How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 393

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Andras and I took Speranza around the Elden village here and there.

Looking at the newly built buildings and shops, time flew by quickly.

It was past lunchtime.

Andras, checking the time, subtly hinted at our departure.

“Should we start heading back? Wandering around has made me hungry."

It seemed that the preparations for the birthday party at the farm were probably done. I quickly understood his subtle hint and nodded.

"Should we? Speranza, let's go back now."


Speranza frowned at the suggestion to go back.

She seemed disappointed that our rare outing was ending so soon. To comfort her, I lifted Speranza up into a big hug.

"It's okay! We can come back later. Let's go have lunch now. Everyone is waiting for us at the farm."

"Un. Okay."

"Oh, my daughter is so good!"


As I rubbed my face on Speranza's soft cheek, laughter erupted.

With Speranza's mood restored, we started heading back to the farm.

As we slowly walked, sharing stories of our tour around Elden village, the familiar fence of the farm came into view.

"Huh? It's Sister Lia."

Speranza first noticed Lia, who had been hanging around in front of the building, and called out. Then Lia also spotted us and waved her hand enthusiastically.

"Welcome back!"

"Have you been waiting here long?"

"No, I just got out. I thought you'd be back around now. Speranza, did you have fun on your outing with Dad?"

"Un, it was fun."

"Really? Maybe next time you can go out with me?"

"I'd like that. Heheh!"

Lia and Speranza exchanged grins.

"Ahm, has the meal preparation finished?"

Andras asked with a fake cough. At that moment, quick glances were exchanged between the three of us, leaving Speranza out.

"Yes, today Namira prepared it herself."

Lia secretly made an OK sign with her fingers, indicating that the party preparation had gone well.

"Then let's go in before others have to wait any longer. Let's go, Speranza."

Lia walked ahead as if guiding us, and we followed her.

Naturally, we should have headed towards the dining area for a meal, but she led us in a different direction.

Speranza, finding it strange, tugged at Lia's clothes.

"Sister Lia, isn't the dining room this way?"

"Mr. Kaneff want to gather everyone together. They're all waiting here."

Lia gave a plausible excuse. Speranza mumbled ‘I see.' without any suspicion.

We passed through the corridor and arrived in front of the designated door.

Imagining the farm members waiting in silence beyond this door made me feel somewhat nervous.

Lia moved aside near the door and spoke to Speranza.

"Speranza, could you go in and call everyone?"

"Okay, got it."

At her request, the innocent fox girl nodded and headed towards the door.

The doorknob turned under her small hand, and the door slowly opened.

The room was so dark that one could not see even an inch ahead.


Speranza tilted her head at the unusual scene. Nevertheless, without panicking, she began to grope the wall to find the light switch.

Speranza quickly found the switch, and she reached out her hand, her tail wagging in anticipation.



The light turned on, and the room was instantly illuminated.

Bang! Pop!


The sound of firecrackers and toy whistles exploded in the room. Startled, Speranza quickly stood her tail straight up and looked around in surprise.

"Happy birthday, Speranza!"

"Happy Birthday!"

The farm members, who had been waiting, congratulated her in unison. Speranza, who still didn't understand the situation, looked confused.

I lowered my posture to meet Speranza's eyes and said, "Speranza, happy birthday."


"Yes. Today is your birthday, Speranza."


Speranza continued to mumble the word ‘birthday' with a blank expression.

I hugged Speranza tightly and took her to the place prepared for the guest of honor.

Inside the room filled with colorful balloons and sparkling decorations that set the party mood, a seat for the guest of honor was prepared.

As soon as I sat Speranza down, Namira brought out a large cake as if she had been waiting.

On the cake was written Speranza's name and a birthday message.

"Now! A birthday hat for our guest of honor!"

Lilia brought over a conical hat that said ‘Happy Birthday' and put it on Speranza's head. Even until then, Speranza only moved her eyes back and forth with a blank expression.

With a slightly worried heart, I asked, "Speranza, were you too surprised?"

Fortunately, Speranza shook her head in assurance.

"Is it really my birthday?"

"Yes. Aunt Namira told us. Today is the day you were born, Speranza."


Speranza looked blankly at the people around her. On the other hand, the people in the room were looking at Speranza with anxious expressions.

After a while, tears began to well up in Speranza's eyes as she silently watched the farm family.

When her large eyes quickly filled with tears, the people watching froze in an instant.

"Speranza, are you okay?"

"Did you get too scared?"

"Did Brother Elaine make the whistle sound too loud?"

"Did I, did I do something?"

"Both of you, be quiet! We can't hear what Speranza is saying."

While the people were in confusion, I wiped Speranza's tears with a handkerchief and spoke to her.

"Why sweetheart? Do you not like having a birthday party? Should I tell everyone to leave?"

Speranza shook her head again. Then, she mumbled in a voice that was barely audible.

"I like it too much……"

"You like it too much?"

Speranza nodded. Upon her response, everyone who had been holding their breath in anticipation showed relief. Speranza seemed to be embarrassed and buried her face in my chest, snuggling closer.

I laughed and gently stroked her small back until she calmed down.

"We have to light the candles before eating the cake."

Lilia quickly stepped forward, inserted candles into the cake, and lit them. Then she turned off the room lights again, and everyone began to sing the song they had prepared.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ~!"

"To our beloved Speranza~!"

"Happy birthday to you!"

After the hastily rehearsed birthday song ended, I spoke to Speranza, who was still snuggling in my arms.

"Speranza, make a wish in your heart and blow out the candles on the cake. Then, that wish will come true."

At the word ‘wish', her still tear-filled eyes sparkled.

Speranza, who pondered her wish for a moment, took a deep breath and blew out the candles.

Fortunately, all the candles were extinguished at once, and cheers and applause erupted from those who had been watching.

At last, a bright smile spread across Speranza's face.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

"Alright, everyone, eat up before it gets cold."

"If you need more, just let us know. We've prepared plenty, so we can bring more right away."

Namira and Lia took turns serving the prepared dishes.

As the table filled with appetizing foods, the atmosphere naturally became lively.

Among them, the happiest person was undoubtedly Speranza.

As the star of the day, the table was filled with foods that Speranza loved.

With so many favorite foods, Speranza's eyes were constantly moving about restlessly.

I portioned out small amounts of the foods she would like onto her plate, making sure she didn't eat too quickly.

Though a lot of Speranza's favorite foods were prepared, due to Namira's outstanding cooking skills, everyone happily cleared their plates regardless of their preferences.

Once the meal was mostly finished and the atmosphere had warmed up.

Lilia abruptly stood from her seat and spoke loudly.

"Now I want to give Speranza her present. Is that okay, Brother Sihyeon?"

"Everyone seems to be mostly done eating. That should be fine."

"Hehe. Then I'll go first!"

Lilia darted off somewhere with a mischievous grin. She returned, carrying a gift box from a corner of the room, and approached Speranza.

"Happy birthday, Speraz! This is a present that Lia and I prepared."

"Thank you, Sister Lilia."

"Open it now."

With my help, Speranza began to open the gift box.

Lilia bounced impatiently, eager to see the reaction, while Lia watched Speranza with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Speranza carefully opened the box.

She leaned over to examine the contents of the box, then pulled something out.

"What is this…?"

Inside the gift box was a doll.

But it was not an ordinary doll.

"Boss Uncle? It's a Boss doll!"


What Speranza held in her hand was a doll that looked like Kaneff.

Not just a resemblance.

The face, hair, clothes, and even the smallest details were accurately depicted.

It was truly as if the real person had been shrunk into a doll.

All the farm members except Kaneff gathered around the doll.

"Oh? It's just like Mr. Kaneff?"

"Really well made."

"There are dolls of other people in the box too."

"Don't tell me you made dolls of all the farm members?"

At the outpouring of admiration, Lilia's shoulders raised triumphantly.

"Ahem! I made the dolls, and Lia helped with parts like the clothes and hair."

"I just helped a bit on the side. Lilia really did a lot of the work."

"And this doll is not just a resemblance. If you move the arms and legs like this…."

Lilia adjusted the doll's arms and legs slightly.

With her adjustments, the doll freely assumed various poses. Its lifelike movements were astonishing.

It was similar to the figures commonly seen in Earth.

It even seemed to be on par with the high-priced items among those figures.

Speranza seemed to like the dolls very much, as her smile never left her face.

"We poured all of Schnarpe's technology into making this doll. Speraz, what do you think? Do you like it?"

"Un! I really like it. Thank you, Sister Lia, Sister Lilia."

Speranza hugged the dolls with both arms, a happy smile on her face. Seeing this, both Lia and Lilia looked very satisfied.

CH 388-397 (Happy Birthday my dear daughter) $2CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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