How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 10

10 – The Princess and the Teddy Bear (3)

“Okay, that’s it. If something happens, you can pull the rope here, next to the bed? You can call me when you want to drink water, go to the bathroom, or for any other reason, so please don’t be burdened and pull me up, ho-ho.”

“yes… All right, Sarah… go… thank you… haam.”

“Oh, look at you yawning. Then let’s just step back. Have a good night, my lady?”

“Yes… good night… Even Sara… ”

-It’s sweet.

When I heard the doorknob turn and the maid left the room, there was only silence in the room.

The light emitted from the magic-powered water lamp was softly illuminating the room, allowing Adele to see the scenery in the dark.

Adele lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Gorgeous and luxurious decorations filled the entire ceiling, and in the center of it, a luxurious chandelier that seemed to have been carved out of a whole crystal was settling down.

And the bed she was lying on was huge enough to leave room for 10 children, but other than Adele’s seat, it was filled with various dolls, so there was no room left for her to step on.

What about the duvet? The softness of the goose down duvet she was covering was a different kind of pleasure she had never tasted in her life.

Not too long ago, he would never have dared to imagine that he would enjoy such luxury.

Contrary to the words that my mother, who had already left, had nailed in my ears, fortunately, the people here really liked me.

Not only my father, but all of the servants also looked after me.

and… Oh my brother too.

As her stamina was already at its limit, it seemed that she would fall asleep any moment, but Adele desperately ruminated on what had happened during the day.

‘Edwin’s brother… ‘


“Do you know who I am?”

Adele was already half-conscious when she heard these first words from Edwin. Who are you… While living in the mansion, Adele had picked up stories from the maids secretly about their owners.

Reed’s first son. He has an eccentric personality, hates commoners, even had his angelic fiancé break off his engagement, and even got into trouble at the academy and was suspended… etc.

The more she heard the story, the more Adele’s fear grew.

He had already heard about his origin before coming to this mansion. However, his personality was eccentric, and if he hated commoners, it was obvious without looking at what he would think of himself.

My father kindly comforted me, telling me not to worry, but the moment I met Edwin for the first time, all the resolutions I had made in advance were blown away in an instant.

He was huge and filled the room – of course, by Adele’s standards – and his gloomy gray eyes had a chilly coolness to them. reminded me of something

yes, this… it’s a troll It was definitely the monster that stole the princess from the prince that appeared in the storybook Sarah read to her yesterday. And now the troll was asking me if I knew who I was. Let’s stay calm. You have to choose the right answers to survive.

After desperately shaking her head, Adele carefully spit out the answer she thought of.

“cow… Aren’t you the Soga Lord… ?”

Oh, I guess that wasn’t the right answer. After hearing his answer, Edwin frowned as if he didn’t like it, and shook his head from side to side. It’s a big deal. I made a mistake in my words. What’s going to happen now?

Adele closed her eyes, blaming herself for her stupidity.

“No, no… ”

“… Aren’t they brother and sister?”

“… So you… “It is correct to call him brother.”

But the moment I heard a word Edwin said, my closed eyes suddenly opened. Although he thought about it for a moment, he decided it was not possible and was the first to discard it. But was it really correct?

Adele was in a dazed mood and repeated Edwin’s words without realizing it.

“Oh… brother… ?”

As the words came out of his mouth, Edwin nodded with a happy smile and came towards him. Then he put his hand on my hair and lightly stroked it as if he was brushing a comb.

‘uh… uh?!’

Adele was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected situation, but somehow Edwin’s caressing hand was so gentle that she couldn’t shake it off. No, I didn’t want to give up. And only then, Adele was able to properly look up at Edwin.

Those eyes that seemed cold now seemed to contain kindness and pity for him, and now his protruding belly felt somehow comfortable and soft. This… not a troll

yes, this… it’s a teddy bear The doll you like the most. That doll that I love so much that I always keep it next to me and cuddle with it even when I sleep. Like Edwin, the teddy bear with chubby cheeks and stomach had accidentally named it ‘Eddie’ himself.

Yes, this is clearly God’s guidance. Mother God, who took pity on her for praying every day without fail, sent her a new brother for her. A kind, gentle, fluffy teddy bear brother!

From noble mtl dot com

As the flow of thoughts continued to this point, Adele’s negative thoughts about Edwin had long since been erased without a trace.


‘lol… ‘

Adele laughed and hugged ‘Eddie’ who had been placed next to her. I was right. Edwin’s brother was so kind. He tells me to enjoy the sweets, and eats bell peppers and carrots that I don’t like instead. Ah, it was Edwin’s older brother who first noticed that he was dozing off in the drowsiness after dinner, and took care of going up first.

It was only for a moment, but he felt sorry for himself for identifying him with the monster.

‘Tomorrow, I’ll have to say hello to my older brother first.’

Adele, who regretted not being able to meet her brother’s eyes properly because she was too tense today, closed her eyes, promising to show a different side of herself tomorrow.

Before long, only Adele’s faint breathing could be heard in the room.


“Good morning, Adele. Good morning?”

Maybe it was because I fell asleep early due to various fatigues, but my eyes started to open in the wee hours of the morning. And while I was up, I did some exercise, and on the way back from washing my face, I ran into Adele in the main hallway of the main building.

Adele seemed still half asleep, dragging her pajamas and rubbing her eyes. Looking at that scene, I think of Adele dozing off in the banquet room last night. It was really cute. But I think I sleep a lot because I’m still young. Wouldn’t it be okay to ask him to sleep more?

“eww… Ugh?”

After hearing my greeting, Adele made a strange noise, then came to her senses and tried to tidy up her clothes with her hands. It looks like your cheeks are a bit red, but maybe it’s because you’re showing your sloppy side to others. really cute…

“good… Good morning, brother. I’m sorry, I was going to say hello first, but… ”

“It’s okay. More than that, you still seem to be lacking sleep, but if you feel sleepy, you can go in and get some more sleep. Don’t children usually sleep a lot? When I was like you, I took a nap every day.”

“omg… really… no, it’s okay… still… ”

Seeing Adele going through a serious internal conflict over something insignificant, I feel like I’m about to laugh. Is this something to worry about so much? It seems like you’re torn between wanting to look dignified and your primal desire, but you don’t have to be that way already. A child is best when he is a child.

I decided to ease Adele’s worries.

“Come on, let’s go in. Don’t tell Sara to skip your share of breakfast. So, get a good night’s sleep and eat as soon as you wake up, right?”

“Oh, oh, brother?!”

I picked Adele up and started carrying her into the room. It feels like there is no weight to lift lightly before you even put strength on your arms. How can a person be this light?

Adele said that she had a hard life, so it could be that her growth was slow because she didn’t eat well as a child. This could be a problem. I need to tell the chef to pay more attention to nutritious food that is good for children.

“oh… Brother… You can drop it off now… ”

“hahahaha, is it because your brother is having a hard time? Don’t worry. As long as our Adele is, it doesn’t seem heavy even with 10 people.”

“we… Adele?… lol… ”

At first, Adele pretended to struggle a little, but when I didn’t drop her off, she soon gave up and surrendered herself. I took Adele straight to the bed, laid her down, and covered her with a blanket to keep her from getting cold. And, as if from lack of sleep, Adele fell asleep shortly after.

I left the room and headed for a small dining room that I normally use, not the banquet room of yesterday. The butler told me earlier that my father was away for a while on business, so I have to eat breakfast alone today.

Since there is a family meeting in the afternoon, I must take care of my business in the morning.

I quickly finished my meal, changed into street clothes, and left the front door of the mansion.


“omg… omg… Oh, it’s hard… It’s really filthy far… ”

After walking for about 30 minutes from the mansion, I finally began to see the place I was aiming for. In fact, a 30-minute walk isn’t that far. It’s just that this body’s stamina is extremely lacking.

In front of my breathless eyes, there was a very majestic-looking building with an exterior finished with off-white marble.

The arched stained glass was decorated with the figures of saints in colorful glass, and a cross with a long bottom was placed on top of the tall spire of the building to add to its solemnity.

The exact name of this place is the Maidheaden parish of the Trinity Church, which is what is commonly called a church.

And since those who had the faith of the Three Gods, regardless of status, occupied the absolute majority of the population, Seongguk, the main body of the Three Gods, was also a powerful force that formed one axis of power in this world.

After catching my breath for a moment, I approached the guard guarding the front door of the church.

“Nice to meet you, brother. What is your name and purpose of visit?”

“Thank you for your hard work. “Tell him that Edwin Reed has come to see the Bishop of Maidheaden.”

When I took out the family seal and showed it to him, the guard who checked it nodded and said.

“We welcome the visit of Lord Soga of Reed. Now, this way… “I will report this to the bishop right away, so I apologize, but please wait a moment.”

I was guided by the guard and moved to the church’s reception room. Since I visited without prior contact, I expected to endure a certain amount of waiting, but contrary to my expectations, the bishop in charge of the diocese arrived in the reception room in less than 5 minutes.

Judging from the fact that the priestly robe covering the bishop’s chubby body was drenched in sweat, it seems that he came running in a hurry as soon as he received the message. Seeing things like this, it’s nice to have authority.

“Welcome, Prince Edwin. Have you been waiting long?”

“I had just arrived. I visited without saying anything in advance, and I am very grateful for the hospitality.”

“hahahaha, the Sogaju of Reed has come, should the hospitality be careless? Now, please sit down.”


In the original work, Edwin is a character who does not appear after mentioning that he was expelled and went back to his hometown, but after checking the location of his hometown directly in my memory, I realized that there was another reason for Edwin not appearing.

If the episodes of the original story that I know happen here as well, in the not-too-distant future, the empire will have a great war with the sudden appearance of a huge number of demons.

And for various reasons, including the performance of the main character’s party, the war will eventually end with a truce on both sides, but at that point, more than half of the country, especially the southern part closest to the Pandemonium, will be horribly turned into ashes.

The most unfortunate fact is that Maidheaden, my territory, is located on the exact border between the Empire and the Demon Realm.

Considering its geographical location, if a war broke out, this place would be trampled by the forces of demons in an instant.

So, unlike other provinces that could be partially restored, Maidheaden would be destroyed without a trace.

It is a fact that can be easily inferred.

If nothing is done, of course it will.

And now, there is only one person who can prepare even a little for this terrible future. just me

The reason I visited the church today was to get something necessary to avoid the disaster.

These are items that cannot be obtained anywhere else and can only be obtained at church.

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