How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 90

I regained consciousness with a feeling of dizziness. 

It was similar to the last time I entered the consciousness of Yerin's summon, Camie. 

But there was also a difference from then. 

If Camie's consciousness felt dark and still like the deep sea, Lia's consciousness was as red and unstable as a volcano that seemed to erupt soon. 

Since it was something I've already experienced once, I did not panic and went out to find Lia's soul in consciousness. 

The redness swirled like a torrent. 

I headed to the deepest part of the consciousness through the dizzy and rough flow. 

The most dangerous-looking vortex was found in the center where the torrent began. 

And there I meet the soul of Sis, Lia's another part, to be exact. 

She looked at me in confusion. 

– How….How did you get here? 

“I don't have time to explain, Sis. Where is the other Lia?” 

Her gaze turned to the center of the vortex. 

I was able to grasp the situation quickly. 

“She’s in that vortex, isn’t she?”


“And there's no way you can stop that vortex, right?” 

Sis neither denied nor affirmed my question. 

“It seemed to have happened against her will. All I have to do is stop the vortex…right.?” 

– It's impossible. The power of chaos will continue to grow. You have no choice but to suppress it by inflicting tremendous pain like the power of  the Leader. 

“Is that really the only way?” 

-No other way. I have to suffer the torture with his chain? 

……Wait? Chain? Chaos? 

Something suddenly popped in my head. 

The red chain that I saw every time I came into consciousness of Summons. 

There was no red chain here now. 

The red chain has always suppressed and sealed the power of the soul, and with that power, can't I repress that red vortex? 

As I thought about the red chain of that time, I felt a certain power rising inside me. 

Strangely enough, it was a power that was similar to the red whirlpool. 

There was no time for hesitation. 

Instead of thinking about it more, I decided to take action without haste. 

“Sis! Please help me.” 

-How can I help you? 

“Let me get as close as I can to that red vortex.” 

At my request, she asked back with a mocking face. 

-I can't guarantee your safety if you get caught in that chaos by mistake. Aren't you scared? 

“Of course it's scary! But I want to help. I don't want the picnic to end like this.” 

-What do you believe that I will do as you ask me to do? Don't you think I might betray you? 

I answered confidently. 

“You won't. You can't do that. Even though you look different, I can feel Lia’s presence in you. So I can trust you.” 

She burst out into laughter when she heard my answer. 

-Hahahahaha! You're such a hopeless dimwit. I can see why the leader cares about you. 

I wanted to refute something about Kaneff's caring for me, but she continued before I could open my mouth. 

-All right, follow me. I'll get you as close as possible to the vortex. 

“Thank you so much!” 

Sis led me to the center of the vortex. 


It was hard to get closer to the blistering red energy. 

It was just like facing a typhoon head-on. 

Sis, who is ahead of me, raised both arms as if protecting me. 

I was able to stay sane a little bit thanks to her. 

When we were almost at the center, Sis shouted. 

-I can't get any closer! 

“I’ll make it quick. So please hang in there for a while!” 


I pulled out the unknown power that's rising inside me. 

[Equipping the Chain of chaos] 


A red chain came out of my arm. 

There was no time to wonder about this situation. 

I Immediately sent out the red chain towards the center of the vortex. 

However, the vortex refused the approach of the chain by emitting strong energy as if it was a living creature. 

The control of the chain was harder than I thought. 

As a result, the chain could not be easily sent to the center. 

-What are you doing? It's getting harder! 

“ Just a little bit… Please hang in there a little bit more!” 

– Ugh! 

While thinking about what to do, I suddenly remembered Kaneff fighting with his chain. 

Recalling the feeling, I focused on the chain once again. 


Little by little the red chain began to follow my will. 

The chain, which was limp in the vortex, regained its strength and approached the center. 


The whirlpool gave off more vigor, but the red chain did not stop and began to wrap around the center. 

One circle… two circles… 

Red chain entangled itself around the center of the vortex. 


With the sharp sound of metal tearing, the power of the vortex gradually weakened. 



The center of the vortex exploded along with the red chain. 

The aftermath of the explosion filled the surrounding area and the ominous energy disappeared in an instant. 

“It's a success, isn't it?” 

-Yeah, It’s a success. You’re more witted than I thought. 

“ It's all thanks to you.” 

A human figure appeared where the vortex had completely disappeared.

It was Lia's soul. 

I naturally connected my consciousness to her soul. 

And pulled her in my direction like I did while Summoning.

At that moment Sis, who was next to me, began to be dragged somewhere. 


I reached out my hand in a hurry and snatched her hand. 

Sis said, while hanging in the air. 

-What are you doing? 


“Didn't you come here to bring out the other me? We may share the same body, but we can't be together.” 

I soon understood what she said. 

However, I couldn't easily let go of the bitter feelings. 

I hesitated, while she smiled helplessly. 

-It's been a while since I ran around, so I'm tired. I want to rest now, so let me go quickly. 

“Wai, wait a minute!…? Thank you for your help. And… we'll meet again, right?” 

She opened her eyes wide and looked surprised at my question. 

Then she asked back with a playful look. 

-Next time I see you, I'll ask you to have a ranking battle with me. Is that okay? 

“Of course. I've been practicing swordsmanship. I'm looking forward to it.” 

The strength of Sis's hand gradually loosened. 

She smiled and shook my hand. 

As soon as I let go of her hand, she was quickly dragged to the other side of the darkness. 


– …!! 

Sis's mouth twitched looking at me right before she was swallowed by the darkness. 

She completely disappeared in the dark. 

That was the last thing I saw. 

After that I became unconscious. 

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

When I opened my eyes, I was back in the middle of the meadow. 

I could see Lia still unconscious in front of me. 

The ferocity of the fighting with Kaneff had disappeared, and she had returned to her usual calm appearance. 

The chains that held Lia slowly loosened. 

I held her in my arms so that she wouldn't fall. 

And I took off my jacket and covered her exposed shoulders. 

Kaneff approached me. 

He looked at me and Lia in silence. 

After a period of silence, he uttered a word. 

"Do you want me to tell you?" 

"No, it’s alright. I'll hear from Lia one day. That's the right thing to do. By the way, if I hadn't stopped you, were you really going to keep attacking?" 

Kaneff nodded his head. 

"I promised her brother that I'll try to keep her from being swallowed up by chaos. Even if she resents me for that…" 

I couldn't answer back. 

This is because I felt a sense of responsibility and determination that was too heavy. 

“Thank you for your help.” 

“No, thank you. I didn't want to see the picnic ruined any more."

Kaneff looked at me with a look of dismay at my half-joking, half-serious remarks. 

"Are you still talking about the picnic?" 

"Still? I've prepared this so hard for everyone." 

“Alright, alright. It was the most fun outing of my life. Are you satisfied now?" 

"I'm happy to know that." 

I and Kaneff exchanged silly conversations, and a smile bloomed on our faces at the same time. 

“Papa! Papa!" 

"Are you alright Sihyeon?" 

Speranza and Andras were seen coming, running from afar. 

I smiled and waved my hand hard. 

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

Boow wooo wooo! 

The cry of Bighorn preparing to go back came from afar. 

Hearing the sound Lia slowly opened her eyes.

“Good morning. Lia?" 

“Um… uhm?” 

Lia muttered cutely and blinked. 

Her eyes grew bigger and bigger when he realized something was wrong. 

Lia started rolling her half-sleepy eyes here and there. 

"Oh, Sihyeon?" 

"What are you so surprised about?" 

"How can I… Why am I lying in Sihyeon’s lap?" 

"Don't you remember? You did this to me when I fell asleep before. So I returned the favor." 

"Well, I'm sorry. I'll be up in a minute." 

Lia, blushing, struggled with her limbs to get up. 

However, she couldn't control her body properly because of the fierce fight. 

“Don't strain yourself.” 

I kept dissuading her, but she forced herself to get up. 

My jacket fell down and the torn off cloth of Lia became visible. 

I turned my head in a hurry and said, 

“Lia, could you put the jacket back on, please?" 

"Sorry, I'm sorry. What happened to my clothes?" 

"Don't you remember anything?”

"Yeah… I suddenly couldn't hold it in and drank beer. After that, my memory…" 

" I see…Lia's the type who can't remember what happens after she gets drunk. Right.?"

"Um… Oh! I do remember Sihyeon calling me in the middle……. No, was that a dream?" 

I smiled looking at her confused state. 

"Wow…You saw me in your dream." 

"Yeah, I think so… Oh?…… No,no,no….. It’s not like I kept thinking about you and you appeared in my dream kind……I…I…you calling…. but it feels like that…” 

Lia floundered her arms, while speaking gibberish. 

Her face turned redder and the redness reached upto her neck.

"I think we should be heading back now. Would you like to get up slowly?" 


I got up first and held out my hand. 

Lia took my hand and stood up cautiously. 

I helped her slightly reeling towards the carriage. 

From tents to small ice boxes, most of the arrangements were packed and loaded in the wagon's luggage compartment. 

I talked to Alfred, who was loading the last luggage. 

"Hey, Elaine!" 


"I guess you've already organized it. Elaine, are you sober?" 

"Yes, but are you going to keep calling me Elaine?" 

"What are you talking about? You’re the one who cried to call you like that.”


Alfred choked with a strange scream. 

I smiled as I watched him trembling. 

"You are also a person who doesn’t remember what happens when you're drunk, aren't you?" 

"Ahhhhhhhh Very few people in the family call me like that now…." 

"That's great. Isn't it better than being called Prince?" 

"That's true. It's a nickname that I got when I was young. It's kind of embarrassing." 

"Tsk, don't drink too much. Why are you trying to make your own dark history?" 

The others showed up just in time, 

"You're already loaded. Good work, Elaine!" 

"Elaine, do you have any drinks?" 

"Papa! What did you talk about with Brother Elaine?" 

The farm members already started using the name ‘Elaine’ so naturally. 

Alfred lowered his head with an embarrassed look on his face. 

I patted his shoulder with deep consolation. 

The carriage began to move along the moving Yakum herd. 

The green meadow became yellow because of the light of the sunset. 

Speranza rubbed her face in my arms. 

I know it's a habit she does when she’s sleepy, so I hugged her tightly in my arms. 

"Speranza darling, did you have fun at the picnic today?"" 

"Yes Papa, it was so much fun… I hope we can go again tomorrow." 

"Hahahaha, tomorrow will be hard, but let's go again next time." 


Speranza fell asleep quietly, leaving her answer. 

I turned my head and asked questions to Andras and Alfred. 

“How was your day?” 

“It was fun. There was an accident, but it was a very meaningful time. It wouldn't hurt to make it a regular Demon Farm event." 

"I had fun, too. The food was delicious, and I liked talking about many things. Next time I'll never drink too much." 

I smiled as I listened to Andras' favorable reviews and Alfred's fresh commitment as every newcomer drinker in the society. 

Then Lia next to me pulled my sleeve. 

She asked, slightly puffing her cheeks, seemingly dissatisfied. 

"Sihyeon, why are you not asking me?" 

"I've already heard the answer from Lia." 


Lia couldn't understand my words and tilted her head. 

I looked quietly at the red sunset and smiled softly.

(To be Continued)

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