How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 1

1 – Awareness (1)

“So finally, I will announce the disciplinary results for the involved parties regarding last week’s violence incident. First, Eugene from 1st year Class F. Three violations of school regulations have been confirmed. I will go over all of them as per procedure.”

In the dead silent student council conference room, a clear, crisp high-pitched voice rang out.

On the podium at the front of the room, a silver-haired girl read aloud from a long horizontally unrolled sheet of rice paper.

And the spectating students were each seated, holding their breaths as they awaited the girl’s announcement.

“St. Clifford Academy Regulation Article 3 Clause 4. Unauthorized dueling of any kind is prohibited on school grounds. Clause 7. All acts of violence and private sanctions between students are prohibited. Clause 12. Misuse or destruction of any school facilities for personal gain is prohibited. The above are the confirmed violations based on involved parties’ testimonies and the scene.”

The girl finished reading and turned her gaze to the blonde boy sitting before her.

“Do you acknowledge the violations, Eugene?”

“I acknowledge them. However…!”

Hearing the girl’s announcement, the blonde boy made an expression as if frustrated about something.

And he seemed about to object, but was cut off by the girl’s businesslike voice that followed right after.

“There will be a chance to dispute this at the very end. Next I will announce the disciplinary committee’s decisions.”

The girl cleared her throat a couple times and composed herself, then continued speaking in an even more serious tone.

“Eugene. As the most venerable and prestigious St. Clifford Academy’s member, your actions that tarnished this academy’s dignity by violating numerous regulations cannot be considered a light offense.

However, considering that the other party committed actions violating regulations first, it was one against many, and decisively, they were unavoidable acts in order to help a fellow student in distress, this committee sentences you to 72 hours of community service.”


Perhaps from fear and frustration about the impending punishment, the boy had looked quite gloomy the whole time, but hearing the girl’s announcement, his face lit up as if that hadn’t been the case.

“Note that the sentenced service hours must be completed within this semester, and if the required time is not fulfilled, additional disciplinary action may follow. That is all.”

The blonde boy raised his head to look at the girl standing before him.

“It must have been difficult, Eugene. Having to continue service activities on top of your school schedule may be tough, but I believe you can do it. I’ll help however I can too, so let’s work hard together.”

An affectionate, warm voice that made it hard to believe she was the same person reading the sentencing document in a stiff tone just moments ago flowed from the girl’s mouth.

And as if to prove it wasn’t fake, a compassionate, gentle smile had filled her entire expression.

“This is unacceptable, Senior Petricia!”

“That’s right!! How can you show such favoritism to a commoner…”


Hearing shouts from across, Petricia Austin turned her gaze over there.

Within Petricia’s view as she turned her head were three boys with red, silver, and black hair respectively.

Unlike the noisy red and silver-haired boys, the handsome black-haired boy simply listened quietly to Petricia’s sentencing.

“From the moment you enter this academy until graduation, all enrolled students are granted equal qualifications by law. Your previous status means absolutely nothing. The headmaster spoke about this during the entrance ceremony, didn’t he? He said only ability is needed here.”

The smiles and gentle voice from earlier had disappeared somewhere, and she instantly reverted to an impersonal tone and expressionless face.


“I told you to be quiet, didn’t I? I will continue announcing the results.”

Ignoring the two boys’ protests, Petricia started reading from the rice paper again.


It took some time to adapt to the new reality before my eyes.

That’s only natural.

Since the moment my memories returned, I’ve had no choice but to view this world through a lens more foreign than others.

But thanks to having some explanation beforehand, it didn’t take as long as I thought to regain my bearings.

As the girl continued her announcements, my mind gradually found its place in the new world.

“Scott Thompson from 1st year Class C. Five violations have been confirmed. As per procedure…”

“Regulation Article 3 Clause 4…Clause 7…Clause 12…Article 4 Clause 1…”

“Thus, the student council sentences Scott Thompson to 2 weeks suspension and 96 hours of community service…”

The silver-haired girl reads the rice paper smoothly.

The silver-haired boy who had raised his voice earlier now bowed his head resignedly upon hearing his own disciplinary measures.

From their position, not disputing it further was probably the best choice.

Persisting in objections when the charges were clearly proven would be tantamount to asking for aggravated punishment.

“Finally. 1st year Class B, Edwin Reed.”

The girl named Petricia called a student’s name.

Edwin Reed…it sounds familiar, like I’ve seen it somewhere before.

The girl briefly glanced my way, then continued reading the rice paper.

“Burning a clump of Leth’s hair into his scalp to cause burns…”

“Using forbidden severing magic on humans to cut off Martin’s left ear…”

“Under the guise of sparring, using live blades to inflict 1 week of lacerations on Eldridge…”

“s*xually assaulting Keevens as a group where the professor couldn’t see during an outdoor class…”

It seems the contents she’s reading are charges committed by someone named Edwin.

As she read the rice paper, deep disgust filled the silver-haired girl’s expression.

And watching this, the jury also showed their own forms of rejection, frowning or sighing.

“…The above are the 9 violations ultimately confirmed. Edwin Reed. Do you acknowledge violating the regulations?”


The girl who finished reading called Edwin’s name again. But that name really sounds familiar. Where have I heard this before… Oh.

“Edwin Reed?”


I remember now. Edwin Reed. My memory is a bit hazy but he was definitely a character who appeared in a book and game I read. If I recall correctly, he showed up early in the story… Wait.

“Edwin Reed!!”


Hearing the sudden loud voice and feeling the piercing gazes on me, I reflexively responded.

And following the source of the gazes, there was a silver-haired girl glaring at me with eyes full of hostility.

I wonder why that kid is looking at me like that. And why is she calling me Edwin Reed? My name is…

Various thoughts spun rapidly through my head, and I soon realized it.

Why the girl is calling me that name, why she’s glaring at me, and…what kind of character I’ve become in this place.

“Get a hold of yourself. If you take that attitude again before this committee, we will consider it disregard for the student council’s authority and impose severe punishment. Please keep that in mind.”

“…I’ll keep that in mind. And I acknowledge the violations.”

I clearly remember this scene.

“Well then, I will continue announcing the disciplinary results.”

The silver-haired girl let out a deep sigh, then started reading the rice paper again.

“Edwin Reed…disgraced the school’s dignity by violating numerous regulations…”

“…inflicted various violence upon fellow students to satisfy his own cruelty, yet shows no sign of remorse whatsoever, thus his guilt is deemed extremely heavy. Considering these points, this committee sentences you to 60 days suspension and demotion from Class B to D.

You will resume your studies in Class D after returning from suspension, and promotions or further demotions between classes will be decided based on your academic achievements afterward. That is all.”


“Edwin Reed. Any objections?”


My obedient response makes the girl and student council executives sitting as jury behind her look at me with bewildered expressions.

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I can understand their position.

If it was the ‘original’ Edwin Reed, he definitely wouldn’t have meekly accepted the punishment.

“…Then I declare this disciplinary committee session adjourned. Also note that the rulings take effect immediately after 5pm today, and any suspensions found lingering on school grounds afterward may face additional sanctions. That is all.”

Despite the bewildered looks, the silver-haired girl Petricia wrapped up her words, signaling the end of the disciplinary committee.

The students got up from their seats and started chatting with those around them.

And the smiling blonde boy, Eugene, approached Petricia, took her hands in his, and said something to her.

Perhaps flustered by his sudden contact, Petricia simply flounders unable to respond.

Her face even looks somewhat red.

Only after other students approached did Eugene let go of Petricia’s hands and chat with the others as well.

Finally freed, she took a step back and kept fanning her face.

I looked around.

On either side of me sat the silver and red-haired boys with dazed expressions.

Scott Thompson and Philip Osborne. Learning their names made me feel the reality of my situation even more acutely.

This is the very beginning of a certain story.

And to survive in this world, I need to take action.

As Edwin Reed. To change the fate I originally would’ve been removed from.

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