slide.

"No way, nyaa. I'm still the same, nyaa!"

"What do you mean the same? You've packed on the pounds like a kid left with their grandparents over winter break."

I reached out and felt Cheese's neck and back. Even with just a light touch, I could feel the chubbiness.

When Cheese first showed up at the farm, they were all slim, but now they were way fluffier, and that sleek look was totally gone.


His current appearance was even cuter, though…

"Rolling around indoors all winter and eating snacks."


Cheese lowered his head with a defeated expression.

(To be Continued)

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